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Can They Cancel My Visa And Keep My Passport

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Negotiate...yes, compromise no. Why would one bow or compromise to someone obviously as crooked as this boss (given the side of the story we know)?

Make a diary, accounting or affidavit of the business items your old boss may not be happy you know about and place them in a safe place where someone you trust can get access. Then tell (negotiate) the old boss that you want everything you are entitled to, including your passport with 48 hours or you will approach the appropriate parties about his business dealings...and oh, by the way...I have produced documents detailing all the business activities and have someone holding the documents who will present them to the appropriate parties should something happen to me.

So, his choices are: 1. Return your passport and provide your back pay and his business dealings stay confidential. 2. Have his business dealings be revealed. Plain and simple.

It is not considered blackmail, if you are legally entitled to the items you are demanding.

Just be polite but resolute that you mean business.


Edited by Martian
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Refer to the notes on page 3 item 7 on your UK (British) passport.

7. This passport remains the property of Her Majestys Government in the United Kingdom and may be withdrawn at any time. It should not be tampered with or passed on to an unauthorised person.

Your passport has not been lost or stolen you have given it to an unauthorised person. All your employer requires is a photocopy or a certified copy. Whoever assists you to obtain a WP should be accompanied by you in person. You keep your passport in your possession at all times.

Your employer is not an authorised person to hold your passport. He is holding it illegally.

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Hi Boater.

How are you? Have you got a result yet mate?

I am sorry but I don't have any advice for you but I have been following your thread with interest, hoping that you get a positive result. All I can say is that you are the only one here who truly knows the situation- You have worked for 'Super Mario' for three years so you would have some idea of his behaviour and how above board his operation is.........

With that in mind, use your better judgement and decide on the best course of action to take.

Your passport loss is no big deal on its own, the authorities are aware and I'm sure they will help you in a positive way and hopefully your new boss is reasonable and willing to back you and hold you a position until you are able to get a new WP and join him.

GOOD LUCK BOATER, please keep us updated with your progress.


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well i still have not got my passport back, and the ex boss is making up more rubbish to get me into trouble

I have been advised now to just report in lost and obtain a new passport from the Embassey which i will do today.

once i have my new passport, i hopefully can get on with my life :o

I have been through hel_l and back with this and i hope i never have to go through it again, or anyone else.......

but i will keep all updated



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I sure hope your new job isn't in Samui. Time to put that headache behind you and find a new area to live in.

No its not in Samui.......

its Bangkok and London, but this whole thing has made me see thailand in a different view....

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Apologies if I suspected some of the story was made up, you sound real, however you seem to be reacting impulsively without properly assessing the situation and keeping your head cool.

You said you were advised to report your passport lost... who suggested it?

The problem I see now is that you told everyone including the embassy that the guy had it, so it is not lost... maybe I am wrong here but I feel there is a significant difference.

By signing a document now testifying it is lost you might commit a perjury, which would be to your detriment...

I am at a loss here since your embassy was telling you to report it stolen why you would say lost?

Why would you drop the case of it being taken illegally by a dubious character and make it your responsibility of having misplaced it?

Also, I like the idea of a lawyer handling your missing commission or salary, whatever the guy denies he owes you, you are entitled to a notice period starting at the end of the month when you were notified to leave. That period is at least 3 months and you also are entitled to a 1 month of severance per year of employment, which seems to be another 3 months, maybe 4 if there is one initially. That makes a minimum of 6 months at a minimum salary of 50K to get you a work permit, so you are entitled to get 300K

I certainly would not negotiate with the guy, not even talk to him any more, I would certainly cut any dealing or conversation with him completely off but I would let a lawyer handle this on my behalf, and as indicated above, there are a few that would work only on results, make some calls around.

Good luck with this, visit a couple of good lawyers who will accept to listen to you for free just to assess the situation and take an international firm with a reputation that could handle it for you. Don't go for a local Thai one, you never know what could happen, make sure the guy who takes the job has a reputation to defend and won't double cross you.

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Hi Boater.

Keep your chin up mate, this will pass over and you will be free to move on with your life. Don't tarnish the whole population with the same brush just yet and hold back on condemning Thailand, hopefully the move you make to BKK will open many new doors and a whole new circle of friends.

