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Westerner's Decapitated Head Found Hanging Beneath Rama Viii Bridge

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So, summing up all the findings presented here, based on a small photo and some scrawled words on a bridge:

The victim looks like a convict and is Russian. He comes from the UK or Germany. His murder was a gay / straight crime of love. The writing suggests he was murdered by a Thai, but is not an anagram. He was definitely murdered by the mafia. He apparently didn't commit suicide. He definitely committed suicide. The reason the bridge was chosen was that it was built by the Chinese. It has nothing to do with the ASEAN summit or the visa on arrival policy.

Sounds like an open and shut case to me.

:o:D:D You forgot the bit because it was close to Khaosan road. :D:D:wai:


head looks a bit like bangkok's most famous pornstar...naughty nigel :o

You're right. On closer inspection it does look very much like Nigel - or Darlo - as he's sometimes known as -


On the Thai news channel, they just showed the mans body being dragged out of the river, complete with black and white pantaloons and wearing a pair of quality training shoes. The small plastic bag placed over the victims head was shown to have Italian writing.

The writing on the handrail was shown, and I identified immediately the script was Greek/Cypriot and an attempt at an English message.

I still favour the suicide theory. The head remaining attached by a freak tightening of the rope around a flap of neck skin.

The murder theory seems unlikely because the body was found in the river, suggesting that decapitation was done elsewhere and that both head AND body were dumped. A murderer would bury the body and suspend the head.

Plus there was no sign of struggle or blood on the lower body. For example his pantaloon were not damaged, and footwear and socks were normal.


Suicide is normally a private matter, where the person takes his/her own life in a private way. For example, jumping out of one's own condo or hanging in the bathroom.

Making a public display of a suicide is pointless. I don't believe that a suicidal person would take such a dramatic way out. Why put yourself on every website and newspaper on the planet???

Unless, of course, this was the exact motivation behind such a public display. Maybe this was a way to be famous in death?

Either way, this case is sick and I am having trouble trying to get the images out of my mind.

I think this kind of case and image, so graphic and disgusting could send many folks into the soft monkey house....psychiatric ward.


so scary !

My analysis:

The guy is in his late 40s/ early 50s, of East European appearance.

He was taken to the bridge alive. Bag put over head, than rope around the neck.

Lifted up and thrown over the side. While body is still quivering, someone climbs down the rope and decapitates the head, which explains the splattered blood on side of bridge next to head. Rest of the body probably somewhere in the river.

This could have been a nasty gangland killing, the victim maybe murdered in a way to prolong his suffering.


latest quote from the Nation

Police believed that the headless body belonged to the foreigner whose name was not known.

However they would wait for forensic test to know whether the body and the head were from the same person.

mm i think we are all hoping it's a match

Suicide is normally a private matter, where the person takes his/her own life in a private way. For example, jumping out of one's own condo or hanging in the bathroom.

Making a public display of a suicide is pointless. I don't believe that a suicidal person would take such a dramatic way out. Why put yourself on every website and newspaper on the planet???

Unless, of course, this was the exact motivation behind such a public display. Maybe this was a way to be famous in death?

Either way, this case is sick and I am having trouble trying to get the images out of my mind.

I think this kind of case and image, so graphic and disgusting could send many folks into the soft monkey house....psychiatric ward.

ok so the plot thickens,he tops himself in sensational fashion,leaves a message behind for his darling teerak.


my contribution is that nobody has mentioned the tippex that was used to write the message - i mean, who carries that around! i.e. not spontaneous message at all. and if it wasnt spontaneous, then you'd expect the guy to have thought about what he was writing and not put that meaningless stuff down. plus how many farangs own tippex.


Maybe it's that Norwegian? who was walking back to Europe. :o

OK back to the suicide theory. That bridge is on a busy rouie no? So He has to inconspiciously tie a rope round the bridge. Stick a bag over his head and then tie the rope round the bag. Then jump, all with out being seen. I think he was pushed. :D

On the Thai news channel, they just showed the mans body being dragged out of the river, complete with black and white pantaloons and wearing a pair of quality training shoes. The small plastic bag placed over the victims head was shown to have Italian writing.

