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J Avenue Scb Bank Gripe..


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Incompetence to the point of uselessness is becoming irritating. I wonder how some people get promoted to the point where they become counter productive. The accounts below are an example of one man at one branch of one bank being, quite frankly in my opinion - Useless.

I’m not interested if your opinions are “if you don’t like……..” because a response like that is as useless as the officious muppet at the bank…

Also, it shouldn’t be necessary but I read a lot of this forum so, if you are a smart arse who is going to write a daft one-liner reply… Don’t bother reading on…just skip over the thread.

For those remaining, here goes…. Apologies for this being a little boring, but I’ve found myself left in a state of significant irritation at how one mans incompetence can waste my time.

1) Approximately 6 months ago: I wanted to pay a GBP £ check into my Thai SCB savings account and was told by the manager at the SCB J Avenue account that I would have to pay the check into the branch at which I opened the account.

Not wishing to drive to SCB plaza on Ratchada I tried the nearest alternative SCB branch on Thonglor nearer Sukhumvit. Check deposited without issue apart from the 45 day wait (standard in Thailand for a foreign currency check).

2) Approximately 2-3 months ago: My Passport was at the Embassy for renewal (pages full). With my bank book, an old passport, the note from the Embassy stating my passport was being renewed and driving licence in hand, the same branch Manager at SCB J Avenue refused to let me withdraw money over the counter (I had an ATM card, but wanted to withdraw more than B20,000 and didn’t want to waste time making numerous withdrawals).

Again, I made the required withdrawal without issue at the nearest alternative SCB branch on Thonglor nearer Sukhumvit.

3) Today: I wanted to pay a US$ check into my Thai SCB account. As I was at J Avenue anyway I thought I would try at the J Avenue SCB branch. The very same manager rejected me again. I asked him why this could be done at the nearby branch and if he does not know the regulations why is his first response ‘Cannot. You have to go to Head office’. He could not answer so my reaction was just to tell him he’s useless and that he’d once again wasted my time. I went to the other branch where once again the transaction was made without issue.

I’ve been here long enough to know the regulations and many of the things I attempt (i.e. with banking) are repeat exercises where I know the regulations and limitations.

So… Moan over –

I am left wondering. What is the best way to deal with these people? I encounter them in many places…

You know, those semi-officious puppets who stand tall, but are remarkably ineffective at dealing with anything other than simple every day situations and so often result in unnecessary wasted time….

I have the receipt from the second branch that proves its fine pay in a foreign currency check at somewhere other than the head office. I have my idea anyway, but I’m curious, in other (your) opinions would it be worth the time of passing by and show this to the Manager in question, thereby pointing out his error and request that he makes himself more aware of the regulations or at least be prepared to do something more than say ‘cannot’ if he doesn’t know…

I’m getting tired of these reactions and often find that in other circumstances forcing the issue works (i.e. service staff in shops etc)

If the manager in question were to manage a branch outside of a busy area I imagine that he could cause foreigners greater issues simply because he doesn’t know…

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I understand what you are saying ... no easy answer to your quandry ... many of us have encountered the same sort of situation ...

i don't think rubbing the receipt in his face would make any difference ... he might think/say that THEY made a mistake by processing it, and he would perhaps feel justified in his stance by rationalising that you were a rude person who didn't deserve to be helped anyway ... but seriously thinking through the sequence of events? researching the actual correct answer to the question? providing different service to the person who came after you? I wouldn't count on it

When you say later that "forcing the issue works ". Well it might in terms of getting what you want at the time because they want to avoid a (bigger) scene, but again not necessarily because they recognised anything fundamentally wrong with the way they acted initially.

Sometimes I think that some folks just don't 'get it', different songsheet, clash of cultures whatever. I could suggest you write a letter to the CEO, but seriously I think we both know that customer feedback in Thailand is generally about as welcome (and useful) as a pork chop in a synagogue (or is that a mosque)?

anyway, for now at least, jai yen yen and a gin and tonic

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I like that phrase 'Jai Yen Yen and Gin & Tonic'.....

And which is it? ... no one provides customer feedback because they know nothing will be done about it... OR... is nothing done because no one provides feedback ?

Let me share some insights.

About two years back, a European bank bought about 40% shareholding in a very poor performing Thai bank, but on the agreement that the foreign bank would take over the daily operations of the bank.

As the foreign bankers got deeper into the existing daily operations they were absolutely horrified at what they saw. It became obvious that very few of the existing Thai staff (many of them employed by the Thai bank for decades and in senior positions) had any insights whatever into how to actually position and run a bank, total internal focus / no outward customer satisfaction checks of any sort, confusing policies / lack of knowledge of operating policy, and more.

They have now transformed the bank into something completely different, and it's now very customer focused, clear policies, lots of internal training. etc.

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There may be some truth in what that manages says as I know Bangkok Bank can only handle foreign funds at major branches that have a foreign exchange counter. At least that was the case some years ago - have not had reason to check since. But agree that bank managers do like to be as negative as they can at times. But it is not only the foreigners - they can be even more obstructive to there Thai customers.

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You can see bank personnel's eyes just light up when they see that you opened the account at a different branch. They just love to use the line "You need to go to the opening branch".

Unfortunately i managed to open my TMB account at Taprajan. One of the most traffic congested pain in the ass places to get to in the city. I enjoy my annual trip there to pick a bank balance verification paper for my visa.

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Unfortunately, it's always a bit trial and error because very often it depends of your style of doing business and personal taste, which means that the right person / organization for someone is not always the right one for someone else. Sometime it also depends to have the right introduction.

For small business it's no point to ruin your day because of a stupid bank teller. For a bigger one, a bit of research usually pay off.

For me, I always remember these words of wisdom from my wife : "If he were smart, he wouldn't be doing this job, so what do you expect ?"

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... would it be worth the time of passing by and show this to the Manager in question, thereby pointing out his error and request that he makes himself more aware of the regulations or at least be prepared to do something more than say ‘cannot’ if he doesn’t know…

I would've done that the first time this problem occurred. I would firstly try another branch to make it 2 out of 3 successful attempts and then embarrass the h3ll out of the bloke - talk loud, make sure his staff can hear, make sure they all understand what he said and what the other branches did.

Maybe he'll shoot you, but it might be worth it. :)

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