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Take Your Child To Work - Every Day!


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Angels are to Devils what Devils are to Angels :D

Re the east west thing... that's my point. All the thais in NZ (that I know) that run their own businesses welcome kids at work... just as is my experience in Thailand. The farangs don't. I like the fact that it's a thai thing that seems to be accepted wherever thais run businesses.

I've called the BIB :D

Kewl, I'll go sharpen my shotgun! :o

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Now we know why so many people, promised flights home, turned up and had no flights.... It was little angel face with the eyes and smile to melt your heart... battering away at the keyboard...

You must be talking about my face Patsy? :o

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enough of the bickering folks. jeez.

please get back on topic. which is talking about parents taking their kids to work with them, in case you forgot.

Whoops - just seen your reprimand. Sorry Donna for my off-topic post above! :o

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I do not care which country you live in , children do not belong in the workplace , it is far too dangerous for them . Culture aside , common sense should prevail , whom said who love thier children ? Then why is this not demonstrated by the populace at large ? You encourage this on building sites also ? Go wake up annd get a real life , children do not deserve to be subjugated to the workplace to serve the pre-requesits of parents , period .

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I hate to break it to you, but thats not my face on my avatar.....I'm not that handsome. Is it still a date?? :D

Sorry to break it to you too - but that's not my face in my avatar either. But we could still have that date - wobbly face meets furry face. Just think of the adorable offspring we could have to take to work with us... :o

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I do not care which country you live in , children do not belong in the workplace , it is far too dangerous for them .

That depends on what the 'workplace' is. If the 'workplace' is a nursery then it seems to be the most appropriate place for children whether they're yours or someone else's.

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I work at a school, where a lot of teachers bring their children with them when they can't find a nanny. Perfectly normal and the other teachers and students just play with them when their parents have to teach. I love it that this is possible in Thailand.

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I work at a school, where a lot of teachers bring their children with them when they can't find a nanny. Perfectly normal and the other teachers and students just play with them when their parents have to teach. I love it that this is possible in Thailand.

you mean, instead of learning?

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I work at a school, where a lot of teachers bring their children with them when they can't find a nanny. Perfectly normal and the other teachers and students just play with them when their parents have to teach. I love it that this is possible in Thailand.

you mean, instead of learning?

Are learning and playing mutually exclusive?

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Two of the most exciting things I remember in my life are to have been allowed to go to my Grandad's workplace once and my Dad's workplace once or twice. Don't see anything wrong with it if the parent/grandparent can keep control obviously :o

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I hate to break it to you, but thats not my face on my avatar.....I'm not that handsome. Is it still a date?? :D

Sorry to break it to you too - but that's not my face in my avatar either. But we could still have that date - wobbly face meets furry face. Just think of the adorable offspring we could have to take to work with us... :D

Dear Patsy,

There is a mistake in your last post. You are suggesting that I have to work if we get married.....thats one of the main reasons why I would get married, TO SEND HER TO WORK....Notice the HER! As for taking the children.... if children were involved they would also be SENT TO WORK, some little shoe factory somewhere....DON'T FORGET THEY HAVE TO REPAY DADDY money owed after they have spent their first 3 or 4 years of life, bludging free @ daddys cost. No need for children to be at your workplace, they can have their own workplace :D .

Also, I don't have a problem with your cute little furry face :o , have you been wormed?, do you have fleas?, do you mind sleeping outside with the dog?

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I work at a school, where a lot of teachers bring their children with them when they can't find a nanny. Perfectly normal and the other teachers and students just play with them when their parents have to teach. I love it that this is possible in Thailand.

you mean, instead of learning?

Are learning and playing mutually exclusive?

r u joking?

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Oh jeez. I could care less. Given the choice of not having the worker there or a rugrat, I'll take the kid any day. They are fun and bring people's spirits up. It's given me a chance to coach art too. What could the girls say when presented with their pictures portraying them as bloated Michelin man figures. The kid drew them not me. :o

I bet the same people upset by seeing the kids are the first to bemoan the lack of supervision of the children otherwise. Well guess what? When you need to work and can't afford a day off, the responsible thing is to take the kid along. What's a woman supposed to do? Leave the kid in a locked room? Put it out on a chain with a bowl of water?

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Oh jeez. I could care less. Given the choice of not having the worker there or a rugrat, I'll take the kid any day. They are fun and bring people's spirits up. It's given me a chance to coach art too. What could the girls say when presented with their pictures portraying them as bloated Michelin man figures. The kid drew them not me. :o

I bet the same people upset by seeing the kids are the first to bemoan the lack of supervision of the children otherwise. Well guess what? When you need to work and can't afford a day off, the responsible thing is to take the kid along. What's a woman supposed to do? Leave the kid in a locked room? Put it out on a chain with a bowl of water?


