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From the Thai consulate web site:

Recommendations for foreigners with Non-Immigrant Visa “O-A” (Long Stay) while staying in the Kingdom

· Upon arrival, holder of this type of visa will be permitted to stay in Thailand for 1 year from the date of first entry. During the one-year period, if he or she wishes to leave and re-enter the country, he or she is required to apply at the Immigration office for re-entry permit (single or multiple) before departure. In the case of leaving the country without a re-entry permit, the permit to stay for 1 year shall be considered void.

· At the end of the 90-day stay , the foreigner must report to the immigration officer in his or her residence area and report again every 90 days during his or her stay in Thailand . The foreigner may report to the police station if there is no immigration office in his or her residence area.

Does anyone here have any experiance in reporting to there local police station?

I live between Chiang Mai imigration and Hang Dong.

Are there any benefits (time, ease,etc ) in reporting to my local police sation rather than CM immigration office?

I'm curious.



You have to report to Immigration. Not a Police Station. You can report by post if it is a distance away.

What website was that? Because it is wrong.


Looked at UK Thai Embassy and it says this.

4.2 Once having been in the Kingdom up to 90 days, applicant must report himself / herself to the authorities concerned and every 90 days, also report can be made by post by fill up the form TM.47 which can be obtained from immigration office.

Maybe only the US. sites say this. It is wrong and the police will not deal with this. It has to be Immigration. Some people have to do a 2 day trip to report their 90 days as their Immigration Office is far away.


Maybe the websites are correct and the way it's handled in-country is wrong.

It certainly wouldn't be the first time.

There are plenty of posts on here saying the rules say 'this' but imm deals with it like 'that'.


The only way to know for sure is to try it. But leave yourself time to visit your assigned immigration office if it doesn't work out.

It also states it on the Thai Embassy Thailand Thai Embassy link


That's the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website not a embassy website.

That is why all the embassies and consulates mentioned have the same wrong information posted. They have just copied the same wrong info onto their website.

You cannot report to the police.


Agree with UbonJoe, you cannot report at the police station. The only thing I know you can report at the police station is the notification of a foreigner staying at your place, all other immigraiton reports have to be done at your immigration office.

Agree with UbonJoe, you cannot report at the police station. The only thing I know you can report at the police station is the notification of a foreigner staying at your place, all other immigraiton reports have to be done at your immigration office.

Thank for making things clear, we have enough bad info out there. :)

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