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Food Threads And The Top Threads Of 2009 (so Far!)


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I just cruised back through all TV Chiang Mai threads for 2009. Never mind why! Yes, I actually do have a life! But I was truly astonished not to find a single hamburger thread!! Now, I am not encouraging anyone --- really! That means you, UG, for one. Really!!

The big winner for views was interest in the recent murder (which are extremely rare in Chiang Mai, by the way). That topic pulled 144 posts and 27,001 views, a lot more than copies of Chiang Mai Mail purchased that week, I would wager. The big winner for posts (268 with 4760 views) was "Newish Vegetarian Restaurants..."

Now, as you all know, systematic scientific inquiry into TV posts is a truly hazardous endeavour! For example, how does one classify data ranging from hamburgers to buns?! Now, the last reference might be obscure to you, but if you look back to see one topic that in 2009 has had 3283 views thus far, you will understand.

I am definitely up to something --- what, I will not yet say --- but I need help on this; particularly from Priceless, who will have several helpful suggestions, for example, on how to classify data. Anyway, I am sure we can come up with something that can be graphed!! Well, actually, there might be some interesting insights that you can't graph!

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