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Can anybody tell me what is a "Non-imm RE" (that's what is noted in my passport)? I can't find the "RE" designation anywhere.

In the past I have been granted extensions to stay based on marriage. I noted a few days too late that this year the 400k has to be seasoned for 60 days. I will fall a few days short of that requirement. If I want to change my reason for extension to reflect that I support my Thai child under rule 2.18 (5) and, thereby avoid the 60 day stipulation, does this necessitate a change of visa class that requires further applications and sundry documentation? Or, can I simply indicate 2.18 (5) as my reason on the TM 7 form?

I understand the situation will be on a case by case basis and certain discretionary powers are granted to the processing officer regarding the seasoned funds since this is a new requirement. However, to avoid this requirement in the future, I would prefer to change the reason for extension so long as it does not entail more trouble than it's worth.

My extension to stay expires the 19th of this month.


Can anybody tell me what is a "Non-imm RE" (that's what is noted in my passport)? I can't find the "RE" designation anywhere.

In the past I have been granted extensions to stay based on marriage. I noted a few days too late that this year the 400k has to be seasoned for 60 days. I will fall a few days short of that requirement. If I want to change my reason for extension to reflect that I support my Thai child under rule 2.18 (5) and, thereby avoid the 60 day stipulation, does this necessitate a change of visa class that requires further applications and sundry documentation? Or, can I simply indicate 2.18 (5) as my reason on the TM 7 form?

I understand the situation will be on a case by case basis and certain discretionary powers are granted to the processing officer regarding the seasoned funds since this is a new requirement. However, to avoid this requirement in the future, I would prefer to change the reason for extension so long as it does not entail more trouble than it's worth.

My extension to stay expires the 19th of this month.

Changing the reason of your stay is indeed as simple as stating another reason on your application for an extension of stay.

Some offices require you to have sole custody over the child.

Can anybody tell me what is a "Non-imm RE" (that's what is noted in my passport)? I can't find the "RE" designation anywhere...

The only time I have seen the abbreviation “RE” so far was on an arrival stamp where the passport holder had arrived with a re-entry permit, and I assumed that “RE” stood for “re-entry permit”.




The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Well then, for anybody interested:

This morning I submitted all documents for the extension to stay based on 2.18 (5) parent supporting Thai child. The officer noting the 400k was not seasoned for two months (3 days short), pulled his rather tattered looking copy of the Royal Thai Police order ??? from his desk, flipped it open to the appropriate clause and showed it to my wife to read. I believe their was a notation citing "60" days and further, I think he was referring to clause 2.18 (6) married to Thai wife. In any event he was adamant about the "60 days". I mentioned (as did my wife) 'supporting Thai child' as the reason for the application, to which he said, "Same, same...60 days." Knowing full well, I was not in a position--and never will be--to argue with a Thai official, I opted to sit there quietly looking overly concerned with my prospects for the immediate future. This man knew us from many previous visits over the years. He kept me feeling 'disadvantaged' for a few minutes while he shuffled papers on his desk all the while surreptiously casting glances my way to see how I would cope with the 'bad news'. As no opposition (or foolish outburst) was forthcoming, he cracked a smile and winked at me saying, "Next year, you do next year okay?" I nodded and smiled back. I'm gold for another month :D after which I'll have to return to see if my application has been accepted.

I'm considering printing out a crisp copy of the new order in both languages and presenting it to 'my friend' as a token of appreciation. I would be sure to say I noted his copy was getting a little tattered. Maybe even highlight the pertinent clause so that when he perused his crisp new copy of the order he could not help but make the referrence clear for next year :o

Now then, perhaps someone could help with this potential predicament:

In the past my applications have been under consideration for upwards of three months requiring a monthly appearance to receive another "under consideration" stamp. The exception was last year when it was approved in only two months. This is the problem: There is a very good chance I will need to leave Thailand in the next month or two for a work contract that could last anywhere between 6 weeks to four months. What becomes of my application for extension to stay and current visa status? And, what options to I have for exiting and returning without undue grief / stress / hassle / ?

Has anyone had direct experience with this situation?

Thanks for all replies and suggestions.


To clarify: (just had a chat with my wife and she is certain) the document and references as per above should read "2 months" rather than "60 days".


Questions for those that know ...

I am from the U.S. I applied for a two-entry tourist visa before I came to Thailand. I entered on February 25th and my first tourist visa entry expires on April 25th. I can then renew for the second visa entry for another 60-days. That would put me around the expiration of June 24th.

Here is the thing I would like to know ... Would it be possible to exit on April 1st, rather than near the expiration on the 25th, so that my visa will expire before the June 4th deadline of the free visa, and obtain a new tourist visa stay around May 29/30th? Also, would I be able to obtain another set of two-entry tourist visas to stay another 120 days like before?

Thank you so much!


No problem, you don't have to wait untill the end date and there is no limit on how many tourist visa's one can get back to back.

Thanks so much for your response!

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