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Australian Women Arrested In Phuket Over Bar Mat


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incident such as this, had it happen in the best bar in trang, cha-ngaw pub and restaurant,

its gracious lady owner p-timm, would have prabably blessed her and throw in a free drink as well....

such is the major major local attitude difference between phuket and trang where farang are

treated with genuine appreciation and 'thank you for visiting our historical town'.... attitude!

a wealthy former auto dealer, a 200 pounder, also retired there with his tiny thai wife and their little girl.

according to him, trang is the best kept secret in thailand.... to date

where everyone pays only 50 baht for a 5 kilo tuktuk drive.... lol

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Fair question.

I think I was somewhat impartial, although I did say that I would guess she did in fact get abusive to the police. We actually spent so little time on the whole barmat theft or no theft itself that I am not sure anyone made a speculation as to her guilt or innocence of that.

Our conversation was centered on the police not playing this incident in the best manner, and how this opened Thailand up to the hysteria of the foreign press. Each one of them opined that the police should have kept her overnight for the abuse we figured she might have committed, then slapped her with a fine and either sent her on her way or put her on a plane back to Australia. They pretty much agreed that the police put their own sense of pride above the best interests of the nation.

Exactly - they need to train the police in better handling of the irrational drunks or make Bangla Road and Patong into a different sort of place if they don't want to handle what comes with that territory. There is no sign of either and Thailand is the loser. It is such a shame.

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Earlier comments on how a place like Hawaii with a large tourist economy deals with incidents like this demonstates an intelligent way of resolving things for all parties concerned. Unfortunately this won't work in Thailand because the police wouldn't allow it as they would miss out on all the income they generate for themselves. That a bar in Phuket needs the presence of undercover police says a lot.

On Australian radio today there was story after story told from people who had holidayed in Thailand who were robbed, scammed, attacked and abused, and how in nearly every case the police would not lift a finger to help them.  :D One interview with I think the husband of the woman charged was interrupted to put to air a woman who had had a similar problem at the very same bar but who was able to make the case go away by paying the police the equivalent of more than two thousand Australian dollars...  :)

One of the big problems with a lot of these cases is that even if you get bail you can't leave the country for possibly months. Simon Burrowes gets fined 500 baht in the end but spends weeks in jail, loses his job and his flat and incurs who knows how much in other expenses. You can be charged with a second degree felony carrying a maximum 15 year sentence in the US yet they will allow you bail without any mention of surrendering your passport leaving you free to depart the country and return if required.

There is a Thai tourist police, maybe it would be in everyone's interests to have a Thai tourist court to expedite cases like this because forcing someone to remain in Thailand for months awaiting trial for what is essentially a trivial charge is wrong. Does it really require 48 days to investigate the case? How many times do you hear on the news of some serious crime being committed and the local police chief telling reporters how they will have it solved in seven days yet cases like this will take 48 days to investigate? I remember the thread on Thai Visa a few months ago about someone's Thai MIL being charged with shoplifting at Tesco and how she was sentenced and in jail all within days. When foreigners are involved in cases like this then most people who have been in Thailand awhile will assume that it has only got to the present stage due to police not being offered a suitable incentive earlier on. By the way, how's our young hi-so Mercedes weilding Thai murderer these days? Sentenced to how many years and spent how much time behind bars?  :D

If anything good is to come out of this latest incident it will be that tourism from Australia falls futher. Been on a Thai Airways flight from Australia recently? My last couple have been almost empty. The kicker will be when the Thai government throws another hundred million baht towards a promotion aimed at reviving tourism from Australia. Millions will get skimmed off by some officials and a party of highly connected Thais will get an all expenses paid first class trip to Australia to swan about casinos and five star resorts as part of the promotion.  :D

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Lol at this whole post tbh. But ahh no, I'm not saying she is innocent. I'm saying you (and I) don't know until the facts become clear. How do you know she's guilty again? Were YOU in the bar?

There are differing version of events and if you believe her and her friends then she wasn't stealing at all.

edit: yeah you beat me to it bonobo, but he just left himself so open didn't he....

No, I was not at the bar however, I live in Patong and I frequent the Aussie bar a lot. Steve is a personal friend of mine and I also know the managers very well, both expat and Thai managers. What I can say is that there is not one single indication from anyone (including the regulars who live in Patong and drink there) that suggests she did not steal the beer mat. All say the same thing in relation to her running away, being aggressive and abusing the police etc.

So who am I going to believe ? My friends who were there when it happened, or a load of dimwits who say shes not guilty just because ABC news says so ?

