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Thaksin coming back?  

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Spoke to dozens of Thais on my last short Jolli...Teachers,Taxi Drivers,shopkeepers,Pui Yai Banns,students and farmers and they all said the same thing...(and without wiffe twisting their arms behind their necks........)......

they WANT him Back..... :o

Well, that doesn't surprise me if you're asking around Mae On. You could hit Thaksins house with a rock from there.

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I'd like to see him come back and face justice, but somehow I think he is smarter than that, the only he will set foot back here is with an extradition order....


who runs away and leaves 76 billion baht in the bank?

he cannot even manage his own affairs successfully, how can anyone believe he could manage the affairs of 60 million people

It seems that the majority in Thailand is pro Thaksin. In any FREE election his party would win again.

What ? Is this a joke ?

No, it is pretty much a fact. :o

I'd like to see him come back and face justice, but somehow I think he is smarter than that, the only he will set foot back here is with an extradition order....


who runs away and leaves 76 billion baht in the bank?

he cannot even manage his own affairs successfully, how can anyone believe he could manage the affairs of 60 million people

He did not run away. He was deposed by an illegal military coup while he was outside the country. Since that time, he has been in no position to get his assets back. :o

It seems that the majority in Thailand is pro Thaksin. In any FREE election his party would win again.

What ? Is this a joke ?

No, it is pretty much a fact. :o

Amazing! What a problem democracy can be for the minority.

I'd like to see him come back and face justice, but somehow I think he is smarter than that, the only he will set foot back here is with an extradition order....


who runs away and leaves 76 billion baht in the bank?

he cannot even manage his own affairs successfully, how can anyone believe he could manage the affairs of 60 million people

He did not run away. He was deposed by an illegal military coup while he was outside the country. Since that time, he has been in no position to get his assets back. :o

he ran away like the coward he is and the first chance he got jumped bail

if he was any kind of a man he would come back and stand side by side with his employees



If this poll had been given Saturday I would have agreed there was at least 50% chance Thaksin would be returning soon.

The events in Pattaya with the ASEAN Summit debacle would have had me saying the current government wasn't going to be around long.

But after Monday's events...I'm back to saying No, Thaxin won't return now.

I think the chance of his return now has dropped down to below 25% now.

But obviously, things can change quickly.

The rumor is he just across the border in Cambodia. But that hasn't been proved.

And there are a lot of rumors, so I don't believe until I see.


The people who illegally removed him from power control everything. Only an idiot would surrender to them. :o

if he came back regardless of the consequences, do you think he would be thought better of or worse of?

Spoke to dozens of Thais on my last short Jolli...Teachers,Taxi Drivers,shopkeepers,Pui Yai Banns,students and farmers and they all said the same thing...(and without wiffe twisting their arms behind their necks........)......

they WANT him Back..... :o

there are 60 million people in Thailand the above is not representative

Spoke to dozens of Thais on my last short Jolli...Teachers,Taxi Drivers,shopkeepers,Pui Yai Banns,students and farmers and they all said the same thing...(and without wiffe twisting their arms behind their necks........)......

they WANT him Back..... :o

there are 60 million people in Thailand the above is not representative

and after the developments over songkran he has lost a lot of support with the reds are looking a lot more like terrorists, also as the governments around the world condems their actions as america did this morning, calling the protesters 'Pro Taksin protesters' and australia yesterday, the man (animal) will have fewer choices of a country to call home

The rumor is he just across the border in Cambodia.

Also this is what many Thais say around were I live.

This was also claimed back in December...................


first , if you have not seen it, watch thaksins BBC interview where when asked if he paying the reds, and say NO then watch this video presentation he made to the reds:

particularly watch for his reaction at the 40 second marker and his fumbling afterwards

anyone who defends Thicskin and says he does not lie can watch him shoot himself in the foot right here

i have sent it to the BBC and CNN already

first , if you have not seen it, watch thaksins BBC interview where when asked if he paying the reds, and say NO then watch this video presentation he made to the reds:

particularly watch for his reaction at the 40 second marker and his fumbling afterwards

anyone who defends Thicskin and says he does not lie can watch him shoot himself in the foot right here

i have sent it to the BBC and CNN already

Just how much lower can this man stoop? He's just a sad pathetic joke, he really is.

It seems that the majority in Thailand is pro Thaksin. In any FREE election his party would win again.

What ? Is this a joke ?

No, it is pretty much a fact. :o

So if the majority of Thais are pro-Thaksin, please explain why in the last election, Thaksin's proxy party did not get the majority of the people's support?

