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The Dominant Language On This Board Is British English


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All you have to do is pay your back taxes, learn how to spell. Stop saying "Gotten", drive on the left and you can be British again. Your best chance was when Shrub was your King or is it Prime Minister, but you blew it.

Edited by Mosha
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BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

Actually it's not. It's a Germanic language. Old English developed from the old Norse. It has been influenced greatly by Norman French, Latin and several other languages, but at its root it's Germanic.

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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

go to sleep. it's already 21:20h

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All you have to do is pay your back taxes, learn how to spell. Stop saying "Gotten", dive on the left and you can be British again. Your best chance was when Shrub was your King or is it Prime Minister, but you blew it.

We don't want to be British again. We just want to be rich again. On that score, I agree, we blew it. Actually, most modern Americans never were British, ancestrally speaking.

Edited by Jingthing
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Stop saying "Gotten", dive on the left and you can be British again.

And "gotten" is Shakesperian English - we Brits have changed it over the years - the Americans kept it as it was.

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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

Oh, how special. You take the Brits out of Blighty and suddenly they think they are roaming their old Empire again. Notice that I capitalized Empire as one should do, because I choose not to sacrifice the rules of grammar in order to indulge in a little of unfounded self-righteousness. Fancy that, an American showing you how it is done.

Get this straight, English. YOU invent the words. WE show you how they are used. And if you don't like that, you can retreat back to your gloomy little island where you will delude yourself into thinking mushy peas and yorkshire pud taste good, you'll waste away your days in pubs and you'll work yourself into a frenzy over football matches as if 1966 wasn't an age ago.


Yankee Doodle

You joined TV just to chime into this debate and say that? Please do tell - after your vast experience here should the official language be real English or American English? Personally I think we are all just doing well to communicate at all given we clearly don't understand each other...

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stay with Carlos Castaneda

I know well this mushroom of which you speak but I must inform you Mr Carlos is dead now over 10 years.

you are too old to get involved in that kind of ...

just go to New Mexico

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stay with Carlos Castaneda

I know well this mushroom of which you speak but I must inform you Mr Carlos is dead now over 10 years.

you are too old to get involved in that kind of ...

just go to New Mexico

I've been there. Didn't think much of it except for the food. Why go there exactly?

I have a funny story about one of their hippie towns though. A friend with me entered some kind of rural hippie town general store and asked for a diet Coke. The guy working there flipped. Diet Coke? Diet Coke? Diet Coooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!? You want a Diet Coke? WE ARE STARVING HERE and you want a Diet Coke! 100 percent true story. They didn't have Diet Coke (should have asked for mushrooms).

Edited by Jingthing
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If we could time travel, it's a fair bet we would not be able to converse with William. I did read some wher you would be pushing your luck going back 200 years.

Stop saying "Gotten", dive on the left and you can be British again.

And "gotten" is Shakesperian English - we Brits have changed it over the years - the Americans kept it as it was.

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stay with Carlos Castaneda

I know well this mushroom of which you speak but I must inform you Mr Carlos is dead now over 10 years.

you are too old to get involved in that kind of ...

just go to New Mexico

I've been there. Didn't think much of it except for the food. Why go there exactly?

I have a funny story about one of their hippie towns though. A friend with me entered some kind of rural hippie town general store and asked for a diet Coke. The guy working there flipped. Diet Coke? Diet Coke? Diet Coooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!? You want a Diet Coke? WE ARE STARVING HERE and you want a Diet Coke! 100 percent true story. They didn't have Diet Coke (should have asked for mushrooms).



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I am almost sorry I started this mess.

Indeed. I wonder if regional dialects in other languages cause such ill will.

I'm told Central Thai native speakers look down on the other dialects. Indeed when I use my limited Tai (As in Southern Thai) When in Bangkok, it is quickly pointed out you talk south.

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Thank you for the invitation to drug abuse, but I have been there, done that, maybe next life ...



I recommend that: Buy a ticket to New Delhi, take a car/bus from the airport to Rishikesh, go to an ashram next to the river, look around and think - life, what I can do about that?

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The bigotry of supposely enlightened Europeans never ceases to amaze me.

If you read this board awhile, you will no longer be surprised when the anti-American Eurozoners erupt in their tedious, predictable manner. Similar to herpes. There is treatment available for the symptoms but it is not curable.

Bloody good analogy, spot on.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

Oh, how special. You take the Brits out of Blighty and suddenly they think they are roaming their old Empire again. Notice that I capitalized Empire as one should do, because I choose not to sacrifice the rules of grammar in order to indulge in a little of unfounded self-righteousness. Fancy that, an American showing you how it is done.

Get this straight, English. YOU invent the words. WE show you how they are used. And if you don't like that, you can retreat back to your gloomy little island where you will delude yourself into thinking mushy peas and yorkshire pud taste good, you'll waste away your days in pubs and you'll work yourself into a frenzy over football matches as if 1966 wasn't an age ago.


