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Tourists - Who Is Lying This Time?


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According to TAT, et al, approx 13.5m folks cross the borders into Thailand, every year, of which 3.15m arrive via the local Airport/s - which as dropped by say 20% - which means another 10m or approx one million per month come in by sea or WHY? That is an amazing number of people or are they all rice-buyers from the local 'hood? + 30,000 per day?

I know that in other countries they do this sort of Hollyweird accounting BS - they also devalue their currencies to show higher GDP numbers, etc.

Any ideas of the tru numbers - the 20% Airport hit must be a minimum, surely?

I have a couple buds in Pattaya now and they say - never again - its totally dead.



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According to TAT, et al, approx 13.5m folks cross the borders into Thailand, every year, of which 3.15m arrive via the local Airport/s - which as dropped by say 20% - which means another 10m or approx one million per month come in by sea or WHY? That is an amazing number of people or are they all rice-buyers from the local 'hood? + 30,000 per day?

I know that in other countries they do this sort of Hollyweird accounting BS - they also devalue their currencies to show higher GDP numbers, etc.

Any ideas of the tru numbers - the 20% Airport hit must be a minimum, surely?

I have a couple buds in Pattaya now and they say - never again - its totally dead.



As has already been pointed out, the figure of 3.15 million was for four months, not a full year :)

The last full year for which TAT has published arrival figures is 2007. The arrivals per mode of transport were as follows:

Air: 11,975 thousand (83%)

Land: 2,208 thousand (15%)

Sea: 280 thousand (2%)

TOTAL: 14,464 thousand

/ Priceless

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According to TAT, et al, approx 13.5m folks cross the borders into Thailand, every year, of which 3.15m arrive via the local Airport/s - which as dropped by say 20% - which means another 10m or approx one million per month come in by sea or WHY? That is an amazing number of people or are they all rice-buyers from the local 'hood? + 30,000 per day?

I know that in other countries they do this sort of Hollyweird accounting BS - they also devalue their currencies to show higher GDP numbers, etc.

Any ideas of the tru numbers - the 20% Airport hit must be a minimum, surely?

I have a couple buds in Pattaya now and they say - never again - its totally dead.



As has already been pointed out, the figure of 3.15 million was for four months, not a full year :)

The last full year for which TAT has published arrival figures is 2007. The arrivals per mode of transport were as follows:

Air: 11,975 thousand (83%)

Land: 2,208 thousand (15%)

Sea: 280 thousand (2%)

TOTAL: 14,464 thousand

/ Priceless

So Paul you wanted to know how many do borderruns.

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According to TAT, et al, approx 13.5m folks cross the borders into Thailand, every year, of which 3.15m arrive via the local Airport/s - which as dropped by say 20% - which means another 10m or approx one million per month come in by sea or WHY? That is an amazing number of people or are they all rice-buyers from the local 'hood? + 30,000 per day?

I know that in other countries they do this sort of Hollyweird accounting BS - they also devalue their currencies to show higher GDP numbers, etc.

Any ideas of the tru numbers - the 20% Airport hit must be a minimum, surely?

I have a couple buds in Pattaya now and they say - never again - its totally dead.



As has already been pointed out, the figure of 3.15 million was for four months, not a full year :)

The last full year for which TAT has published arrival figures is 2007. The arrivals per mode of transport were as follows:

Air: 11,975 thousand (83%)

Land: 2,208 thousand (15%)

Sea: 280 thousand (2%)

TOTAL: 14,464 thousand

/ Priceless

So Paul you wanted to know how many do borderruns.

Of the 2,208 thousand arriving over land 1,935 thousand are East Asian nationals. Just over a million of those are Malaysians. You can find all the numbers here: http://www2.tat.or.th/stat/web/static_download.php?Rpt=nmt

/ Priceless

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According to TAT, et al, approx 13.5m folks cross the borders into Thailand, every year, of which 3.15m arrive via the local Airport/s - which as dropped by say 20% - which means another 10m or approx one million per month come in by sea or WHY? That is an amazing number of people or are they all rice-buyers from the local 'hood? + 30,000 per day?

I know that in other countries they do this sort of Hollyweird accounting BS - they also devalue their currencies to show higher GDP numbers, etc.

Any ideas of the tru numbers - the 20% Airport hit must be a minimum, surely?

I have a couple buds in Pattaya now and they say - never again - its totally dead.