The wife absolutely hated Thaksin a few months ago but today she surprised me by saying "There was never this much trouble when Thaksin was in power. He was strong and Abhisit is weak. Maybe he needs to come back to save the country".

She seems to have forgotten that she hated him for being corrupt and all the other things he did.

I can't believe such a turn around. I wonder how many other Thais feel the same way.

I am not Thai, but I also was not overkeen on Thaksin a few Months back, then someone pointed out to me that did do some good for Thailand ie - Airport, Sky Train, Card for Hospital & Medical treatment, Houses for poor people.

What exactly did he do wrong? did he not pay his Tax ? What has he done SO wrong to make so many people hate him so much? I am dying to know if his wrongdoings overpower his good ideas and things that would not be here now but for him.

I'll speak from personal experience as a rice exporter. He started having the govt. buy up all the rice it could get its hands on from the farmers at about 40-50% higher than the standard rates and storing vast quantities of it in poorly maintained govt warehouses until it could be auctioned off. Only a select few (ie his cronies and family companies) would ever win these acutions even though they bidded lower than what the govt paied for them. So basicialy he used tax payer money to give cheap rice to his exporter buddies and drive legitiamate exporters to Vietnam were the rice is on average between $140-165 cheaper per Ton.

And thats just the tip of the iceberg of Cocksin's corruption. He's got a laundry list of simmilar scams and rip offs where he steals money from the govt to his benifiet and thouse of his friends and family.

Elected politicians are always in the limelight. How much can they steal? Do the leaders in China, India, Taiwan and Malaysia not have cronies? Why are their people progressing faster than Thais? Because the root of the problem does not lie with corrupt politicians who may still have sound policies to develop the country's often neglected hinterlands. The root of the problem lies with people who are not in the political limelight and yet are influential enough to control and maintain Thailand's brand of "contemporary feudalism". What we are seeing now is bascially a peasant's revolt.

Thaksin will come back to lead the country. Then, he will buy out this website and put me in charge. Can't wait to start banning people.

So you are a paid suppoter? 500baht a day to post?

I'd like to see him come back and face justice, but somehow I think he is smarter than that, the only he will set foot back here is with an extradition order....


who runs away and leaves 76 billion baht in the bank?

he cannot even manage his own affairs successfully, how can anyone believe he could manage the affairs of 60 million people

Well, Thaksin certainly isn't perfect and is far from being totally honest (but still better than many others), but he does have a proven track record of pulling Thailand out of its IMF debt. And it seems that the present government is going to help Thailand incur another debt. I wonder who is going to pull Thailand out of this one.

The people who illegally removed him from power control everything. Only an idiot would surrender to them. :D

if he came back regardless of the consequences, do you think he would be thought better of or worse of?

Ask General Suchinda. :o


He sure as hel_l wont be coming back anymore! Especially now since the current government has succeeded in quelling the protests. And I wouldn't be surprised if his family doesn't come back either.


Sawadee Pee Mai, everything seems over now in Bangkok.

Thaksin will never have the guts to come back to lead the red shirted, only know how incite the people to protest, where are his family members? His last ACE card didn't help, its the end for him.


"""Well, Thaksin certainly isn't perfect and is far from being totally honest (but still better than many others), but he does have a proven track record of pulling Thailand out of its IMF debt. And it seems that the present government is going to help Thailand incur another debt. I wonder who is going to pull Thailand out of this one. "

Don't agree about Taxsin pulling Thailand out of the old IMF debt. This is my industry, I know for a act that a strong economy at that time (nothint to do with Thaksin or his policies) generated enough tax receipte to pay off the IMF early. Of course Taxsin, never shy to claim credit, made sure it looked like he personally paid off the IMF.

Next point - Yes there is talk of another IMF boost, but did the Abhisit government generate the need for the funds? NO.

Final point - I agree there is quite a possibility that none of the taxsin clan will ever return to Thailand. What sort of reception would pojaman or the stupid son get when they went shopping in Thailand?


Back to the original question ..................... if events earlier to today have been any indicater of how thngs are going for the Redshirts, nope, he won't be coming back.

It looks now like its all over (and good ridden to the lot of them).


If so in Balls & Chains = hard labor all his life, planting rice and cassava, wattle water hyacinth mats and sell it to OTOP-Outlets for 10 Baht each!


He ain't never coming back. Like someone already said, he made too many enemies over the past couple of weeks and named too many names. Interpol or not, he's probably on his way to Rio De Janeiro by now.

Good luck to him.

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