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Independence Day Celebrations


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Just returned from the festivities at the Municipal Stadium where everyone seemed to have a good time. The food and drink were excellent (especially the ribs) and fortunately the rain held off until the last ten minutes but didn't dampen the fireworks. Thanks to all of the organisers for a good day out!


The watermelon eating contest: Get Ready.....


Oops! Jumped the gun....


Who cares about racing anyway?

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Our teenagers wanted to meet friends so I dropped them and went out to park (as they said no parking provided) Was not real keen to go, but ok do not condemn something new (location, VFW sponsorship) until you try it.

Price of beer vs last year up 20 baht/can

100 baht to enter

Buy additional chances for prizes, 100 baht

hotdogs thrown in hot water and served

beer was not cold(I was there about 1600 so maybe not on ice long enough)

No limit on guest for one US passport holder

I noted the large parking areas at the venue were empty

VFW seemed to be on a recruiting program

I left after a hour and a half, as it appeared to be a money making set up,especially as the PX was used to supply many items, thus my mention of prices being increased vs last year. Granted the games and activities for the youngsters were well thought out and there was room for them. I just do think this event on this day should be set up as a profit maker. My opinion let the consulate handle it they have been doing a superb job for years.

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I agree with everything that slapout had to say, except - thank Buddha - I got lucky and got cold beer as we came in the beginning.

The hotdogs did not seem to be the imported ones that they were rumored to be selling and they were boiled or steamed rather than charcoal broiled. Every one of my friends and acquaintances was disappointed by the lukewarm dogs and - all in all - felt that you had to pay 100 baht just to go in and buy stuff with really loud, annoying music and be interrupted constantly by people going around trying to drum up more money.

I did end up seeing a lot of my favorite Americans and had very good company at our table, but I have never gone before and was not really encouraged to do so again. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Our teenagers wanted to meet friends so I dropped them and went out to park (as they said no parking provided) Was not real keen to go, but ok do not condemn something new (location, VFW sponsorship) until you try it.

Price of beer vs last year up 20 baht/can

100 baht to enter

Buy additional chances for prizes, 100 baht

hotdogs thrown in hot water and served

beer was not cold(I was there about 1600 so maybe not on ice long enough)

No limit on guest for one US passport holder

I noted the large parking areas at the venue were empty

VFW seemed to be on a recruiting program

I left after a hour and a half, as it appeared to be a money making set up,especially as the PX was used to supply many items, thus my mention of prices being increased vs last year. Granted the games and activities for the youngsters were well thought out and there was room for them. I just do think this event on this day should be set up as a profit maker. My opinion let the consulate handle it they have been doing a superb job for years.

I have no links to VFW (or the USA, come to that) but I think you're being a little harsh.

Beer: I was drinking Singh which was 40 baht a can - if it was 20 baht last year then it must have been subsidised by someone. I guess the soft drinks could have been a little cheaper, though.

"Addititional chances for prizes"..... You must mean the door prize/raffle tickets with little items like weekends for two at the Four Seasons and flights to San Fransisco up to be won. I've never been to any kind of event where they don't push the raffle tickets - usually a couple of pretty girls come and park themselves on your lap till you buy some. Glad the VFW guys didn't try the same trick :) . The only problem with this enterprise was that the PA was deafeningly loud (although you'd think we'd all be used to that in Thailand).

Money making? Someone has to pay for the hire of the venue, advertising, fireworks, electricity and the like. surely.

Guests for a US passport holder - I think there was some kind of limit but does this mean you'd rather see less people at a do like this?

Parking - there did seem to be some available, I grant you but maybe the venue wanted to keep it for locals using the sports facilities. Who knows?

The VFW didn't try to recruit me! Don't you have to have fought on some foreign field to qualify (and I look a bit of a wimp)?

Don't eat Hot Dogs so I can't comment. Sounds like an area for improvement...

In the meantime, more pictures here.

Edited by Greenside
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Thanks to all of the organisers for a good day out!

And thanks to all attendees who made the festivities on the 4th a successful event!

For the record: We could not allow vehicle parking in the area closest to the venue as that was the launch site for the pyrotechnic display. Apologies for that, but we didn't want to be responsible for the family wheels getting toasted!

  • Ball Park Franks (SOLD OUT!)
  • A&W Root Beer
  • Miller Genuine Draft
  • Samuel Adams
  • Pete's Wicked Ale
  • Budweiser
  • Corona
  • Dr Pepper
  • Mountain Dew (SOLD OUT!)
  • Coors Light

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I thought it was a great time and I won a door prize. I thought the VFW did a fantastic job for their first time hosting the event. The food and the beer was cheap. My kids loved the activities and it allowed me to relax and enjoy the day. Great job. If I have any complaint it would be that there were Americans all over the place. Maybe open the event to all nationalities next year and show them what a 4th of July celebration is like.

