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Sunken Containers and Skeletal Remains Discovered Offshore


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Hi all,

Some containers with beheaded bodies were found off shore Pattaya.

My wife said this was on Thai Tv this evening Monday. I cannot find any news on that.

Someone knows more?

I cannot find any news reports about this story.

Is your wife certain she heard the words 'beheaded bodies' rather than 'miscellaneous jetsom'

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Yes it was reported on channel 3 news on Monday evening, my girlfriend translated it to me and the story goes somthing like this;

Some fishermen found a certain area quite a few klms out in the Gulf of Thailand where there were excessive ammounts of fish whenever they cast their nets though they would also catch decomposed human remains.

They investigated further by scuba diving down to find a shipping container that appeared to have been there for some time and was corroded, inside they found human remains, this happened a few years ago and the fishermen were reluctant to report this to the police in fear that they could get repurcussions as they suspected it could be mafia related.

Recently though the same fishermen have now discovered a further 5 containers nearby to the first one they found, and they too have human remains inside which also again explained why they would always get a good catch of fish when they cast their nets there.

After finding the additional containers they decided to go to the police hence the report on Monday night, the fishermen that were interviewed on camera though did request anonymity and had their faces blurred out due them fearing that this is related to the mafia.

They also stated that there could be over 100 bodies down there.

Edited by LivinginKata
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Surely there should be more news reports on this?

Channel 3 is a nationwide TV channel and their report on this matter was a good 10-15mins long and very thourgh, they even showed exact locations on a map where the 5 containers are situated and a lengthy interview with the fishermen.

Havn't tried, but it might be on their website, although it will be in Thai.

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My wife said she saw this on TV and thought it was at Samui, the kids said Sattahip...I did a long search on the internet and came up with nothing...Thanks for the info, Sotsira...I imagine more information will be forthcoming.

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My wife said she saw this on TV and thought it was at Samui, the kids said Sattahip...I did a long search on the internet and came up with nothing...Thanks for the info, Sotsira...I imagine more information will be forthcoming.

Yes, the fishermen were from Sattahip and the containers are located about 20km off the Sattahip shoreline.

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Surely there should be more news reports on this?

Channel 3 is a nationwide TV channel and their report on this matter was a good 10-15mins long and very thourgh, they even showed exact locations on a map where the 5 containers are situated and a lengthy interview with the fishermen.

Havn't tried, but it might be on their website, although it will be in Thai.

I meant the Pattaya news. If this happened in Pattaya, surely the Pattaya news teams would be all over this hot news. I wonder why there haven't been any more reports on it, and nothing online either..

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Surely there should be more news reports on this?

Channel 3 is a nationwide TV channel and their report on this matter was a good 10-15mins long and very thourgh, they even showed exact locations on a map where the 5 containers are situated and a lengthy interview with the fishermen.

Havn't tried, but it might be on their website, although it will be in Thai.

I meant the Pattaya news. If this happened in Pattaya, surely the Pattaya news teams would be all over this hot news. I wonder why there haven't been any more reports on it, and nothing online either..

Maybe the quota for bad news was reached that day.Remember that a while ago the papers were ordered to announce only a certain amount of bad news.

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Surely there should be more news reports on this?

Channel 3 is a nationwide TV channel and their report on this matter was a good 10-15mins long and very thourgh, they even showed exact locations on a map where the 5 containers are situated and a lengthy interview with the fishermen.

Havn't tried, but it might be on their website, although it will be in Thai.

I meant the Pattaya news. If this happened in Pattaya, surely the Pattaya news teams would be all over this hot news. I wonder why there haven't been any more reports on it, and nothing online either..

Maybe the quota for bad news was reached that day.Remember that a while ago the papers were ordered to announce only a certain amount of bad news.

Yes, I remember that...

Its very bad if they are keeping news like this a 'secret'... hundreds of dead bodies?!

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My wife said she saw this on TV and thought it was at Samui, the kids said Sattahip...I did a long search on the internet and came up with nothing...Thanks for the info, Sotsira...I imagine more information will be forthcoming.

Yes, the fishermen were from Sattahip and the containers are located about 20km off the Sattahip shoreline.

Sattahip = Thai Navy, so if the bodies turn out to be Rohingya, no need to ask what happened. Not sure how Rohingya would have found their way to the Gulf of Thailand, though - given a lift by the Thai Navy?

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Surely there should be more news reports on this?

Channel 3 is a nationwide TV channel and their report on this matter was a good 10-15mins long and very thourgh, they even showed exact locations on a map where the 5 containers are situated and a lengthy interview with the fishermen.

Havn't tried, but it might be on their website, although it will be in Thai.

I meant the Pattaya news. If this happened in Pattaya, surely the Pattaya news teams would be all over this hot news. I wonder why there haven't been any more reports on it, and nothing online either..

perhaps because of possibly why it took years for the news to come out in the first place...

fearing that this is related to the mafia.
Edited by sriracha john
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If the corpses were intact, I would speculate on a human trafficking deal gone bad, but having them beheaded first? I can see where some could speculate on the speculation surrounding Thaksin's 2003 war on drugs* as the timing would be right. If their hands have also been lopped off (speculation), then identities will be pretty hard to prove much beyond sex and ethnicity.

