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Three note worthy events yesterday, sadly each one reflecting poorly on Brits:

Firstly, waiting for her to finish work last night, outside the hotel where Mrs CM works, a young lad in his mid twenties or so is staggering down the side walk, helped to some degree by a younger local lass - he was having serious trouble walking in anything close to a straight line and on occasion, great difficulty remaining upright, not one to pass on free entertainment I watched to see what would happen. Up the street they staggered, back down the street they wobbled and this repeated three times until they stopped at a motorbike. Surely he's not going to try to ride the thing I wondered, his "girlfriend" will surely dissuade him. Alas he got on the bike, started it and the sweet young thing got on behind. I walked up the street to where they were parked and asked him if he was OK and figured I would wait and see what kind of reception I got before trying to persuade him to walk or take a taxi. The lad was a Brit and his reply of <deleted> off you ... went straight over my head. He road/wobbled up the street on the wrong side of the road and was not seen again.

More entertaining perhaps was the underground car park at Jungceylon in the afternoon:

On my way out of the back entrance I am stopped at the cashier to pay my parking fee. As I look in my rear view mirror a car passes behind me and mows down the security guard who is crossing one of the lanes - fortunately the guard had the good sense to throw himself onto the bonnet/hood of the car before being thrown off to one side and onto the ground. Not seriously hurt he got up and walked away, barely unable to contain his anger at the elderly British driver who had walked over to the booth to complain about people not watching where they are walking!

As our man is having his rant a second Brit appears from the side having just driven his car into the parking lot, driving the wrong way down the exit lane. He barged between my car and the first Brit to stick his face into the attendant's hut and said, "I shop at Tesco Lotus, can stay or cannot" he yells. "Cannot" she says. "I'm here already, I can stay" he asks. "Cannot" the young lady replies. "Right, I go" he says, "and I never shop at Carrefour again" he adds. At this point I'm getting fairly annoyed with my fellow countrymen so I remind him it only costs ten baht to park in Jungceylon - I might as well have called his baby ugly and his wife a whore because the reply of "<deleted> off" was disproportionate.

What can be said about these things, not the best advertisement for Brits or farangs in general, is it.

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Actually, it's all a conspiracy by our fellow Americans to discredit us Brits. Each of those foul-mouthed persons that you encountered were actually 100% Yanks, doing their best to speak with a British accent.

- The first guy on the motorcycle drove on NOT on the wrong side of the road! He was a Yank and driving on the right just came naturally to him.

- The elderly man in the car-park could not have been British, as elderly British men never drive at more than 5 mph...

- The third guy again assumed that he was driving on the correct side of the road - he was a Yank through and through :o

A Brit would have said 'top hole Carruthers, now run along dear boy and <deleted> off' (or simething similar).

They were all Yanks, no question about it!



Brits and russians are the worst. Their behaviour is disgusting.

I have never been in a fight once in all my 37 years. However it did happen for the first time 2 months ago.

My girlfriend and I were walking home after a nice dinner and some shopping around 11.30 in patong when a drunk brit

came up to my Gf and grabbed her breasts and started laughing. That blew a fuse in me and with 2 punches to the head

i knocked him out. His other Brit friend who thought it was funny got the same treatment from me. I'm not a violent person at all

but that is where I drew a line in the sand and said enough.

I would do it again with no problem at all....................scum like this only respect the rule of the fist and quite frankly I'd be happy to teach these loud mouth drunken brit yobs another lesson

Actually, it's all a conspiracy by our fellow Americans to discredit us Brits. Each of those foul-mouthed persons that you encountered were actually 100% Yanks, doing their best to speak with a British accent.

- The first guy on the motorcycle drove on NOT on the wrong side of the road! He was a Yank and driving on the right just came naturally to him.

- The elderly man in the car-park could not have been British, as elderly British men never drive at more than 5 mph...

- The third guy again assumed that he was driving on the correct side of the road - he was a Yank through and through :D

A Brit would have said 'top hole Carruthers, now run along dear boy and <deleted> off' (or simething similar).

They were all Yanks, no question about it!


Brits and russians are the worst. Their behaviour is disgusting.

I have never been in a fight once in all my 37 years. However it did happen for the first time 2 months ago.

My girlfriend and I were walking home after a nice dinner and some shopping around 11.30 in patong when a drunk brit

came up to my Gf and grabbed her breasts and started laughing. That blew a fuse in me and with 2 punches to the head

i knocked him out. His other Brit friend who thought it was funny got the same treatment from me. I'm not a violent person at all

but that is where I drew a line in the sand and said enough.

