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All The Silly Old Arguments, Brit/american English

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I don't mind if people want to learn the British version of English over the American version. However, be aware that if your child wishes to work with Americans, he will be assumed to be a homosexual. That is clearly another advantage for the British version. Cheers!

It's called English because...well... it's English not American right?

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England lost its empire. I suppose its only natural that the English cling to the pitiful notion that England owns the English language. They don't. Next ...

and of course America is still trying to GAIN one... Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea... great success too! hehe

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I would prefer my child to be taught by an irishman than an american. Just look at how the americans have changed the english language and the spelling. There is American english and there is english. I want my child to learn english not american

Over the years I've had dozens of Thais remark that my spoken English is far more understandable than others from UK, Oz, NZ or Ireland.

"R"s are not evil. It's OK to pronounce them.

"U"s are overused. Delete them when they add nothing.

English is capitalized when referring to the language. Youf today don't know noffin.

AcTuAlLy oLd bOy iTs sPeLt "NUFFIN" nOt NoFfIn!

So in a nutshell old chap...your English is CRAP!


Rodders (The Yoof of today)

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England lost its empire. I suppose its only natural that the English cling to the pitiful notion that England owns the English language. They don't. Next ...

and of course America is still trying to GAIN one... Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea... great success too! hehe

Our empire is not based on literally colonizing other countries. That was your thing. How did it work out for y'all in the end?

Don't Thread On Me?


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I don't mind if people want to learn the British version of English over the American version. However, be aware that if your child wishes to work with Americans, he will be assumed to be a homosexual. That is clearly another advantage for the British version. Cheers!

It's called English because...well... it's English not American right?

Yes it's English with different national standards. That doesn't mean that English as it is spoken in the UK is any more correct or proper than the other national standards.

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I don't mind if people want to learn the British version of English over the American version. However, be aware that if your child wishes to work with Americans, he will be assumed to be a homosexual. That is clearly another advantage for the British version. Cheers!

It's called English because...well... it's English not American right?

Yes it's English with different national standards. That doesn't mean that English as it is spoken in the UK is any more correct or proper than the other national standards.

Hmmm bit like Chinese if not the same as spoken in China is just as good right? yea right!

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Certainly, if it wasn't for the British the French would be speaking German

Wrong. We'd be speaking Russian.

Three quarters of all German men and equipment was lost fighting the Russians.

NIET! 3/4 bit of an exageration! anyway for such a small nation we ain't done too bad - and still a power on the world stage - and STILL supporting our cousins across the Pond (mores the pity) and we stood up to the German jackboot when all else floundered - and it was only just over 50 years ago (post-colonies etc.).

Come on give us a break! think Shakespeare etc. think Good Queen Bess! think fish and chips and leave us be...

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I don't mind if people want to learn the British version of English over the American version. However, be aware that if your child wishes to work with Americans, he will be assumed to be a homosexual. That is clearly another advantage for the British version. Cheers!

Are you sure? I mean, just because someone works with Americans doesn't automatically make them a homosexual, although I can see how many might assume so. :)

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There is only one England. It is an island off the west coast of France, in Europe.

There is only one English. It is a language from an island off the coast of France, Europe.

Hollywood movies are great, and it sounds good as a colloqial version, but don't believe in Hollywood movies when you leave the cinema. It's just an illusion. That was all it was and all it can ever be. Don't be fooled by the technicolor.

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I was on a small ferry going to Koh Samui when I couldn't help but hear a conversation between three young white men. From their accent I thought they were from central Europe somewhere. All of a sudden I realized they were speaking English. It turns out they were Cockney's from London England. I suppose my Canadian English sounded just as strange to them. I normally write in British English (complete with all the "U"s) but the Word dictionary in my computer is American English and is always trying to correct me.

