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Why? Traces Of Drugs Detected In My Backpack


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Lots of money has traces of these drugs.


so lets play with big brother

lets fill our bags with substances that mimick drugs and clog them up so bad they will have to re-address the cause and change their ways

While at first blush taking Mr. Valentino's advise to screw with customs at international boarders might seem like a bit of fun I would advise against it. Spending a few extra hours in secondary, records checks, body searches, interrogation and missed connections are probably lover boy's idea of a good time.

Bags are swabbed at random for both drug and explosives residue. Drugs are everywhere and rubbing up against a bag with residue will result in the same positive for either bag. False positives are also quite common as has been stated previously. My advice is to cooperate fully, don't act too outraged and get on with life.

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Traces of drugs, hm. How big should a trace be to make you suspect? The vast majority of banknotes circulating in the US has minuscule traces of cocaine.

not to mention that if you buy a pair of fishermans pants in a tourist haunt, how are you to know what was shipped along with them?

Edited by t.s
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i have a question... why would anyone swab a backpack? isn't it enough to open it up and empty the contents and search for illegal drugs? what would be the purpose behind swabbing? you either have drugs on you or you don't...

I thought the purpose of swabbing was to see if opening the bag was nessecary or not.. ไม่รู้


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A friend of mine got caught at Australian immigration with traces of meth in his ruck sack. Ended up with the old rubber glove treatment....He was walking like John wayne for a week.

Good tip on cleaning the luggage first.

the idea of a full orifice search disgusts me.

they now got the xray technology to see this without having the humiliation that goes along with it.

i pity the poor bugger that does the oriface searching though.

whats with the rubber glove anyway, they could just stick it up another 5 inches and it will be undetectable.

Your friend is telling a little story. The so-called "rubber glove treatment" is not used by Australian Customs. (Prohibited Imports is nothing to do with Immigration).

If a dog reacts to you or a swab gives an indication of drugs, the officers will ask whether you used drugs or associated with drug users overseas. It is common for passengers to still have drug molecules on their clothing and phone, laptop, credit cards, etc, even though they aren't in possession of drugs right now. Aussies who have been doing bar or nightclub work in England are a classic example. Customs expect to get false positives. If you admit to using drugs overseas, they don't care - they're not going to charge you with anything - it just explains the reaction from the dog or wand.

If Customs think you have a body pack you will be frisked. The officer will explain that he will only touch your clothing and not your skin. The frisk can be carried out in public or private - your choice.

If something is detected, you will be taken to a room where you will be asked to remove your clothing one piece at a time. No one will touch you. If nothing is found, and Customs thinks you may have drugs concealed internally, they will hand you over to the Australian Federal Police. If the AFP agree with Customs' assessment, they will take you to a hospital where you will be CAT scanned by medical staff. if you refuse a CAT scan, you will be detained in a hospital bed (in case the condoms of drugs burst inside you). Eventually you will have to have a shit. That will be done under supervision.

Note - you have the right to refuse a search at any time or to have legal counsel at any time. Your legal rights will be explained to you again and again. You will be handed an A4 sized card with your rights printed on them. You will be asked to read them aloud - proving to the officers you are not drunk, mentallly incapable or can't understand English. (ie you are not a "person in need of protection" - a PINOP) If you are a PINOP, Customs will organise legal counsel and/or a non-Customs translator for you before they continue the search.

No rubber gloves and no walking like John Wayne. Sorry.

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A friend of mine got caught at Australian immigration with traces of meth in his ruck sack. Ended up with the old rubber glove treatment....He was walking like John wayne for a week.

Good tip on cleaning the luggage first.

the idea of a full orifice search disgusts me.

they now got the xray technology to see this without having the humiliation that goes along with it.

i pity the poor bugger that does the oriface searching though.

whats with the rubber glove anyway, they could just stick it up another 5 inches and it will be undetectable.

At least, in Belgium, they give you laxatives and they wait I front of the toilet.

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Lots of money has traces of these drugs.


so lets play with big brother

lets fill our bags with substances that mimick drugs and clog them up so bad they will have to re-address the cause and change their ways

While at first blush taking Mr. Valentino's advise to screw with customs at international boarders might seem like a bit of fun I would advise against it. Spending a few extra hours in secondary, records checks, body searches, interrogation and missed connections are probably lover boy's idea of a good time.