* "The committee (appointed by the military junta) concluded that as many as 1400 of the 2500 killed had no link to drugs. However, while giving the opinion that orders to kill came from the top, the panel failed to establish sufficient evidence to charge Thaksin or anybody in the Cabinet or police force with the murders."

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If the corpses were intact, I would speculate on a human trafficking deal gone bad, but having them beheaded first? I can see where some could speculate on the speculation surrounding Thaksin's 2003 war on drugs* as the timing would be right. If their hands have also been lopped off (speculation), then identities will be pretty hard to prove much beyond sex and ethnicity.

* "The committee (appointed by the military junta) concluded that as many as 1400 of the 2500 killed had no link to drugs. However, while giving the opinion that orders to kill came from the top, the panel failed to establish sufficient evidence to charge Thaksin or anybody in the Cabinet or police force with the murders."

If it was a organised "final solution" of those involved in drugs then there will be many whiteness's who know part or the whole story, far too many to keep quite for long.

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The story has just been received by my office. You have to understand that this is not a Pattaya news story and therefore takes longer to arrive. It will be posted on my website later. Sorry, I don't know details yet as it has not been translated to me. I will post again when it has been published.

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You have to understand that this is not a Pattaya news story and therefore takes longer to arrive.

Ah yes, according to the OP, just two days! Well done!

I am puzzled as to why I received the story today and not yesterday. Possibly the journalists wanted to gather more information before they released the story or maybe they promised the national TV Channel that they would release the story to them first and delay the release to local organizations. Anyway, we have it now and it will appear on the website later, but the story is mosty speculation with little evidence.

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I just saw Thai TV news and they sent out divers to check the containers. There are indeed skeletal remains around the containers and the news reader said that they are possibly related to deaths from to the troubles in Bangkok some years ago. They will bring up the containers over the next few days, so I suppose we will get some factual information at that point.

Cheers, Rick

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I just saw Thai TV news and they sent out divers to check the containers. There are indeed skeletal remains around the containers and the news reader said that they are possibly related to deaths from to the troubles in Bangkok some years ago. They will bring up the containers over the next few days, so I suppose we will get some factual information at that point.

Cheers, Rick

i saw a report from Channel 3 last night where one of their own reporters went out on a fishing boat, donned his dive gear & went down with a film crew and filmed everything at the container site.

there will be no sweeping this one under the carpet now.....

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I just saw Thai TV news and they sent out divers to check the containers. There are indeed skeletal remains around the containers and the news reader said that they are possibly related to deaths from to the troubles in Bangkok some years ago. They will bring up the containers over the next few days, so I suppose we will get some factual information at that point.

Cheers, Rick

i saw a report from Channel 3 last night where one of their own reporters went out on a fishing boat, donned his dive gear & went down with a film crew and filmed everything at the container site.

there will be no sweeping this one under the carpet now.....

If it does turn out to be the missing from 1992, there won't be much of an effort to clear it up from a military installed government.

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It's very hard for conventional ships to drop sea containers safely and quickly over the side. Heavy cranes and powerful winches are needed, very low vessel free board and possibly an open stern. These attributes are not easily found on conventional container ships (that rely on port facilities to move containers), oilfield supply vessels (cranes not heavy enough) or fishing boats (just too small).

However, military amphibious landing craft....

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The local fisherman said that skulls have been turning up since about 1994, so it could well be related to 1992. Only skulls have been found, I think, with no other body parts, probably over 100 so far. The containers are located at 3 different points, about 7 nautical miles, 40 n. miles, and 70 n. miles off the coast.

In the aftermath of the 1992 demonstrations, there was a lot of speculation and rumour about what happened to the bodies. I seem to remember an area in at least one military base being dug up and the other popular theory was that the bodies had been dropped from planes into thick jungle bordering Burma. It could lead to renewed efforts to make public the details of the investigation that was carried out. Don't hold your breath though.

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I just saw Thai TV news and they sent out divers to check the containers. There are indeed skeletal remains around the containers and the news reader said that they are possibly related to deaths from to the troubles in Bangkok some years ago. They will bring up the containers over the next few days, so I suppose we will get some factual information at that point.

Cheers, Rick

i saw a report from Channel 3 last night where one of their own reporters went out on a fishing boat, donned his dive gear & went down with a film crew and filmed everything at the container site.

there will be no sweeping this one under the carpet now.....

If it does turn out to be the missing from 1992, there won't be much of an effort to clear it up from a military installed government.

17 years later, corroded containers, salt water and fish...I reckon that the best one could hope for are dental records, if records were even kept that long. And I'm guessing that with skulls being picked up since 1994 (which I recall the fisherman saying), there are many who will not be able to be identified. Very sad...

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