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Finding A Thai/falong Baby To Adopt

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Sixty One yr old US Citizen married Happily/Successfully Four years to Thai lady 37yrs old ...

I have had pipes snipped 40 yrs ago. No chance of repair <I tried> ...

Any one know sources that may have new born Thai/Falong mixed babies that can not be taken care of? ...

One or two ...

Thanks for any help ...

JerDon & Sara


Sixty One yr old US Citizen married Happily/Successfully Four years to Thai lady 37yrs old ...

I have had pipes snipped 40 yrs ago. No chance of repair <I tried> ...

Any one know sources that may have new born Thai/Falong mixed babies that can not be taken care of? ...

One or two ...

Thanks for any help ...

JerDon & Sara

There is something called surgical sperm retrieval. I heard about it, don't know the details.

IF they could sperm out of you? you could have your 'own' child,,,though adoption is noble.

Sixty One yr old US Citizen married Happily/Successfully Four years to Thai lady 37yrs old ...

I have had pipes snipped 40 yrs ago. No chance of repair <I tried> ...

Any one know sources that may have new born Thai/Falong mixed babies that can not be taken care of? ...

One or two ...

Thanks for any help ...

JerDon & Sara

There is something called surgical sperm retrieval. I heard about it, don't know the details.

IF they could sperm out of you? you could have your 'own' child,,,though adoption is noble.

There is maybe some powder left.


Am I the only person in TV land that thinks there is something very wrong with this OP. I'm not trying to insult you personally, I'm sure you are good people, but I have a few issues. Firstly people normally go through several months and even years of vetting before they can adopt and even then they're not always successful. Your post seemed to me as if you were asking for something as straight forward as a puppy or a kitten. Secondly, why does it have to be a 50/50 baby just because you are a mixed couple, surely you're not planning on passing it off as your own? Could you not love a full Thai baby just as much or even a Burmese or Cambodian baby, I believe there's plenty of those that need a good home. Finally, and probably the most touchy of points is your age. Assuming you make it to an average age then your son/daughter won't have a father past the age of ten, when they will most be in need of one. My point is, too many people have children for their own selfish needs and do not have the child's best interests at heart. I'm sorry if that seems a bit harsh, and maybe I'm the only one that sees it that way, that's just the way I see it.

Am I the only person in TV land that thinks there is something very wrong with this OP. I'm not trying to insult you personally, I'm sure you are good people, but I have a few issues. Firstly people normally go through several months and even years of vetting before they can adopt and even then they're not always successful. Your post seemed to me as if you were asking for something as straight forward as a puppy or a kitten. Secondly, why does it have to be a 50/50 baby just because you are a mixed couple, surely you're not planning on passing it off as your own? Could you not love a full Thai baby just as much or even a Burmese or Cambodian baby, I believe there's plenty of those that need a good home. Finally, and probably the most touchy of points is your age. Assuming you make it to an average age then your son/daughter won't have a father past the age of ten, when they will most be in need of one. My point is, too many people have children for their own selfish needs and do not have the child's best interests at heart. I'm sorry if that seems a bit harsh, and maybe I'm the only one that sees it that way, that's just the way I see it.

I think this reply is a little unfair. The Op as anyone would has surely give this more thought than that of adopting a puppy or a kitten. Your point on a 50/50 Thai/Western baby maybe valid, although when I read the post I assumed he meant Thai or western. Maybe the Op can clarify this.

If he has the funds to take on an undertaking such as this then my opinion is good luck to him. Many people have children when they shouldn't and I'd suggest that most offer their children a good life. The Op in his later years can offer his child more time than someone of working age and while a little unorthodox I wouldn't like to be so quick to judge negatively.

I hope the Op has success and some helpful replies, there must be options available. Good luck with the search.


I did say I wasn't trying to offend anyone, but when you put stuff out in a public forum you have to be prepared to hear anything that comes back, weather it's what you wanted to hear or not. I suppose adopting at his age isn't so bad as I first thought. maybe I jumped the gun a bit. The child is already in the world and unwanted after all, so ten years with good parents is better than none. I get the feeling though, the OP would have his own children if he was mechanically able in which case the baby isn't already in the world, and at 61 would be completely out of order as far as I'm concerned. Either way I wish him all the best as well, regardless of weather I agree or not.

P.S Don't forget the life insurance.


My understanding is that adoption is very difficult and can take years so I suggest you contact your local social services for advice.


Your wife is cute have you thought about a surrogate Father namely meeeeeeeee.

Only joking my G/F has one just turned 3 runs me ragged and i'm in my mid 30's still love her even though she's a little twot(the girlfriend i mean).

Good luck.

In case anyone suggests contacting me re this, I already sent a PM to you :)Simon

Thnks Simon I got you PM this morning Hope all works out for you JerDon & sara

Sixty One yr old US Citizen married Happily/Successfully Four years to Thai lady 37yrs old ...

I have had pipes snipped 40 yrs ago. No chance of repair <I tried> ...

Any one know sources that may have new born Thai/Falong mixed babies that can not be taken care of? ...

One or two ... Thanks for any help ...JerDon & Sara

There is something called surgical sperm retrieval. I heard about it, don't know the details.

IF they could sperm out of you? you could have your 'own' child,,,though adoption is noble.