As for your last boss.....I reckon (and this is only speculation) that he's bluffing you with his 'Big Boy' stance because he's exposed himself too much, I know that its a 'bit corrupt' here and you (he) can pay folk off, but wouldn't it be very expensive and/or dangerous openly exposing yourself?........By the way- Did the boss always appear with three 'nice' very big friends??

Anyway, you can meet a**holes in all countries and of all nationalities and if you get caught up amongst it you can get tunnel vision and it all looks bad. Hang in there, the original 'positives' you had for LOS are still out there.

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I have just left my former employeer to start a new job ( basically the company informed us 26th Jan that there was no money to pay salary and we would basically have to work for free for the next 6 months as the company had no money )

With this and luckily i was offered a new job..

Now that i have left the company they will not give my Passport back and are holding onto it ( i have also just recieved a new 1 year Visa )

So, can they legally hold the passport ? ( As in theory it is own my her Majesty the queen of England, and not me or the company )

and can they cancel the 1 year visa which has just been issued and paid for?

I really need to get this sorted today

Many Thanks

your employe has no right at all to hold onto your passport. but they have everyright to cancel your working visa not that they have paid for it, but thru them you got a working visa. if you resigned accordingly, there is 1 mth lieu of notice. you have to wait until your notice is effective. how did your passport got into your employer anyway? did you voluntarily give it to them for safe keepin? or was it on your contract of agreement that your passport must be kept by the employer? your new employer can arrange something for your new visa, but then you must get back your passport. i guess your employer is only waiting for the 30 days notice to be finished and you'll get your passport back? hope this is helpful to you. :o

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Get to embassy now do not pass go do not stop for a quick one

Record all dealings with these lying thieving folks

but remember this is not Blighty my pal was bumped off by a cops son in central Thailand

on returning overseas i offered to stir it up but local witnesses were too afraid and said say nothing

In nearby N Sawan a European sent to investigate graft was found head down in the canal

My advice is walk away a long way for a while despite its bhudist veneer of passivity there is a vicious corrupt underbelly that is seldom discussed due to fear apathy intimidation

The boiler room scams the fake goods drugs tarts pimps illegal workers time share touts all contribute to the heady wild west ambience that is so much more stimulating than Carshalton or touting timeshare in Marbella TIT

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Go to your employer and demand that your passport be returned to you in person.

If your employer refuses go to the consular section of your embassy (British) and

file a statutory declaration detailing the events leading to why he is holding your


They will be only interested in your passport, not your work related problems.

Your passport is not lost or stolen only being held illegally.

The consular section will give you advice and it will be up to them whether your

passport is replaced, they may give you a document of identity in lieu.

An investigation will be carried out into your formal complaint.

Do not give false information to the authorities.

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I was advised at the police station to go to the tourist police to report it lost..... as i have been trying in vain just to get it returned normally but looks like a dead end.

Once it has been reported lost, the embassey will issue a new passport and the old passport will become void.

I have tried going down the straight path, but with not much success, and just want to have a passport .

Once i have the passport back, i shall have to go through the whole process of getting a new visa .

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I was advised at the police station to go to the tourist police to report it lost..... as i have been trying in vain just to get it returned normally but looks like a dead end.

Once it has been reported lost, the embassey will issue a new passport and the old passport will become void.

I have tried going down the straight path, but with not much success, and just want to have a passport .

Once i have the passport back, i shall have to go through the whole process of getting a new visa .

Possibly the police don't want the hassle of you filing a theft report and want you to say you lost it. I am not sure if the tourist police is right for this. Some say the tourist police avoid having to try to get their money back from clip joints in Patpong by claiming they are not there to help foreigners working in Thailand but perhaps they wouldn't mind taking a lost passport complaint. I have never been told by the local cops to go to the tourist police when I reported anything lost and think it quite strange, unless they couldn't understand you. It only takes 5 mins to get the police report. Either way, assuming you don't want to rock the boat, you could report to the police that your passport was lost in your office and be vague about what happened it. Many things are stolen from people's desks and generally disappear in offices. That way you can't be accused of lying later, just being economical with the truth. The police usually want to know exactly what time something was lost because they have a space for that on their form but don't give a monkeys about the details. You need a copy of the police report to get a new visa in your new passport and maybe your embassy will want it too. I don't know what you do about getting a new work permit, if they refuse to return the old one. Maybe you can report that lost too but the company will need to conform you have ceased to work there.

