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Pensioner Tells Of Thai Prison hel_l


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I haven't a clue whether this man is culpable or not, but what surprises me in this thread is rampant ageism from members of an expat community which must have quite an high average age. This is a man of working age, who for whatever reason has ceased work as a painter & decorator early. From all the comments about 'old boy' and so on one would surmise that he already has one foot in the grave. Yet perhaps those who work in large organisations could tell us how old their boss is? Certainly in my own organisation many of the top people are in their early sixties. I am not quite there (age wise) yet but I plan to be actively employed at 62 and indeed better paid than I am now. In a professional or managerial job late 50s and early 60s are the years when one would expect to maximise one's income.

Edited by citizen33
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I think the problem is that he was acting like he does in his country. :)

Funny.. very funny !! And quite possibly true.

Look, i don't know the guy so i cannot comment on him . But i can repeat what i have said before on this forum in other topics which is that if you come to Thailand with little money and little ability to raise more if needed (as in this case) then IF you get into trouble you have a bad time. If you come to Thailand with money and , most importantly , the ability to raise big amounts of it (not that big by our standards) at short notice , you will have no problems . Everything is solved by money . Rightly or wrongly (on balance i think rightly!!) you can buy yourself out of anything as long as you do it quickly.

If you're the type who gets into fights make sure you've got your ATM card in your pocket. Unfortunately it is the types who get into fights who have no ATM card ... thus the problem.

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I think the problem is that he was acting like he does in his country. :D

Everyone is entitled to there opinion, tell me why so many of the on TV are people so anti-British.

While I do agree sometime British guys here on holiday do get drunk and rowdy as so do Dutch, Norwegian, French, Russians Americans,etc etc so not only down to the British.

At the end of the day when you anti-British need help in wars were is the first country you turn to for help, Holland, Norway, France………NO to the good old British Isles.

I am British and dam proud of it. :D

I do live in Thailand when not working overseas sometimes taking me wife with me, When I return home I like the peaceful life doing all the things a good responsible man should unlike lot on TV, bitching about everything under the sun, complaining about Thai people, Thai culture , etc etc. If you would just sit back and relax and enjoy what life you have instead of bitching & complaining I am sure you would really like living in LOS :) but there again so people are just cut out for bitching and complaining as that's all the no. :D

....and violent and messy and obnoxious and ugly and loud and abusive and racist and a down right embarrassment to the whole human race. :D

NO wrong!!!!! all those people we sent in prison ships to OZZ long time ago :D

I don't know how people from HMP Australia can ever talk about the reputation of Brits, Your entire country/history is build by our rejected prisoners. Try looking at your ancestry before complaining and judging us Brits all the time......

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....and violent and messy and obnoxious and ugly and loud and abusive and racist and a down right embarrassment to the whole human race. :D

Yeah, unlike our Australian brethren and their "white Australia" policy :)

Or those good fellows who caused the race riots on Manley beach last New Year. Or at the tennis...I could go on...But I won't :D


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Whose to say the Welshman didn't start the fight and the guy acted in self defence and just pushed him away and just perhaps the taffy was really pi--ed and the guy just wanted to get out of his way and have a quiet drink, if this was the real scenario that later comes out in court I am sure we will have the same posters who are now making judgement about something they know nothing about their song would change, and some of you posters from over the pond stop making assumptions as it makes you sound foolish, of course this sort of thing doesn't happen there does it.

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Thailand is one of the most political, backstabbing, machievellian of societies . Or haven't you noticed the political events of the past couple of years?

It's because they have no honour or sense of duty to their own people.

It's all about money and furthering their own ambitions.

In Thailand violent aggression is just not tolerated. Of course it happens, but whoever becomes involved in a violent dispute and someone gets seriously hurt or killed, than be prepared to suffer the consequences, either by injury, death or a long prison sentence.

Erm, war on drugs, Tak Bai massacre, shootings of foreigners by off duty cops, Politician's son killing off-duty Policemen in nightclubs etc, etc.

It's certainly tolerated in many cases.

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So british !


Yes, that's what I am thinking too!

Whenever you read about these violent drunken episodes 99% of the time it is a Britt!

What is it with these people?

Unlike the Aussie that just shot someone in cold blood after a drinking session in Chiang Mai :D :D

True, true but they are very few and far between :D

But come on you gotta admit...The vast majority of these drunken violent incidents are perpetrated by the British.

And one constantly reads the main reason the Britt’s move to Thailand is to escape the exact same thing!!

Go figure. :)

I am English and sorry to say, I have to agree with you.

Probably the most inhospitable and shadiest ex pats living in Thailand are the Brits.

They also seem to create problems in whatever country they live in. The holiday areas of Spain have become a playground for British thugs.

This is because destinations like Pattaya and Phuket attract the lower class of Brit. They seem to thrive within the illicit bar and sex industry scene, many being the real owners behind the Thai names.

Even the old retired coffin dodger Brits appear aggressive and probably have a dubious past.

This sort of behaviour between the Welshman and the other hooligan doesn’t surprise me and as more come over from the land of no hope and no glory, we can expect a lot more problems in the future.

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Anybody seen this thread?


In this case, the farang could easily have a fractured skull, the way his head hit the bar. Yet the reaction of many posters? Som Num Nah!.

Yes i saw that thread and would like to be consistant, there is enough evidence to show that fool started a fight and deserved what happened to him ..... would you have prefered it if the fool had hit the innocent Thai worker and he suffered the same damage (or was it all going to end happily ever after?), if fat fool was to have died or fractured his skull it would have been an unfortunate incident.

As for this boyo ive know footage to give my expert analysis on.

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