Hey Thanks for your reply Unfortunately at 61 there is only a 5-10% chance for that procedure as i was snipped 32 yrs ago

Thanks again for the info

JerDon & Sara


Good luck JerDon, I agree with Richard. Plan for the child's future just in case but, who knows, you may live 20-30 more years so don't worry about that :o

I did say I wasn't trying to offend anyone, but when you put stuff out in a public forum you have to be prepared to hear anything that comes back, weather it's what you wanted to hear or not. I suppose adopting at his age isn't so bad as I first thought. maybe I jumped the gun a bit. The child is already in the world and unwanted after all, so ten years with good parents is better than none. I get the feeling though, the OP would have his own children if he was mechanically able in which case the baby isn't already in the world, and at 61 would be completely out of order as far as I'm concerned. Either way I wish him all the best as well, regardless of weather I agree or not. P.S Don't forget the life insurance.

Hey Thanks Woohoo Good points there and we have considered them all. This has been a 3 yr soul searching journey, to say the least. And you did not offend us not at all, this is serious business for Me, Sara & Sara's Mom & the Child. Very serious & I do not take it lightly at all. To be honest 3 &1/2 yrs ago when we married, having more children was not discussed or even in my brain at the time

Not until 6 Mo's later when Sara's mom asked when you give baby me? I almost fainted really

It never entered my mind before that moment. I laughed and told her that it was not possible, she asked at least 12 more times in 2 yrs. Sara and her mom and her Gran all were raised without fathers, Sara's Gran lived to 99 her Great 93 and her Great Great lived to be 97. The point being it is possible that Sara could live a very full life well into her late 90's being a food & herbal nurse etc! And her gene pool

And I will be 120 WHAT?

Looking at the prospect of her being alone for many many years after I go To H***** or Help? She is an only child and so a child of her own would be a comfort in her later years

Sara loves the foreigner's wiring of the brain and all Thai's love those blue-eyes and blond hair, but it doesn't matter if the child is White or 100% Thai, black is also beautiful A Love Child will be wonderful. Every child is special and unique so that is a non issue. We get such a kick out of every young-in.

It is documented that older men in their 70's that have babies in their life live much longer than normal, Similar i think just like a younger woman can enhance a longer life to a man if they truly are happy & the right it as mates.

As far as it looks like we are shopping for Kittens/Puppies Ha Ha we have a Golden & a Mini-shepherd so we are good there.

Well the point of getting a child out of selfish reasons? I am adopted and i know that my dad tried for yrs to have children and he said his life wasn't complete until him and mom found me. Sara & I are incredible happy and i already have two wonderfully successful children and 5 Grans. There are millions of thrown away children out there, and we know that we could add a lot to some child out there. The child would be blessed and one more child spared a life of feeling thrown away/rejected.

So selfish? not sure but we all only have a short time to make a difference in this life and a child off the streets might actually make a difference to us and also get a child chance to experience a better than they are in right now. But nothings guaranteed as we all know. We already have dozens of children that are constantly at our house every single day and we volunteer every weekend and teach English to as many as 60 kids WHEW lots of work.

So I just have to trust that we are doing the right thing at this juncture of our lives. My son told us we could have his 11 yr old red head Uhhhh thanks a lot Buuuuuut NO


wow you guys have it all wrong.

What's bad here is HIS AGE


, he

AT BEST BEST BEST he has 20years left before total senility. At his age he can get very sick quite fast, he already looks pretty frail on that picture..

What kind of monster would get a kid and put him through that at such an early age? or he might just end up dumping that kid on his poor girlfriend? (obviously if she wasnt poor she would of taken a much younger male)


Quite a few women who are working, or have worked, in the nightlife industry, have half farang children. In some cases, the father long gone, unknown or never having been interested, the woman might be willing to consider giving up the child for adoption. Why don't you and your wife have a chat with a few hostess bar employees who might know about such cases?

Good luck.

What kind of monster would get a kid and put him through that at such an early age? or he might just end up dumping that kid on his poor girlfriend? (obviously if she wasnt poor she would of taken a much younger male)

That's a bit harsh ... but I have come to expect that sort of opinion from you.


yes, i agree with LivinginKata. that comment WAS a tad harsh, canadianmonkey.

when i first saw the opening post, i was a little shocked to say the least, and i did wonder whether i should let the topic run. but i do thank those who have given constructive advice.

just FYI - a friend of mine went to singapore where her husband had a contract (both South African). they lodged an application at an adoption agency, and three days later there was a child for them. this was too soon to be honest - especially if you are pregnant you have 9 mths to consider what to buy for the baby!

a few mths later, they received a call from the agency to say that there was a baby ready for them and could they take her the next day! next day there was a knock at the door in the afternoon, and they were handed their new baby. with only the clothes on her back, that was that.

the process was TOTALLY legal and all of the relevant authorities were informed and checked out by the parents.

to the OP, i wish you good luck.

to anyone planning on responding in a negative and abusive way - i will not allow it. think twice.


After reading your last reply JerDon, I have to say that you have won me over. You are obviously not a selfish person, and have thought about this from all angles, and your adopted child will still have a loving family long after you've popped your cloggs given your wifes age. Good luck mate.

Although I havn't changed my mind about having your own children at that age, I still think people who do that are wrong.

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