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Should I Move To Jomtien/rayong?


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Give it a go for a year and see what happens. You'll also be able to see what condition the U.S is in a year..it may not even be worth moving back to.

You never know when it's going to be lights out..enjoy your life while you got it

Edited by Jake1
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Come on, Man! Is this a joke, or what? Either you want to married, or you want to be a single playboy. MAKE UP YOUR MIND! NOBODY can possibly live a happy life, with a peace of mind in a relationship, trying to be BOTH! That's the FIRST decision you have to make, before you worry about where you're going to live. For crissake, you talk like a guy in his early 20's. GROW UP!!

I met my wife on my second trip. She worked at the hotel and I just knew she was special. We hit it off and we got married the following year. I'm glad we got married, but I didn't have my chance to enjoy Pattaya long enough as a single man.

I will agree that being a free spending tourist and being a limited budget expat resident are entirely different things here in Pattaya. However, I do not agree that it needs to be UNPLEASANT to live here on a limited budget. I do and my life is super pleasant. The key is to adapt LOCAL standards of living for those things that you like or can tolerate. Leo beer isn't that bad. You may find you can adjust to the climate and don't need aircon. Thai food is fantastic. There is also good budget European food here. Enjoying the people watching, the ambiance, the ocean views, all free. You don't need fancy clothes here, the only time I wear long pants is to go immigration. If you hang on to manic materialism as your top value, it will be much more expensive to have the same life here than in the west. However, if you can do a shift it is more than possible to feel very sabai sabai here for very little money. I know many narrow minded Americans see that attitude as lowering your standards. They can stay in the rat race in the US at this very painful time in US history, have fun!

I can drink Leo bee, I don't need air conditioning, and I'm satisfied eating the chicken on the stick for 10 baht. I can live very cheaply, my wife is what I'm worried about.

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An epic disaster movie in the making! Your wife will never be able to keep up appearances with her peers that have foreign husbands, she will loose face, DISASTER!

That's a very good point, there is another thread running about split up/divorce with a Thai wife where the guy can't match the financial position of his wife's cousins, or somesuce relatives, farang sponsors...sorry....husbands and they are breaking up because of it.

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I guess it comes down to this. Do I love my wife more then Pattaya? If I love my wife more, I'll stay here. If I love Pattaya more, I'll move to Pattaya. I think it would be impossible for me to leave my wife for Pattaya. I read so many horror stories about girls using and spitting out their falang husbands. How can they be so heartless? I don't read too many horror stories about the reverse.

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I guess it comes down to this. Do I love my wife more then Pattaya? If I love my wife more, I'll stay here. If I love Pattaya more, I'll move to Pattaya. I think it would be impossible for me to leave my wife for Pattaya. I read so many horror stories about girls using and spitting out their falang husbands. How can they be so heartless? I don't read too many horror stories about the reverse.

Hi have you discussed with your wife what she wants, apart from children? In the USA are you close by your family (parents,siblings,etc?).

If she wants to live in Thailand now, will it be near her family? This is where you will serious problems, as they will influence her. Does she family members who have married non-thais?

The style of life change you will go thru will be huge but could be very good!!

I find it strange that she would want to move away from the USA!!!

Good luck but please please consider the point that when you marry an asian you are marrying into and extended family and you must get that point to your wife and have a compromise!!!

What about buying or trying a biz in Thailand?

Let us know how you get on!!!

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I guess it comes down to this. Do I love my wife more then Pattaya? If I love my wife more, I'll stay here. If I love Pattaya more, I'll move to Pattaya. I think it would be impossible for me to leave my wife for Pattaya. I read so many horror stories about girls using and spitting out their falang husbands. How can they be so heartless? I don't read too many horror stories about the reverse.

Understand this; there is one, and ONLY one priority for the vast majority of Thai people - especially Thai women. That priority is family. Everything else, including their near worship of the King, and their worship of Buddha, falls far below their dedication to family. As to their feelings toward other people, they are virtually non-existant. They will lie, cheat, steal, etc., if they see that as necessary to imrove things for their family. That is how they can "be so heartless". Their heart has no room for you, or anyone else who is not part of their blood family.

