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Clearly it was AEA. He had the rope around his neck, over the rod in the closet and then around his hands. I bet if they measured, if he was sitting on the bottom of the closet with his arms raised over his head, the rope would not be tight. It would take him folding his arms over his head like throwing in a football (soccer ball) to make the length shorter (his arms and the rope). If he passed out, he would fall, his arms would stretch out making the length longer again, and relaxing the rope. Maybe the knot did not loosen due to the type of rope, or some other problem.

OK...We are getting closer to an explanation of the actual logistics of the alleged activity.

Without an explanation though, of how he was able to stimulate himself to orgasm. C'mon. We've had every other type of speculation so far. And no, I don't think I am being morbid or sensational. After all, this is the crux of the matter!

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DAVID Carradine’s lawyer thinks there may have been “foul play” in the actor’s death after he was discovered hanging in a Bankok hotel closet.

Carradine, 72, was found dead in his room in a Thai hotel on June 3. There have been several claims to the cause of his death including suicide and that he died as a result of a sex act gone wrong.

However his lawyer Vicki Roberts said: “I believe that there may have been foul play. Anybody could stage a suicide after a murder.” His manager Chuck Binder claimed the star’s hands had been bound behind his back and a footprint on the bed did not match his shoes.

The legendary actor was best known for his roles in the TV series Kung <deleted> as well as his part in Quentin Tarantino’s movie Kill Bill.

Actress Uma Thurman said she was “devastated” by the news of the 72-year-old actor’s bizarre death with a rope tied to his neck and body. Thurman, his co-star in the epic Tarantino blockbuster, said: “It’s heartbreaking. I am devastated.”

Quentin Tarantino, Michael Madsen and Rob Schneider all said there was no way Carradine, who came from an acting family dynasty, would have killed himself.

“I am still in a state of shock,” said Tarantino who directed Carradine in the two-part Kill Bill in 2003 and 2004. Schneider said: “I am convinced there was no way he would have killed himself.”

- Daily Express (UK) / 2009-06-08


Sounds to me just another example of the media gone mad to make money. As we know sadly there is alot of money to be made from people's death's particularly celebs. The more bizzarre the story the more money they can milk it for. The truth is normally not so exciting but Kung <deleted> Assasins...now we are talking...$$$$$$...................Won't be following this craziness any further. Stinks of another media circus to me.

The family's lawyers are going to prosecute any media outlet that publishes the photos???

This is a sad story and everyone feels bad for the relatives but they cannot say they will change the media culture in this country. they will/should not change the rules for one person, no matter how famous he is. Thai media always show photographs we would never see in the west without searching for it. this does not mean that it's right, it's just the way it is.

The major papers of virtually every one of the 50 United States printed photos of naked Arabs being tortured in a concentration camp in the presence of attack dogs and lesbian soldiers. Can they really complain about a photo of one dangling thespian tastfully shown from a non-frontal vantage?

The family's lawyers are going to prosecute any media outlet that publishes the photos???

This is a sad story and everyone feels bad for the relatives but they cannot say they will change the media culture in this country. they will/should not change the rules for one person, no matter how famous he is. Thai media always show photographs we would never see in the west without searching for it. this does not mean that it's right, it's just the way it is.

The major papers of virtually every one of the 50 United States printed photos of naked Arabs being tortured in a concentration camp in the presence of attack dogs and lesbian soldiers. Can they really complain about a photo of one dangling thespian tastfully shown from a non-frontal vantage?

Nice try Jum, the defending all things local thread is on page 2.


Whatever the cause of death I will remember the many times I enjoyed the Kung <deleted> series and the grasshopper references and his many other talents.

RIP David

David Carradine's death linked to secret kung <deleted> sects

David Carradine's family fear he was murdered to silence his investigation into deadly underground martial arts organisations.

The actor was found hanging in a hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand on Thursday, at the age of 72.

His family is waiting for the official cause of death - but they refuse to acknowledge he may have committed suicide or died taking part in a dangerous sex game.

Instead they want America's Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) to probe the possibility he was killed by assassins.

