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100,000,000 Baht (tax Free)


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If you were given 100,000,000 baht (tax free) would you still live in Thailand? I ask the question to see if people live in Thailand because of income reasons, or if they had enough money would they live somewhere else.

The beauty of the culture and the people might outweigh the perceived benefits of living in a more developed country for some people. Others may feel that modern amenities would be nicer. How would you decide?

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If you were given 100,000,000 baht (tax free) would you still live in Thailand? I ask the question to see if people live in Thailand because of income reasons, or if they had enough money would they live somewhere else.

The beauty of the culture and the people might outweigh the perceived benefits of living in a more developed country for some people. Others may feel that modern amenities would be nicer. How would you decide?

Why? Have you just been given 100,000,000 baht tax free? :)

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If you were given 100,000,000 baht (tax free) would you still live in Thailand? I ask the question to see if people live in Thailand because of income reasons, or if they had enough money would they live somewhere else.

The beauty of the culture and the people might outweigh the perceived benefits of living in a more developed country for some people. Others may feel that modern amenities would be nicer. How would you decide?

Why? Have you just been given 100,000,000 baht tax free? :)

No.......I would be in New Zealand living in a stone house on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean (probably talking to whales). But I would still visit Thailand from time to time.

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I would have been out of here faster than the new ferrari would have been ordered! But I would not have lived in the home country, maybe the south of Spain or in Florida! A few years there would have done me good, even if I do not like most americans that I have met.

They can't be all bad! (ok, have a go at me!)

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The grass is always greener on the other side :)

Not sure about that but for that amount of money you could have a better life in other countries which you could not have withouth that money? (Now that is a bad sentence).

If it was about 25.000.000 I would have stayed here, but no ferrari, hello, it is not even enough.. .

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No.......I would be in New Zealand living in a stone house on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean (probably talking to whales). But I would still visit Thailand from time to time.

and pay happily NZ income tax whereas in Thailand you would live tax free :)

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I have no where near that in my bank account but I live comfortably, so if i got 100,000,000 my life would be a lot more comfortable but I would still be in Thailand for the forseeable future. Certainly until Im in my 40's when I plan to move on to another country anyway.

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If you were given 100,000,000 baht (tax free) would you still live in Thailand? I ask the question to see if people live in Thailand because of income reasons, or if they had enough money would they live somewhere else.

The beauty of the culture and the people might outweigh the perceived benefits of living in a more developed country for some people. Others may feel that modern amenities would be nicer. How would you decide?

some people choose Thailand because they own a 100mm Baht (or more) and because Thailand is one of the few countries which does not tax their income and where their money fetches double, triple and in many cases a multiple of value compared to other countries (which might have a better infrastructure and a better climate).

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No.......I would be in New Zealand living in a stone house on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean (probably talking to whales). But I would still visit Thailand from time to time.

Dunedin.... sorry mate, all whales killed for research. You could live on Bluff Hill, and listen to the Polar bears fighting on the pole.

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New Zealand is a nice country indeed. For people in Europe it is and was since decades a favoured dream place to emigrate.

As nice as NZ and its people are its cold for long parts of the year, is boring and too far away from the rest of civilisation, NZ and OZ were always the realistic option for Brits at little bit of effort could easily make it possible.

IMO Monaco would be the best place to live with all that money, and is the place that is far less accessable unless one has a worthy bank balance.

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Oh....... I sure wouldnt be :) I would spend a year or two travelling :-) then buy a house in Kiruna or Abisko, the north of Sweden, where I would come and stay every summer and when I get tired of travelling and its cold and dark here in winter then I would go back and stay in Thailand for a while :-)

I actually really like being here in Sweden and I wouldnt give up this place so easily :-)

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New Zealand is a nice country indeed. For people in Europe it is and was since decades a favoured dream place to emigrate.

As nice as NZ and its people are its cold for long parts of the year, is boring and too far away from the rest of civilisation, NZ and OZ were always the realistic option for Brits at little bit of effort could easily make it possible.

IMO Monaco would be the best place to live with all that money, and is the place that is far less accessable unless one has a worthy bank balance.

Appr. 2m € would probably not be enough to have a financial carefree life until death in Monaco. But the French Riviera and Provence are beautiful indeed too.

And so are countless places around the world.

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100% I would still live here in Thailand. I would expand my buissness and Vacation more. Increase some charity donations, and simply enjoy life here...much like I do now but with less money.