I would do it again with no problem at all....................scum like this only respect the rule of the fist and quite frankly I'd be happy to teach these loud mouth drunken brit yobs another lesson

Steady on Dreamchaser, the UK doesn't have the worlds monopoly on yobs, they come in all shapes sizes and nationalities, (and surprisingly, age groups also). Come to think of it now maybe Simon was right - perhaps it was a New England accent I heard and not a British one, unsure! :o


I'm English so I can say this without bias. There is no question that we top the charts in scummy, low life behaviour. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't always wearing England football tops and union jack shorts, telling the whole world where they're from.

...Where the blazes are the people getting the money to go on holiday now?

For a lot of "tourists", the urge to procreate transcends all financial predicaments. :o

As for Jungceylon, they've missed out on a real money-maker. Just imagine a coffee shop with a balcony overlooking the main shopping area. You could sell tickets to get a view of that freak show. :D


To be honest, the economic crisis has not affected me in a significantly noticable way, and regardles of the current Baht to Pound rates, it makes very little difference for people going on holiday. I'm headed to Thailand for 2 months next week, and the last of my worries is my finances.

My flights were cheaper than the ones I had one and a half years ago. Saved £200 there, and that money will go towards the money lost on Baht to Pound rates.

Maybe the crisis has affected the expats more than the tourists?

Brits and russians are the worst. Their behaviour is disgusting.

I have never been in a fight once in all my 37 years. However it did happen for the first time 2 months ago.

My girlfriend and I were walking home after a nice dinner and some shopping around 11.30 in patong when a drunk brit

came up to my Gf and grabbed her breasts and started laughing. That blew a fuse in me and with 2 punches to the head

i knocked him out. His other Brit friend who thought it was funny got the same treatment from me. I'm not a violent person at all

but that is where I drew a line in the sand and said enough.

I would do it again with no problem at all....................scum like this only respect the rule of the fist and quite frankly I'd be happy to teach these loud mouth drunken brit yobs another lesson

Brave as a lion! :o

I think I've seen over nationalities drunk...But I'm not sure because I was so blind drunk myself :D:D



Please let's be fair. If I recall recent statistics correctly, the largest number of tourists in Thailand by national group is from the U.K. I suspect that the behavior (behaviour) of the Brits is no worse than that of any other nationality; there just happen to be more of them than any other group leading to the misperception that they are not well-behaved.

Remember the appellation of "ugly American" attached to travelers from the U.S. to S.E. Asia when they were the majority of tourists. Rude, insensitive, over-the-top travelers can come from anywhere.


My boyfriend is a perfect gentleman, that is why I love him so much. He I think is typical of Englishman not somones you describe. Maybe his lifestyle of service man for 9 years in army and knowing this teach him wrong from right and you sometimes have to do things that make you a better man and know what true meaning for life is. I live in England also and not see so many of this people. English gentleman is still very polite and caring, not just the many man that you see at the bars.

Brits and russians are the worst. Their behaviour is disgusting.

I have never been in a fight once in all my 37 years. However it did happen for the first time 2 months ago.

My girlfriend and I were walking home after a nice dinner and some shopping around 11.30 in patong when a drunk brit

came up to my Gf and grabbed her breasts and started laughing. That blew a fuse in me and with 2 punches to the head

i knocked him out. His other Brit friend who thought it was funny got the same treatment from me. I'm not a violent person at all

but that is where I drew a line in the sand and said enough.

I would do it again with no problem at all....................scum like this only respect the rule of the fist and quite frankly I'd be happy to teach these loud mouth drunken brit yobs another lesson

Jeez Dreamchaser. That's shocking! The guy that came up and grabbed your girlfriend that is. They were lucky it was your gf and not some thai guys. He would have likely pulled out a knife / gun and stabbed / shot the fool.

In England they'd get done for indecent assualt. Disgraceful that they think they can come to Thailand and do it.

I don't condone violence but good on you for pointing out the error of his ways to him.


Both counties have some "scum" Not sure if the wrong sided drunk driver was American or English but know each year

1000s die from driving on the wrong side of the road and I am sure many have never been out of their stated countries.

I grew up in Santa Monica where we had 25000, you read it right, twenty five thousand transplanted British.

1/4 my friends at Santa Monica high school were British. The British added a needed vibe to the town, along with

English pubs and of course the best fish and chips in the USA. You could tell the English homes

by the way they took care of their yard, flowers and lawns cut to perfection. Alone with Japanese buying buying

a home here in CM if I had either living next door I'd feel grateful.

Now back then my neighbors bulldogs sure were ugly, not sure

what they saw in them, but they sure did lovem. <<<< an American word


I dont think we Brits are all that rude or aggressive and anyone who disagrees with me, to be quite honest just needs a good f@#$%ng kicking. :o:D

Brits and russians are the worst. Their behaviour is disgusting.

I have never been in a fight once in all my 37 years. However it did happen for the first time 2 months ago.