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2) You are about to encounter difficulties in terms of visa issues. Immigration does not care that you have a Thai wife. It is all about money. For the past 9 years, a segment of Thailand's ruling elite (one that seems to hate foreigners) has altered the visa/business rules to make Thailand expat/investment/tourist unfriendly. These rule changes flow from a xenophobic mindset, something that is on the rise in Thailand. The changes have already pushed many foreigners, along with their investment dollars, out of Thailand to expat/investment/tourist-friendly countries like Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Uruguay, Panama, etc.

I strongly urge you to consider moving to an expat-friendly country…….Thailand is a sinking ship. In many ways, it has become like the country many of us wanted to get away from by moving to Thailand. It may, however, take you a few years to understand this, especially if you do not speak the language.

Do not believe the BS that these visa changes are only negatively affecting "bad expats." The bar continues to rise. It is slowly impacting all of us: rich, middle class, poor. Visa security is something that few of us take for granted. Even expats over age 50 with Thai wives have to deal with ridiculous demands by immigration. The govt. seems intent on pushing all of us out of the country.

Find out more about visa issues. Given your financial status, I think your only long-stay visa option--other than expensive visa runs for consecutive tourist visas-- is to have a child with your wife and that child must be a Thai citizen. Check this out on the Thai Visa section on visa rules.

I thought a man married to a Thai girl can get a one year visa (and renewable each year) as long as they have $10,000 in a Thai bank account.

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An epic disaster movie in the making! Your wife will never be able to keep up appearances with her peers that have foreign husbands, she will loose face, DISASTER!

I never thought about that. Me sitting around all day not working, not making money, not buying her nice things, will make her look bad.

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Hi have you discussed with your wife what she wants, apart from children? In the USA are you close by your family (parents,siblings,etc?).

If she wants to live in Thailand now, will it be near her family? This is where you will serious problems, as they will influence her. Does she family members who have married non-thais?

The style of life change you will go thru will be huge but could be very good!!

I find it strange that she would want to move away from the USA!!!

Good luck but please please consider the point that when you marry an asian you are marrying into and extended family and you must get that point to your wife and have a compromise!!!

What about buying or trying a biz in Thailand?

Let us know how you get on!!!

She wants to move to Thailand in a few ???? years. She likes it here at the moment. She also wants to start a business in Thailand. She is very smart, hard working, and I think she can do it. Yea, I know about helping the family. I actually have $125,000, but It looks like I will be building her a house soon (another $25,000 gone) so I really only have $100,000. But that's it, no more money for the family.

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Understand this; there is one, and ONLY one priority for the vast majority of Thai people - especially Thai women. That priority is family. Everything else, including their near worship of the King, and their worship of Buddha, falls far below their dedication to family. As to their feelings toward other people, they are virtually non-existant. They will lie, cheat, steal, etc., if they see that as necessary to imrove things for their family. That is how they can "be so heartless". Their heart has no room for you, or anyone else who is not part of their blood family.

My wife has convinced me she loves me. If she is lying, she deserves an Oscar. There is one thing I'm worried about. She doesn't wear make up, no ear rings, looks a little like a tomboy, and likes to look at naked girls (in the go gos). Is she a lesbian? I'm not sure. But if she loves me, does it matter much?

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I actually have $125,000, but It looks like I will be building her a house soon (another $25,000 gone) so I really only have $100,000. But that's it, no more money for the family.

LOL! You're going to build a house for her here for $25,000 (about 900,000 THB)? Do you expect to include electricity and running water for that price? :o

Seriously, there is no way that you can build a decent house for that money. It would be virtual shack. Yes, you would have electricity and running water. But very little else. You'd need to put in at least 2 million THB for a nice home for a family. And you should NEVER consider building a home without PERSONALLY touring the neighborhood. You also need to be personally involved in negotiating building plans, and ensure that you have a WRITTEN CONTRACT specifying the work to be done, and the FINAL COST (or, at least, a written "Not To Exceed" cost) for all of it. Thai contractors will cheat you out of every baht they can get with sub-standard materials, shoddy work, and additional "phantom" costs. YOU MUST BE THERE to make the deal, AND to monitor the work!