As has already been pointed out, the figure of 3.15 million was for four months, not a full year :)

The last full year for which TAT has published arrival figures is 2007. The arrivals per mode of transport were as follows:

Air: 11,975 thousand (83%)

Land: 2,208 thousand (15%)

Sea: 280 thousand (2%)

TOTAL: 14,464 thousand

/ Priceless

So Paul you wanted to know how many do borderruns.

Of the 2,208 thousand arriving over land 1,935 thousand are East Asian nationals. Just over a million of those are Malaysians. You can find all the numbers here: http://www2.tat.or.th/stat/web/static_download.php?Rpt=nmt

/ Priceless

Because they pass the Malaysian border doesn't make them Malaysians does it?

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Air[/b]: 11,975 thousand (83%)

Land: 2,208 thousand (15%)

Sea: 280 thousand (2%)

TOTAL: 14,464 thousand

/ Priceless

So Paul you wanted to know how many do borderruns.

Of the 2,208 thousand arriving over land 1,935 thousand are East Asian nationals. Just over a million of those are Malaysians. You can find all the numbers here: http://www2.tat.or.th/stat/web/static_download.php?Rpt=nmt

/ Priceless

Because they pass the Malaysian border doesn't make them Malaysians does it?

Who is talking about the Malaysian border? When entering Thailand at any border post, you have to fill in a form stating your nationality and passport number. This is what the TAT numbers are based upon (data comes from Immigration). Of the 2,208 thousand arriving at land borders in 2007, 175 thousand were European nationals, 49 thousand were from the Americas and 27 thousand were from Australia and New Zealand.

Maybe there just aren't as many border runners as you think :)

/ Priceless

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Who is talking about the Malaysian border? When entering Thailand at any border post, you have to fill in a form stating your nationality and passport number. This is what the TAT numbers are based upon (data comes from Immigration). Of the 2,208 thousand arriving at land borders in 2007, 175 thousand were European nationals, 49 thousand were from the Americas and 27 thousand were from Australia and New Zealand.

Maybe there just aren't as many border runners as you think :)

/ Priceless

Ok Priceless I'm resting my case.Now back to topic,who is lying. :D

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Who is talking about the Malaysian border? When entering Thailand at any border post, you have to fill in a form stating your nationality and passport number. This is what the TAT numbers are based upon (data comes from Immigration). Of the 2,208 thousand arriving at land borders in 2007, 175 thousand were European nationals, 49 thousand were from the Americas and 27 thousand were from Australia and New Zealand.

Maybe there just aren't as many border runners as you think :)

/ Priceless

Ok Priceless I'm resting my case.Now back to topic,who is lying. :D

Possibly nobody (you never know in Thailand :D ). It is however apparent that the OP can't read, or doesn't know the difference between months and years.

/ Priceless

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what % is doing boarder runs?

I'm not sure but I have only gone to the border once with a reentry permit. We were visiting my wifes family in Chiang Rai and went to Mae Sai just to cross the border and see what they were selling. Upon returning I would say at least 95% if not more were doing the border run thing and the line was incredibly long. My wife went through the Thai citizen line in a matter of minutes while everyone in my line was taking between 5 and 10 minutes. After about 30 minutes my wife asked a Thai official what the problem was and he told her "the border runners" she explained I wasn't one of them and he came over and pulled me out of line (which scarred me because I didn't know my wife spoke to him) he took my passport and stamped it no questions asked and put me right through in a matter of seconds.

Recent posts on TV have intrigued me about the "perpetual tourists" or "border runners" and I am considering doing research in this matter on a sociological and psychological basis. I have a budget from my employer to do this type of thing and my curiosity is really getting the better of me, I really want to know how these people live, work and why they do it. If anyone is interested in participating please by all means PM me it will be confidential.

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what % is doing boarder runs?

I'm not sure but I have only gone to the border once with a reentry permit. We were visiting my wifes family in Chiang Rai and went to Mae Sai just to cross the border and see what they were selling. Upon returning I would say at least 95% if not more were doing the border run thing and the line was incredibly long. My wife went through the Thai citizen line in a matter of minutes while everyone in my line was taking between 5 and 10 minutes. After about 30 minutes my wife asked a Thai official what the problem was and he told her "the border runners" she explained I wasn't one of them and he came over and pulled me out of line (which scarred me because I didn't know my wife spoke to him) he took my passport and stamped it no questions asked and put me right through in a matter of seconds.