During an appearance on Larry King's talk show on Friday lawyer Mark Geragos revealed Carradine was investigating secret kung <deleted> societies, whose members had the motive and means to kill him.

When the topic was raised by a panelist on the show, Geragos responded, "Absolutely. What that means is connected to martial arts and his interest in martial arts. So there is a suspicion of foul play. That may be the first area where they should look."

- WENN.com / 2009-06-08

Personally I think this is total garbage. A hit is meant to look like a HIT! a warning to others that's why its a hit. So they do the hit and tie a shoe lace around his neck and willy. Makes this super powerful secret society look a bit gay doesn't it :)

Would the mafia or Bikie, drug gangs do this? I..dont...think....sooooo


While I am first to acknowledge that Thai police are among the most corrupt in the world, some of the tripe coming out of the US press about this case is very arrogant and very insulting to Thailand. Even with corrupt police, sometimes things are more or less obvious, and I think the auto erotic cause of death appears to be almost definite. This is really not some big mystery anymore. I don't think they should allow the FBI in on this case. It was not that hard to solve. Let the family and fans grieve and move on ...


Very sad news. I heard it from an ex member of the Grateful Dead who spoke to a close friend of David's in the USA. He was assured by him that David was a very happy guy and pleased the way his life was going. In short no way could he imagine him killing himslef.

Whether that is accurate or not I am not prepared to guess at.

IMO Sex game went wrong? possibly!.... Someone else was with him? Possibly!..... Murder? unlikley.

Secret Martial Arts sec killed him? Biggest crosk of **** I've ever heard.

First of David Carradine was't a marial artist. Kung <deleted> was very entertaining but the MA in the programme was pathetic. Brandon Lee son of Bruce can be seen in a would be fight scene with David on u-tube and if he slowed down any more he would have stopped. He did do some Tha chi dvds but they were purely commercial investments.

This line has been used before when Bruce died and again when Brandon died. Typicial American/Hollywood tripe with absolutely no foundation to it.

It must have been a better kept secret than who shot JFK and you can bet nothing about this appeared anywhere prior to his death.

Over 4000 sites in a couple of days and rumour becomes fact in the minds of millions.

This lawyer has come up with this wacky idea to cover up the truth. I would trust the Thai Police any day of the week before trusting OJ's lawyer.

If David died during a sex game big deal! Stand up the one with no skeletons in their cupbord (no pun intended)

David Carradine will always be that loveable guy with loads of charisma millions enjoyed watching on the big screen and TV.

Amazing he was still in demand at teh age of 73 which speaks volumes of the man R.I.P

I seriously doubt he had any company in that room. That activity is for the most part done privately. That's one reason it is so often fatal.

Hence, the adjective, auto-erotic which means "producing sexual excitement or pleasure without association with another person or external stimulation."

The FBI's name is invoked because of television shows and movies about a crime fighting organization that is internationally recognized as a premier investigative agency which it is not. A more modern example is the CSI television franchise that leads people to believe any crime can be solved in an hour.

....or 12 minutes without the advertising! Over to you Khun Pornthip...

Please can we have more on the multicoloured underpants and penis shrine? Presumably this is a collapsible executive travel version bought in Beverly Hills as opposed to the larger static displays available in Jatujak? Where can I get one? I hope it wasn't a cheap chinese knock-off from Patpong. I wouldn't be seen dead with one of those.... :)

Couldn't agree more about the FBI by the way. For anyone interested compare FBI official histories on the net with "Public Enemies" by Bryan Burroughs. A cross-dressing J.Edgar Hoover is not straying too far off post... :D

(To all those devoted fans, I'd like to think Mr Carradine would be the first to see the irreverent, funny side to all this)


FWIW I did many martial arts over the years just trying to find the best for the street and when i mixed with kung <deleted> i found these people

to be the most egotistical maniacs I have ever seen. Its like a cult. I found their technique very weak compared to a full contact fighter like

western boxing, muay thai, some karate etc.

The Kung <deleted> schools at least in the usa are money making businesses that pump up the students ego to empty their wallets.