The writing on the handrail was shown, and I identified immediately the script was Greek/Cypriot and an attempt at an English message.

I still favour the suicide theory. The head remaining attached by a freak tightening of the rope around a flap of neck skin.


The murder theory seems unlikely because the body was found in the river, suggesting that decapitation was done elsewhere and that both head AND body were dumped. A murderer would bury the body and suspend the head.

Plus there was no sign of struggle or blood on the lower body. For example his pantaloon were not damaged, and footwear and socks were normal.

Hence the big Knot. Could it be attached to a neck bone :o ?

Kan Win


I wouldn't rule out suicide.

I knew of a boy who got decapitated by a tire swing - he was a big boy who must have played too aggressively with it, twisting the rope which had no swivel device.

Weird things can happen, even with accidental deaths. A woman was found to be apparently clubbed to death at the foot of her basement stairs. The husband was implicated. Later, it was found (by looking closely at the woman's twisted ankle) that she had more likely stepped in a small gap in the upper stairs, and had come down hard on her head - i.e. accidental fatal fall.

as for the dead man: altogether a sad and bizarre set of events.

well , letting my imagination run riot , i would say that he puts his head and neck in the bag , ties the knot around his neck and jumps , the knot tightens , simutaneously decapitating him and closing the bag , the body falls in the river and the bag is held by the knot.

I saw that once in that movie "Mission Impossible" forget what number.

So totally it can happen.

Bangkok Dangerous.

btw - it's not me I'm still alive

well , letting my imagination run riot , i would say that he puts his head and neck in the bag , ties the knot around his neck and jumps , the knot tightens , simutaneously decapitating him and closing the bag , the body falls in the river and the bag is held by the knot.

I saw that once in that movie "Mission Impossible" forget what number.

So totally it can happen.

Bangkok Dangerous.

btw - it's not me I'm still alive


What about" Cash I want, but I did not come to bangkok to be with you. "

So, yes I do want your cash (for being this pervert) but I surely do not want to be with you, like you though...

Someone not from Bangkok, probably someone from abroad who came to BKK to get his/her cash and left....


I do not understand.

The Immigration police have all our pictures on computer every time we enter or leave.

How hard is it in 36 hours to have found a few matches and narrowed it down.

Tells me they have not a system or ability in place for being able to check.

my contribution is that nobody has mentioned the tippex that was used to write the message - i mean, who carries that around! i.e. not spontaneous message at all. and if it wasnt spontaneous, then you'd expect the guy to have thought about what he was writing and not put that meaningless stuff down. plus how many farangs own tippex.

The tippex message points towards pre-meditated suicide. Just because it doesn't read well, only means English was his second language. I think most farangs who live in Thailand will have sellotape, a stapler. a hole punch and tippex.

Also, the rope has been identified as a common brand sold in 7-11 being a very strong nylon rope which would easily tear through a human neck after a long-drop. At the moment the head disconnected from the body, a huge splattering of blood occurred. notice the blood patterns. These patterns correspond to the momentary swinging of the body for a few seconds until the neck bones snapped.

No shortage of violent deaths of Westerners (and locals) in the Land of Shootings, Suicides & Stabbings. And no sign of a let-up in either Thailand being one of the most dangerous countries to visit or having one of the highest murder rates in the world. And paradoxically no sign that the millions that come here every year know how dangerous this country really can be.

Please don't exaggerate, hereby the most recent statistics



With all that blood on the bridge - looks like he hung himself there or was hung. Being a Dr. G fan, recon the head and body seperation happend on decent from the bridge.....


What a way to go....... making a statement for sure.

plus how many farangs own tippex.