What the Aussies should be worried about is the image that this low life, disrespectful thief has cast on the good folk of Australia, not about what might happen to them if they come here.

What sickens me is the fact that this petty crook will probably get a hero's welcome when she gets back. When in reality they should take her passport off her and put her in jail for giving the nation a bad name ! Shame on her !!! :)

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Saw this on the Melbourne news tonight also. Prime Minister RUDD has also put his point in. Not much help tho. Anyway from a police point of view if this happened in Australia (I say if) The case would have to be proved beyond all resonable doubt.. From what I see and read. (that is only from what I see and read) the woman would have no case to answer. Should not have even been arrested or detained. Apparently she had her to friends who admit putting it in her bag as a joke. (if) and if so that would throw resonable doubt on the court. Lesser charge of handling stolen goods the courts would have to prove that she knew the item/s were stolen. BUT this is Thailand and the court system is different. Saw the Aussie bar owner also on the T.V looked so proud of himself good publicity for his Austrlia Bar. What a smug dingo. He states it is theft and basically let the woman rot. Hey Mate what happened to the Aussie mateship. she has four young children aged 1 to 11 yrs so as an aussie you would let her rot in a thai prison over a lousy bar mat and leave her kids without a mum for 5 yrs. You never nicked a handtowel from a hotel ....

Edited by marsteele
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No, I was not at the bar however, I live in Patong and I frequent the Aussie bar a lot. Steve is a personal friend of mine and I also know the managers very well, both expat and Thai managers. What I can say is that there is not one single indication from anyone (including the regulars who live in Patong and drink there) that suggests she did not steal the beer mat. All say the same thing in relation to her running away, being aggressive and abusing the police etc.

So who am I going to believe ? My friends who were there when it happened, or a load of dimwits who say shes not guilty just because ABC news says so ?

What the Aussies should be worried about is the image that this low life, disrespectful thief has cast on the good folk of Australia, not about what might happen to them if they come here.

What sickens me is the fact that this petty crook will probably get a hero's welcome when she gets back. When in reality they should take her passport off her and put her in jail for giving the nation a bad name ! Shame on her !!! :)

Not saying she is not guilty but there is reasonable doublt if her friends say they put it there for a joke then what is the offence. The friends did not steal anything...... Police point of view....

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Have any of you ever seen how farangs can behave in Thailand? Are you all just going to swallow her story? If you have ever been involved in the entertainment industry you know that there is 2 sides to every story. The drunk persons side, and the sober persons side. They will always be 100 % different. My guess is she was wasted. Stole the beer mat to bring home a souvernir. Ran when she was caught red handed.. and the behaved as a total a-hole when the police took her in. A lot of farangs think they are above the law. When are people going to understand that when you travel to another country you need to treat people with respect?

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Have any of you ever seen how farangs can behave in Thailand? Are you all just going to swallow her story? If you have ever been involved in the entertainment industry you know that there is 2 sides to every story. The drunk persons side, and the sober persons side. They will always be 100 % different. My guess is she was wasted. Stole the beer mat to bring home a souvernir. Ran when she was caught red handed.. and the behaved as a total a-hole when the police took her in. A lot of farangs think they are above the law. When are people going to understand that when you travel to another country you need to treat people with respect?

Yes I agree and a police officer have seen more than you can ever imagine. But has to be proved her friends say they did it as a joke.

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Have any of you ever seen how farangs can behave in Thailand? Are you all just going to swallow her story? If you have ever been involved in the entertainment industry you know that there is 2 sides to every story. The drunk persons side, and the sober persons side. They will always be 100 % different. My guess is she was wasted. Stole the beer mat to bring home a souvernir. Ran when she was caught red handed.. and the behaved as a total a-hole when the police took her in. A lot of farangs think they are above the law. When are people going to understand that when you travel to another country you need to treat people with respect?

With respect I don't think that is the point. The point is the damage this sort of exposure causes. Of course you have to deal with drunks and if they are uncontrollable then fine them, bang them up for the night but this charade does nothing to help the country which I want to see a better place for my three children - all Thai / English. She may be guilty, maybe not but there is the case of the bigger picture and it's time the Thai police in these tourist areas realised that. If she is in the wrong then get her out don;t make a spectacle for yourselves and leave the country open to ridicule and derision when it is just not necessary to do so. Jeez we are trying to get more people here not less. It's no good arguing whether it was a chicken bone or a fish bone that choked you - get it out or you will die - arguing about will help nothing.