As I've said before, you need to give serious consideration to your DAILY LIFE OVER TIME when making such long term decisions as the move itself; and the specific location where you'll live.

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Had to do this in multiple posts as will not allow all the quotes for some reason

She wants to move to Thailand in a few ???? years. She likes it here at the moment. She also wants to start a business in Thailand. She is very smart, hard working, and I think she can do it. Yea, I know about helping the family. I actually have $125,000, but It looks like I will be building her a house soon (another $25,000 gone) so I really only have $100,000. But that's it, no more money for the family.

You're going to cash in your pension and hand over a fifth to build a house??????

My wife has convinced me she loves me. If she is lying, she deserves an Oscar. There is one thing I'm worried about. She doesn't wear make up, no ear rings, looks a little like a tomboy, and likes to look at naked girls (in the go gos). Is she a lesbian? I'm not sure. But if she loves me, does it matter much?

After reading these 2 posts following what you had said earlier, Troll warning bells started to ring.

I thought, I've got a bit of spare time, lets take a look at "Thaifever"' other posts. Interesting choice of handle incidently. You're definitely suffering from Thai fever.

I have a secure job that pays $40,000/year. I'm 44 years old and I need a change. I have money saved in an IRA. I can take it out now, but I will have a 10% penalty and have to pay taxes. After taxes and penalties, I should have $100,000 free and clear. I also have a lot of credit card bills. I can't keep up with all these bills and going to work everyday just to keep my head above water. I'm drowning here. .................

It's about time you faced facts. You can't manage on $40,000 a year in America....Why not?

It wouldn't be hard for me to start over again. I live a simple life and I don't care about material possesions. All I need is beer money, freedom, and a roof over my head. BTW, the reason I'm in credit card debt is because I had to buy my wife a lot of new stuff.

YOU can live the simple life, but you cannot support your wife's spending. You maybe able to start again, but it will be without your wife.

Edited by loong
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I'd like to live in Thailand for 6 years

I didn't realise the relevance of 6 years before, but I think I do now. Is it by chance running away without paying the credit card bills as the statute of limitations lasts 6 years? If that is the true reason, you must have run up some pretty high bills maintaining your wife.

married 2 years.

You started another thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Love-Thai-Wi...31#entry2473231

2009-1-18 Good point. I've known my wife for almost 3 years and married for almost one year. I think you are right, she doesn't trust me. She's seen me in action in Pattaya. I know this has been said a million times, "she's not a bar girl". She was working at the hotel I was staying at. I don't trust her 100% yet either. I send her mom 6000 baht/month and I've spent $2500 on land. Like they say "trust takes years to build and a second to destroy". Work in progress. I've read all the horror stories, so I know what to look out for.

So in January you had been married for nearly a year, but 2 months later, you've been married for 2 years????

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I guess it comes down to this. Do I love my wife more then Pattaya? If I love my wife more, I'll stay here. If I love Pattaya more, I'll move to Pattaya. I think it would be impossible for me to leave my wife for Pattaya. I read so many horror stories about girls using and spitting out their falang husbands. How can they be so heartless? I don't read too many horror stories about the reverse.

I'm sorry to say that you are very possibly living one of these horror stories. Before you married you could afford to be a 2 week millionaire in Pattaya and make frequent trips. Now you can't cope financially. You've run up big credit card debts, spending on your wife. Despite having difficulty paying the bills, you are sending $200 per month to support another family and you've spent $2,500 on a gift of land. You're going to cash in your pension and intend make a gift of $25,000 (which will probably end up double that) to build a house that you will not live in.

But that's it, no more money for the family.

equals no more wife!

From your other thread

Thaifever 2009-01-18 My wife has her interview for her green card this month. She will then have a permanent American visa, with or without me. My first wife was a Russian girl and she left me when she got her green card. I must say that going to the bars in Pattaya is more fun when I'm alone. I've always been a nerd and have had little luck with the ladies. It's great to get all that attention and being a "sexy man". I'll never cheat on my wife.