Yankee Doodle

You joined TV just to chime into this debate and say that? Please do tell - after your vast experience here should the official language be real English or American English? Personally I think we are all just doing well to communicate at all given we clearly don't understand each other...

And his one post was a wasted effort. Henry's not English, he's Belgian.

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Thank you for the invitation to drug abuse, but I have been there, done that, maybe next life ...



I recommend that: Buy a ticket to New Delhi, take a car/bus from the airport to Rishikesh, go to an ashram next to the river, look around and think - life, what I can do about that?

JINGTHING; where are you???

Eating pizza??? Quatro Statione?

Go back to your youth!!!

Hangbangers and MC5, I know you...

One day we will sit together...

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In a fairly large number of countries, a central language dominated not because of linguistic superiority, but out of brute force. Without the invasion of England by the French, England might still be speaking Norse. Northern Spain might be speaking Catalan without knowing Castillian. Northern Thais might still speak as they did in the kingdom of Lanna. Indeed, many remote Mayas in Mexico and Guatemala still speak only Mayan.

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I am American but I can't help but noticing that the dominant language here is British English.That is why I now use the word whinge instead of whine, and will now switch to colour over color. Why not just make this the official language of the board: British English.

(I surrender, redcoats!)

Do forgive me if I'm wrong, old bean, but isn't this the second time you American chappies have surrendered in South-East Asia?

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Thank you for the invitation to drug abuse, but I have been there, done that, maybe next life ...

If you want to get ahead get a hat :o

Who's the latest avatar?

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Dialects and accents of English by continent

Africa Cameroon · Liberian · Malawian · South African · Ugandan

Asia Burmese · Hong Kong · Indian (regional/occupational dialects) · Malaysian · Pakistani · Philippine · Singaporean · Sri Lankan

Europe British English · Brummie · Channel Island · Cockney · Cumbrian · East Anglian · East Midlands · Estuary · Geordie · Highland · Irish · Kentish · Lancashire · Mackem · Malta · Manc · Manx · Mid Ulster · Multicultural London English · Norfolk · Northern · Received Pronunciation · Scottish · Scouse · Southern · West Midlands · Welsh · West Country · Yorkshire


America United States African American Vernacular · Appalachian · Baltimorese · Boston · Buffalonian · Cajun · California · Chicano · General American · Hudson Valley · Inland Northern American · Midland · New England · New Jersey · New York City · North Central American · Northeast Pennsylvania · Pacific Northwest · Pennsylvania Dutch English · Philadelphia · Pittsburgh · Southern American · Tidewater · Western · Yat · Yooper

Canada Cape Breton · Lunenburg · Maritimer · Newfoundland · Ottawa Valley Twang · Quebec · West/Central Canadian

Caribbean Bahamian · Bermudian · Jamaican · Trinidadian

Oceania Australian (Australian Aboriginal · Torres Strait) · New Zealand

Related Basic · International · Engrish · English language in England · Globish · Pidgin · Mid-Atlantic · Plain · Simplified · Special · Standard · American and British English differences · E-Prime

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My source was a book read long ago, and if I recall it was refering to the prefered languages used in different colonies before the idea of a united colonies gained support, I believe I read that at one point German was the primary langauge used by the most people in North America post European settlement - Pennsylvania springs to mind. (Hence 'Dutch' - but that just clouds the language issue.)

Is it still the case that Spanish is the world's first language by speakers but English wins with numbers if you include first and second? (Mandarin? I understand that China is also divided by different primary languages.)

I stand to be corrected, this is not my area of expertise.

Considering that Pennsylvania, which had the largest German speaking (both high and low German)as a first language population, by percentage, and it was only 33%, that's a common mistake.

Spanish does edge out English-if you do not count those who speak Creole. However, the last time they tallied up the numbers was 1995 for Spanish and 1984 for English. Supposedly there's some 800+M speakers of Mandarin and 400+M speakers of Cantonese; there's only ~325M speakers of Spanish.

Running around the world invading countries and occupying them does not count as your language and culture 'filtering in'. It's called an 'an act of war'.

We learned from the country that spawned our language-but of course you already knew that's how English got so widespread. I refuse to believe that if England could still project the power they used to (when they were so much more technologically advanced than the "White Man's Burden") they would not wield that power.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

Wow, you definitely have a bug up your arse.

And Latin has NOT been used for tehnical documents since the middle ages. Not even in YOUR country, which switched to French after having their country over-ran so many times by the Normans. But I'm sure you won't let that inconvient fact get in the way of your jealousy.

Do forgive me if I'm wrong, old bean, but isn't this the second time you American chappies have surrendered in South-East Asia?