Bags are swabbed at random for both drug and explosives residue. Drugs are everywhere and rubbing up against a bag with residue will result in the same positive for either bag. False positives are also quite common as has been stated previously. My advice is to cooperate fully, don't act too outraged and get on with life.

it is miss , not mr, next error....

I have played games like this I was 18 and will for many more

cooperate? no thank you.It is up to you if you wish to sell yourself to the big brother trying to control us

and then.. how can one " get on with ones life" when inepts have all our details

no thank you I will not buy into this hype of the man= good

by the way.. all those check you talk of sadly have never really delayed me any

the good time I/we have had is showing how easy it is to completley neget those silly chips in our passports( 10 secs in a microwave) and the fingerprint scanner

great fun can be had by all


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Do people realize that if you eat something with poppy seeds in it and are tested for heroin, the test will come up positive! :o

Well, more accurately, the test might come up positive.

Only if you were eating seeds from a particular kind of poppy. And it would not test positive for Heroin as that is a semi-synthetic drug derived from Morphine which is processed from Opium. So eating Opium poppy seeds might get a positive for Opium but still unlikely.

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Do people realize that if you eat something with poppy seeds in it and are tested for heroin, the test will come up positive! :o

Well, more accurately, the test might come up positive.

Only if you were eating seeds from a particular kind of poppy. And it would not test positive for Heroin as that is a semi-synthetic drug derived from Morphine which is processed from Opium. So eating Opium poppy seeds might get a positive for Opium but still unlikely.

Partly true. You are right that heroin (diacetylmorphine) is a semisynthetic drug derived from morphine, however it is converted to morphine in the blood, so you would test positive for heroin to the extent that the heroin test is the same as the morphine test.

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Do people realize that if you eat something with poppy seeds in it and are tested for heroin, the test will come up positive! :o

Well, more accurately, the test might come up positive.

exactly, there are way to defeat booze test, drugs test, urine test's

and the funny thing is- they are so simple. Eg to alter ones prints take a few minutes and renders machines useless. millions defeated by $$$

I was involved in a website promoting this.

people mailed me and thanked us for advice until the country we hosted got cold feet.

Even here I have to be careful.

So, in other words, all those big brother tests are, for those in the know -useless-

The verdict is not back on DNA tests. I predict and look forward to when i can inform you that DNA tsting can be defeated too

I am confident it can oneday

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Many years ago, I had a cavity search. The humiliating part was when I noticed that both his hands were on my shoulders!

mmm, not sure what is the mean here

if nothing found you should lay charges at their feet for violence commited upon you

this used to be possible( or so we are told) in places like UK, and other euro places) call a lawyer and get them involved

spoil their day by inisting upon your full human rights( there are so many thing one can do to drag them into overtimes, this making them think twice, not always of coures, but usually this can working), thus clogging up this sillyness and making them amend

for game players such us us ( rember - its Miss thank you very much) put condoms in your bags and that pills that make you not want to poo, smear you bag with XXXX and this will convince may you ave something to hide inside

try and choose someone at the end of their shift ( one can tell, look for the signs) and insist that they stay throughout

remember if you hear the word"policy" just say you do not care, you only care for the law and you wish to see it in full...have good lawyers number ready

after 10 minutes of this they will start to regret ( or beat you up and put you in a holding pen- so beware this has happened to one of uor more forceful members, but very rarely and shows how lame the " man" is when they need to do this)

if people do not fight for their rights, which in case yuo are not able to se, are being eroded away at such spped hitlet would be happy

they will all go

people say " why do that" have you not heard of abuses, top agencys losing all the information on its people

are you happy anyone can know anything about you?

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Do people realize that if you eat something with poppy seeds in it and are tested for heroin, the test will come up positive! :o

Well, more accurately, the test might come up positive.

Only if you were eating seeds from a particular kind of poppy. And it would not test positive for Heroin as that is a semi-synthetic drug derived from Morphine which is processed from Opium. So eating Opium poppy seeds might get a positive for Opium but still unlikely.

