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Non Imm O Ret Visa Expires Soon

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Hi All,

My Non Immigration O retirment Visa expires on 25 March. As i was at Immigration today in Korat for 90 days stamp, I asked the guy what I needed to do to get a 1year extention. He said that I would need to go to my Embassy in Bangkok to get a letter?

My question is can anyone tell me what papers are required for extention. Also when would I need to apply.

Cheers jb1

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For the retirement extension you need either proof of income of minimum 65k per month or 800k in a Thai bank account in your name alone or a combination of the two.

As proof of income, if it is foreign income, you need a letter from the British embassy certifying that income. Call the embassy to ask if whatever documents you have available for your type of income are acceptable.

If you apply based on money in the bank, the money has to be in your account at least two months before your first application, three months for subsequent applications.

You would make your retirement application during the last 30 days of your current permission to stay.



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For info on proof of income letter see webpage on embassy website: http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for...ng-in-thailand/

Nothing more that proof of income or money in the bank is needed. Just copy of passport photo page, visa, entry/permit to stay stamps and TM 6 departure card. Completed TM 7 application form and 1 photo.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for your replies. I will be applying on the basis of 800,000 in Thai bank. Which has been in place since I first applied for retirment visa last year. So do I read correct that I do not need letter from British Embassy, for proof of income. As this would be difficult as I am not in reciept of a pension.

My girlfriend said that the guy did ask for letter from UK Embassy + letter from Thai Bank. Sorry if I am being a pain, but if I can I am trying to avoid an unnecessary trip to Bangkok.

Cheers jb1

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for your replies. I will be applying on the basis of 800,000 in Thai bank. Which has been in place since I first applied for retirment visa last year. So do I read correct that I do not need letter from British Embassy, for proof of income. As this would be difficult as I am not in reciept of a pension.

My girlfriend said that the guy did ask for letter from UK Embassy + letter from Thai Bank. Sorry if I am being a pain, but if I can I am trying to avoid an unnecessary trip to Bangkok.

Cheers jb1

The national rule is definitely that you can get an extension if you have 800K in a Thai bank (must not go under that amount for 2 months for the first extension and 3 months for subsequent extensions) without an embassy letter. I would act on the assumption that if you can meet that, you do not need an embassy letter. That said, there are cases where officers incorrectly apply the rules and there is little you can do it about it. So go sooner rather than later in case you experience a problem. Good luck. You will need a letter from your Thai bank obtained soon before your meeting documenting your balance as well as a copy of your bank book.

Edited by Jingthing
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Once again thanks guys. The 800,000 in bank is in order and yes I do live in Korat Province. I will take the advice and go early though just in case.

Many Thanks jb1

You are one of the lucky ones who can go to Korat. You will have no problems. Very friendly and helpful.

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