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The Dominant Language On This Board Is British English


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Thank you for the invitation to drug abuse, but I have been there, done that, maybe next life ...

If you want to get ahead get a hat :o

Who's the latest avatar?

The old one was an old Walt Whitman. This one is a younger but still not young Walt Whitman, and much sexier. Downright swarthy actually. I was finding people were assuming I was as old as the old WW picture, so I switched it and I do like the new one much better. Indeed, I love the hat, that tilt is the bomb.

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... i I am very proud of the english English laugauge language, its it's forever growing, always ammendments amendments every year. i I do not like american American "english" "English" !!! why Why change something that already exists!!! it It makes it hard for dyslexics!!!!! and And whats what's with the change in volumes for the same word!!! a A gallon is a gallon!!!!

And you're proud of the English language??? We haven't got a chance. :o


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Wow, you definitely have a bug up your arse.

And Latin has NOT been used for tehnical documents since the middle ages. Not even in YOUR country, which switched to French after having their country over-ran so many times by the Normans.

The gentleman in question is Flemish Belgian, But I'm sure you won't let that inconvient fact get in the way of your jealousy.

Same thing applies; however, with the apparent display of your lack of knowledge of history it's painfully obvious that you would not have understood that. If you read the gentleman's post, you'll notice that he was careful to use "Flanders" rather than Belgium. Since critical thinking skills seem so hard to come by these days, let me explain why. Roughly 2/3 of Belgium uses French. Have used French.

I'm in no way trying to undercut all that the people of that region have done for the world. In fact, of all the colonial powers the "Dutch" were probably the best to have lived under. However, then, as now, they were never a powerhouse. The language never was and the projected power of the country never was. The fact that the language is taught in various places is essentially meaningless; Vietnamese is taught all over Houston and yet that does not elevate it to the world stage as English is!

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... i I am very proud of the english English laugauge language, its it's forever growing, always ammendments amendments every year. i I do not like american American "english" "English" !!! why Why change something that already exists!!! it It makes it hard for dyslexics!!!!! and And whats what's with the change in volumes for the same word!!! a A gallon is a gallon!!!!

And you're proud of the English language??? We haven't got a chance. :o


At least i spelt dyslexic right!!!!!!!!! Back to the point. Sorry to all the flemish speakers out there for my ignorance with regards to not knowing that flemish is the same as dutch!!!! And i've been living in brussels for the last 6 months!!!!!! Oh well, at least i'm going home to thailand in 8 days so i'm giddy, happy and excited, so fire away people, because you will not bring this English language appreciater down!!!!!! :D

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Same thing applies; however, with the apparent display of your lack of knowledge of history it's painfully obvious that you would not have understood that. If you read the gentleman's post, you'll notice that he was careful to use "Flanders" rather than Belgium. Since critical thinking skills seem so hard to come by these days, let me explain why. Roughly 2/3 of Belgium uses French. Have used French.

Thank you for calling me a gentleman, and point out that I always write Flanders and not belgium. But you did made a major mistake. Flemings are 67% of the population in belgium, and the second language used in Flanders by the public is not French but English due to the fact that most Flemings have an aversity towards the French language.

Furthermore I like to point out that in high school we learn 3 foreign languages English, German and French. Also its a hobby in Flanders to learn several foreign languages in night school the most popular are Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. in total you can learn about 12 different foreign languages. Night Schools are subsidized by the Flemish government.

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BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

Actually it's not. It's a Germanic language. Old English developed from the old Norse. It has been influenced greatly by Norman French, Latin and several other languages, but at its root it's Germanic.

Spot on...

The fact that America continues to use many of our(British) old words and spellings, and some invented by the many nationalities that make up the US, doesn't make US English wrong it just makes it different. The pure size of the US makes its language and, sadly, its spelling dominant over British English.

But please don't think that us Brits will ever stoop so low as to ruin our version of English, it is our culture, our heritage, our language!

So, you can take your nylons and your Mc'Burgers and bu_gger off...... (for bu_gger see Bulgarian, for Bulgarian see heretic) :o

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Running around the world invading countries and occupying them does not count as your language and culture 'filtering in'. It's called an 'an act of war'.

We learned from the country that spawned our language-but of course you already knew that's how English got so widespread.

