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Westerner's Decapitated Head Found Hanging Beneath Rama Viii Bridge


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Let me explain:

1. The man wrote a suicide message on the bridge.

2. The man donned a plastic bag with Italian script. He pulled the plastic bag tight.

3. The draw string of the plastic bag (clearly shown on Thai TV) attached to the 'hanging' nylon rope.

4. He jumped, over the bridge extending the 'drop'.

5. The body disconnects from the head, blood spurts out upwards as it swings for 8 seconds.

6. The body (sporty dressed) finally snaps off to the water.

7. The head dangles.

This is not mafia, it is suicide. Why?

1. The blood spatters.

2. No criminal risks detection by writing a note, dumping a head and a body.

3. Lower body was untraumatised when shown on TV.

Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

Good summary and exactly what my thoughts are regarding what happened. The head doesn't seem to be inside the plastic bag though, it seems as if it's being held by some tissue caught in the knot.

But if the guy was already dead when thrown over the bridge there would had been no blood splurting out... or not blood at all to be sprayed around for that matter. Of course it could be that someone pushed him, still alive, over, could had been boozed out the stratosphere or drugged beyond his senses; but in my opinion head and body went down as one with the guy still alive.

Gee, what a way to go. :o

Yes I agree good summary! So, if the head was not separated from the body with a clean cut by a knife or sword etc. (the autorities have to investigate this), then it was suicide OR one or more persons pushed him, still alive over, as mentioned above could be drugged beyond his senses and then he or they put a plastic bag over his head. (in this case drugs could maybe found in his body).

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I wonder if this guy owed any money to the Banco Vaticano :o

Seems I remember a chap who was involved in some financial shenanigans with said bank awhile back and ended up in a similar posture under a certain bridge in London.

That "chap" was the chairman of banco ambrosiano and it happend quite a while ago.To be precise 27 years.

Roberto Calvi was the guy found under Blackfriers Bridge in what was made to look like a Freemason Ritual Murder..Also Robert Maxwell died under mysterious circumstances I,m sorry i have no sympathy when Bankers cop it ..But this guy is a mystery and if it turns out to be just another jilted Love affair then i feel sorry for all the victims in this like honest family members...Peace

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This does look very ' Mafia ' Style Killing, but far from anything the Thai Mafia would do...

Maybe this is russian??? ... but if anyone has seen a close up picture, russian men are easily identified....

Also the face looks russian. I have the same impression. Cruelties like that are not tipical of Thai mafia, it ca be done more probably from russians....

The writings are very cryptic, and is almost sure that isn't a english american or australian....

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On THIS occasion I am not being facious , but just a thought >>>>>> bearing in mind a strange message for a lady ( I came to get you cathy ) is this a suicide following many failed attempts to get a settlement visa for his fiancee ?? Ok laugh but those of us who have been through all this shit to get our wives home with us will identify with the sheer frustration and bloody anger you can feel at the British embassy in BKK ,, we all have different breaking points.

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Poor bloke, what a horrible way to go. Reckon its a jumper. Surely must be better to go out on some of the Golden triangles finest.

If not, and its mafia stuff... somnamnah... chasing big money in a second world country as a farang is slightly shameful.

Crime Statistics > Murders with firearms (most recent) by country


#1 South Africa: 31,918

#2 Colombia: 21,898

#3 Thailand: 20,032

#4 United States: 9,369

#5 Philippines: 7,708

#6 Mexico: 2,606

#7 Slovakia: 2,356

#8 El Salvador: 1,441

#9 Zimbabwe: 598

wish these stats would indicate how many were farang deaths by pre menstrual women. arrghhh.

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Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, a police chief, said that it was apparently not a suicide and he will wait for autopsy results before concluding how the head was cut from the body.

The BIB will always continue to completely and utterly amaze me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a brillant statement made by police Col. Prasobsilp, man are those the brains behind the investigation? I hope not! :o

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I would say that the blood did not shoot up and spray the wall, if you look, you will see that the stains arch downwards and outwards. I'm no expert, but I would guess that if blood was shooting upwards from head height,then the spray would arch outwards.

To me it looks like he was bleeding before he reached the end of the rope.

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Well its official,The BIB have managed to change peoples attitudes to a great extent. We have here 5 pages where people are still saying "looks like suicide". So I can assume that will be the stock answer for anyone who "jumps"off a Condo in futur.


It could be a murder and the murder or murders "made" it look like suicide, it could not be better for him or them!

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Hmmm we can keep guessing the cause of this poor guy death, but there is one undeniable fact we are over looking. Someone is giving a very powerfull message. The question we should be asking is, Who is the target audience?

Edited by waza
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We are beginning to see the results of a very bad economy in Thailand where money and people disappear.

This indicates a message from somebody of power and money of his own.

