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100,000,000 Baht (tax Free)


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When did Pakistan, Somalia and Nigeria become part of the EU?

Try moving to Slough or Brixton and come back with the same opinion, but maybe you want to live in a area that is polluted with 3rd world immigrants where its unsafe to walk home during the day or at night.

If i had the money an area in England where predominantly English live isnt too much to ask for, or are you lefts fascist globalists going to deny me this right.

Wow - and some here think that Thais are xenophobic :)

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If you were given 100,000,000 baht (tax free) would you still live in Thailand? I ask the question to see if people live in Thailand because of income reasons, or if they had enough money would they live somewhere else.

The beauty of the culture and the people might outweigh the perceived benefits of living in a more developed country for some people. Others may feel that modern amenities would be nicer. How would you decide?

i would buy a beach property back home (NZ) and spend the summer months there, but be back here otherwise. the best of both worlds :)

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2 million euros isn't that much to say : I'm king now and I can live where I want.

I think your sick, imagine some people work a whole day for a cup of rice or just their food :) ! Shame.

And the politics of class envy rears its ugly head once again. Whether you choose to believe it or not, there will always be rich and poor, because it is human nature for some people to endeavor to acquire wealth and some people to do the opposite.

There is a common hypothetical situation in which all the world's currencies would immediately become worthless, and each person in the world would be given xx,xxx worth of a new world currency. For all intents and purposes, everyone would more or less have equal wealth. It has been further hypothesized that within days of this happening, there would be rich people and poor people once again.

Something not dis-similar to this happened in post-war Germany in which hyperinflation had essentially made old German marks of little value. Every man, woman and child was given a fixed amount of new German marks. In other words, everyone more or less had equal wealth in terms of the new currency. By the very next day, there were "rich" and "poor" again.

So please spare us your pathetic judmentalism and class-envy politics, and accept human nature for what it is.

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When did Pakistan, Somalia and Nigeria become part of the EU?

Try moving to Slough or Brixton and come back with the same opinion, but maybe you want to live in a area that is polluted with 3rd world immigrants where its unsafe to walk home during the day or at night.

If i had the money an area in England where predominantly English live isnt too much to ask for, or are you lefts fascist globalists going to deny me this right.

Wow - and some here think that Thais are xenophobic :)

There is nothing xenophobic in what i wrote, it is a fact places in England where these specific immigrants have colonised are unsafe for a white male to go to due to violent racist 3rd world immigrants. Id happily move to Sandbanks in Dorset this area is full of foreigners.

Thre isnt one area of LOS where Thais cant walk through in the knowledge its unsafe to go through because of the English being Xenophobic towards them.

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2 million euros isn't that much to say : I'm king now and I can live where I want.

I think your sick, imagine some people work a whole day for a cup of rice or just their food :) ! Shame.

Why ??

What hes saying is 3m USD isnt enough to be truly free to do as you want.. Yes its a nice nestegg, and would provide freedoms, but its not set for life live anywhere money is it ??

Now 500m or +- 15m USD, thats more like it, thats into the playboy money a bit more..

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If you were given 100,000,000 baht (tax free) would you still live in Thailand? I ask the question to see if people live in Thailand because of income reasons, or if they had enough money would they live somewhere else.

The beauty of the culture and the people might outweigh the perceived benefits of living in a more developed country for some people. Others may feel that modern amenities would be nicer. How would you decide?

There isn't a yes or no answer for this - of course it comes down to motive i.e. why one is living here in the first place.

A lot of folk do indeed live in Thailand because the cost of living on their European or USA currency based pensions enables a significantly higher standard of living to be enjoyed.

Some folk live here because they are bound by work [contracts] - the question then is, is Baht 100mill sufficient to justify throwing the the contract in and deciding, got enough to sit in the sun. Personal, no - U$D 2 - 3mill aint al that amount of money nowdays - if you're in your 30's or 40's, with a fanmily to support, kids to send to school education to pay for, uni in the future the car to pay off, the mortgage to pay off, save for retirment, pay for holidays and living for the next 50years or whatever - nope, 2 - 3 mill ain;t all that much and personally, I wouldn;t think it sufficient.

If you're living here in retirement for whatever reason, other than because its all you can afford, then in theory imclined to think no, most people would not want to move on - maybe "buy another larger house, a nicer car and up there living standard -, but not move on.

.... and on and on we can go looking at a whole bunch of different circumstances, but at the end of the day it comes down to what motivates each individual to live in Thailand in the first place, which will determine their willingness to move on if financial circumstances change.

Speaking for myself - nope, I'd stay on: I'd use some to pay off remaining financial obligations (the house and all land is now paid for, all farm equipment is paid for, but there is some land down south that I'd like to buy, and there is a holdiay home in the Caribbean I'd like to build/buy) - the rest would go towards retirement (if anything, it would/could give me the freedom to retire 10 years earlier than planned).

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If you were given 100,000,000 baht (tax free) would you still live in Thailand? I ask the question to see if people live in Thailand because of income reasons, or if they had enough money would they live somewhere else.

The beauty of the culture and the people might outweigh the perceived benefits of living in a more developed country for some people. Others may feel that modern amenities would be nicer. How would you decide?

For 500,000,000 baht maybe I'd relocate somewhere nearby.

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When did Pakistan, Somalia and Nigeria become part of the EU?

Try moving to Slough or Brixton and come back with the same opinion, but maybe you want to live in a area that is polluted with 3rd world immigrants where its unsafe to walk home during the day or at night.

If i had the money an area in England where predominantly English live isnt too much to ask for, or are you lefts fascist globalists going to deny me this right.

Wow - and some here think that Thais are xenophobic :)

No, he's being nationalistic, which is what runs though the veins of most of thai countrymen and women we see around Thailand :D

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(tommybkk @ 2009-06-17 18:38:48) post_snapback.gif2 million euros isn't that much to say : I'm king now and I can live where I want.

(Datsun240Z @ 2009-06-17 22:42:30) post_snapback.gif

I think your sick, imagine some people work a whole day for a cup of rice or just their food :) ! Shame.

(LivinLOS @ Today, 2009-06-18 18:59:31 ) post_snapback.gif

Why ??

What hes saying is 3m USD isnt enough to be truly free to do as you want.. Yes its a nice nestegg, and would provide freedoms, but its not set for life live anywhere money is it ??

Now 500m or +- 15m USD, thats more like it, thats into the playboy money a bit more..

Yes, some people think realisticly and sucessful minded farang alike some farangs think completely different :D

Let's all destroy the 10M baht villa's in the Bangkok suburbs to put more noodle stalls there!

Good idea right?


Edited by tommybkk
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