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4 days :)

And? Hopefully you will report that today is 46 days, yes? I hope so.

Well its never too late. You can start again. Good luck !

Hope he is not back on the Wagon.

"Back on the wagon" means he is NOT drinking, so I hope he is still ON the wagon.

Though I am worried that he is not on it, otherwise he would have posted, if he is now posting elsewhere again then why not HERE :)


Livinginexile has not posted for 10 days now, so still has 5 days of his ban to go.

He has been seen because he can still log on and read, but he cannot post.

I hope that things are still going well for you Livin'


Living in Exile hope you are well! Be good to hear your news. Stopping drinking doesn't mean your problems go away! Take it easy and stay strong it is definitely worth it.


Good luck mate. Don't know why you got banned but there's still heaps of us rooting for you & awaiting your return


Hi everyone,

Like I said in an earlier post, since I have stopped drinking my temper seems to flare up in a seconds notice.

That is what got me banned for 15 days. I posted a response to someone that in high sight should not have been posted.

It got me 15 days in the sin bin :)

But I have to tell you, in the last couple of weeks I have calmed down a lot. Those feelings of "impending doom" have almost vanished. I am starting to feel a little more centred and the world doesn't seem like such an unfriendly place any more.

I am now 55 days sober!

I am here to tell you that if I can do it ANYONE can.

So to you Philo, don't give up mate. Just keep trying and sooner or later in spite of yourself, you will get sober. But one thing I have learned is we can't do it on our own.

My sponsor told me recently "an alcoholic alone is in bad company".

Another pithy saying but these little AA sayings really do help me stay sober.

Thank all of you who has added to this thread and to those that have kept in contact through PM's during my sojourn :D

Thank you all for being here for me.


56 days today.

I think it's easy stoping drinking.

The hard part is staying stoped.

The longer I am sober it becomes clearer the reasons I used to drink.

I just don't feel comfortable in my own skin.

They say it slowly gets better. I hope so.


If your not comfortable about your skin then do something about it. When you have done that , then that is one reason less to drink. Do things to build up your own self esteem

Just learn to live with yourself and maybe do not be so harsh on yourself. A piece of advice i had from someone who cared about me once was to 'learn to like myself.'

All these things helps keep self control and to deal more effectively with others.

People can give you lots of encouragement but at the end of the day, they say god helps those that help themselves.


Great to hear you are stilll knocking out the days LIE. You will grow to feel more comfortable in your skin, in time, gradually, bit by bit,and perhaps in ways you don't really expect or could never predict. You have a world of amazing opportunities ahead of you and you can seize them with both hands....something you could never do when you had a bottle in your hand. Keep going strong. God bless you

If your not comfortable about your skin then do something about it. When you have done that , then that is one reason less to drink. Do things to build up your own self esteem

Just learn to live with yourself and maybe do not be so harsh on yourself. A piece of advice i had from someone who cared about me once was to 'learn to like myself.'

All these things helps keep self control and to deal more effectively with others.

People can give you lots of encouragement but at the end of the day, they say god helps those that help themselves.

58 days!

To see my wife and son happy means everything to me.

As that old song goes; some days are diamonds, some days are stone.

But every week gets better and life is great.

In 4-6 weeks time we are planning on coming back to Thailand.

That would have been impossible 2 months ago.


If you can do 58 days then you can do as many days as you want to do. You will get some bad days, but dont we all. but whatever the problem you have, drink wont solve it, just give you more problems.

Despite all the moaning and groaning and complaining on this site and others, there is alot going for being in Thailand and being with Thai people. Come back, enjoy your life and make those around you happy. Its worth the effort.

If you can do 58 days then you can do as many days as you want to do. You will get some bad days, but dont we all. but whatever the problem you have, drink wont solve it, just give you more problems.

Despite all the moaning and groaning and complaining on this site and others, there is alot going for being in Thailand and being with Thai people. Come back, enjoy your life and make those around you happy. Its worth the effort.

My wife, son and I have decided to come back!

Probably in mid September, by that time I will be 4 ths sober.

59 days today.

I feel so good. :)


Well done LIE.

I have tried everything - including leaving my family and chewing benzo's to try to control the fear, depression, anxiety and panic attacks that arises from half a day sober.

But my wife commanded I returned to beer (the medication is now thrown in the toilet by her).

I am not ready yet - and if I'll ever be, I will have to do it by myself - and it has to be in a hospital.


Nearly 2 months already

Well done Livin'

Getting back to Thailand soon gives you something else to look forward to, but may be a real test of your resolve.

Too easy to drink in Thailand - still you'll have 4 months under your belt by then, so I think you'll cope


I just discovered this thread. I, too, congratulate you Livinginexile. And I agree with Pattayatony.....the thought that you will "just have one drink" is your worst enemy......because people who have been addicted to alcohol or other things cannot control their behaviour after the first taste. That is how they got addicted in the first place.

If you want to stay happy and for your wife and son to be happy with you too, CONSCIOUSLY PROGRAMME this thought into your head in as many ways as possible....."I will never have one more drink......not even one"......