The average Thai farmer could live most of the year on what the could pawn from even the cheapest Rolex... UNLESS THE GUY BOUGHT IT A MBK or JJ MARKET!

The fact that the beheaded still had a Rolex and cash on him would indicate something our friends from the old "USSR" would do to send a message to end any games played on them. The message: We have taken the head of the snake to stop any future thoughts of playing anymore games".

Edited by DMasut
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1857, you should contact the Guinness book of records. 20000 baht to kill a farang is cheap. The murder of a Canadian down here was contracted at 60000, even that was turned down by 2 as not enough for the trouble it would cause.

Bunch of retards in this thread. The Thai police would not say it was a murder if it could possibly be a suicide. It is like you guys forgot what country you are in. If they were calling this a suicide is when you could question them, not the other way around. This is the kind of thing they'd love to cover up and keep out of the papers and off of CNN. Tourism is fuc_ked up enough as it is, they don't need this right now.

It costs 20,000 baht to have somebody killed in Thailand if you know who to ask. They weren't trying to send any message they were trying to remove this guy and cover it up. Maybe he pissed off the wrong people, maybe he married the wrong woman, maybe he was on vacation and told the wrong person and pissed off the wrong people in another country, maybe he owned a huge Thai corporation and real estate company and his Thai partner decided he didn't like paying this foreigner 49% of the profit any more, who the fuc_k knows. He got stomped out like a cockroach. Life is cheap in Thailand.

Last year I was watching a documentary on Thai TV about a gang of thugs who are contract killings.

They were willing to take on the job for 5000 baht.

I can remember back in England 8 years ago, one of my neighbours who was a extremely iffy, told me that he would bump someone off for as little as £500.

Yes, life is cheap, it seems the world over.

When I was a young child back in 1857, my father once told me that a human life is the most precious thing on Earth.

But apparently not. To some people we are no more valuable than an insect.

Whether we are in heaven or in hel_l, is up to us, it’s how we treat each other.

I was watching a British TV series from the 70s called survivors, about a virus that wipes out about 90% of the population of the world. Maybe some can remember it. In the series it expressed that the less people, the more we love each other.

No point in praying to some God for protection, it’s up to us folks, we only get one chance on this planet, once we’re gone, that’s it.

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The fact that the beheaded still had a Rolex and cash on him would indicate something

It sure would... that you easily mix up threads....

Exactly. The newspaper says the only thing he had on his body other than his clothes was a box of matches.

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cant believe there are so many jokers on this thread . this is tragic whether it be suicide or mafia or murder etc.

To be honest, it is 'comic relief' over a tragic situation. Because it is so horrific and the fact most of us feel helpless to doing anything to help, we find a lighter way to talk out...or in this case type out our thoughts.

Psychiatrists would consider this a form of grieving therapy.

Please don't jump up on a high horse with morals.

Some people "party" at an Irish wake, New Orleans funeral and some like the Catholics and Muslims need to wale and throw themselves on the ground.

If this is too much for you... please accept my apologies and ... TURN YOUR COMPUTER OFF!!!

However if you are human as most posting here are, try to accept we grieve in different ways and like you are like "Deer caught in the headlamps/headlights of an oncoming truck.... we know we should move one but we stay to see the next event to take place.

Why do you think things like Princess Diana's death, the lives of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton etc. sell the most TV.


Its the curious nature of being human... and unlike our unfortunate beheaded fellow humans, we are still here to live a better life by their lessons...whatever they might be.

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Well this ought to help tourism. A few more incidents like this and they will stay away in droves with foreign embassies putting out travel warnings. If they don't get a handle on homicidal crime against foreigners, their economy will tank harder and longer than is already projected. And I thought the Philippines was bad!

Westerner murdered, decapitated, head hung beneath Bangkok's Rama VIII Bridge

BANGKOK: -- The Thai capital was shocked Sunday afternoon when the head of western man of undetermined nationality was found hanging under Bangkok's famous Rama VIII Bridge.

Metropolitan police officers found the head attached by plastic rope dangling under the Rama VIII Bridge. At the roadway level balustrade, police discovered a message written in correction fluid, 'CATH I WANT BUT I CANNOT CAME TO BANGKOK TO BE YOU'.

Police said that the victim's nationality was not yet clear, but suggested that he might be aged between 40-45 years old and that he had been killed less than 16 hours ago.

An investigation is now being carried out at entertainment venues, popular foreign residences and embassies to identify the victim.

-- TNA 2009-02-22

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cant believe there are so many jokers on this thread . this is tragic whether it be suicide or mafia or murder etc.

To be honest, it is 'comic relief' over a tragic situation. Because it is so horrific and the fact most of us feel helpless to doing anything to help, we find a lighter way to talk out...or in this case type out our thoughts.

Psychiatrists would consider this a form of grieving therapy.