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Sleaze and corruption. The 2 things I most associate with Phuket. This latest debacle is evidence of that. If the victim had a spare 60kTHB I'm certain that she'd be a free woman. Steer clear of the place is my advice. There are much better places to spend your money in SE Asia.

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apparently the bar is full of video cams so I dont see what the point of speculating is, the truth should come out

oh what the hel_l she probably spent more on booze and food than what the mat was worth anyway but the publicity this gives to bar is worth it. Throw the woman in a thai jail for a 50 baht mat .... True Aussie tradition to eat our own. Come in spinner I need the publicity...

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Have any of you ever seen how farangs can behave in Thailand? Are you all just going to swallow her story? If you have ever been involved in the entertainment industry you know that there is 2 sides to every story. The drunk persons side, and the sober persons side. They will always be 100 % different. My guess is she was wasted. Stole the beer mat to bring home a souvernir. Ran when she was caught red handed.. and the behaved as a total a-hole when the police took her in. A lot of farangs think they are above the law. When are people going to understand that when you travel to another country you need to treat people with respect?

:) Thailand is periodically working on that! :D It's a never-ending circle: 1. Foreigners come for a cheap holiday, then the Thais 2. rip off foreigners (and please don't tell me otherwise, been living here for a decade now), 3. make some decent money, 4. get fed up with foreigners, 5. get rid of them by the usual means, 6. are surprised that their income is reduced, 7. want the money back 8. want the foreigners back, and back to 1.

We're at stage 6 right now, which is a pretty fragile stage.

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Have any of you ever seen how farangs can behave in Thailand? Are you all just going to swallow her story? If you have ever been involved in the entertainment industry you know that there is 2 sides to every story. The drunk persons side, and the sober persons side. They will always be 100 % different. My guess is she was wasted. Stole the beer mat to bring home a souvernir. Ran when she was caught red handed.. and the behaved as a total a-hole when the police took her in. A lot of farangs think they are above the law. When are people going to understand that when you travel to another country you need to treat people with respect?

An australian who apparently (?????) stole from another Australian Saw the owner of the bar on TV giving his point of view.

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This would be the same Aussie PM who's flight got turned round last month and who's state-funded week in Pattaya was stuffed up by Thai protestors?

Yes I can see why he's denouncing Thailand this week :)

Yes I saw Kevin RUDD (Aust Prime minister) on tV he is getting involved so there must be a lot more to the story if a prime minister makes a comment on a single issue No different to the president of America making a point on a single issue with the prime minister of Australia even having a voice on this little issue then I think thailand is further killing it's tourist industry

Edited by LivinginKata
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Reminds me of the song, "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie

What were you arrested for, kid

And I said, ;Littering. And they all moved away from me on the bench

there, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I

said, And creating a nuisance And they all came back, shook my hand,

and we had a great time on the bench, talkin about crime,

She was initially interview re a beer mat, but then escalated the situation by trying to bribe the police.

It is NOT a Thai tourist issue, it is a common stupidity issue on a slow news day.

The silly twit will probably sell her story to a celebrity magazine and make a fortune.

The misreporting is scandalous, Annice Smoel is NOT in prison, she just has to report to the police station every few days.

Try bribing the police in your own country and see what happens!

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Where did Bar Girls come from ?? Or was that some BoGon comment ?? No bar girls on staff in ozzie bar..

Her mates say they did it.. Now they are back safely in Oz they made a stat dec to say it was them..

Everyone was quick to blame mr Burroughs for his problems here.. Which stemmed from them not liking his black face.. and doing months here, weeks in jail.. losing his home and job in the UK.. For nothing..

Now some pissed up hen night shielas (and I have seen some of the worst behavior from ozzie women on Bangla) get caught nicking stuff, and its 'poor little them'..

They dont even deny they did it.. So wait out your bail..

Yes, Thats how I see it. The stat decs were made by her friends safely back in Oz. She did it. She is a petty thief who got caught.

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I think everybody is missing the point here. I live in Phuket and drink, with the owners, in the Aussie Bar. They do have Thai police that drink in the bar and also Thai security. I have been in there a couple of times before when the same situation has occured, the customer has been requested to pay for the item, told he/she not welcome to drink in the bar that evening, all forgotten.

The woman ran from the police, supposedly down the seafront. As we all know, Thai police don't like to exert themselves, so a run down the beach probably P#$#ed them off even more.