You don't learn do you.....

Do yourself a favour, read this post and pretend that it isn't about you - what would you REALLY think.

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2) You are about to encounter difficulties in terms of visa issues. For the past 9 years, a segment of Thailand's ruling elite (one that seems to hate foreigners) has altered the visa/business rules to make Thailand expat/investment/tourist unfriendly.

This is true but not for the reasons you set forth. Given his financial situation, having the B 400k deposit and/or B 40k monthly income could present a challenge. For financially viable expats/investors/tourists, I think LOS is a very friendly place.

These rule changes flow from a xenophobic mindset, something that is on the rise in Thailand.

The rule changes are to prevent financially non-viable persons becoming a burden on the Thai state. While xenophobia is present in most countries, and often becomes more intense in periods of economic and political difficulties (both of which LOS is experiencing at this time), I don't feel it is any more intense (if fact less so) than most other countries.

The changes have already pushed many foreigners, along with their investment dollars, out of Thailand to expat/investment/tourist-friendly countries like Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Uruguay, Panama, etc.

Ah yes...the grass is always greener isn't it...until you get there and find there are weeds everywhere! Corruption and "pay as you go" taxes take a bite out of expatriates all these countries. At least in LOS, you get better infrastructure and services for your "taxes" than you do in many other Third World destinations. There is a reason LOS gets more than its fair share of retirees/expatriates...and it's not just the girls as they are available anywhere.

Do not believe the BS that these visa changes are only negatively affecting "bad expats." The bar continues to rise. It is slowly impacting all of us: rich, middle class, poor. Even expats over age 50 with Thai wives have to deal with ridiculous demands by immigration.

"Bar continues to rise"...didn't they just recently lower the financial requirements for marriage extensions from B 800k back to B 400k? The B 800k deposit for retirees has been the same for years...maybe it just seems like the bar is going up because many people's home currencies are going down. That's not the Thai's fault. I agree some of the immigration documentation and paperwork is inane (mostly the 90-day reporting) but that's the way of bureaucracies. Just be glad you're not living in India! Hopefully at some point, the system will be revamped into something like Malaysia's MSH program or the Philippines's retiree scheme (and it will happen sometime down the road I have no doubt) but for now, we just have to put up with the current system. Which, with all its rigamorole, is still not too painful.

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100k will be gone in a couple of years so go ahead and enjoy it.

You can go back to the States at 46 or 47 an then work for the next twenty years.

What you really need to do is take stock and figure out how to make more money.

40KUS a year is barely survival money.

Reshape your life and try and figure out how to make more money.

If you are lucky you just might figure out a way to have enough money to retire by the time you are 55.

You probably need to aim at around 1 million USD to give yourself a comfortable retirement in Thailand .

Edited by Tolley
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You probably need to aim at around 1 million USD to give yourself a comfortable retirement in Thailand .

That is total BS. Typical financial planer scare tactics. Only a small percentage of Americans who will retire will have anywhere close to a US million to retire in the US. They rely on savings in their house, social security, and retirement funds. It is typical for an American to have UNDER 50K USD in their retirement account. People find a way.

Also a salary of 40K USD is not that bad in smaller towns or lower cost cities like Atlanta.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'd like to live in Thailand for 6 years

I didn't realise the relevance of 6 years before, but I think I do now. Is it by chance running away without paying the credit card bills as the statute of limitations lasts 6 years? If that is the true reason, you must have run up some pretty high bills maintaining your wife.

married 2 years.

You started another thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Love-Thai-Wi...31#entry2473231

2009-1-18 Good point. I've known my wife for almost 3 years and married for almost one year. I think you are right, she doesn't trust me. She's seen me in action in Pattaya. I know this has been said a million times, "she's not a bar girl". She was working at the hotel I was staying at. I don't trust her 100% yet either. I send her mom 6000 baht/month and I've spent $2500 on land. Like they say "trust takes years to build and a second to destroy". Work in progress. I've read all the horror stories, so I know what to look out for.

So in January you had been married for nearly a year, but 2 months later, you've been married for 2 years????

