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Well Posted Thaivisa Members Who Fled The Scene

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Its true though, she seems to have her finger on the pulse of thai visa. Often when I'm a little confused and can't work out where I'm going or where I've been, I just touch base with sbk & she tells me where I'm at. Shes kind of like a GRANDMOTHER of the internet.....only older :)

thought you'd get away with that one did you neverdie?

oh dear, oh dear. disciplinary measures may be necessary


Its true though, she seems to have her finger on the pulse of thai visa. Often when I'm a little confused and can't work out where I'm going or where I've been, I just touch base with sbk & she tells me where I'm at. Shes kind of like a GRANDMOTHER of the internet.....only older :)

thought you'd get away with that one did you neverdie?

oh dear, oh dear. disciplinary measures may be necessary


Without the "smilie" and the number of posts you guys have made I'd be a little shocked at what neverdie posted, but I can tell its jousting between friends. I DID have a laugh though. :D

I think Scamp scampered along time ago UG

The Scamp is over on a much more dubious forum, but he is a different guy. The (original) Gentleman was a little more tightly wrapped! :)

Its true though, she seems to have her finger on the pulse of thai visa. Often when I'm a little confused and can't work out where I'm going or where I've been, I just touch base with sbk & she tells me where I'm at. Shes kind of like a GRANDMOTHER of the internet.....only older :D

thought you'd get away with that one did you neverdie?

oh dear, oh dear. disciplinary measures may be necessary


Please provide pics of "disciplinary measures" for proof............... :)

There's a lot weirdos out here....................... :D

P.S. Does that now make your title Feminazi Granny ? (Amongst your growing list ). :D . :D .

name='LeungKen' date='2009-06-28 10:25:48' post='2835487

Please provide pics of "disciplinary measures" for proof............... :)

There's a lot weirdos out here....................... :D

P.S. Does that now make your title Feminazi Granny ? (Amongst your growing list ). :D . :D .

I think you are next on the list Ken. :D

Its true though, she seems to have her finger on the pulse of thai visa. Often when I'm a little confused and can't work out where I'm going or where I've been, I just touch base with sbk & she tells me where I'm at. Shes kind of like a GRANDMOTHER of the internet.....only older :D

thought you'd get away with that one did you neverdie?

oh dear, oh dear. disciplinary measures may be necessary


thought you'd get away with that one did you neverdie?

oh dear, oh dear. disciplinary measures may be necessary


Be Very Afraid Neverdie. :)

Ohhh YEAH, Now you guys are talking.....if only I knew thats all I needed to say I would start of with a similar post, EVERY MORNING! (I normally wake up with morning glory, you see :D ).

Truth be knowns, im being very silly, we all now how young, lovely and intelligent sbk really is :D

ps: hopefully she will go easy on me know, im a little fragile :D

ps: hopefully she will go easy on me know, im a little fragile :)

It will only hurt a little bit, neverdie :D

Even for myself a relatively new member of thaivisa forums i've noticed that some members who had been here for a long while and recorded a thousand or even thousands of posts just disappeared for some unknown reason. Leaves me wondering "What suddenly happened?".

Can anyone give me the lowdown why and perhaps well-known puzzles of former members in the past who just fled or disappeared one day ....

They comes and they goes ... but mostly, at the end of the day they go.

For the majority of ex-pats, Thailand is a brief part of the/their journey through life - nothing unique about it with respect to ex-pats in Thailand - I would think it applies to ex-pats wherever they are in the world - ultimately most move on.

how many times can you actually reuse this same reply?

by far not as often as there are always the same threads.

Most of Maizefarmers postings are outstanding, very well thought-out and full with exceptional knowledge about Thailand.

Unfortunately scottyd keeps quiet.


Upset that nobody mentioned me. I was a regular contributor until we left Thailand. I do pop on now and again to see what's what, but generally remain anonymous.

ps: hopefully she will go easy on me know, im a little fragile :D

It will only hurt a little bit, neverdie :D

Hopefully you don't tell Mr SBK about it.....I don't want him on my case.....but other than that, I'm ready & waiting. I should be careful tho, a little birdy told me you are slightly further north east of your normal location.....u see, im not the only one that keeps tabs on people @ TV, sad isnt it? :)

ps: hopefully she will go easy on me know, im a little fragile :D

It will only hurt a little bit, neverdie :D

Hopefully you don't tell Mr SBK about it.....I don't want him on my case.....but other than that, I'm ready & waiting. I should be careful tho, a little birdy told me you are slightly further north east of your normal location.....u see, im not the only one that keeps tabs on people @ TV, sad isnt it? :)

I wouldn't worry ND, a little birdy told me that SBK was gonna send around your old sparring partner Bangers to dish out the punishment. :D


^ Crikey MrToad, are you trying to scare the bejesus out of me. You see, I happen to know that bangers didnt get her nic from living in Bkk and after she readily admitted to attending those gangbangs, like the ones that were raided in bkk the other month, I knew she was NOT the girl for me :D

Having said that, you MrToad are aparently the poster with the big green member....perhaps you might like to tell us all how that came about :D .

Anyway, I'm sure I saw another newbie poster that was on here the other day with the same posting style as ourmaninbangers, who consequently has about 4 or 5 other nics, some of which have also been banned. I wonder how long it takes for weirdos like that to realise that they are NOT wanted :)


I wouldn't take it too personally leisurely, I am sure if I died tomorrow the only person who would notice I was gone would be neverdie :)

I wouldn't take it too personally leisurely, I am sure if I died tomorrow the only person who would notice I was gone would be neverdie :)

We'd all miss you, sbk. It's fun bantering with a woman who can stand her ground and not get too pissy. Besides, we DO understand that you hold the hammer, so we better get our ducks in a row before stepping out of line. :D

I wouldn't take it too personally leisurely, I am sure if I died tomorrow the only person who would notice I was gone would be neverdie :D

Blooooody hel_l old gurl, don't go turn'in ur toes up yet, you still have a few good years left in you. & Yes I would immediately notice your passing and throw myself of the nearest cliff, tall building or something like that :) .

I think YOUNG Ian Forbes is right, you would be sorely missed on the forum.....for at least 10 minutes or so, anyway. Do you think George would give me your job? :D (I heard you get paid a three figure USD salary....is that right?)


Lots of interesting comments, turned into a good thread.

Unlike one of the very first comments im not chasing anyone. The idea came from....... before i signed up here at thaivisa i used to see a ladyboy posting a lot BambinaA.

Wondering where he had gone i checked his profile and not a single comment or op is listed, the history has been deleted.

Whatever happened to BambinaA and why delete the history??


I think some are going because of the constant negativity here on everything Thai. It does get a bit old after a while being on here.


Bambina is pursuing further studies abroad, and I don't believe her posting history has been deleted at all. Go to her member name and under her name click view posts and you will see pages and pages of her many valuable posts.

And yes, it is kinda creepy but you guys seem to be asking mainly about people I know :)

... and,

bingobongo has not been banned but no posts for over two months - I cannot believe that he has run out of ammunition.

Perhaps he ran out of money? or bad news....surely not??

nobody who want to be banned stays away- all they simply do, like it or not, is rejoin,

It is no fun having to change all of your real interests and posting style, but if you don't, they figure you out quickly and just bounce you again. They usually win in the end. :)

I cannot agree with this- although I will not explain why

if you define 'winning" as successfully keeping someone off who has 'sinned" I would most definatly have to disagree

in my veiw anyway

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