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Hubby and I had a spendid time and thought the VFW did a great job for the first time. They really put much thought and planning into children's activities and how to handle the crowds in case of rain. I didn't think the beer a rip-off. In fact, I so pleased that I had way too many ice cold Coors Lights. I doubt you can buy them in Chiang Mai at any price, let alone at the 60 baht bargain price.

Yes, there is some room for improvement. The two-person combo that played was too loud and I think that American popular music is more than just country music. At least they did one Jimmy Buffet song. How about some Beach Boys or Simon and Garfinkle? The parking/signage situation wasn't good. We walked quite a distance on the grounds following signs, only to discover the signs were intended for parking your car, not entering the venue. The temporary, portable rest rooms were really horrid. Not only were they Thai style, but they were totally flooded and filthy by 5 pm. How about a good, old American style portapotty, one with chemicals in the in the holding tank to neutralize odors? But these are minor "complaints", really more suggestions.

Overall it was a very good day and we plan on attending next year. Thank you to everyone involved in making the event so successful.

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Wife and I and friends had a great time on the 4th.

We understood no parking but took a chance and rode the motorcycle, pleanty of parking right near the entrance.

Then had a few Dr. Peppers and just like my luck I won 2 nights (for 2) at a nice hotel.....including breakfast.....

What a Happy 4th it was. Just made it home before it rained......perfect!!!

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After passing through the security check and moving on to pay the admission fee, as my 17 month old child showed excitement because she got a stamp on her hand one of the men working there said "throw that kid in the sewer, I hate kids", I was horrified and would have at least had words with him except for the fact that there were Thai officials standing there and I didn't want to embarrass my fellow countrymen in front of the Thais.

Latter that day I received a free copy of "expat news" from someone and a VFW member dressed in black with a radio came over to our table and said "I'm American by birth and American by choice" yeah so? What bothered me was he was 1 inch from my face spewing spit while saying it, 2 Thai MP's were sitting behind us and stood up to see what was going on, the man gave them a rude look and moved on. If the VFW has anything ever to do with the 4th of July celebration again I surely will not go and according to all 6 of my American friends that were with us they will not go either. I am inclined to write a letter to the US Consulate to let them know how they are being represented.

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I was very grateful to an American friend who was able to 'sign us in' as non US citizens. My daughter and her friend had a ball and although I wasn't drinking, my friends we're drinking Bud all evening and they we're certainly cold enough. According to regular visitors, it was alot less crowded than previous years due to the change to larger location, good choice I'd say. Everyone I saw there seemed to be having a great time and I consider us lucky to have been able to go along as there is so little for kids especially, to do in town. The entrance fee could hardly have covered all the set up/running costs, it must have been subsidised.

I was approached by the 'democrats abroad' lady but managed to dodge that one as I'm a Brit!! I thought she was on political campaign and then noticed from a leaflet left on the table that she was promoting a campaign of a humanitarian nature collecting useful items for veterans. Good cause. Reminds me of 'poppy day' in the UK.

A big 'Thank you' to the organisers for a thoroughly enjoyable event.

It's a shame there aren't more events throughout the year. I remember going to the Balloon wedding event last year in front of the Lanna hospital. It must have made a substantial loss as the event was not repeated this year. Shame.

Regards Bojo

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Great photos, Greenside. You have a very good camera and a terrific eye!

I concur! His skills improve all the time, and now virtually every time he presses the shutter button a beautiful portrait is born....

We had none of the negative experiences of the other posters. Great to connect with friends and socialize. We thought the organizers and the VFW did a great job, as did all the MANY volunteers. It is not easy putting on something like this and we appreciate the work behind it and being able to attend.

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I can't even take you all seriously. You think being all red neck about it is 'cool', you know dam_n well that would never have flown in the USA. Are you all so bitter and full of hate you have nothing constructive to add you have to tear apart everything anyone says? Perhaps while I'm witting letters I should write some to Thai Visas sponsors and tell them how I would not use their products or services while they support a forum of buffoons. Don't worry I won't post anymore since I bother you all so much but I will go write my letters.

I am not trying to start a fight with you or make you more angry, but accusing everyone on the forum of all these negative things just makes you look silly.

Yes, there are some real creeps on here, but they are in the minority. I know that the haters are hard to deal with, but you seem to be doing exactly what they want you to do, freaking out and giving up.

What would Carl Jung say?

Don't give them the satisfaction. Stay on here and ignore the wank*rs. Stiff upper lip old boy! :)

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I can't even take you all seriously. You think being all red neck about it is 'cool', you know dam_n well that would never have flown in the USA. Are you all so bitter and full of hate you have nothing constructive to add you have to tear apart everything anyone says? Perhaps while I'm witting letters I should write some to Thai Visas sponsors and tell them how I would not use their products or services while they support a forum of buffoons. Don't worry I won't post anymore since I bother you all so much but I will go write my letters.

I am not trying to start a fight with you or make you more angry, but accusing everyone on the forum of all these negative things just makes you look silly.

Yes, there are some real creeps on here, but they are in the minority. I know that the haters are hard to deal with, but you seem to be doing exactly what they want you to do, freaking out and giving up.