The owners of the bar have spent good money improving all the facilities in the bar, i don't care what anyone says, if it was your property, whether in Thailand, Aussie, UK etc stealing from the place is still and always will be common theft, whether it be a bar mat or a TV. Ok, saying the woman will be jailed is maybe a bit over the top, 24 hours in a police cell would have maybe done the trick.

Like a previous poster has put, a little studying on the country you are visiting, a bit of common respect for people living and working in the area, whether Thai or Farang.

As a mother of 4 children, she should have been hehaving slightly better. If one of her children had been caught shoplifting in the local supermarket, said it was a joke, i am sure as the mother she would have accepted that, think not. Probably a good beating for the Kid. So, why should she be any different.

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The women involved state their was absolutely no abuse of of Thai Officials or Police in a radio interview in Melbourne this morning.

They stated they told Police they were the ones who had played the prank and confessed to Police at the Station where they had accompanied the woman detained by Police.

It was revealed the bar Owner was not even in Thailand at the time of the event and was just making assumptions in his comments about drunken and abusive behavior of the women.

The bar mat is worth no more than $12AUD and his claim of $60 was just an exaggerated guess.

This story and events is far from over in Australia.

The story was also front page news on most of the major daily newspapers all around the country to day and on all news and Current Affairs TV programs last night.

Thailand is certainly getting a bad rap down under with many contributors stating they will either never go to Thailand or never return to Thailand.

I am sure there will be many more developments in Australia to day on this story

As said in previous responses this will have a massive negative impact on Australian tourism to Thailand

Radio interview


Edited by COBRA22
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I run an entertainment venue in Australia for 30 years. I woke up to the fact as early as 20years old-- that the best thing that could happen to a promotonial product (like a branded advertising Barmat) was to have it flogged. ---As this meant the product advertised was a success and it would sell well..... I would still put on an act and chase it down the road.

As an old copper told me back then ''you don't prosercute someone for stealing your milk money''

Thailand is different of course and that's why people come---because its poor---rediculess, exciting and dangerous things happen here. The Bad publicity will probably balance out --by haveing the Thai holiday brand but in everyones face again ( though it's for all the wrong reasons)

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Everyone talks about the death of the Thai tourist industry. There will be no death. This one story is not some nail in a coffin. There is no coffin. Tourists will be coming from countries all over the world to Thailand for decades, etc. to come. Stories like this have been happening for a while now. Western tourists may come less due to economic reasons, but I doubt these stories have any lasting effect. Tourism from the Middle East is picking up in Thailand, and I doubt they care how some Aussie woman was treated in this case.

Thailand's attractions are it's beautiful beaches, tropical weather and cheap prices. Yes, as it gets more expensive that could have bad affects but I'd say it would take about 20 years for Thailand to modernize and become more expensive than comparable Western destinations, or perhaps it will never get that bad, who knows.

I do think the police should now just get on with it, as I think she has got the message. Just let her go with a fine and let her go home. Yes, it's all a bit ridiculous. I have no idea how rude or not she was, but I think she must have not acted too kindly to them or I doubt they'd be caring this much, regardless of what some people think about how much they hate farang.

I think the biggest threat to Thai tourism is if Myanmar ever opens up and allows mass tourism. Then they'd have some big competition as Myanmar has many islands and beautiful beaches of its own.

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I can't seem to post a link but if you paste the address below into your browser it has a newsclip on Australian TV channel 9 in which they show the barmats in question. This program has all the impartiality of Fox News by the way.


Pretty good looking barmats. I reckon more than one tourist has thought they would be a good souvenir or that they would look good in their bar at home. The owner of the Aussie Bar must be so sick of having them stolen buy drunken tourists. He is right to press charges. Those people who submitted the stat decs saying they did it are her friends safely back in Australia. Time to face the music just like she would have if she was back in Oz. Although in Oz they probably would have added resisting arrest charges for running away from the cops. How dare she think she is being treated unfairly and that the Thai Police overacted just because she is an Australian and in Australia it is acceptable. In Australia it is not acceptable to steal barmats from pubs. Too many Australians base their opinions of Thai justice on that stupid and insulting Nicole Kidman movie "Bangkok Hilton" Anybody who feels any sympathy for this woman open your eyes and you will see that she is a petty thief and being dealt with fairly and appropriately by the Thai authorities and that the bar owner is the real victim. Do the crime do the time.

Edited by chiangmai4121
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"the women who supossedly put the mat in her bag filed statements from Australia."

Great friends, these. They pull a prank on a friend, abandon her, and then admit their guilt after they return to Australia.

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