Fair comment. But, the English have since given up colonisation. I'm a kiwi though. We have two official languages - English (albeit with a nasty accent :D ) and Maori. And, we have no military force and our airforce is wrapped up in plastic :D so not much risk of kiwinglish taking over the world (or this forum).

Wow, you definitely have a bug up your arse.

Now that's a funny saying!

So it's settled then. In light of how many different nationalities (and oppinions) are on this board we will continue to use whatever form of engrish, spanglish and incoherent ramblings we can muster whilst the mighty will continue to flame us about our spelling and grammar.


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English was invented in England by the English.

Please permit me just one little nitpicking moment.

No language is invented but rather developed from a whole host of sources. I very much doubt if there exists today a truly pure language save maybe amongst the remote Amazonian tribes or maybe in the jungles of Papua New Guinea.

I think you'll find a certain Mr Aso (what a wonderful name :o ) of Japan is taking a bit of stick over his cunning linguistic skills at the moment.

The bit of Chaucer I posted earlier shows one example of how a language can develope to the point of a complete about face.

"He nevere yet no vileynye ne sayde / In all his lyf unto no maner wight." ("He never yet no vileness not said / In all his life to no man.") contains a foufold negative. Double negatives, and more, in Chaucer's time were considered good grammar and the use of single negatives were frowned on.

Today if I said I haven't got no money I would be looked down on as uneducated.

Putting such linguistic niceties aside lend me 500 Baht will ya guv'nor? :D

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^ Thats technically incorrect Phil.

Many many years ago, in fact, hundreds of years ago I invented the english language & after writing a book outlining all its basics, I sold the rights to it, to the english who manipulated it into what it is today. At the time the Americanos were still swinging from the trees and grunting.....similar to what they are still doing.

So it was me who invented english, thankyou very much :o ....yes, i am very old, i neverdie. :D

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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

My goodness. For a non-native English speaker (in whatever flavour), you do seem to have mastered the art of baselessly insulting people in English.

My point, if you can set aside your Flemish pride for a moment, is that the world is now inundated with American English. Take entertainment and film for example. How many full feature films are released in American English as opposed to British English? Purely in terms of numbers, and therefore in prevalence, American English is pervasive. That does not mean American films are better quality, as the recent Academy Award winning Slumdog film illustrates. That was directed and produced by Brits, with most of the acting done by Indians.

Your comment about Latin being the lingua franca in medical science law, and biology is beyond laughable. :o Why don't we check with the medical faculty at Chulalongkorn and see how conversant they are in Latin. :D

What law faculty did you last attend? 18th century Oxford? :D

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I cannot help but notice that most of the complaints on this board about the, Brits or the English language come from two main places. Australia and America. Both young, upstart countries in relation to most of the rest of the world that have been developing a lot longer. A bit like children now starting to grow up and find their own feet.

Derogatory comments about Europe from the same places.

Makes you wonder :o

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American culture and language is gradually coming to dominate the English-speaking world and English is gradually coming to dominate or filter into the rest of the worlds languages.

Jeez. Nothing like putting oneself at the center of the planet earth. Approx. 4.6% of the population is estimated to have english as its first language. Spanish speakers are slightly more numerous and our lovely Chinese friends represent approx. 13% of the first language speakers. Thanks to the power of fornication, Brazil has thrust Portuguese onto the world as a major language. Look it up.

I cannot help but notice that most of the complaints on this board about the, Brits or the English language come from two main places. Australia and America. Both young, upstart countries in relation to most of the rest of the world that have been developing a lot longer. A bit like children now starting to grow up and find their own feet.Derogatory comments about Europe from the same places.

Makes you wonder :o

What's to wonder about? The last time I looked, Australia and the USA never invested much effort in devising inventive ways to torture and exterminate their own. Hardly upstarts. And if one wishes to back away from that eurocentric attitude of assuming that only "european" stock counts, it can be argued that the indigeneous populations had nations going long before the Europeans showed up with their sexual perversions, inbreeding, exploitive lusts, greed and of course their fine inventory of diseases like smallpox. The USA and Australia have nothing to learn from Europeans, save for what not to do.

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Jeez. Nothing like putting oneself at the center of the planet earth. Approx. 4.6% of the population is estimated to have english as its first language. Spanish speakers are slightly more numerous and our lovely Chinese friends represent approx. 13% of the first language speakers. Thanks to the power of fornication, Brazil has thrust Portuguese onto the world as a major language. Look it up.