About the 6 years. ???

married unofficially about 2 years, officially about 1 year.

Edited by thaifever2007
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Understand this; there is one, and ONLY one priority for the vast majority of Thai people - especially Thai women. That priority is family. Everything else, including their near worship of the King, and their worship of Buddha, falls far below their dedication to family. As to their feelings toward other people, they are virtually non-existant. They will lie, cheat, steal, etc., if they see that as necessary to imrove things for their family. That is how they can "be so heartless". Their heart has no room for you, or anyone else who is not part of their blood family.

My wife has convinced me she loves me. If she is lying, she deserves an Oscar. There is one thing I'm worried about. She doesn't wear make up, no ear rings, looks a little like a tomboy, and likes to look at naked girls (in the go gos). Is she a lesbian? I'm not sure. But if she loves me, does it matter much?

Now you are definitely taking the piss!!!! Not bad you had me convinced for awhile!

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I'd like to live in Thailand for 6 years

I didn't realise the relevance of 6 years before, but I think I do now. Is it by chance running away without paying the credit card bills as the statute of limitations lasts 6 years? If that is the true reason, you must have run up some pretty high bills maintaining your wife..................

About the 6 years. ???


From your post in "UK Debts"


(dsfbrit @ 2008-11-24 03:33:13) post_snapback.gifWhat the OP must not do though is just 'walk away'. He will almost certainly get County Court Judgments' (CCJ) against him in the local courts and that could cause all sorts of problems in the future.

Thaifever 2007 wrote...

"Why not just walk away? In order to get court judgements against him, doesn't he have to be served legal papers in person? If he's in Thailand, they can't find him, they can't serve him legal papers, and they can't get monetary judgements against him. After 6 years, the statute of limitations for collecting unsecured debts is up and they can't do anything to him. At least, that's the way I think it works in America."

So, is this not the reason that you want to stay away from USA for 6 years?

Edited by loong
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You probably need to aim at around 1 million USD to give yourself a comfortable retirement in Thailand .

That is total BS. Typical financial planer scare tactics. Only a small percentage of Americans who will retire will have anywhere close to a US million to retire in the US. They rely on savings in their house, social security, and retirement funds. It is typical for an American to have UNDER 50K USD in their retirement account. People find a way.

Also a salary of 40K USD is not that bad in smaller towns or lower cost cities like Atlanta.

Ok let's assume that after cashing in everthing you have 1 million USD at age 44.

Go to Thailand buy a house and a car spend about 4 million baht.

That leaves you with about 30 million baht to invest. If you get 5 percent clear after taxes then you are looking at 1.5 Million baht a year which gives you a little over 100k a month.

That is not bad for now mind you it is not a jet setting lifestyle either.

But at 44 you might live another 40 years so that 100k ain't going to look very good even in 10 years time i reckon.

Then of course there is the US dollar , who knows what might happen to the exchange rate.

So even 1 million is not a huge amount of money for someone at 44 to retire in Thailand.

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Ok let's assume that after cashing in everthing you have 1 million USD at age 44.

Some flaws in your model although the basic principle makes sense, more money needed if retiring very early.

An American person is eligible for social security at age 62. Those are subject to cost of living increases. This would soften the risk of living too long.

Does this person expect to spend that 30 million baht after death? That sounds like fun. At a certain point after social security age some spending down would make sense, remember there is always the buffer of social security if life span estimations are wrong.

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Ok let's assume that after cashing in everthing you have 1 million USD at age 44.

Some flaws in your model although the basic principle makes sense, more money needed if retiring very early.

An American person is eligible for social security at age 62. Those are subject to cost of living increases. This would soften the risk of living too long.

Does this person expect to spend that 30 million baht after death? That sounds like fun. At a certain point after social security age some spending down would make sense, remember there is always the buffer of social security if life span estimations are wrong.

Yes my model doesn't assume any social security but you get the idea that you need a substantial amount of money if you want to retire young.

And you certainly wouldn't want to be scrapping for money in Thailand when you are older.

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You probably need to aim at around 1 million USD to give yourself a comfortable retirement in Thailand .

