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Smoking Ban In Bangkok.... In Effect?


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Howdy.... I'm just curious as to what is happening with the smoking ban in bars, restaurants, etc. in bangkok.

When I was last in bangkok, it had just been instituted but was not yet being officially enforced. Some places didnt allow smoking, some places allowed it anyway.

So, these days, what is the status of this? Is smoking strictly prohibited in bars, restaurants, etc., and is this ban being followed?

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No smoking in A/C areas. Some enforce it some don't. Most do.

Common sense usually prevails.

yes its a strange one, some pubs / bars allow it (aircon or not) while if you go to Pattaya, you can't have a smoke in the outdoor portion of a restaurant but can in bars from what i hear.

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It's been wonderful, really. People who really need to smoke can usually still do so outdoors (at a table there continuously if they like). I'd say business has gone up in many of the establishments I frequent.

Recently a city in the states that imposed a no-smoking ordinance demonstrated that compared to nearby cities which hadn't the incidence of heart attacks (for non-smokers as well as smokers) dropped over 25%!!!!

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If you look like you have money you usually can in most places. I don't smoke but people I go out with do at times and they have no problem even getting cigarettes and lighter delivered by the staff when requested. So...TiT?

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It's been wonderful, really. People who really need to smoke can usually still do so outdoors (at a table there continuously if they like). I'd say business has gone up in many of the establishments I frequent.

Recently a city in the states that imposed a no-smoking ordinance demonstrated that compared to nearby cities which hadn't the incidence of heart attacks (for non-smokers as well as smokers) dropped over 25%!!!!

so are you saying that because the city passed the ordinance banning smoking in-door, heart attacks dropped by 25%?

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I'm not saying it, the researchers did- let me see if I find the link..... oops, I was wrong, the incidence of heart attacks dropped FORTY-ONE percent:

ATLANTA (AP) — A smoking ban in one Colorado city led to a dramatic drop in heart attack hospitalizations within three years, a sign of just how serious a health threat secondhand smoke is, government researchers said Wednesday. The study, the longest-running of its kind, showed the rate of hospitalized cases dropped 41 percent in the three years after the ban of workplace smoking in Pueblo, Colo., took effect. There was no such drop in two neighboring areas, and researchers believe it's a clear sign the ban was responsible.

Oh, and here's a related article on, well, all of France and Italy:

ScienceDaily (Feb. 26, 2008) — French researchers announced a striking 15% decrease in admissions of patients with myocardial infarction to emergency wards since the public ban on smoking came into effect in restaurants, hotels and casinos in France last January. The announcement was made on 23 February by the National Sanitary Institute. Similar results were published in Italy on 12 February by the Environmental Health Authority: researchers in Rome found an 11.2 percent reduction of acute coronary events since the January 2005 smoking ban took effect in Italy.
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There seem to be one or two places that 'get away' with defying the ban, but you can figure out where they are and either avoid or take advantage of them, depending on your point of view. One of the British pubs on Silom is still smoking- so is the place that was Irish Exchange and a few others.

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There seem to be one or two places that 'get away' with defying the ban, but you can figure out where they are and either avoid or take advantage of them, depending on your point of view. One of the British pubs on Silom is still smoking- so is the place that was Irish Exchange and a few others.

This is a rare unbiased posting from ijwt.

Could you use this as a template perhaps? :o

For the record I packed in smoking just as the ban was coming in and haven't looked backed healthwise. I look back on the smoking years with some affection, it really was a tremendous pleasure at times, but I'd had my fill and latterly the blocked sinus pain was just too much. I'm now 7 kilos heavier and healthier for it, run twice as long in the gym, and just feel so much better, and would be in perfect health were it not for the effects of pollution.

One of the things that really bugged me at the time was how many people were utterly opposed to smoking in the bars but just shrugged off the use of cars as if it were irrelevent.

So time for a bit of revenge!!! :D

Time to ban cars in cities? Agreed !!!

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Actually, I argued in a thread not too long ago that cars *should* be banned from Bangkok, and on one of the original long smoking ban threads I suggested that certain pubs be allowed to declare themselves 'smoking' to provide a representative space for the percentage of the population that actually smoked. I am generally not an unfair person, although those who wish to break forum rules may find themselves in disagreement. :o

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The incidence of alzheimers/senile dementia is increasing dramatically as people live longer, a fact that could be attributed in part to the unfashionability of smoking if one had a mind to. Frankly, dying from smoking related diseases is as deeply unpleasant as from any other but I suppose bouncing off the walls addled as a moondancer is as good a state to be in as not. At least that way one may be oblivious to the bowel or prostate cancer that eats away at millions.....

Everybody goes but none of us chooses the manner unless of course suicide is one's thing which is what smoking could be termed, I suppose, or even drinking for that matter.

Does anyone know if the Black Swan, Sukhumvit, by Asoke BTS, permits smoking?

