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Change In Process For Opening *new* Bank Accounts In Los?

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Proceed to Kasikorn Bank with passport in hand - easy as pie to open up a savings account. :D

Thanks for the info...but is this the most trusted bank or easiest to open an account?

My (longtime LOS) buddy says "he knows a Captain at immigration if I have any trouble" so why he would tell me I need the form when it is not is a bit baffling at this ponit, i just got back from LOS and didn't have a chance to check anything prior to leaving...and my phone is out of baht to call him. He's been right about everything else in navigating the LOS dance for expats so far so I have no reason to doubt him on this (but obviously I do - lol)...

I trust most here at TV just as much so the more info going in the better...

Thanks again for the replies...



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I don't see what forms in Immigration have to do with opening a bank account?

Perhaps you have not met your REALLY big brother yet? :o

I currently have 4 bank accounts here and closed 2 old ones and I've never been to Immigration to open them.

So you're saying you have 2-4 existing accounts which would not be affected by a *NEW* policy you don't know may or may not be in place eh? Matters not for now I think now, with the Thai baht exchange rates on the rise the last few months doesn't look like I'll ned a bank account for now...

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So you're saying you have 2-4 existing accounts which would not be affected by a *NEW* policy you don't know may or may not be in place eh? Matters not for now I think now, with the Thai baht exchange rates on the rise the last few months doesn't look like I'll ned a bank account for now...

Was your questions about opening a bank or more a fear that the financial problems will extend into existing accounts? This last answer is confusing given the original question you posted.

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Proceed to Kasikorn Bank with passport in hand - easy as pie to open up a savings account. :D

Thanks for the info...but is this the most trusted bank or easiest to open an account?

My (longtime LOS) buddy says "he knows a Captain at immigration if I have any trouble" so why he would tell me I need the form when it is not is a bit baffling at this ponit, i just got back from LOS and didn't have a chance to check anything prior to leaving...and my phone is out of baht to call him. He's been right about everything else in navigating the LOS dance for expats so far so I have no reason to doubt him on this (but obviously I do - lol)...

I trust most here at TV just as much so the more info going in the better...

Thanks again for the replies...



So if I read you correct in this post you say you are not in Thailand now and your friend has a "contact" at Immigration that can help. You cannot state what form is needed and you cannot say that you went to a bank to open a "NEW" account and the bank asked for this "NEW" form? Now you are home and cannot confirm any of this.

Very strange

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I don't see what forms in Immigration have to do with opening a bank account?

Perhaps you have not met your REALLY big brother yet? :o

I currently have 4 bank accounts here and closed 2 old ones and I've never been to Immigration to open them.

So you're saying you have 2-4 existing accounts which would not be affected by a *NEW* policy you don't know may or may not be in place eh? Matters not for now I think now, with the Thai baht exchange rates on the rise the last few months doesn't look like I'll ned a bank account for now...

Well, new policies or not, this gentleman seemed to pull it off just fine. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Open-Bank-Ac...rk-t246919.html

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I don't see what forms in Immigration have to do with opening a bank account?

Perhaps you have not met your REALLY big brother yet? :o

I currently have 4 bank accounts here and closed 2 old ones and I've never been to Immigration to open them.

So you're saying you have 2-4 existing accounts which would not be affected by a *NEW* policy you don't know may or may not be in place eh? Matters not for now I think now, with the Thai baht exchange rates on the rise the last few months doesn't look like I'll ned a bank account for now...


What I's saying is that I currently have 4 bank accounts that would not be affected by a new policy YOU don't know anything about and if I wanted to open up another new account I would go to a bank to do it and not to an immigration office.

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Have a look at the thread one poster mentioned above (and perhaps read my post there while you are at it):


This was started the same day as your thread. But there are many other threads here on the same topic, and all the info you need is already there.

The Thaivisa search facility is your friend (see top right this page)

The Baht is now going down by the way - not up

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The Thaivisa search facility is your friend (see top right this page)

I did use it, search engines of whatever flavor don't always get us the answers we need on the first second or eben third try...since my question involved a possible *NEW* Thai policy you really think there was a thread on it already? If there was such a thread in existence the TV search engine, as powerful as it may very well be, did not hit on anything. It's really <deleted>**ing irritating to be treated like moron when asking a simple question ... especially by someone or two acting like a moron(s) chiming in with nothing relevant to begin with...


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There is no such "new" policy. No such new required form from immigration. If there is such a new policy, I will eat my hat. Your friend probably just meant if you had your heart set to open an account at a specific branch of a specific bank and they said no, this immigration guy may provide a letter that will encourage them to change their mind in your case.

Just go to the bank with a wad of cash and your passport. Some banks will open an account for you without a work permit, some won't. Kasikorn will be the easiest to open. If one branch of any bank says no, walk down the street and try another. Sometimes it can smooth things along if you show up with a Thai speaking person to help you.

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Just opened one at my local SCB Branch, just be friendly, speak Thai if you can. They will ask for a work permit, explain that you do not need one and explain why you need the bank account: for immigration guarantee (TorMor).