Which co-incidetally is the exact same number of times the British surrendered in the Americas! Wow, we have more in common with our mother nation than y'all thought!

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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

Oh, how special. You take the Brits out of Blighty and suddenly they think they are roaming their old Empire again. Notice that I capitalized Empire as one should do, because I choose not to sacrifice the rules of grammar in order to indulge in a little of unfounded self-righteousness. Fancy that, an American showing you how it is done.

Get this straight, English. YOU invent the words. WE show you how they are used. And if you don't like that, you can retreat back to your gloomy little island where you will delude yourself into thinking mushy peas and yorkshire pud taste good, you'll waste away your days in pubs and you'll work yourself into a frenzy over football matches as if 1966 wasn't an age ago.


Yankee Doodle

You joined TV just to chime into this debate and say that? Please do tell - after your vast experience here should the official language be real English or American English? Personally I think we are all just doing well to communicate at all given we clearly don't understand each other...

Wasn't exactly the best way to make a first impression. You have me there. Sorry, man. Truth is, I love the United Kingdom and have much respect for it. Just attempting to wind-up whoever would bite. Won't troll again here, I promise.

English was invented in England by the English. Therefore, the official language should be British English. Academically speaking, I would think that this is the proper form of the language. And from the modern implementations I've seen both in America and the UK, I'll have to admit that the British are far more eloquent speakers than Americans. Even your average 'chav' from the depths of East London probably has a larger vocabulary than most of us Yanks.

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Wow, you definitely have a bug up your arse.

And Latin has NOT been used for tehnical documents since the middle ages. Not even in YOUR country, which switched to French after having their country over-ran so many times by the Normans.

The gentleman in question is Flemish Belgian, But I'm sure you won't let that inconvient fact get in the way of your jealousy.

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now then

i have lived in a few countries(dare i say farang) and the native languages are dying out, i.e. wales and flemish) and i am very proud of the english laugauge, its forever growing, always ammendments every year. i do not like american "english"!!! why change something that already exists!!! it makes it hard for dyslexics!!!!! and whats with the change in volumes for the same word!!! a gallon is a gallon!!!!

I hope you allow me to correct you.

First may I point out to you that Flemish and Dutch is the same language, and spoken by about 25 million people, and it is the official language in Flanders, The Netherlands, Suriname, The Dutch Antilles and Aruba. And understood by the majority of the South African population. Its also become more and more popular in Indonesia, because its create job opportunity.

The written language is exactly the same in all the Dutch/Flemish speaking countries, its only spoken with an different accent. Its also so that every year a few dozen new words are invented and recognized and implemented by the Flemish/Dutch Language Union who are the Guardian of purity.

It is teached in numerous university's and institutes worldwide


One of the reasons is that it will create job opportunity's in the numerous International Dutch and Flemish companies.

Another reason is, that Dutch/Flemish in the Medieval literature and late 16th century has world famous poetry, novels, saga and philosophical master pieces. Don't forget that Humanism is originated in the low countries and all written in Dutch/Flemish or Latin by Erasmus, Spinoza and others.

All of you know 'the animal farm' by Orwell, well this book was based on the novel ' The saga Van den Vos Reynhaerde' who was written in the 13th century in Flemish/Dutch

Its not common knowledge that the first cook book (16th century) was published in Flemish/Dutch.

Its also for this reasons, its of the upmost importance for Art and literature students to comprehend Dutch/Flemish.

Maybe you don't know that its also teached in Thailand, where children of Expat can do their study's in Dutch/Flemish.


other International schools in Thailand also provide privat tutoring in Flemish/Dutch.

At last I would like to add that the Japanese and Russian language and even English have many Dutch/Flemish words, and maybe you don't now that all naval expressions are Dutch/Flemish.

Needless to say that when someone diminish the importance of my language (where I'm very proud of) or proclaim its in decline and almost vanished, I can't restrain myself to contradict it.

Its not uncommon that English speakers overrated the importance of English, most of the time because they are not abble to express themselves or understand another language. They should reminded themselves that once Latin was the Lingua Franca and in a few decades its not unlikely to be Chinese.

BTW many of the members in TV are Flemish/Dutch speakers, I hope they don't mind I spoke in their name.

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British English is a great classical language that was perfected by the Americans over the past three centuries. No need to thank me for pointing this fact out. As for making British English the official language of TV I think we should maintain the status quo. Remember, if it wasn't for the Americans the official language of Thai Visa would be German or Japanese.

And if it wasn't for Ronald Reagan we'd all be speaking Russian.

No, if it was not for the allies getting to Berlin we would have been speaking Russian a long time before Mr B movie actor got to the White House.

Berlin was conquered by the Russians, and at the conefernce of Yalta Roosevelt give half of Europe to Stalin he did'nt listen to the advice of Winnie

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