I love sparring them. Sanook mak mak.




Didn't the lead singer in INXS go the same route ? You know who I mean ? The guy that married that blond piece who was the illigitimate daughter of Hughie Greene and the ex wife of the lead singer of that Oirish band ? I struggle with names.

Clearly it was AEA. He had the rope around his neck, over the rod in the closet and then around his hands. I bet if they measured, if he was sitting on the bottom of the closet with his arms raised over his head, the rope would not be tight. It would take him folding his arms over his head like throwing in a football (soccer ball) to make the length shorter (his arms and the rope). If he passed out, he would fall, his arms would stretch out making the length longer again, and relaxing the rope. Maybe the knot did not loosen due to the type of rope, or some other problem.

OK...We are getting closer to an explanation of the actual logistics of the alleged activity.

Without an explanation though, of how he was able to stimulate himself to orgasm. C'mon. We've had every other type of speculation so far. And no, I don't think I am being morbid or sensational. After all, this is the crux of the matter!

bobbin, I think, not jstumbo, seems to know what he's talking about. Other than the "two giant footstep," I'd also be interested. Can we start an AEA thread and leave poor David alone?


What's even harder to believe is the Thai Media got together and made the whole thing up.

All this guy is doing is puting a smoke screen up. Its is so blatantly obvious that it's like something out a comic book

and is more derogatory to the man's memory than the apparant truth.

I really don't give a hoot what David Carradine did in his private life. All I know is he made some good movies which

I enjoyed and spent his life entertaining people like me.

His true friends and fans in the world won't give a dam_n either.

I really don't understand why they think they have to try and cover this up and make it into something it is not.

They only need to look at people Like bill Clinton of Freddy Mercury to realise people don't care about what

you do in your private life these days.

IMO This lawyer guy doesn't give a dam_n about what's happened to David Carradine. All he is doing is

trying to draw attention to himself and ill-advising others for his own ends.

All this talk like there is some sort of cover up is another typical USA conspiracy theory.

Like they weren't planes that flew into the twin towers it was missiles crap :)

It should be the Thai Police and Media that should be prosecuting them not the other way round.


Anybody famous dies in Bangkok is money. The longer the story is milked, the more money is to be made. Especially, when a family is throwing around with wild inventions such as secret Kung <deleted> societies or police corruption and other fould play, journalists of a particular kind have a license to let their imagination run wild.

That is the funny part.

The sad part is that a great actor such as David Carradine has to die in such a way. And that because of these ridiculous media statements of a publicityhungry laywer this whole messy affair is drawn through the media far longer than it would if he would just shut his gob.

If everybody would let the police here do their job, and wait until, as they have announced, the first and most likely last official report comes out in three or four weeks after all the evidence is looked at, David Carradine maybe would have some dignity left.

The attorney hired by the family, Mark Geragos, has gotten Michael Jackson off on a pedophilia charge and OJ Simpson off on a murder charge. He will be able to intimidate the Thai media, but not to the degree he has in the US. His main function is to make sure the US media is afraid to report the truth.

He did not represent OJ Simpson in the murder case. That is false.

Wikipedia on MArk Geragos

I seriously doubt he had any company in that room. That activity is for the most part done privately. That's one reason it is so often fatal.

He is a very wealthy movie star, in BANGKOK, where gorgeous hookers who are experienced in such exotic techniques are available 24 hours a day at bargain prices. I'm not so sure. :)

He was married. Aren't some married men faithful? He was in Bangkok to WORK, not on a holiday. A rich man doesn't have to go to Thailand to pay for sex anyway, plenty of that in LA ... I don't believe he committed suicide, why get started with a film project just to kill yourself? The murder theories are far fetched. Say a hooker killed him, how many Thai hookers have the strength and skill to position his body in a classic auto erotic aphysxiation pose? What percentage (before this incident anyway) do you reckon have ever even HEARD of such a masturbation practice? Sometimes things ARE what they seem ...