Recent posts on TV have intrigued me about the "perpetual tourists" or "border runners" and I am considering doing research in this matter on a sociological and psychological basis. I have a budget from my employer to do this type of thing and my curiosity is really getting the better of me, I really want to know how these people live, work and why they do it. If anyone is interested in participating please by all means PM me it will be confidential.

English teachers, men on the run from the law, poor farang, lazy farang and farang working illegally in Thailand. You should look deep into their psyche and develop a true profile of the person who would subject themselves to a twice a month van ride to the border. Some form of mental illness or proclivity we be uncovered and named after you for the text books. I want to suggest Jungian's Runustoborderincredulous to name what can only be some form of madness. When it becomes a 7 day run those will be some very special people indeed.

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They really need to do something about these farang who just want to cross to Laos or Camb or Burma and come back.. They are trying to live here as tourists and its an insult to the Thai government.

Could revise the visa laws and make them more user friendly. That would be a great start. Secondly, I don't think you can insult the Thai government. Anything you may come up with they would be able to trump it thinking much more bazarre :)

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English teachers, men on the run from the law, poor farang, lazy farang and farang working illegally in Thailand. You should look deep into their psyche and develop a true profile of the person who would subject themselves to a twice a month van ride to the border. Some form of mental illness or proclivity we be uncovered and named after you for the text books. I want to suggest Jungian's Runustoborderincredulous to name what can only be some form of madness. When it becomes a 7 day run those will be some very special people indeed.

There are border runners that have non-O visas that only have to do the border run every 90 days.

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<br />Living in a tourist town with few tourists is, in a word, FANTASTIC! Let's hope it stays this way. The last thing any of us wants is a bunch of farangs clogging up our lives...<br />
<br /><br /><br />

wow, thats a smart response, none of us want the locals out of work, and businesses closing down, which is what will happen.... without tourists !

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Strangely, there was a piece on the 2010 cup in South Africa - they referred to the Confederation cup this year specifically - but the gist of the TV insert was that for every tourist that hits the shores, it supports about 8/9 more people.

By that they must mean right across the board, including trickle-down, I guess. Were that the case there would be no unemployment here in Thailand with +12m tourists each supporting say 8/9 Thais. Not sure what the stats are - maybe someone has them.

Some of these figures do seem rather obtuse.


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Strangely, there was a piece on the 2010 cup in South Africa - they referred to the Confederation cup this year specifically - but the gist of the TV insert was that for every tourist that hits the shores, it supports about 8/9 more people.

By that they must mean right across the board, including trickle-down, I guess. Were that the case there would be no unemployment here in Thailand with +12m tourists each supporting say 8/9 Thais. Not sure what the stats are - maybe someone has them.

Some of these figures do seem rather obtuse.


Comes down to how many in a given period. Tourists don't stay the whole year. Even if they on average supported 8 or 9 jobs, it's sure not for the full year. Probably a couple weeks worth on average, then a new tourist has to come in when they leave. Even at a somewhat low 5,000 per month per person, 8 people would run 5,000 X 8 X 12 = 480,000 baht for a year.

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Strangely, there was a piece on the 2010 cup in South Africa - they referred to the Confederation cup this year specifically - but the gist of the TV insert was that for every tourist that hits the shores, it supports about 8/9 more people.

By that they must mean right across the board, including trickle-down, I guess. Were that the case there would be no unemployment here in Thailand with +12m tourists each supporting say 8/9 Thais. Not sure what the stats are - maybe someone has them.

Some of these figures do seem rather obtuse.


The figures may well be about right.

You have to take into account that a tourist will support 8/9 locals during their stay. A 2 week tourist will not usually spend enough to support 8/9 people for 1 year.

I think that the average foreign tourist stay is 9 days. So if 12 million tourists per year, there would be an average of about 250,000 tourists in Thailand at any one time. If each tourist supported 8 jobs, that would be 2 million jobs.

Haven't you seen the figures? Thailand has nearly full employment! They claim some ridiculous amount like 1.4% or 500,000 unemployed 2007? (I think estimated at about 1.9% now) . Funny thing that a year or 2 ago, falling exports were going to result in 2 million people losing their jobs. They must have done something to avert that.

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Funny thing that a year or 2 ago, falling exports were going to result in 2 million people losing their jobs. They must have done something to avert that.

No silly rabbit... those people are not unemployed... they just moved back home and became "employed" as farmers.

So no need to adjust uneployment. :)

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