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boater you've had so much advice here on TV i cant believe your still posting about it.

file the lost report with police,take copy to embassy,get new passport,go to immigration so you can leave thailand,get a new visa and come back in.then you can chill out and find a way to get a new job and work permit

one thing to learn about thailand dont fight them,you will always lose.

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boater you've had so much advice here on TV i cant believe your still posting about it.

file the lost report with police,take copy to embassy,get new passport,go to immigration so you can leave thailand,get a new visa and come back in.then you can chill out and find a way to get a new job and work permit

one thing to learn about thailand dont fight them,you will always lose.

My thoughts exactly...about the continual posting and not taking action. You basically have been given several pieces of advice and seem to be sitting on your hands about taking DECISIVE action to resolve this one way or another. Perhaps this is the type of behavior that may have given the boss the idea he could manipulate you in the first place or this really is a fictitious post .

At this point, I don't see any reason to keep this thread open MODERATORS????????



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boater you've had so much advice here on TV i cant believe your still posting about it.

file the lost report with police,take copy to embassy,get new passport,go to immigration so you can leave thailand,get a new visa and come back in.then you can chill out and find a way to get a new job and work permit

one thing to learn about thailand dont fight them,you will always lose.

My thoughts exactly...about the continual posting and not taking action. You basically have been given several pieces of advice and seem to be sitting on your hands about taking DECISIVE action to resolve this one way or another. Perhaps this is the type of behavior that may have given the boss the idea he could manipulate you in the first place or this really is a fictitious post .

At this point, I don't see any reason to keep this thread open MODERATORS????????



Personally, this OP tells you a lot about the types who sell property down in the islands and the like. Has the OP warned his customers that his ex-boss is at it? Anyways, always two sides to a story.

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boater you've had so much advice here on TV i cant believe your still posting about it.

file the lost report with police,take copy to embassy,get new passport,go to immigration so you can leave thailand,get a new visa and come back in.then you can chill out and find a way to get a new job and work permit

one thing to learn about thailand dont fight them,you will always lose.

My thoughts exactly...about the continual posting and not taking action. You basically have been given several pieces of advice and seem to be sitting on your hands about taking DECISIVE action to resolve this one way or another. Perhaps this is the type of behavior that may have given the boss the idea he could manipulate you in the first place or this really is a fictitious post .

At this point, I don't see any reason to keep this thread open MODERATORS????????



Hey Guys, when you read a thread its a good idea to absorb what you read: -

  • Boater has been to the police and UK Embassy
  • The UK Embassy HAVE TOLD HIM that they will deal with it

And one more thing............The thread is still running so that Boater can update the members who are interested, on any progress and ultimately on the result!

So come on guys give him a break, the authorities are aware and its the 'red tape' that's controlling the speed of things.

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As this is a sensitive situation, I imagine Boater is careful about outlining his exact strategy and moves and is quietly resolving things in a legal and SAFE manner!

Remember this is Thailand and we are dealing with a Samui property developer that is unscrupulous and a liar. This alone is enough for any of us to exercise caution in such a sensitive situation.

Get off his back and I am sure he will come back to us shortly with a clear and good resolution.

Over the past 20 year in the Kingdom, I have learnt from a great deal of experience to remember there "are" laws and embassies to protect people in situations, such as this one, and really once these authorities have been consulted there is a great deal less to be concerned about than there would normally be.


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There is a lesson to be learnt from these posts.

You should make sure that you do not give your passport to anyone who is not authorised to have or hold it.

Visit to an Embassy or Consulate in person to obtain a visa do not do it though third parties, the exception is applying in your home country where one can use registered mail prepaid both ways

Sighting your passport in your presence is not holding it. Copies can be used for administrative purposes.

Your passport identifies you, name, nationality and visa status.

In other words you and your passport do not part company. It is not your property but it is your responsibility to look after it.

You are in a foreign country and you need access to your passport at all times

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