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I was on a small ferry going to Koh Samui when I couldn't help but hear a conversation between three young white men. From their accent I thought they were from central Europe somewhere. All of a sudden I realized they were speaking English. It turns out they were Cockney's from London England. I suppose my Canadian English sounded just as strange to them. I normally write in British English (complete with all the "U"s) but the Word dictionary in my computer is American English and is always trying to correct me.

errrm? change the dictionary? I have English 'English' on mine... go to langauge and change? it will say ENon your status bar at bottom of your screen? right click and choose English (United Kingdom) not English (these here United States of Amerrrrica) :)

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The American educational system produces confident speakers with nothing to say. They can talk. They do talk. Hence, we've all met the loud mouthed American. Usually he's several blocks away but you'll be eavesdropping. The problem arises when you consider if you want your child to sound like that sort of rent a gob. The answer is no.

A major problem with the American laguage is it's lack of formailty. When quoting Obama's diction over Brown's accent as an example to support American English I would ask you to consider the content. The lack of formality leads to a nauseus coloquial style, that is 'hip' and banal. Brown is able to communicate with a dignity and gravitas, as are most leaders, and why? Because they did not learn American English nor do they sound like Yanks or jerks.

Even worse is the personality transplant that seems to occur throughout Asia when foreigners learn the American version. They become 'cute', extrovert, obnoxious and bubbly. Pure froth; no substance. High fiving for all their worth or is that just for those learning tecnical English? Totally unsuitable. And yet I've never come across a student who has 'become' Ozzie, a Paddy or even a Canadian! Moreover, they don't acquire the British stiff upper lip; they simple acquire an effective level of communication and retain all their own national traits.

I don't see Australian or Canadian or New Zealand or Irish being drawn into this argument. It's the American cousins where the problem lies. Also, consider their lack of prepositons, when you read this Sunday. It's awful. It grates. Any day of the week especially ON Sunday.

There is English pure and simple. Then we have Obama's example, it could have been 50 years earlier if you hadn't shot King; the fine public speaker that he was. Then there was George who tied his language daily, as he did his shoe laces. But George is not alone and the gaffs do not explain the cultural ignorance. A teacher, any teacher, should be able to make multi cultural references, and I think American teachers are most challenged by that. Fact. Where was the potato discovered? Pierre, Luigi and Fernando may well hazard a guess at Bolivia, but good old boy Chuck, red neck still glowing in the sun will tell you 'Idaho!'

Do you really want to have students assessing international public relations with such stock hacknied unacceptable phraseology as 'we'll smoke 'em out.? How do you explain the concept of 'Ground Zero?' And the date for God's sake. You can't even get in step with the world on day-month, which probably explains why you entered WW2 so late, or litres, kilometres , the list goes on. And beyond the pale is calling football, 'socca'. You play baseball that nobody wants, something called grid iron that you couldn't give away to the world, eat a turkey in July when it should be at Xmas [late again] and gave the world that cultural icon 'Halloween' and 'Disney' that the French wisely saw fit to ban from Paris. And while the world is focussed on F1 you go round and round in circles at some place called metropolis 500 until some one hits the concrete and wins. Your own educational system produces numerous tragic high school shootings and if you survive that and graduate a serial killer can always get you.

English isn't the American native language nor is it spoken by the majority, Senor!

It's been an isolated continent for far too long and should learn a little humility, humanity and humus [ cultural interaction ] as it seems to be doing under Obama, who hails from where exactly in Africa?

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Better example:

British snob

I'm a canuck, and as such have been suspended a few times for unacceptable behavioUr, so I changed my behavior.. because it wasn't about U, it was about me..

Thanks for sharing, not that I understand what you are saying. Anyway I was talking about oxymorons in relation to the silliness about the American educational system; it was not directed at you personally in any way whatsoever, eh?

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In my youth I backpacked around the States with my brother and on a Trailways bus was deep in conversation with him when a young Southern lady leaned over and said " Why don't y'all speak English?"

Born and raised 20 miles from the birthplace of Lord Horatio Nelson my dear. Born and raised. :)

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The American educational system produces confident speakers with nothing to say. They can talk. They do talk. Hence, we've all met the loud mouthed American. Usually he's several blocks away but you'll be eavesdropping. The problem arises when you consider if you want your child to sound like that sort of rent a gob. The answer is no.

A major problem with the American laguage is it's lack of formailty. When quoting Obama's diction over Brown's accent as an example to support American English I would ask you to consider the content. The lack of formality leads to a nauseus coloquial style, that is 'hip' and banal. Brown is able to communicate with a dignity and gravitas, as are most leaders, and why? Because they did not learn American English nor do they sound like Yanks or jerks.