What percent have it (English) as a 2nd or 3rd language?

Where English seems to be especially prevalent, at least in business, is as a common language between people who have differing 1st languages. It's sometimes said that broken English is the language of business.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Oh! Given the topic header, why hasn't Henry Higgins been around to teach the English how to speak?!

By the way, was it the British who came up with the custom of the captain going down with the ship? Well, Hail Britannia The language of English has become a lingua franca in many, many variations. There is no proper linguistic flagship It is not consistent or acceptable in any particular form --- and usage and pronunciation was never consistent in England. Indeed, even these days, regardless of BBC English and Oxbridge English, some Englishmen can barely understand one another --- and England is a very small place.

Edited by Mapguy
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... i I am very proud of the english English laugauge language, its it's forever growing, always ammendments amendments every year. i I do not like american American "english" "English" !!! why Why change something that already exists!!! it It makes it hard for dyslexics!!!!! and And whats what's with the change in volumes for the same word!!! a A gallon is a gallon!!!!

And you're proud of the English language??? We haven't got a chance. :o


Nice one Jetset. Made me chuckle for the first time today!

Cheers, Rick

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England colonized the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many more countries, with a form of English derived from a bastardly collection of Norse, German, French, Latin, and a hundred other languages (check Arabic words like bazaar and gymkhana, or Persian loanwords). No pure languages even in France. I worked with a US citizen who was born in Brittany (sp) and spoke Breton.

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My point, if you can set aside your Flemish pride for a moment, is that the world is now inundated with American English. Take entertainment and film for example. How many full feature films are released in American English as opposed to British English? Purely in terms of numbers, and therefore in prevalence, American English is pervasive. That does not mean American films are better quality, as the recent Academy Award winning Slumdog film illustrates. That was directed and produced by Brits, with most of the acting done by Indians.

Your comment about Latin being the lingua franca in medical science law, and biology is beyond laughable. :o Why don't we check with the medical faculty at Chulalongkorn and see how conversant they are in Latin. :D

What law faculty did you last attend? 18th century Oxford? :D

My goodness. For a non-native English speaker (in whatever flavour), you do seem to have mastered the art of baselessly insulting people in English.

I only replied to your insults towards Oxford English.

If you had no problems with comprehensive reading you would understand that I did not baselesly insulting people in English. I only respond to your bashing of people who use Standard English.

Or did you and others not wrote

British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times....

Last time I checked; American English is the international language of the ENTIRE world. It is most defintely NOT that engrish <deleted> they pretend to speak in England.

Get this straight, English. YOU invent the words. WE show you how they are used.

And its seems that you did not travel a lot. Otherwise you should know that accept in Holland, Flanders and a few other Northern European countries all movies on television and theatres are dubbed in the native language.

You just travel in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal and a few others to find out that only a few people will understand you. Even in 4 and 5 star hotels the knowledge of your American/English by the staff is very limited, especially in France and Italy. I still remember when an American asked for the bathroom in a restaurant, nobody understood him, till I pointed out to the manager that he was looking for the toilet or lavatory. Lucky I did because he almost did wet his trousers.

BTW in European schools they teach Standard Oxford English,

speaking like the Yanks is regarded as rather low class, They call it speaking with your mouth full of hot potatoes.(and I don't mean women :D )

BTW did you never asked yourself why British movie stars are so in demand in Hollywood and UK rock singers are so popular in the States? Could it be that their English is understandable?

And again you give a proof of ignorance not knowing that the SCIENTIFIC name for every flower, plant, fish, bird, animal, human race , every muscle and bone in our body, every disease, etc...etc.... is LATIN. Even legal therms AB ABSURDO, ALIAS, ALIBI, HABEAS CORPUS, VERSUS etc... etc...

And we use Latin on a daily base, worldwide much more than American/English

And if I write LEX DURA LEX, AD ITERIM, ADDENDUM, , A PRIORI, PER CAPITA,MALA FIDE, MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO, MILLENIUM, MINUS HABENS, DE FACTO, VETO, PLACEBO, ERGO, VIA everybody in the world knows the meaning. there are thousands of Latin expressions and quotes we use daily to describe in the most accurate way what we mean. Those examples only shows that Latin is such a part of our daily life that we even forgot that it is Latin. This can't be said about American/English. Oh, sorry I made a mistake I forgot COCA COLA.