My girlfriend and I were walking home after a nice dinner and some shopping around 11.30 in patong when a drunk brit

came up to my Gf and grabbed her breasts and started laughing. That blew a fuse in me and with 2 punches to the head

i knocked him out. His other Brit friend who thought it was funny got the same treatment from me. I'm not a violent person at all

but that is where I drew a line in the sand and said enough.

I would do it again with no problem at all....................scum like this only respect the rule of the fist and quite frankly I'd be happy to teach these loud mouth drunken brit yobs another lesson

Good on you !!


Immigration seems to have a new policy for them...........wot is it...about 2 years.....init :o

My boyfriend is a perfect gentleman, that is why I love him so much. He I think is typical of Englishman not somones you describe. Maybe his lifestyle of service man for 9 years in army and knowing this teach him wrong from right and you sometimes have to do things that make you a better man and know what true meaning for life is. I live in England also and not see so many of this people. English gentleman is still very polite and caring, not just the many man that you see at the bars.

All I can say Pothai is that you are very lucky. Not because you have a good boyfriend because obviously there are a lot of good English people out there, but because you said that you live in England and don't see many scum bags. Where I'm from they're everywhere you look.

Both counties have some "scum" Not sure if the wrong sided drunk driver was American or English but know each year

1000s die from driving on the wrong side of the road and I am sure many have never been out of their stated countries.

I grew up in Santa Monica where we had 25000, you read it right, twenty five thousand transplanted British.

1/4 my friends at Santa Monica high school were British. The British added a needed vibe to the town, along with

English pubs and of course the best fish and chips in the USA. You could tell the English homes

by the way they took care of their yard, flowers and lawns cut to perfection. Alone with Japanese buying buying

a home here in CM if I had either living next door I'd feel grateful.

Now back then my neighbors bulldogs sure were ugly, not sure

what they saw in them, but they sure did lovem. <<<< an American word

If you randomly asked 25000 English people in the street, half of them wouldn't be able to find America on a map let alone Santa Monica. I don't think they were a true cross section of British society.

Yes, I'm sure it has something to do with the majority of tourists being Brits, and I'm sure I notice it more because they are my fellow countrymen, but I still believe Brits are responsible for the worst behavior.


never seen the aussie hoards on bangla behaving like animals?....and the women are the worst!

I could'nt agree with you more Steve.

Have to say I have been quite embarrased by my fellow

country men(and woman) the few times I have been down

Soi-Bangla, really noticed around the kangaroo/Aussie bar area (obviously!)


Spot the odd man out:

Bangla Road late after 8:0pm


St John the Baptist

Aggression and hostility


And this coming form a Brit, I really thought we could have held up our national standards better, but there you are! And if you don't believe me, ask Simon, he sees it all.


Yes, I'm sure it has something to do with the majority of tourists being Brits, and I'm sure I notice it more because they are my fellow countrymen, but I still believe Brits are responsible for the worst behavior.

I have to agree, this is also the case in many european destinations!

never seen the aussie hoards on bangla behaving like animals?....and the women are the worst!

Walked down there with Donna one night.. Man, that was embarrassing.

The English stag groups that raid Amsterdam and many Eastern European capitals these days are appalling. They all think they are the worlds toughest thug or the worlds funniest comedian whilst actually being the worlds most objectionable pain in the arse.

There are plenty of decent well behaved ones, but you tend not to notice them and not hear where they come from unless you get really close.


tw25rw - she might be in transit Phuket-Bali right now but I bet Donna's gonna box your ears :o

To the OP - if you will insist on frequenting such establishments where the females are bought and drink flows like rivers you are going to observe more of this behaviour from many nationalities.

If, however you choose to drink in some of the lovely bars/hotels/restaurants and clubs on Phuket where this activity either doesn't happen or happens with polite discretion... you won't see many 'louts'. :D

To the OP - if you will insist on frequenting such establishments where the females are bought and drink flows like rivers you are going to observe more of this behaviour from many nationalities.

If, however you choose to drink in some of the lovely bars/hotels/restaurants and clubs on Phuket where this activity either doesn't happen or happens with polite discretion... you won't see many 'louts'. :o

I think maybe you should read the OP again and maybe say sorry to the bloke who wrote it. The first incident happened while he was parked outside a hotel, picking his wife up from work, and the other two were in a shopping center car park!! Where are the females for sale and the rivers of booze?

Anyway, what you said is exactly what the problem is. Low-life think that because they are on holiday, and in a girlie bar, normal rules don't apply and they don't have to behave like normal human beings anymore. I love watching the locals give them a good kicking.


Back a couple of hundred years ago Britain shipped all of it's criminals and undesirables to Australia.

That worked so well for them that they are quietly doing it again only this time they are shipping them to Thailand.



Blaming 60 million Brits for the actions of a few is on a par with blaming 60 million Thais for the actions of a few.

Oh! :D



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