Apart from your passport also provide as much evidence of your address as you can like, drivers license, letters from other banks to your address etc. They seem to prefer to spell your name in Thai, so if you have any registered thai spelling for your name bring it along (like from a marriage registration). This way you get a resident account in the Thai Baht currency in 10 minutes.

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There is no such "new" policy. No such new required form from immigration. If there is such a new policy, I will eat my hat. Your friend probably just meant if you had your heart set to open an account at a specific branch of a specific bank and they said no, this immigration guy may provide a letter that will encourage them to change their mind in your case.

Just go to the bank with a wad of cash and your passport. Some banks will open an account for you without a work permit, some won't. Kasikorn will be the easiest to open. If one branch of any bank says no, walk down the street and try another. Sometimes it can smooth things along if you show up with a Thai speaking person to help you.

Is your hat "green" friendly per chance?...here is a reply to my e-mail inquiry to the friend in LOS referencing his info to me just prior to leaving LOS a week ago (28/02/09);

"The requirements have changed when you go to open a new bank account most banks require the form from immigration i have heard that there are a couple banks that do not require it i know this for certain as a long time resident here told me i then asked the assistant manager at Bangkok bank and they will not open a new account without this form.The form simply explains why you want to open an account but you also need a nonimmigrant visa or work visa to get this form. To qualify your income you go to the US embassy and verbally swear to what your income is and that form from the embassy is what you show for your retirement visa, the 800,000 baht is exactlty that and if the dollar is weak it requires more to qualify and yes if you have enough income that is enough but you are still required to have an active bank account to qualify for a retirement visa, 1000 baht is the minimum balance to qualify for the visa."

Pick apart or verify whatever but it seems no one bank has the same policy within its' own branches in different cities/areas for whatever reasons. . .

I am done on this thread and when I go back to LOS I'll just blow along in the wind with my O-A Nonimmigrant Visa until my needs are accomplished or met pursuing them with known facts.

The best thing that could come from this or similar thread is input from those who have had NO PROBLEMS opening an account within recent weeks whether it is in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc...and tell us where, which bank and what branch which some have been nice enough to do already (above).

Thank you to those with any and all positive input, next time I'll try and ask a harder, more "intelligent" question so I'm not treated like such clueless moron to which I most certainly am :D



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Now reading the message from the "friend". He seems to be talking about the "pension" letter from the US Embassy and requirements at Immigration related to proving the 65,000 baht income and that Immigration wants to see a Thai bank account and if the person does not have one and has trouble opening an account that Immigration will provide a form letter to the person to fill in and show the bank to get the bank to open an account.

Now we know all banks will not open an account and if Immigration has some form letter they can provide that helps open an account then great! But I think this is nothing "NEW" and has always been possible.

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There is no new policy, and no new form. Ever since the 1998 baht devaluation, most banks in Thailand have asked foreigners who would like to open accounts to provide proof they are residents rather than tourists.

Most banks have become looser in recent years although some branches still won't open an account for someone here on a tourist visa or visa-exempt 15/30-day stay. Bangkok Bank does provide a way for foreigners on tourist visas to open an account, as detailed on their website.

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There is no such "new" policy. No such new required form from immigration. If there is such a new policy, I will eat my hat. Your friend probably just meant if you had your heart set to open an account at a specific branch of a specific bank and they said no, this immigration guy may provide a letter that will encourage them to change their mind in your case.

Just go to the bank with a wad of cash and your passport. Some banks will open an account for you without a work permit, some won't. Kasikorn will be the easiest to open. If one branch of any bank says no, walk down the street and try another. Sometimes it can smooth things along if you show up with a Thai speaking person to help you.

While I already have an account at Bangkok Bank and have no plans to open a new account anywhere, I did notice one time when I was getting a new bank book that they had a sign stating that foreigners wishing to open an account would need a letter from Immigrations. Can't recall if it stated that it only applied to a certain visa class or if it was a general requirement. Also have no idea if they would actually require it unless they had some doubts about the person applying.

When I opened the account years ago I was in the country on a 30 day visa exemption and had no problems opening the account with nothing more than my passport and B500 first deposit.

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Not read it all from start to end, but you DO need an immigration letter for at least some banks for NEW accounts where you are not already a customer.

TMB Bank has a notice stating this in my branch and I asked and was told need letter from immigration.

I left the bank and opened at SCB, where the immigration letter was only needed if I didn't have more than a tourist visa (I have non immigrant O).

Think a few/many banks interpret the law or don't always apply it, but it's there so someone above needs to eat their hat.

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Out of interest goes anybody have confirmed in writing what the max payout would be for Foriegn national to claim against a bank that failed in Thailand

The manager at a SCB branch suggested 2 Mill, but was not entirely sure, its seems a Taboo subject, and many i have spoke to dont ever think about it

i do wonder if we as a foreign nationals have any protection

Pointless having 2 Mill if you are not going to ever see the light of day on those funds

I dont see any immediate effect here in LOS (They are better than the freaking UK banks, at least they have real savings not some BS)

i have thought about asking someone in the banking Industry or attempting to try and confirm in writing the guarantee if any guarantee

but the thought of trying that exercise makes me cringe its hard enough trying to get any answer, if seems the Thai`s dont fear a bank failure and have complete trust in their banking system (where have we heard that before)

they must have short memories

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