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Not even USD$3 million.

Stay put and add it to the *funds to be loaned* section of my balance sheet, and lend it all @ 500-1000k increments at a "pretty high but perfectly reasonable for you" rate (15% p.a.).


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If you were given 100,000,000 baht (tax free) would you still live in Thailand? I ask the question to see if people live in Thailand because of income reasons, or if they had enough money would they live somewhere else.

The beauty of the culture and the people might outweigh the perceived benefits of living in a more developed country for some people. Others may feel that modern amenities would be nicer. How would you decide?

Yes I would, In a huge house with and top of the range BMW car and Ducati motor bike parked in the garage.

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Yes I think I would live in Thailand.

100 million baht is barely 3 million US dollars.

The U.S is a very expensive and wasteful place to live. You won't believe the junk you would buy sometimes and the overpriced fashion stuff.

With 3 million in the bank account you will be lucky if the socialist government would leave you a million tax free to live on. A house in L.a. already costs about 500,000 USD and another 100,000 for a nice car. Would you believe insurance on a car in Los Angeles costs more than the car itself over 5 years? That leaves about 400,000 US to live on. 40k a year you might be able to survive for 10 years before you have to come back to retire in Thailand.

Not mentioning the UK, a pack of cigarettes cost 10 pounds!

New Zealand is a beautiful place to live, however there's not much to do other than the good clean weather and scenery. The culture and food lacks comparing to Thailand. New Zealand must be the farthest place on earth. The nearest continent other than Austrailia must be antarctica.

Austrailia? It was someting like 40 degrees celsius in the shade last time I went there. Don't forget the top most dangerous snakes, spiders, and sharks.

It took some teething and a culture shock but I've learned to live in Thailand, sufficiency economy from the king and to be happy with what I have. Somethings you learn in Thailand you can never learn or experience in any other country on this earth.

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Having spent the last year living and working in NZ I must say it is not a bad place to live in certain areas.

I was not overly impressed with the 8 months I spent in Auckland but Taupo on Lake Taupo in the middle of the North Island is very nice.

The food is OK IF you like pies of many varieties but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of a traditional dish such fish and chips used to be in the UK or hamburgers/pizza and hot dogs in the US.

There are a lot of chinese/vietnamese/Thai/indian restaurants etc around.

It is winter now and when I first got there a year ago my winter clothes were a long sleeved shirt and some trousers and thin shoes. I froze my nuts off as I got caught in a hailstorm going home from work.

I went into the big shopping mall at Sylvia park as soon as I got home and bought thick winter wear asap.

100,000,000 would certainly change my lofe but not my location out here in the sticks of Thailand though I might buy somewhere in Hua Hin or Cha-Am for going to the beach

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Yes I think I would live in Thailand.

100 million baht is barely 3 million US dollars.

The U.S is a very expensive and wasteful place to live. You won't believe the junk you would buy sometimes and the overpriced fashion stuff.

With 3 million in the bank account you will be lucky if the socialist government would leave you a million tax free to live on. A house in L.a. already costs about 500,000 USD and another 100,000 for a nice car. Would you believe insurance on a car in Los Angeles costs more than the car itself over 5 years? That leaves about 400,000 US to live on. 40k a year you might be able to survive for 10 years before you have to come back to retire in Thailand.

Not mentioning the UK, a pack of cigarettes cost 10 pounds!

New Zealand is a beautiful place to live, however there's not much to do other than the good clean weather and scenery. The culture and food lacks comparing to Thailand. New Zealand must be the farthest place on earth. The nearest continent other than Austrailia must be antarctica.

Austrailia? It was someting like 40 degrees celsius in the shade last time I went there. Don't forget the top most dangerous snakes, spiders, and sharks.

It took some teething and a culture shock but I've learned to live in Thailand, sufficiency economy from the king and to be happy with what I have. Somethings you learn in Thailand you can never learn or experience in any other country on this earth.

Not to be pedantic but a pack of 'fags" in the UK, that's fags as in things you smoke rather than anything else, oh well, I'm sure you know what I mean, cost around five Pounds fifty or so and not ten Pounds.

So Baht 100 mill, what would I do? Exactly the same thing I am doing now but I may vary my lifestyle and travel more, buy a small place in another strategic destination and split my time between here, there and everywhere else, the world is huge.

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