Possibly also :"But if I am feeling down or depressed, I can do A, B, C or D to feel better".

For me, listening to Latin music is A, going for a run or doing pushups is B , going for a drive in the mountains is C.

These have already proven themselves to me as being great for my mood.

I think it is good to have these fallback positions because the previous programming was to do with having a drink/smoke. What alternatives have proven themselves for you ???

Before I had these fallback positions, I always weakened.

AA has some GREAT techniques thought out by many people who thought LONG and HARD about this matter.

Why try to re-invent the wheel ?

Well done LIE.

I have tried everything - including leaving my family and chewing benzo's to try to control the fear, depression, anxiety and panic attacks that arises from half a day sober.

But my wife commanded I returned to beer (the medication is now thrown in the toilet by her).

I am not ready yet - and if I'll ever be, I will have to do it by myself - and it has to be in a hospital.

Have you tried acupuncture treatment ?

If not, try to find the best acupuncturist in your neighborhood and make a few appointments, preferably 2 or 3 sessions per week for 3 or 4 consecutive weeks...if you need that long.... :)

Try it!

It that doesn't help I recommend you go to the Monks in Thailand.


IIf you want to stay happy and for your wife and son to be happy with you too, CONSCIOUSLY PROGRAMME this thought into your head in as many ways as possible....."I will never have one more drink......not even one"......

I can't agree with the above point.

Personally I just think about not drinking TODAY...if I can keep it within a 24 hour period I don't need to project about tomorrow , the next day, week, month or year

The thought of never having a drink again for as long as I live is pretty daunting....so I just dont think I will have one today thanks. :)

Well done LIE.

I have tried everything - including leaving my family and chewing benzo's to try to control the fear, depression, anxiety and panic attacks that arises from half a day sober.

But my wife commanded I returned to beer (the medication is now thrown in the toilet by her).

I am not ready yet - and if I'll ever be, I will have to do it by myself - and it has to be in a hospital.

Hi philo,

I know exactly what you mean by the above comment.

The fear kept me from getting sober in Bangkok so I made the decision to come home to Australia, I knew I had no hope in Thailand.

It took me another month to bite the bullet and do it and I must be honest, the first week or so was awefull. The fear, depression, anxiety and panic attacks allmost overwhelmed me.

Philo it really is worth the effort. Perhaps you need some time out away from your drinking evironment. Can you go home and check in to a detox for a while and get some time under your belt?


Great to hear all goes well for you in Oz,

I've been following this thread from the beginning and still feel positive thoughts for you.

Good on yer, mate.


Hey - just read this thread... good on you for choosing to do this huge thing... hope it's all still going really well...

I gave up drinking about 23 or so years ago.... the first year was really hard... now I have a very occasional drink but it usually makes me feel pretty sick - or stupid! Having other people to relate to about it helps heaps... :)

Well done LIE.

I have tried everything - including leaving my family and chewing benzo's to try to control the fear, depression, anxiety and panic attacks that arises from half a day sober.

But my wife commanded I returned to beer (the medication is now thrown in the toilet by her).

I am not ready yet - and if I'll ever be, I will have to do it by myself - and it has to be in a hospital.

Do you put ice in your beer? I find that makes it last longer, whenever I'm drinking outside in a food court or somewhere, and gives you something to fidget with when you're waiting for them to bring the next bottle. It should help with the hangover as well, but I can't say I've ever noticed that.

I managed four days off the drink this week, and remembered every bar I went into and every beer I drank; I even had a definite feeling of deja vu in the last place, which apparently I also went to on last Sunday night; so I think I'll not count that as a binge, even though I had no intention of drinking alcohol when I went out. Or pretened to myself I had no intention...

Very best of luck Philo


60 days!

2 months!

I have not had a drink for 2 months!

Unbelievable, I any of you knew me you would know just how much of a miricle that is.

Ok....3 months here I come :)

Hey! I know what a miracle that is... maybe I do know you. ROFLMAO

Keep doing what you're doing now, I'll hold a thought for ya Livinginexile.

We got today and no person, place, or thing... can ever MAKE us take a drink again.

For me it just aint an option. I exhausted that road long ago.

60 days!

2 months!

I have not had a drink for 2 months!

Unbelievable, I any of you knew me you would know just how much of a miricle that is.

Ok....3 months here I come :)

Hey! I know what a miracle that is... maybe I do know you. ROFLMAO

Keep doing what you're doing now, I'll hold a thought for ya Livinginexile.

We got today and no person, place, or thing... can ever MAKE us take a drink again.

For me it just aint an option. I exhausted that road long ago.

Thanks Ding, I appreciate the thought.

62 days today.

Gee I sleep a lot now. So different from 2 months ago, I was up all night and when I did it was only a half sleep of sorts. I think I am catching up.

My blood test results came through today. The way my liver felt I was sure I had done some permanent damage but everything is A OK.

The only thing he could pick up was slightly hign iron count.

I feel fighting fit at the moment.

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