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Has anyone noticed that there are studio condos flooding the rental market everywhere for 5,000-10,000 Baht,not just on craigslist but many websites( en.9apartment.com/?Apartments_in_Ba...luizcr0sssx2aqr ) this just being 1 example.Also I've been noticing 1&2 bedroom condos coming down in price.Anyone following rentals and sales in these areas will notice the higher priced condos and homes keep getting posted over and over again,why?because they're way overpriced and no-ones buying--they're just not moving.The baht's beginning to weaken,people aren't able to travel as much.It is starting to affect Thailand just like everywhere.Does anyone think technology will slow down or stop for anyone or thing?In Denver,where I live our 150 year old newspaper just went belly up.People ,young people,just don't read newspapers anymore(this is happening everywhere and look for many newspapers to fold) with the technology that's available.All the college educated journalist at the paper have lost work,along with the remaining employees,the kitchen staff,the guards,the paperboys,the millworkers,the loggers,on and on.It's not going to stop(anyone seen terminator?)--while it may not ever be a war against machines,machines and technology are making workers unemployed.My Thai wife said,"why don't they just get rid of the computers?"Oh,the rich boss wants to pay 10-20 workers what one computer or machine can do.He wants to pay health benefits,retirement pensions,vacation pay,sick leave,unemployment insurance,bonuses,raises,breaks,training,per diem,moving expenses,on and on.It'll never happen,the rich get richer.You can't stop the future and technology is evolving so fast it outdates itself monthly if not sooner.Anyone who thinks not only has to look at the last few years and on websites promoting what is coming.This is the beginning of a depression,the greatest depression, that is never going to end,how can it when it is humans vs machines.Who will stop it?those in power?we have thousands worldwide entering the workforce daily.We have thousands losing their jobs daily.What's the plan?All of a sudden jobs will be plentiful?Without jobs who'll travel?The wealthy?Will they be renting studio condos?Prices everywhere will be dropping it's just a matter of time and how far.Crime everywhere will be rising,people have to do what they have to do to survive.It may not be this year or next but who'll stop technology from making matters worse worldwide.Read and listen to what's happening it doesn't take a college grad to understand what's coming.Who'll be effected first?Well we're seeing it--the industrialised countries.I volunteered at a church last week to feed the homeless,we ran out of food--completely.Families,like the families in your neighborhood were there.They didn't want to be there,you could tell by watching them but people are having major,major problems.Sorry to go off but prices on alot of things are coming down because it's getting back to the basics--FOOD,CLOTHING AND SHELTER

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I am afraid to say Thais will keep a condo, apartment, townhouse or house empty rather than sell it at a lower price. Nothing will probably come down in price and the baht will mysteriously continue to remain strong in the face of a recession in its own back yard :o:D:D

Thais seem to live in their own little made up world. Property prices have alwaysssssssssssssssss been way too high and it was merely another way for the rich project/development owning elites to make more of a profit of the ordinary hard working middle class.


\x00\x005{\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 Bank Yesterday. Noticed the house sale boards ( Repossesed ) Property

All Reduced By Approx 12% No sales at a reduced price then down again ?

Maybe just the start . The whole world is up <deleted> Creek

Thailand is not Immune.

They can bury their heads in sand But when the Sh*t hits the fan and they pull the head out, They will still be coverd in Sh*t

Then What Increase in Crime -Unrest - Workers Revolt -Military Coup - Taski Back ?? Not Up To You. We shall See

When the price of spaces, new line and paragraphs come down, I will return and read you post.

LOL ..

That really was funny!


I am afraid to say Thais will keep a condo, apartment, townhouse or house empty rather than sell it at a lower price.

They do seem to prefer to let a house crumble and become overgrown rather than renting it out. Too afraid the tennants won't vacate if they ever find a buyer. I've seen many houses fall into such total disrepair that I can't believe anyone would want to buy them now. I still drive past one house I considered renting or buying 5 years ago when it was still a nice property, now it's only good for bulldozing as it looks structurally unsound yet the sale price hasn't changed from the original high price five years ago. Even Thai people I've asked think the owner is crazy for believing anyone will want to buy it now.

When the price of spaces, new line and paragraphs come down, I will return and read you post.

'And maybe later, I will come back and read "your" post.