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A couple of comments.

Take the most dangerous workplaces, like construction sites. The construction industry is populated by itinerant laborers. Certainly there will be children around. These guys make at most 8,000 bt/month. There is often nowhere for Somchai Jr. or young Tittiporn to go. Not every family has a healthy grandmother back home to take care of the little ones. They certainly can't afford daycare, not on that salary. What should they do? Work in a restaurant for 5,000 bt and pay 1000 bt rent? I think not. If the salary scale were different things could be implemented. Sadly, this is not the case, and it isn't likely to change anytime soon.

Offices are certainly not dangerous. What's the problem?

Beauty shops and the like. These are typically located in shophouses. The family lives directly over, or behind the front business. Certainly there will be times that kids need to be looked after in the shop, while mom, dad, or both parents are working.

It is very easy to point fingers from ivory towers, with our lives of relative luxury. If there are children around workplaces it is out of necessity. Those are the facts on the ground and in the every day life of the majority of the population.

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Some fairly broad assumptions there....your statement regarding offices not being dangerous, would most likely depend on what activity was being carried out there?

As for the beauty salon one, there was no house attached to the salon, it wasnt a shop house & yes it was dangerous for the child to be pulling on the end of a hot air iron (or whatever those things are called).

It was also amusing that dad was sitting at the front of the shop drinking beer and playing with his motorcycle while the kid terrorised the customers.

In any such case, you don't have to be thai to appreciate the fact that some of these things arnt good for repeat business....which is probably the reason the place is empty most times we pass it. Having said that, its no problem, because there a dime a dozen, I've lost count of the amount of hair salons in this place.

I don't think you will find anyone bickering about a well behaved child in the workplace, given most of us are well aware of what happens here in thailand....so you better take urself down to the coffee shop, order two, I'll be there soon! :o

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Fair points neverdie. I'm certainly not saying that all parents are responsible. Certainly there are plenty that raise their kids in ways I don't approve of, and that I think are irresponsible bordering on negligence.

I also think that there are not always simple answers to this issue. Even a poorly behaved child might, through necessity, have to be in an unsafe work environment.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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at the moment i dont know if u would call israel west or east, (middle east, duh)

HOWEVER, since we have a plethora of religious and state holidays, some of which schools are closed but work is open, children come to work

i did it for a year, my son nursed from me during school board meetins (i was a house mother for a dorm); i went back to work earlier then needed and it was easier to breast feed my third daughter if she was with me at the factory (was in quality control then) in her carriage (actually more like a carriage playpen , a kibbutz invention, so the baby has room to move, stand, sit, and play and see the world) since the baby house would call me every half hour to feed her and wasted my time going back and forth.

the post office on summer break is filled with young kids and teens, some helping doing non paid 'gopher' jobs (bring coffee, file the receipts, whatever) since camp is expensive as are babysitters.

stores run by grandma and grandpa have the young kids in the stores while mom and dad (corporate whatevers) are at their 11 hour day jobs

child is sick but not enough for parent to stay at home with him/her but too much to go to school (recovering from somethng long, asthmatic child needing treatments and no nurses at our schools, etc)-- did that frequently

u see kids at the local kupat cholim clinics with their mothers or fathers (doctors, secretaries, nurses)drawing or doing puzzles or whatever cause no school during spring holiday (passover) but most places still work on a part time schedule-

last week a baby came to school with his mother (im learning medical secretary), nanny couldnt take care of baby, so baby came with mom.... we all took turns jiggling the carriage and at break, trading baby stories.

and most of the time, the kids/babies get fed, spoiled, held and played with by all the customers and the workers, or teased '... so u left school to work at the post office?! are u goiing to manage daddy now?) ...

i think 'real' westerners have become too too sterile and , well, 'putzy' (sorry, a yiddishism that i cant translate, but is sort of like a square, dorky type of person that follows all rules to the letter without regard to human interests).



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Actually his mother (if she was the parent), was busy dealing with my query and couldn't see what the child was doing. The boy was not intentionally deleting files but was randomly hitting keys. I could see that the unfortunate result of his keyboard-banging was the deletion of some files, including some graphic files :o An application that was open on the screen also suddenly disappeared from the screen with the 'Windows busy' icon depicted for a few seconds!!


And you didn't bring it to her attention ?

Absolutely typically Farang, totally stupid and irresponsible, maybe he deleted your files after you left.

Maybe you have answered this already, I can't be bothered to read the whole thread to find out, to me . all you are doing is slagging off Thailand at any opportunity and looking for likeminded Farangs to back you up.

