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Another Sin Sod Question


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Hello all,

Yes, I already did a search on this, however found nothing or nobody which was in a similar situation. We have been together close to 4 years, however I had to return back to Germany last November, as I went nearly broke due to lots of bad investment decisions in 2008 and started a new job this January back home. My GF in meantime continued to work at her company and we had intention to get married by end of 2009. Sin Sod was never discussed until last week where she mentioned that I need to transfer her at least 300'000 baht to her account, otherwise it will not be possible to get married, as her mother is demanding it. She knows that i am just about to rebuild my life and this takes at least one year or longer. She is from a rubber farmer family in south, not poor but like most they just get by, also, educated at Ramkamhaeng Uni, 33, and speaks English fluent.

So before wedding, she said, money must be in her account.....or no wedding or we have to postpone it to next year and i could be lucky that i only need to pay 300000 as normally she should get more......is this way it works?? I should know after many years in TH but i am bit surprised still....

Edited by Inthai
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Shouldn't this be posted in the "Sin sod section". Oh that's right... there isn't one :o

Why don't you just say fine and put off the marriage indefinately. It sounds like extortion to me. And it also sounds like it will make it even more difficult for you to get your life back on track financially.

I can see how you managed to make a lot of bad investment decisions... Here's your chance to change that pattern and make a good one :D .

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Inthai..................Don't do it!!!!!!!!!

Don't give in to the mothers silly demands

You said you need to rebuild................so it can wait!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW sinsod should be displayed at the wedding..........not transfered into her mothers account beforehand


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If she loves you, and you don't pay, hopefully she will stick with you. I never paid and my wife stuck with me.
:D So did I, Yes I paid a small sum but I said I could not afford it so I got the money back and I am still married today :o
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Thanks for your replies so far.....yes, it's hard to let go but i am starting to consider it. She also asked for around 100'000 Baht to open a small restaurant in her village for her sister, which has no job right now.

She has around 80rai of land near Bangkok, which is used as a rubber plantation (just started to plant last year), but she cannot take care of it because her brother, which was in charge has left back to south, so right now she has to pay back around 500k to bank within 30 years..... i know i am probably naive but she said that i dont need to worry about this land as she will take care of it and sell it later......still it bothers me of course..

Edited by Inthai
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If she loves you, and you don't pay, hopefully she will stick with you. I never paid and my wife stuck with me.

Interesting......I would bet her family are saying 'if he loves you he'll pay'...... :o

I would bet, that happened to you, chai mai??

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If she loves you, and you don't pay, hopefully she will stick with you. I never paid and my wife stuck with me.

Interesting......I would bet her family are saying 'if he loves you he'll pay'...... :o

Good point '473geo'. You have to weigh up your belief's and the families belief's and go for the one that matters the most.
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Thanks for your replies so far.....yes, it's hard to let go but i am starting to consider it. She also asked for around 100'000 Baht to open a small restaurant in her village for her sister, which has no job right now.

She has around 80rai of land near Bangkok, which is used as a rubber plantation (just started to plant last year), but she cannot take care of it because her brother, which was in charge has left back to south, so right now she has to pay back around 500k to bank within 30 years..... i know i am probably naive but she said that i dont need to worry about this land as she will take care of it and sell it later......still it bothers me of course..

No offence intended Inthai but alarm bells should be ringing in your head! I'd just tell her you love her but are not in a position to contribute any money at all. If she's not happy with that it's best to let the broken heart mend now.

Good Luck.

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I had to return back to Germany last November, as I went nearly broke due to lots of bad investment decisions in 2008

Fast forward to 2009...

she mentioned that I need to transfer her at least 300'000 baht to her account, otherwise it will not be possible to get married, as her mother is demanding it.


She also asked for around 100'000 Baht to open a small restaurant in her village for her sister, which has no job right now.

Sounds like you're about to make lots of bad investment decisions in 2009 as well!

I normally don't comment in these threads, but this one's just too ironic not to. Of course you do not give her the money under any circumstances. That's the end of it. Everything else is just dealing with the personal emotional fallout of that correct decision.

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What's 300,000 baht anyway? Chump change;

Jumnien. I will PM you my bank account details now. I will happily call myself a chump if you happily give me your change. :o

Hey, hey, slow down a bit. I mean, can we get a little romantic first?

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If you were really in love would you let 7000 Euro stop you?

If she were really in love would she let her family stop her?

The truth is that many western men love money more than people and Thai women love their family more than their man.

I do know that if a pre Mrs Pitt, Angelina Jolie wanted to marry me but insisted that I buy her a 7k engagment ring first..........well consider the ring bought.

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Mate, don't do it.

That is not the way sin-sot works.

The family has seen you hit on hard times and are trying one last ditch attempt to get money out of you.

It may not be her fault, Thai family pressure and all, but seriously...if she truely loves you she will protect you from all that crap.

If you give in and pay, you are in for a whole world of pain in the future.

Don't do it man, you can't buy love. At any price!

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Inthai..................Don't do it!!!!!!!!!

Don't give in to the mothers silly demands

You said you need to rebuild................so it can wait!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW sinsod should be displayed at the wedding..........not transfered into her mothers account beforehand


Her mother wants money to be transfered to her daughters (my GF) account before wedding. My GF said, she then will just tell mohter that she got Sinsod and that will be enough...no showing money or any display of it anywhere.....

Does it also work like this??? It seems strange

But for mother money should be in account so that she can see that I am able to support her daughter

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If you were really in love would you let 7000 Euro stop you?

If she were really in love would she let her family stop her?

The truth is that many western men love money more than people and Thai women love their family more than their man.

I do know that if a pre Mrs Pitt, Angelina Jolie wanted to marry me but insisted that I buy her a 7k engagment ring first..........well consider the ring bought.

Jesus, you can allways pick the ones that paid for there wife can't you? :o

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Inthai..................Don't do it!!!!!!!!!

Don't give in to the mothers silly demands

You said you need to rebuild................so it can wait!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW sinsod should be displayed at the wedding..........not transfered into her mothers account beforehand


Her mother wants money to be transfered to her daughters (my GF) account before wedding. My GF said, she then will just tell mohter that she got Sinsod and that will be enough...no showing money or any display of it anywhere.....

Does it also work like this??? It seems strange

But for mother money should be in account so that she can see that I am able to support her daughter

The money is paid to the family , not the intended. I smell a rat.
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NO! It does not work like this, STOP ASKING! You obviously are getting desperate to accept that it is normal so you can justify this in your head and get what you want without accepting the glaringly obvious fact that SHE DOES NOT LOVE YOU AND IS TRYING TO SCAM YOU. I would bet a large sum of money that the mother has nothing to do with this, your girlfriend is just making up some bullshit to get 300k out of you, I don't even think she will marry you after, just take your freaking money, there is no other reason to ask for a sudden large sum up front.

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