Another theory, a hooker helped him get into the pose and then things went bad and the hooker fled. Well, again far fetched, but so what? That is still an ACCIDENT, not murder. The kung <deleted> cult theories ... give me a break, this is clearly being promoted to make his "brand" more valuable after death, cynical and silly.


Carradine's Attorney Believes He Was Murdered

David Carradine's lawyer is calling on Thai authorities to launch a murder investigation, because she believes the actor was killed and his death made to look like a suicide.

Carradine's naked body was discovered hanging in a Bangkok, Thailand, hotel suite on Thursday morning. Local reports suggested he committed suicide, but a statement from Carradine's representative indicates the actor died when a sex act went wrong.

Rumors that Carradine died attempting auto-erotic asphyxiation -- where victims achieve heightened sexual pleasure by restricting their air supply -- are backed up by a quote a Bangkok police officer gave to British newspaper The Sun.

But the star's lawyer and longtime friend Vicki Roberts refuses to accept that he killed himself or died in a sex game -- and is calling on Thai authorities to launch a murder investigation.

Roberts tells RadarOnline, "I believe that there may have been foul play. Anybody could stage a suicide after a murder."

The attorney also denies claims by Carradine's ex-wife Marina that he engaged in sexual behavior that was dangerous to his health during their marriage. Roberts claims the accusations, which appear in papers from the ex-couple's 2001 divorce, are "extremely inflammatory and completely false."

Coroners at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn hospital completed an autopsy on Friday, although the cause of death is not expected to be determined until the results from toxicity tests are in.

- WENN.com / 2009-06-08

Anybody could stage a suicide after a murder.

That's the thing. If it was staged, it was not a stage of a suicide, it was a stage of a sex accident. Anybody could do that? Hmmmm. Alone? I don't think so.

I find it hard to believe that anyone could successfully prosecute any Thai media

that happen more than often. you don't know much about thailand, do you?

I've lived here all my life and in fact i was born here

Carradine's Attorney Believes He Was Murdered

David Carradine's lawyer is calling on Thai authorities to launch a murder investigation, because she believes the actor was killed and his death made to look like a suicide.

Disgusting public posturing and rumor mongering. That lawyer is doing a huge disservice to the family. A proper lawyer will release meaningless standard statements to the media, while quietly working behind the scenes. This shyster appears to threat the case as an opportunity for lots of airtime he would otherwise not get.

Great for the media, the more insane the theories from this person, the longer the story runs, and the more money is generated.

Police was rather clear what they have stated: after the toxicological tests are available, and all evidence is considered, the investigation result will be published within 4 weeks time. Right now it is a case under investigation - nothing more, nothing less. The police should be given time to do their job, and not be harassed with outlandish conspiracy theories.

After they published their report, it is time to evaluate if they did a proper job or not.


The police admit his wrists were tied together. There's a picture of it on Thairath. He tied his own wrists together? Before or after doing the autoerotica asphixiation thing? :)

Thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Dr. Drew also stated on Larry King that autoerotica asphixiation is not performed in

any manner similar to the state of Carradine's body found at death. A footprint on the bed not Carradines. The hotel refused to hand over the cc video immediately.

Suicide? Preposterous.


Another great thread on Thaivisa alive with speculation, rumor, enuendo, personal attacks, and pure BS!!!!. You cannot get better free entertainment any were on the web.

Let the Thai police do their job and see how it turns out, this is not TV were every crime is committed and solved in a hour.

The police admit his wrists were tied together. There's a picture of it on Thairath. He tied his own wrists together? Before or after doing the autoerotica asphixiation thing? :)

Thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Dr. Drew also stated on Larry King that autoerotica asphixiation is not performed in

any manner similar to the state of Carradine's body found at death. A footprint on the bed not Carradines. The hotel refused to hand over the cc video immediately.

Suicide? Preposterous.

I can tell you and i have posted this before the cctv footage was handed over immediately. There was no foot print on the bed. No one entered the room either before carradine returned or after except the maid that found him.

also posted before there was no penis shrine. The picture in thai rath is a fake.

this info i believe is 100% accurate my source i know would not lie to me.

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