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Thai Language File Share


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What is a good place to find Thai language files to share (obviously taking care not to violate copyright issues :) the main ones wich i wont mention for filesharing and hunting ISOs (i am sure we already know them all) have an extremely limited Thai language seed content;

links please?

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It's against forum rules to post links to (illegal) file-sharing sites. So it may be hard for anyone to post a reply without breaking the rules.

However, I'll wait a bit to see if anyone does have any legit suggestions first.

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It's against forum rules to post links to (illegal) file-sharing sites. So it may be hard for anyone to post a reply without breaking the rules.

However, I'll wait a bit to see if anyone does have any legit suggestions first.

And what are "file sharing sites"? Are you referring to public tracker sites? If you are, why do you think they are illegal?

There has yet to be a successful prosecution against any public tracker site.

Although the owners of Pirate Bay were found guilty of assisting copyright infringment, the verdict is merely that of a District Swedish Court and under Swedish law is not valid until all appeals have run their course. This is a matter of several years.

(On the other hand, criminal charges have been brought against entertainment companies such as Twentieth Century Fox for attempting to hire hackers to damage the running of these sites. )

My point:

I grow increasingly tired of non-lawyers and their Intellectual Property Law fetish. This area of law is a highly contested discourse, it is not something written in stone. It has been evolving against the interests of consumers over the last 15 years. See the remarkable powerpoint show by the Stanford law professor, Lawrence Lessig, here: http://randomfoo.net/oscon/2002/lessig/free.html . This really highlights how outrageous and shocking the legal play has been by the corporations.

The nasty TRIPS agreement that determines the worldwide position on IP laws was a band of company execs imposing their will.

"a small number of executives from US based multinational corporations imposed their private interests onto public international law"-- Susan K Sell, in 'Non state actors and authority in the global system' 91, 91-92 (2000).

"the credit for the conclusion of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights is solely owed to advocacy by Trans National Corporations"-- Prof T Muller, p38, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 15:1, (Winter 2008)

You are being played; gamed by a fantastically powerful and effective corporate machine that is trying to convince you that doing things you always did before are now illegal. They have not succeeded in court, but their spending power on advertising and control of the regulatory insitutes has done most of their work for them.

The law is highly complex in this area as it depends on public and private international law as well as domestic legislative frameworks. This is ideal for the corporates who are keen for confusion to reign. Surely I am not the only one who feels like the cumsponge gimp.

Do yourself a favour, leave links to the public tracker sites alone. They are not illegal.

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