Please don't jump up on a high horse with morals.

Some people "party" at an Irish wake, New Orleans funeral and some like the Catholics and Muslims need to wale and throw themselves on the ground.

If this is too much for you... please accept my apologies and ... TURN YOUR COMPUTER OFF!!!

However if you are human as most posting here are, try to accept we grieve in different ways and like you are like "Deer caught in the headlamps/headlights of an oncoming truck.... we know we should move one but we stay to see the next event to take place.

Why do you think things like Princess Diana's death, the lives of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton etc. sell the most TV.


Its the curious nature of being human... and unlike our unfortunate beheaded fellow humans, we are still here to live a better life by their lessons...whatever they might be.

fair enough, i understand where u are coming from. and agree in some ways.

just hope his mother isnt reading this

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I want but I can not. ..." The use of can not instead of cannot or can't looks like a Thai wrote it-No matter how often I teach the use of contractions to Thais they still go back to use the expanded word when speaking. It's one of the distinguishing features between native speakers of English and foreigners speaking English.

This is the sole remaining reason why I continue to have a hard time buying the 'suicide' notion - this is classic Thai reiteration of how a Thai would draft a phony suicide note from a Thai sentiment (aow - tae mai dai) to their version of the English version (I want you but can't have you). Literal translation direct from the Thai to English is, 'I want but can not'... as was scribbled on the bridge.

Unless this caucasion male proves to hail from one of the few countries remaining where such a dismal command of the English language is still a possibility, (and provided a link between this message and the event is confirmed), this factor casts serious doubt on 'suicide' being the cause. Hopefully some more details on the individual and his history will emerge soon...

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Thai Rath reported decapitation occurred AFTER death = Murder

Decapitation was cleanly done and with a single slice eg, sword = Murder

Thai Rath would have to have their own (or access to) a crack forensics team to determine those results.

Judging from previous forensic reports from Thai 'experts' I don't give much credence to their determinations.

A sudden rope cut would look like a single slice. Plus, how can they tell whether the man was dead before the decapitation (dried blood remnants?).

Either way, it's a grisley image - especially for millions of Thai kids who will inevitably hear about it - and the many who will see the photos. Kids don't need added images to get nightmares about! There are already hundreds of sicko videos flooding every video outlet in Thailand - with graphic depictions of violence. And yes, it's ridiculous that Thai censors allow endless blood and gore, but won't allow a cigarette or a nipple to be shown.

Also, if one or more murderers staged such a murder, then he/they would do so to send a message (...for what?). The note that was left didn't carry any real message - certainly nowhere near something like "anyone else who crosses us will suffer a similar fate!"

No blood on the railing or the upper part of the bridge indicates no prior death and no apparent struggle. The only blood we've heard/seen has been splattered on the side of the bridge - which would indicate the decapitation happened right there - and the only plausible explanation would be the rope. If not the rope, then someone would have had to climb down there, or use a very long weapon to do so.

It looks a lot like suicide to me. Also, this being a country where everyone notices every little thing around them (and gossipers are rife), have any witnesses stepped forward? It wouldn't surprise me if there were one or more witnesses (to some weird activity on the bridge) - but are too afraid / too self-immersed to speak up.

Edited by brahmburgers
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If the guys head was put in a plastic bag and the bag tied up, how on earth is there blood spatter all over the bridge??????

The guy obviously put a bag over his head put the rope over the bag and around his neck, jumped from the bridge, his weight pulling the rope around his neck severing the head from the body. The body falls into the river and the head is hanging from the bridge with the rope around the plastic bag. Simple.

I'm going with the "suicide and hung til the body broke free" theory... The blood spatter.

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Officials inspect the headless body of a foreigner aged 40-45 found floating under the Rama VIII bridge yesterday. It is thought the corpse belongs to a Westerner whose head was found hanging from the bridge on Sunday.

Bangkok Post

Headless body found in river

A headless body has been discovered in the Chao Phraya river near the Rama VIII bridge where the head of a male foreigner was found hanging from a rope on Sunday.

The body was sent yesterday to Siriraj Hospital for examination to check on a match with the head.

Specialists estimated the man had died about 24 hours before the body was found.

Continued here:


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the headless body of a foreigner aged 40-45 found floating under the Rama VIII bridge yesterday. It is thought the corpse belongs to a Westerner whose head was found hanging from the bridge on Sunday.

I don't understand how the body can be found floating under the bridge...It seems to me that the current would drag the body away....

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Regarding all the theories on the "bag" and the "plastic bag"... I just checked out a close-up of the so-called bag and am thinking it looks much more like a hood - possibly the hood of the "white long-sleeved shirt" accompanying the "black & white shorts and sports shoes" the rest of his corpse was found floating in... may serve to explain the mystery around the "bag"

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