The nuts are really coming out of the woodwork these days. I have been hearing that the world is going to hel_l in a handbasket jive for 50 years and most folks just keep on truckin'. :o


Perhaps some of the cash is from Yabba dabba dont illegal trafficking of women minorities logs endangered species and rorted telecoms that doont appear in ASEAN account sheets

Or perhaps I m thinking of utterly corrupt..MyanmKmerillypines not here


Just let my last condo (5 in all) for 13500 for 12 month lease, advertised it for 10 days oh yeah had to down the price 3.533421% Sh*t I sure got screwed. Usually 14000 baht +service charge..

John Connor where are u!!


"When the price of spaces, new line and paragraphs come down, I will return and read you post."

I thought he was channeling ee cummings.


Was that you that printed that newspaper in Deadwood City around the time of Seth Bullock and Al Swerengen?

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

This is the beginning of a depression,the greatest depression, that is never going to end,how can it when it is humans vs machines.

{Quote snipped by me to put those poor electrons out of their misery.}

OMG - if you're not just playing at being the drama queen, then breathe deeply, take a pill, read what you've written, and chill out. "Never going to end" ... think positive, the machines might win and then the depression will end. Sheesh...


It's a bit of a nutty posting, but there are 2 truths as far as I can judge from my own observations:

Rental prices are dropping markedly in bkk.

This is going to be the biggest recession since the 30's and possibly bigger.


I'll stick my neck out and say a pogrom against Chinese-Thais is probably what it will culminate in. Similar to the riots in Jakarta when Suhartho was ousted.

The Thailand you know now, will not exist in a couple of years time.

Prices For Everything Coming Down

I am more than happy.

Ideally, at some stage, everything will be so cheap, that it will be pointless to use money to have it


Dont worry the machines wont take over. Businesses have to make a profit, they do this by making sales to people like you and me. If we are all unemployed then who will buy the products, Machines? There will be a massive redistribution of wealth so consumers can consume and the market economies can function again. Its already started look at all the Russian ex billionaire. PS: Maybe Thai home owners wont sell their properties at a discount but their banks will, when they reposess them.

The nuts are really coming out of the woodwork these days. I have been hearing that the world is going to hel_l in a handbasket jive for 50 years and most folks just keep on truckin'. :D

even in Denver, Colorado :o


This is the great reckoning. Survival of the fittest. The weak economy is weeding out what is obsolete like Newspapers and Mega CD sellers. Gas guzzling American cars. Everyone thought perpetually rising real estate and consumer spending fueled by 2nd mortgages could just go on forever. That synthetic bundled derivatives could be sold to the next sucker for ever higher prices. Well while everyone played along the band played on. Now that people have woken up the hang over is here. The party is over. There is nothing but the mess to clean up and the headache to nurse. The simulacrum is crumbling. Reality is being resuscitated and saving money, clean energy, affordable healthcare and fair pay for fairwork may actually stick around for a while. Great excess requires great recess but the balance will return.


Hmmmm, can't really speak for the situation in Thailand, but I would imagine causes of current problems are similar to those in the UK, namely, excessive use of debt to buy non essentials, and the housing bubble which has finally burst. I'm not even going to try and get into the banking fiasco, and the future impoverishment of the taxpayer to save the criminals from the consequences of their greed.

However, it is worth remembering that so far less than 1% of all workers in the UK have lost their jobs ( though that may increase by a % or 2 ). That means that 99% are still earning and spending. The biggest apparent ( to me ) effects are that anything to do with building has decreased, and that overpriced accomodation is not selling. Cars too, are not selling, though that may be as much to do with the fact that the new models are revolting, as with the credit crisis.

Actually, it all seems to be rather similar to what happened in Thailand in '97! Still see "skeleton" buildings around Bangkok!

Certainly it doesn't seem to have affected flying much, as the planes in early April are full, and the government still seems set on building another runway at heathrow.

Clothing stores in London are full of shoppers, teenagers still talk endlessly on mobiles, and there are plenty of drivers willing to pay the congestion charge to drive in central London.

If the Thai government is serious about making money, the exchange rate would be a good place to start. There must be many people put off visiting by the high baht. I myself have had to cancel my intended 6 month holiday there and carry on working to be able to afford a shortened holiday later in the year.

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