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Actually, I argued in a thread not too long ago that cars *should* be banned from Bangkok, and on one of the original long smoking ban threads I suggested that certain pubs be allowed to declare themselves 'smoking' to provide a representative space for the percentage of the population that actually smoked. I am generally not an unfair person, although those who wish to break forum rules may find themselves in disagreement. :D

Just testing, lol, :o

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The incidence of alzheimers/senile dementia is increasing dramatically as people live longer, a fact that could be attributed in part to the unfashionability of smoking if one had a mind to. Frankly, dying from smoking related diseases is as deeply unpleasant as from any other but I suppose bouncing off the walls addled as a moondancer is as good a state to be in as not. At least that way one may be oblivious to the bowel or prostate cancer that eats away at millions.....

Everybody goes but none of us chooses the manner unless of course suicide is one's thing which is what smoking could be termed, I suppose, or even drinking for that matter.

Does anyone know if the Black Swan, Sukhumvit, by Asoke BTS, permits smoking?

I think the issue is one of choice Kharzi, ie, you can't contract prostrate cancer through passive peeing. :o

A very distant relative kept fit, never smoked, drunk, and thus created the worst possible scenario as he succumbed to Alzheimers which is/was a nightmare for all concerned, as he has endured a very tortuous decent due to his excellent health! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but unfortunately the former gained ascendency- oh well at least I know not to even bother knocking on the pearly gates.

Dad on the other hand nearly popped his clogs last year but is fighting back, he smoked for a good 60 years in all, and drunk every day for the past 30 years. the greatest threat to his health remains varicose veins caused by slaving away at a lathe for 40 years plus.

There's no rhyme or reason!! and I don't think a smoking ban will make much of a difference. Dtill glad I gave up as has Dad incidentally.

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It's been wonderful, really. People who really need to smoke can usually still do so outdoors (at a table there continuously if they like). I'd say business has gone up in many of the establishments I frequent.

Recently a city in the states that imposed a no-smoking ordinance demonstrated that compared to nearby cities which hadn't the incidence of heart attacks (for non-smokers as well as smokers) dropped over 25%!!!!

As a smoker I agree with the smoking rules.

Regarding the stats, I dont buy it.

Simply because it will take much much longer to see the real effect this rule has. It most likely has a positive health effect, but still, it will take time.

It takes many more years for a non-smoker than the smokers to be affected by the smoke.

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to provide a representative space for the percentage of the population that actually smoked.

i would have no problem with a double doored glass boxed area in pubs for smokers, like in many casinos, airports etc....at least it would prevent them from all congregating in little huddles outside the entrance and creating a veil of excrement that you have to walk through when you enter/exit the place.

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to provide a representative space for the percentage of the population that actually smoked.

i would have no problem with a double doored glass boxed area in pubs for smokers, like in many casinos, airports etc....at least it would prevent them from all congregating in little huddles outside the entrance and creating a veil of excrement that you have to walk through when you enter/exit the place.


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to provide a representative space for the percentage of the population that actually smoked.

i would have no problem with a double doored glass boxed area in pubs for smokers, like in many casinos, airports etc....at least it would prevent them from all congregating in little huddles outside the entrance and creating a veil of excrement that you have to walk through when you enter/exit the place.

Excrement? That means remnants of food after digestion. If you have to wade through faeces to get into a pub, maybe you should choose another venue.

So, just to clarify... OP's question about whether the smoking ban is being enforced is now another thread about how disgusting smokers are, right? Cool, we haven't had one of those in about a week.

Now, where can you get a good burger?

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I'm not saying it, the researchers did- let me see if I find the link..... oops, I was wrong, the incidence of heart attacks dropped FORTY-ONE percent:
ATLANTA (AP) — A smoking ban in one Colorado city led to a dramatic drop in heart attack hospitalizations within three years, a sign of just how serious a health threat secondhand smoke is, government researchers said Wednesday. The study, the longest-running of its kind, showed the rate of hospitalized cases dropped 41 percent in the three years after the ban of workplace smoking in Pueblo, Colo., took effect. There was no such drop in two neighboring areas, and researchers believe it's a clear sign the ban was responsible.

Oh, and here's a related article on, well, all of France and Italy:

ScienceDaily (Feb. 26, 2008) — French researchers announced a striking 15% decrease in admissions of patients with myocardial infarction to emergency wards since the public ban on smoking came into effect in restaurants, hotels and casinos in France last January. The announcement was made on 23 February by the National Sanitary Institute. Similar results were published in Italy on 12 February by the Environmental Health Authority: researchers in Rome found an 11.2 percent reduction of acute coronary events since the January 2005 smoking ban took effect in Italy.

Yes, but on an already overcrowded planet, it was one more mechanism for thinning the herd. :o

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to provide a representative space for the percentage of the population that actually smoked.

i would have no problem with a double doored glass boxed area in pubs for smokers, like in many casinos, airports etc....at least it would prevent them from all congregating in little huddles outside the entrance and creating a veil of excrement that you have to walk through when you enter/exit the place.