Partly true. You are right that heroin (diacetylmorphine) is a semisynthetic drug derived from morphine, however it is converted to morphine in the blood, so you would test positive for heroin to the extent that the heroin test is the same as the morphine test.

so many ways to get around a blood test

I just refuse and urine too

this is real libetys and should not be tolerated

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^ Its good to see that ourmaninbangers is back, sorry I mean valentinob29, now we can have more of your junkie stories & irrelevant comments.

When are you going to start to threaten the moderators again bangers, I mean valentino?

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After several months in Chiang Mai, I returned to Canada. Immigration took a swab sample of the inside of my small backpack (which I use to carry my laptop) and detected the presence of cocaine and heroin! What the $?%& ? I've never done drugs, heck I haven't even taken an aspirin in over ten years! So it came as quite a shock to me. Immigration didn`t pursue the matter as they obviously never found any drugs besides that trace amount. Now I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how this could have happened. I sometimes used the backpack to carry stuff like my shoes or groceries, so something must have come into contact with these drugs. The Immigration official told me it was a good thing that it wasn`t detected in New York, where I transitted from, as I could have been in more trouble. A word of advice: Wash your bag thoroughly before returning to your home country!

They could have lied to you to gauge your reaction. I have had the swabs on Jeans at Montego Bay airport in Jamaica and the UK Policeman lied about the presence of cocaine.

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mmm, not sure what is the mean here

if nothing found you should lay charges at their feet for violence commited upon you

this used to be possible( or so we are told) in places like UK, and other euro places) call a lawyer and get them involved

spoil their day by inisting upon your full human rights( there are so many thing one can do to drag them into overtimes, this making them think twice, not always of coures, but usually this can working), thus clogging up this sillyness and making them amend

for game players such us us ( rember - its Miss thank you very much) put condoms in your bags and that pills that make you not want to poo, smear you bag with XXXX and this will convince may you ave something to hide inside

try and choose someone at the end of their shift ( one can tell, look for the signs) and insist that they stay throughout

remember if you hear the word"policy" just say you do not care, you only care for the law and you wish to see it in full...have good lawyers number ready

after 10 minutes of this they will start to regret ( or beat you up and put you in a holding pen- so beware this has happened to one of uor more forceful members, but very rarely and shows how lame the " man" is when they need to do this)

if people do not fight for their rights, which in case yuo are not able to se, are being eroded away at such spped hitlet would be happy

they will all go

people say " why do that" have you not heard of abuses, top agencys losing all the information on its people

are you happy anyone can know anything about you?

So tell us more. What is your goal ? Free intenational trade of drugs and explosives ?

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Mjo, Valentinob is OURMANINBANGERS, returned after being banned from thaivisa with a new nicname. If you want to see whats on Valentiob's ajenda, take a look at some of ourmaninbangers work.....its truely amazing stuff & only stuff a serious WACKO could post. :o

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Mjo, Valentinob is OURMANINBANGERS, returned after being banned from thaivisa with a new nicname. If you want to see whats on Valentiob's ajenda, take a look at some of ourmaninbangers work.....its truely amazing stuff & only stuff a serious WACKO could post. :o

returning? no returning from anywhere dear... no need...and thanks more compliments


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^ Its good to see that ourmaninbangers is back, sorry I mean valentinob29, now we can have more of your junkie stories & irrelevant comments.

When are you going to start to threaten the moderators again bangers, I mean valentino?

and what part of this is relevent dear?

what purpose other than wanting to look like a llittle tell tale ( give up perhaps- it does not seem to be doing you much good darling does it) does your post serve

is wanting human rights for a poor black man sitting in a hellhole wrong?

are you happy with this?

is wanting amore accountabilty from the governments who lose all our personal info on trains ( your MI5

did this recenly no, on a train in UK, great, the world top info collecting agency let it on a train)


is wanting an end to all these ninse procedurs that someone get flaw in seconds, but cost the tax payer a fortune bad?

apart from wanting to look like a broken record with these tell tales, can you please say anything to do with this ? yes/ no/maybe? /nothing to say?

if it helps you feel good- say whatever you like about who you think I am

shall I ebnd it here and make you happy

okay dear, lets play man games



can we move on now swetty?