The tippex message points towards pre-meditated suicide. Just because it doesn't read well, only means English was his second language. I think most farangs who live in Thailand will have sellotape, a stapler. a hole punch and tippex.

Sellotape. Check.


Hole Punch.Check.

Tippex. Check.

Right, I'm going to top myself.

how weird,especially the message.

Yes! especially if there were such a message.

I guess that it would be difficult for them to put it down to suicide "I mean getting into that position without ones head"

I am not mitigating the event. RIP


The more I think about it the dafter it sounds. Tippex/Correction fluid? Why not a marker pen? :o

my contribution is that nobody has mentioned the tippex that was used to write the message - i mean, who carries that around! i.e. not spontaneous message at all. and if it wasnt spontaneous, then you'd expect the guy to have thought about what he was writing and not put that meaningless stuff down. plus how many farangs own tippex.

it would appears to be a suicide. I have seen a few very horrific road kills when I lived in BKK and was always puzzled why Thai-people would stand around laughing at this persons 'karmic-results'.... I am sure they had a good laugh over this one :o

So, summing up all the findings presented here, based on a small photo and some scrawled words on a bridge:

The victim looks like a convict and is Russian. He comes from the UK or Germany. His murder was a gay / straight crime of love. The writing suggests he was murdered by a Thai, but is not an anagram. He was definitely murdered by the mafia. He apparently didn't commit suicide. He definitely committed suicide. The reason the bridge was chosen was that it was built by the Chinese. It has nothing to do with the ASEAN summit or the visa on arrival policy.

Sounds like an open and shut case to me.

:o:D:D You forgot the bit because it was close to Khaosan road. :D:D:wai:


Aah but don't forget the smashed lightbulbs Burmese connection!

Bangkok - Thai police on Monday found the body of an unidentified foreigner whose head was left dangling by a rope off a Bangkok bridge. The severed head of a Western man, aged between 30 and 40, was found Sunday afternoon hanging about 5 metres below the Rama VIII bridge, which crosses the Chao Phraya River in north-western Bangkok.

His headless torso was found in the river Monday after it floated to the surface not far from the bridge.

"There was nothing found on the corpse to help us identify the victim," Police Lieutenant Colonel Atcharat Haemthanon said. "We still don't know the man's identity."

Surveillance cameras on the bridge were broken, so offered no clues as to who killed the man and tied his head to the bridge railing and apparently threw his body in the river.

A plastic bag also attached to the rope was from a hotel in Italy, Atcharat said.

Written on the bridge's railing above where the man's head was hanging was the sentence in English, "Cath. I want but I cannot. ... I came to Bangkok to be with you."

Thai Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban on Monday ordered the national police chief to follow up on the suspected murder case.

Suthep also called on the police to step up measures against crime rings, both domestic and international, suggesting the murder may have been linked to an international crime syndicate.


Westerner murdered, decapitated, head hung beneath Bangkok's Rama VIII Bridge

BANGKOK: -- The Thai capital was shocked Sunday afternoon when the head of western man of undetermined nationality was found hanging under Bangkok's famous Rama VIII Bridge.

Metropolitan police officers found the head attached by plastic rope dangling under the Rama VIII Bridge. At the roadway level balustrade, police discovered a message written in correction fluid, 'CATH I WANT BUT I CANNOT CAME TO BANGKOK TO BE YOU'.

Police said that the victim's nationality was not yet clear, but suggested that he might be aged between 40-45 years old and that he had been killed less than 16 hours ago.

An investigation is now being carried out at entertainment venues, popular foreign residences and embassies to identify the victim.

-- TNA 2009-02-22

it just seems to be one forieng person after another being shot murdered and what else in thailand its a frightning place to be i live in london and thats a bit rough but not to what i read on here in the last year shootings rape murder land of smiles getting more like land of death
Who done it?

Business partner?

Romantic significant other?


Political activist?

Hired hit man by any of the above?

Serial Killer?

The makings of a novel but fact is stranger than fiction.


Festering Third World Shitehole.

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