So in fact Latin is still the only univeral language in the world and certainly not American/English as you so proudly proclaim.

I can only conclude Argumentum ad ignorantiam for you.

To upgrade your knowledge I give you this link


BTW in most European countries (certainly in mine) you can't study law, medicine or philosophy without a very good knowledge of Latin. that's why the most bright students choose the curriculum Latin/Mathematics or Latin/Ancient Greek in High school, because this give the best change to succeed there studies at university. Its also a fact when you master Latin learning another language is much more easy, because Latin is the mother of most Western languages except the Germanic and Slavic languages.

BTW I learn English by watching subtitled British TV series and an intensive use of Google spelling control. When I see an American police or detective story I hardly understand a word, because they only seems to use slang or F""""k you, Mother F"""""r, and other F words. That's why I give up to watch them already a long time.

Fac ut vivas


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My point, if you can set aside your Flemish pride for a moment, is that the world is now inundated with American English. Take entertainment and film for example. How many full feature films are released in American English as opposed to British English? Purely in terms of numbers, and therefore in prevalence, American English is pervasive. That does not mean American films are better quality, as the recent Academy Award winning Slumdog film illustrates. That was directed and produced by Brits, with most of the acting done by Indians.

Your comment about Latin being the lingua franca in medical science law, and biology is beyond laughable. :o Why don't we check with the medical faculty at Chulalongkorn and see how conversant they are in Latin. :D

What law faculty did you last attend? 18th century Oxford? :D

My goodness. For a non-native English speaker (in whatever flavour), you do seem to have mastered the art of baselessly insulting people in English.

I only replied to your insults towards Oxford English.

If you had no problems with comprehensive reading you would understand that I did not baselesly insulting people in English. I only respond to your bashing of people who use Standard English.

As a side note Standard English is neither "Oxford" nor "American" English. That's why it's standard.

Or did you and others not wrote

British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times....

Last time I checked; American English is the international language of the ENTIRE world. It is most defintely NOT that engrish <deleted> they pretend to speak in England.

Get this straight, English. YOU invent the words. WE show you how they are used.

And its seems that you did not travel a lot. Otherwise you should know that accept in Holland, Flanders and a few other Northern European countries all movies on television and theatres are dubbed in the native language.

How does stating that American movies dubbed into local tongues support your argument? Are you trying to say that American English is unintelligible to the locals or the locals are too mentally challanged to learn it? And what percnetage of the movies are subtitled? Does that exposure not help with the adoption of American English?

You just travel in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal and a few others to find out that only a few people will understand you. Even in 4 and 5 star hotels the knowledge of your American/English by the staff is very limited, especially in France and Italy. I still remember when an American asked for the bathroom in a restaurant, nobody understood him, till I pointed out to the manager that he was looking for the toilet or lavatory. Lucky I did because he almost did wet his trousers.

One ancedotal example of idiom ignorance does not disprove the other gentleman's argument.

BTW in European schools they teach Standard Oxford English,

speaking like the Yanks is regarded as rather low class, They call it speaking with your mouth full of hot potatoes.(and I don't mean women :D )

All cultures look down on "upstarts". People get defensive and resort to childish quips when they realise the glory days are past.

BTW did you never asked yourself why British movie stars are so in demand in Hollywood and UK rock singers are so popular in the States? Could it be that their English is understandable?

Of course their English is (mostly) understandable. However, for each Hollywood actor you're able to name, I can counter with at least one foreign NON-native English speaker who also works in Hollywood. The fact that Hollywood is much more open to foreigners than Europe obviously is doesn't do much to support your case. And can you provide links that they are in fact "so in demand in Hollywood". I could do the same thing with English bands....

But compare your attempt at inflating the importance of English actors against American. Go anywhere in the world and mention Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, etc. Now mention Hugh Grant, Keira Knighterly, Sean Connery. Which group will net you more blank stares?

And again you give a proof of ignorance not knowing that the SCIENTIFIC name for every flower, plant, fish, bird, animal, human race , every muscle and bone in our body, every disease, etc...etc.... is LATIN. Even legal therms AB ABSURDO, ALIAS, ALIBI, HABEAS CORPUS, VERSUS etc... etc...