, but should we not be thinking about this man, and this situation where millions are totally wasted on silly easy to flaw tests

lets instead stop the confict that cause their necessity


and hugs

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mmm, not sure what is the mean here

if nothing found you should lay charges at their feet for violence commited upon you

this used to be possible( or so we are told) in places like UK, and other euro places) call a lawyer and get them involved

spoil their day by inisting upon your full human rights( there are so many thing one can do to drag them into overtimes, this making them think twice, not always of coures, but usually this can working), thus clogging up this sillyness and making them amend

for game players such us us ( rember - its Miss thank you very much) put condoms in your bags and that pills that make you not want to poo, smear you bag with XXXX and this will convince may you ave something to hide inside

try and choose someone at the end of their shift ( one can tell, look for the signs) and insist that they stay throughout

remember if you hear the word"policy" just say you do not care, you only care for the law and you wish to see it in full...have good lawyers number ready

after 10 minutes of this they will start to regret ( or beat you up and put you in a holding pen- so beware this has happened to one of uor more forceful members, but very rarely and shows how lame the " man" is when they need to do this)

if people do not fight for their rights, which in case yuo are not able to se, are being eroded away at such spped hitlet would be happy

they will all go

people say " why do that" have you not heard of abuses, top agencys losing all the information on its people

are you happy anyone can know anything about you?

So tell us more. What is your goal ? Free intenational trade of drugs and explosives ?

thanks for asking,neverdie will like you for that

my goal

part 1 ( ahhhhhhhhhh I can hear neverdie scream and sweety get your note book out, and it would help taking off the cap today, goodboy, treats for goodboys)

big picture- world peace, human rights as a prorty

not making the multi nationals more rich

achieved by so many means to explain I would have neverdie begging me to either stop or to sleep with him!

I think I have fXX him enough ( a joke darling)

in a nutshell ( no pun intended nevers!)

we have to get real, be responsible, stop the bull, loomk at the cause more than how to solve the symtoms, put human rights first

helloooo, wakey, wakey

there is free trade of drugs/weapons in the sense that all those measures have not stopped it

and I ahte to tell you cannot stop ( I can quote many from inside whitehouse, et al who say same)in case you did not notice north korea just sent something over the sea

we must not try to fight people like this in this way

it will never work

instead let us follow the way of truth, peace, compasion and look to what makes them want to do this

quiet neverdie !I was coming to that ( neverdie loves our stance on drugs)

drugs too- so much wasted on failed policys,but not too much today

we should learn from the past

if one cannot see how failed these policys are, how the crooks, drug mafias love these policys, then God help us

right neverdie?


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Had a friendly chat to a customs officer 3 weeks ago. And he said the a lot of the false-positives of drugs done with the swabber are because of the circulation of money. Finger tips handling any kind of drug then handle money the swabber will pic it up. LSD, Meth, etct. Just a light trace will get on your bag while you are packing it. He said it’s extremely common. Then I asked him about real drug traffickers as well. He said there extremely common too.

While I was walking away I was thinking to my self. “lucky the dumb ass didn’t look in my pocket”.

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They could have lied to you to gauge your reaction. I have had the swabs on Jeans at Montego Bay airport in Jamaica and the UK Policeman lied about the presence of cocaine.

How do you know that he lied?

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Mjo, Valentinob is OURMANINBANGERS, returned after being banned from thaivisa with a new nicname. If you want to see whats on Valentiob's ajenda, take a look at some of ourmaninbangers work.....its truely amazing stuff & only stuff a serious WACKO could post. :o

I have had a look at the "agenda" and it makes me think you could be a jealous person. Or insecure to be raving like this, in this post. I for one can not find anything "Wacko" in this "agenda" or untrue.

But I am wondering why you feel it is Kosher to start making snide and nasty accusations about someone you don't know. Or think you know! If you don't agree with his views then debate with logic and facts. So far I find you have added nothing to this topic you are just back stabbing and looking stupid. In future make your comments refer to the question and not to your personal vendetta.

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