Even worse is the personality transplant that seems to occur throughout Asia when foreigners learn the American version. They become 'cute', extrovert, obnoxious and bubbly. Pure froth; no substance. High fiving for all their worth or is that just for those learning tecnical English? Totally unsuitable. And yet I've never come across a student who has 'become' Ozzie, a Paddy or even a Canadian! Moreover, they don't acquire the British stiff upper lip; they simple acquire an effective level of communication and retain all their own national traits.

I don't see Australian or Canadian or New Zealand or Irish being drawn into this argument. It's the American cousins where the problem lies. Also, consider their lack of prepositons, when you read this Sunday. It's awful. It grates. Any day of the week especially ON Sunday.

There is English pure and simple. Then we have Obama's example, it could have been 50 years earlier if you hadn't shot King; the fine public speaker that he was. Then there was George who tied his language daily, as he did his shoe laces. But George is not alone and the gaffs do not explain the cultural ignorance. A teacher, any teacher, should be able to make multi cultural references, and I think American teachers are most challenged by that. Fact. Where was the potato discovered? Pierre, Luigi and Fernando may well hazard a guess at Bolivia, but good old boy Chuck, red neck still glowing in the sun will tell you 'Idaho!'

Do you really want to have students assessing international public relations with such stock hacknied unacceptable phraseology as 'we'll smoke 'em out.? How do you explain the concept of 'Ground Zero?' And the date for God's sake. You can't even get in step with the world on day-month, which probably explains why you entered WW2 so late, or litres, kilometres , the list goes on. And beyond the pale is calling football, 'socca'. You play baseball that nobody wants, something called grid iron that you couldn't give away to the world, eat a turkey in July when it should be at Xmas [late again] and gave the world that cultural icon 'Halloween' and 'Disney' that the French wisely saw fit to ban from Paris. And while the world is focussed on F1 you go round and round in circles at some place called metropolis 500 until some one hits the concrete and wins. Your own educational system produces numerous tragic high school shootings and if you survive that and graduate a serial killer can always get you.

English isn't the American native language nor is it spoken by the majority, Senor!

It's been an isolated continent for far too long and should learn a little humility, humanity and humus [ cultural interaction ] as it seems to be doing under Obama, who hails from where exactly in Africa?

So funny... and true... but the Yanks won't get it

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QUOTE (loquent @ 2009-11-28 23:09:59) *

The American educational system ...

is that an oxymoron , like military intelligence?

Better example:

British snob

I don't think you quite understand "oxymoron", or you wouldn't have used "British snob" as an example of one.

Ah, the American education system at its best! :)

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QUOTE (loquent @ 2009-11-28 23:09:59) *

The American educational system ...

is that an oxymoron , like military intelligence?

Better example:

British snob

I don't think you quite understand "oxymoron", or you wouldn't have used "British snob" as an example of one.

Ah, the American education system at its best! :)

Actually, you are right, and I always knew it. I was just playing a game to see how long it took for some snobola to catch it. Thanks for playing.

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had some consultants out from scotland to support a job 10 years back.............. poor thai's could not understand a word he said.

Nee Bother ! (ended up not paying the bill from UK head office who assured me they spoke clear english before coming out )

There are plenty of people from parts of England with hard-to-understand accents. There are people from parts of the US with similarly difficult accents.

I would prefer my child to be taught by an irishman than an american. Just look at how the americans have changed the english language and the spelling. There is American english and there is english. I want my child to learn english not american

English Irish American all nationalities are capitalized :)

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Obviously, no one here has studied languages on an anthropological level and are reacting to comments in a superficial, nationalistic way. All languages grow and change and anyone with any historical insight will tell you that that the current English the English use was not in use 500 years ago, 1000 years ago, or 2000 years ago. The American English language itself is changing rapidly where today's dialects in America are going through continuous modifications by the influx of new cultures, new ideas, and other factors. Hence, my argument is neither source can scientifically claim to be more English than the other. In closing, let's remember the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all be friends?" :)

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Rodney Kings ACTUAL words:

People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. We’ll, we’ll get our justice....Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out.
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