Tradition alone dictates that we use Latin as a naming convention. How many research papers are release in Latin? If you were complaining about something to your doctor in LOS, would you use Latin?

And we use Latin on a daily base, worldwide much more than American/English

Spurious argument. Try calling a banker in Hong Kong and open an account using Latin.

And if I write LEX DURA LEX, AD ITERIM, ADDENDUM, , A PRIORI, PER CAPITA,MALA FIDE, MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO, MILLENIUM, MINUS HABENS, DE FACTO, VETO, PLACEBO, ERGO, VIA everybody in the world knows the meaning. there are thousands of Latin expressions and quotes we use daily to describe in the most accurate way what we mean. Those examples only shows that Latin is such a part of our daily life that we even forgot that it is Latin. This can't be said about American/English. Oh, sorry I made a mistake I forgot COCA COLA.

Everybody? Assuming you're in Thailand use those terms and see how far it gets you. Than try it in English. Notice how much smoother things went when you used an INTERNATIONAL language?

So in fact Latin is still the only univeral language in the world and certainly not American/English as you so proudly proclaim.

Don't know why you keep harping this. Go to Africa, Asia, etc. (i.e. somewhere outside of Euroland) and see how far Latin will take you!

I can only conclude Argumentum ad ignorantiam for you.

To upgrade your knowledge I give you this link


BTW in most European countries (certainly in mine) you can't study law, medicine or philosophy without a very good knowledge of Latin. that's why the most bright students choose the curriculum Latin/Mathematics or Latin/Ancient Greek in High school, because this give the best change to succeed there studies at university. Its also a fact when you master Latin learning another language is much more easy, because Latin is the mother of most Western languages except the Germanic and Slavic languages.

Actually I understand now why you insist that Latin is still the only universal language-you're a racist. Not in the fact that you think that anyone that's not your skin tone is sub-human, but rather that being Euro-centric is good. All the talk about how Latin spawned central and western Europe languages is fine and dandy, but attempting to prove that a language that spawned a minority of the world's language is somehow universal is a bit disingenious.

BTW I learn English by watching subtitled British TV series and an intensive use of Google spelling control. When I see an American police or detective story I hardly understand a word, because they only seems to use slang or F""""k you, Mother F"""""r, and other F words. That's why I give up to watch them already a long time.

Watch a non-subtitled British TV series, i.e. a British movie, and than compare it to the language that the worst of American movies have in them...

Fac ut vivas


Edited by dave_boo
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No pure languages even in France. I worked with a US citizen who was born in Brittany (sp) and spoke Breton.

French and Breton are not related in any way. Breton is a Celtic dialect (closely related to Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic).

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I am American but I can't help but noticing that the dominant language here is British English.That is why I now use the word whinge instead of whine, and will now switch to colour over color. Why not just make this the official language of the board: British English.

(I surrender, redcoats!)

Yeah sure, and i will start writing "fag" everytime I want to talk about a cigarette... etc etc...hel_l TO THE NO!!!!!!!! If Brits want to write the brit English, let them, if the Australians or Scottish or whatever want to write their way and thier slang, then let them..I will not change my writing (American style) to accomodate any ones Forum or "rules" or whatever. :o

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.I will not change my writing (American style) to accomodate any ones Forum or "rules" or whatever.

Reading your post just raised my blood pressure. Glad I don't live in New York! I am stressed out now, I think I need a fag!

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.I will not change my writing (American style) to accomodate any ones Forum or "rules" or whatever.

Reading your post just raised my blood pressure. Glad I don't live in New York!

Sorry if it offends you, but its true, why should i? just because most people here are Brits or what not, and because most of the english written here is Brit, why should I an AMERICAN start writing brit english? :o

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.I will not change my writing (American style) to accomodate any ones Forum or "rules" or whatever.

Reading your post just raised my blood pressure. Glad I don't live in New York! I am stressed out now, I think I need a fag!

But I thought you were a non-smoker Jingy :o

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.I will not change my writing (American style) to accomodate any ones Forum or "rules" or whatever.

Reading your post just raised my blood pressure. Glad I don't live in New York! I am stressed out now, I think I need a fag!

But I thought you were a non-smoker Jingy :o

Fag also means gay

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