That is total BS. Typical financial planer scare tactics. Only a small percentage of Americans who will retire will have anywhere close to a US million to retire in the US. They rely on savings in their house, social security, and retirement funds. It is typical for an American to have UNDER 50K USD in their retirement account. People find a way.

Also a salary of 40K USD is not that bad in smaller towns or lower cost cities like Atlanta.

Ok let's assume that after cashing in everthing you have 1 million USD at age 44.

Go to Thailand buy a house and a car spend about 4 million baht.

That leaves you with about 30 million baht to invest. If you get 5 percent clear after taxes then you are looking at 1.5 Million baht a year which gives you a little over 100k a month.

That is not bad for now mind you it is not a jet setting lifestyle either.

But at 44 you might live another 40 years so that 100k ain't going to look very good even in 10 years time i reckon.

Then of course there is the US dollar , who knows what might happen to the exchange rate.

So even 1 million is not a huge amount of money for someone at 44 to retire in Thailand.

are you trying to say he couldnt live well on 2000 euros a month in thailand get real ....there is people living there on quarter of that...some one getting 100 k baht a month would have a brilliant lifestyle in thailand

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I actually have $125,000, but It looks like I will be building her a house soon (another $25,000 gone) so I really only have $100,000. But that's it, no more money for the family.

LOL! You're going to build a house for her here for $25,000 (about 900,000 THB)? Do you expect to include electricity and running water for that price? :o

Seriously, there is no way that you can build a decent house for that money. It would be virtual shack. Yes, you would have electricity and running water. But very little else. You'd need to put in at least 2 million THB for a nice home for a family. And you should NEVER consider building a home without PERSONALLY touring the neighborhood. You also need to be personally involved in negotiating building plans, and ensure that you have a WRITTEN CONTRACT specifying the work to be done, and the FINAL COST (or, at least, a written "Not To Exceed" cost) for all of it. Thai contractors will cheat you out of every baht they can get with sub-standard materials, shoddy work, and additional "phantom" costs. YOU MUST BE THERE to make the deal, AND to monitor the work!

As I've said before, you need to give serious consideration to your DAILY LIFE OVER TIME when making such long term decisions as the move itself; and the specific location where you'll live.

I saw photos and I was told I could build a nice 3 bedroom/1 bathroom house in her village for under 1 million baht. We already have the land. Good advice on the house building. Now I'm a little worried.

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You probably need to aim at around 1 million USD to give yourself a comfortable retirement in Thailand .

That is total BS. Typical financial planer scare tactics. Only a small percentage of Americans who will retire will have anywhere close to a US million to retire in the US. They rely on savings in their house, social security, and retirement funds. It is typical for an American to have UNDER 50K USD in their retirement account. People find a way.

Also a salary of 40K USD is not that bad in smaller towns or lower cost cities like Atlanta.

Ok let's assume that after cashing in everthing you have 1 million USD at age 44.

Go to Thailand buy a house and a car spend about 4 million baht.

That leaves you with about 30 million baht to invest. If you get 5 percent clear after taxes then you are looking at 1.5 Million baht a year which gives you a little over 100k a month.

That is not bad for now mind you it is not a jet setting lifestyle either.

But at 44 you might live another 40 years so that 100k ain't going to look very good even in 10 years time i reckon.

Then of course there is the US dollar , who knows what might happen to the exchange rate.

So even 1 million is not a huge amount of money for someone at 44 to retire in Thailand.

are you trying to say he couldnt live well on 2000 euros a month in thailand get real ....there is people living there on quarter of that...some one getting 100 k baht a month would have a brilliant lifestyle in thailand

I think you having reading comprehension problems.

100k a month now is a comfortable lifestyle but it is not a rich or wealthy lifestyle by any means but the point here is that in 10 years time or longer 100k may not look that good.

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I live in a nice studio and drive a motorbike. I eat out every day and have plenty left over for entertainment & travel. Its a simple lifestyle and it only costs me about 55,000/month. You don't need $1,000,000. Especially if you find a job here or have a business that gives me an income. I make almost all my money through ecommerce. Can't retire because I'm too young(28) and have few assets.

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