Excrement? That means remnants of food after digestion. If you have to wade through faeces to get into a pub, maybe you should choose another venue.

i dont agree with you.

to be precise......

excrement is a generic term meaning "waste matter discharged from the body"....faecal matter is only 1 type of excrement, and the most commonly associated type with the noun..urine and exhaled smoke are however, by definition, other types of excrement.

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The incidence of alzheimers/senile dementia is increasing dramatically as people live longer, a fact that could be attributed in part to the unfashionability of smoking if one had a mind to. Frankly, dying from smoking related diseases is as deeply unpleasant as from any other but I suppose bouncing off the walls addled as a moondancer is as good a state to be in as not. At least that way one may be oblivious to the bowel or prostate cancer that eats away at millions.....

Everybody goes but none of us chooses the manner unless of course suicide is one's thing which is what smoking could be termed, I suppose, or even drinking for that matter.

Does anyone know if the Black Swan, Sukhumvit, by Asoke BTS, permits smoking?

Reminds me of a wonderful line from a Bridgette Jones movie, something along the lines of "I smoke in the hope that it may just kill me before life gets even worse!"

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to provide a representative space for the percentage of the population that actually smoked.

i would have no problem with a double doored glass boxed area in pubs for smokers, like in many casinos, airports etc....at least it would prevent them from all congregating in little huddles outside the entrance and creating a veil of excrement that you have to walk through when you enter/exit the place.

So really even though you have your ban you just can't leave it alone can you ?. You have a problem that you really need to get sorted :o .

Anybody want to guess what secret habit this poster id trying to project???

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to provide a representative space for the percentage of the population that actually smoked.

i would have no problem with a double doored glass boxed area in pubs for smokers, like in many casinos, airports etc....at least it would prevent them from all congregating in little huddles outside the entrance and creating a veil of excrement that you have to walk through when you enter/exit the place.

So really even though you have your ban you just can't leave it alone can you ?. You have a problem that you really need to get sorted :o .

Anybody want to guess what secret habit this poster id trying to project???

actually if you would use you brain for a second and actually THINK about what i wrote(i know its difficult), you'd see that my suggestion allows smokers BACK into the bars...this would be a retraction of the ban.

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  • 6 months later...

I know the smoking ban is being enforced in many places in Thailand, and I am thankful for that. But by far, Koh Samui is the worst offender. There are only a handful of restaurants on Samui, that even have signs posted. It is the worst location in Thailand for non-smokers. I have walked into restaurants and asked for the non-smoking section, and they look at you like you are from Mars. The normal response is, "no problem, you can smoke anywhere". Talk about missing the point. There is not a single government official that cares, or has made any effort. The mayor is lazy, corrupt, and all talk, and no action. He must be voted out next time, but still nothing will change, unless someone in power in Bangkok embarrasses them into submission. The mayor has been informed of the problem, and he promised to set up an enforcement group to go around and inspect every restaurant and bar on the island. As far as we know, not a single one was ever inspected. Talk about bluster. Talk about lack of initiative. Talk about ineffective. Talk about a lack of leadership. Talk about weak and dishonest. Someone has to do something. It has to come from the top.

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I know the smoking ban is being enforced in many places in Thailand, and I am thankful for that. But by far, Koh Samui is the worst offender. There are only a handful of restaurants on Samui, that even have signs posted. It is the worst location in Thailand for non-smokers. I have walked into restaurants and asked for the non-smoking section, and they look at you like you are from Mars. The normal response is, "no problem, you can smoke anywhere". Talk about missing the point. There is not a single government official that cares, or has made any effort. The mayor is lazy, corrupt, and all talk, and no action. He must be voted out next time, but still nothing will change, unless someone in power in Bangkok embarrasses them into submission. The mayor has been informed of the problem, and he promised to set up an enforcement group to go around and inspect every restaurant and bar on the island. As far as we know, not a single one was ever inspected. Talk about bluster. Talk about lack of initiative. Talk about ineffective. Talk about a lack of leadership. Talk about weak and dishonest. Someone has to do something. It has to come from the top.

Sounds like a good place to go. Let's be honest there are far more important things that need to be addressed, and the smoking ban is not exactly the most important.

Personally, I think the smoking ban sucks.

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One of the things that really bugged me at the time was how many people were utterly opposed to smoking in the bars but just shrugged off the use of cars as if it were irrelevent.

So time for a bit of revenge!!! :)

Time to ban cars in cities? Agreed !!!

I know you're joking, but I'm all for it. Excellent proposal. No private cars - just subways, skytrains, streetcars, clean buses (electric or natural gas fueled), and clean taxis (again, electric or natural gas). Most of the time people should walk or ride bikes; the exercise, clean air and sunshine would do everyone a world of good. This would also have the effect of drastically slashing deaths and injuries from traffic accidents, and would save everyone a small fortune not having to keep buying and maintaining cars.

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