You ask is it normal, well, you had a hotel right, you employed Thai women right ,so you tell me, was it normal ???? <deleted> ask on here !!!!!!

<deleted>...what is it with you people ?

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I can't wait for Thailand to get Nuclear power stations....

I wanna see all the whinging whining Farags stating how the Thais could never operate them safely, then I wanna see how many of those fookin' whiners leave cos they are concerned about another Chernobyl disaster, I would hazard a guess at NOT ONE WILL LEAVE !!!!!

Yet they will still try to slag off the whole Thai nation based on their own prejudices based on the very limited experience they have had with Thai people outside of the bar scene.

Why do Farangs think they are so much better than Thai people ?

It's got to be a colonialism thing, I can't fathom it out myself, you go cap in hand to the Immigration Office to get your extensions from the very same people to stay in their country, yet you feel superior, no wonder many Thai people think Farangs are total wanke_rs.

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And you didn't bring it to her attention ?


No, she's probably quite used to her child doing this. It's none of my business to interfere with how she controls her child.

Absolutely typically Farang, totally stupid and irresponsible, maybe he deleted your files after you left.


Yet another person who got out of bed the wrong side! In any case, I was not buying a ticket, merely enquiring about flights :o

Maybe you have answered this already, I can't be bothered to read the whole thread to find out, to me . all you are doing is slagging off Thailand at any opportunity and looking for likeminded Farangs to back you up.


Sorry? Get a life! Where did I slag anyone off? It was an attempt to start a discussion about the pros and cons of bringing kids to the workplace. I neither criticised the incident or supported it. Take off your yellow blinkers and stop being so uptight!!

You ask is it normal, well, you had a hotel right, you employed Thai women right ,so you tell me, was it normal ???? <deleted> ask on here !!!!!!


In the case of my hotel, it was not normal. Some employees tried to bring their kids to work. I told them that it was not acceptable to have the kids playing in any of the hotel public areas. Seems fair enough to me.

I sense that there are a fair few number of people on this forum who are totally stressed out, unable to handle/discuss a reasonable subject. If you want real stress, come and live with my ex :D


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And you didn't bring it to her attention ?

Absolutely typically Farang, totally stupid and irresponsible, maybe he deleted your files after you left.

Maybe you have answered this already, I can't be bothered to read the whole thread to find out, to me . all you are doing is slagging off Thailand at any opportunity and looking for likeminded Farangs to back you up.

You ask is it normal, well, you had a hotel right, you employed Thai women right ,so you tell me, was it normal ???? <deleted> ask on here !!!!!!

<deleted>...what is it with you people ?

My sentiments exactly.

Here's one possible explanation.... Weak willed & unprepared they turn up in Thailand with a superior & condescending attitude towards the locals. They then form 'relationships' with ladies they consider to be inferior, which they proceed to treat with patronizing contempt. Of course they are then taken by complete surprise when they wake up one morning & realise that they have been royally 'done over' by the object of their disdain. An unnatural deep & abiding bitterness & resentment builds up causing them to lash out & blame every Thai for their sad & sorry predicament. A failure in the West, they are now a failure in the East, with their bridges burnt & a slave to their addiction they are incapable of returning home, & with monotonous regularity find their way onto this forum.

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And you didn't bring it to her attention ?

Absolutely typically Farang, totally stupid and irresponsible, maybe he deleted your files after you left.

Maybe you have answered this already, I can't be bothered to read the whole thread to find out, to me . all you are doing is slagging off Thailand at any opportunity and looking for likeminded Farangs to back you up.

You ask is it normal, well, you had a hotel right, you employed Thai women right ,so you tell me, was it normal ???? <deleted> ask on here !!!!!!

<deleted>...what is it with you people ?

My sentiments exactly.

Here's one possible explanation.... Weak willed & unprepared they turn up in Thailand with a superior & condescending attitude towards the locals. They then form 'relationships' with ladies they consider to be inferior, which they proceed to treat with patronizing contempt. Of course they are then taken by complete surprise when they wake up one morning & realise that they have been royally 'done over' by the object of their disdain. An unnatural deep & abiding bitterness & resentment builds up causing them to lash out & blame every Thai for their sad & sorry predicament. A failure in the West, they are now a failure in the East, with their bridges burnt & a slave to their addiction they are incapable of returning home, & with monotonous regularity find their way onto this forum.

Brilliant post....lol. :o

I have to add in an edit...I'm still chuckling at that post.

Of course LC, you and I will both get slated here for daring to put Farangs down or rather not put Thai people down, but your post is right on the money in many cases, except ours of course. :D

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