What would Carl Jung say?

He would say: "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves."

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I can't even take you all seriously. You think being all red neck about it is 'cool', you know dam_n well that would never have flown in the USA. Are you all so bitter and full of hate you have nothing constructive to add you have to tear apart everything anyone says? Perhaps while I'm witting letters I should write some to Thai Visas sponsors and tell them how I would not use their products or services while they support a forum of buffoons. Don't worry I won't post anymore since I bother you all so much but I will go write my letters.

I am not trying to start a fight with you or make you more angry, but accusing everyone on the forum of all these negative things just makes you look silly.

Yes, there are some real creeps on here, but they are in the minority. I know that the haters are hard to deal with, but you seem to be doing exactly what they want you to do, freaking out and giving up.

What would Carl Jung say?

Don't give them the satisfaction. Stay on here and ignore the wank*rs. Stiff upper lip old boy! :)

Jungian has to know by now there are a lot of people on here that don't like him so it's opened season no matter what he posts good, bad or indifferent. I told him not to be so serious especially with this lot which is just a bunch of unhappy twits trying to suck everyone else down to their level, I rather laugh at the notion they have to live with themselves and I shoot them the moon by having class and living well while they wallow in their own misery. Personally I would have called the guy out if he made that comment about my child and I wouldn't care who heard it, but I agree 50% of the VFW guys there were either drunk or just down right stupid, I suspect they were the lot that are in the VFW because they were drafted in to the military because I'm sure they would have been rejected as volunteers. I know Jungian personally and he is a kind and considerate man a proper gentleman to say the least but perhaps a little out of his element on this site, I'm sure he has learned his lesson and will stay away. His comment about writing to the sponsors really got me thinking though I know I wouldn't want to be associated with this website professionally, have you seen the blogs about it? I think a lot of you really need to tone it down you're going to shoot yourself in the foot sooner or later.

Go ahead now you can all tear me apart because I don't care I'll get a kick out of it the more I annoy you the happier I am, probably because I'm a New Yorker, it's nothing personal.

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The unofficial count is 2 to 1, it was a good time and people enjoyed the festivities.The bs/argumentative posts were in the great majority,(double the responses which did addressed the topic) thus welcome to TV. I did include the guests comments which made no mention of good or bad in the latter. One organizer post, not counted in any response as he was addressing a parking question, Even though the other concerns were not addressed, I attribute this to his living in and adapting the Thai way of approaching any perceived critical remarks/questions. (just could not help myself). The price issue which I mentioned was due to knowing where the foreign drinks were sourced and the price of same at the px vs prices in the past. A VFW member, when I questioned this, said "any profit would go to charity" I am quite capable of determining where/when I want to donate to charity, thank you. If some think I am too harsh in my reflection on this event that is their opinion. We all have one. This is one of 2 US holidays, Memorial day the other, that in the past, have not seemed to be so commercialized like so many holidays and I for one like that.

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It seems to me that not only did I see a lot of kids but there were a lot of activities for children. It was one of the first times in years that my kids were not bothering me to go home every 10 minutes!

I do have to agree with some of the posters that people should not have been hustled about anything while there, whether by The Democrats Abroad nor the VFW. They each should have had their booth where folks who were interested could have gone to see what was up. Good thing Sara Palin wasn't there.

While there is also plenty that could be complained about you have to remember that this was the first Fourth Of July Event managed by the VFW. All the comments that the public can give will undoubtedly be addressed. So why complain and tuck your tail away. Let them know about the guy who was saying he didn't like kids and the cold hot dogs and give them a chance to make it better next year.

As far as Junglan goes, I say if that is the way you want it to be than take it one step further. Get on a plane and get as far away from Chiang Mai as you can get. But if you don't want to do that, pick up your pants and let the guys know, I guess you did, you showed them, but you really came off as a cry baby.

And idrankwhat my suggestion for you for the quote, "I agree 50% of the VFW guys there were either drunk or just down right stupid, I suspect they were the lot that are in the VFW because they were drafted in to the military because I'm sure they would have been rejected as volunteers," you should show up at the next meeting so that the guys can meet you.

After all of that we have Junglan and idrankwhat joining the ranks of the, "bunch of unhappy twits trying to suck everyone else down to their level."

So you say that you don't want to be like that, that you want to be different? A little constructive criticism and a little compassion go a long way. You two are exactly what you are complaining about.

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My family ( 5 of us) plus 7 non American friends went to the celebration and all had a wonderful time. It was nice not to have to register non American guests beforehand. I think the choice of venue was great, so much more room. We had cold beer and warm Ball park hotdogs with pickle relish! I never ate pickle relsh at home, but I was so taken with seeing it served Ihad to have it We visited with friends met new friends enjoyed (some of ) the music. They seemed to be trying to play a lot of songs about America not just American music as 1 poster suggested beach boys etc. I agree it takes a lot to host an event like this and I am grateful to the VFW for a job well done. I was not solicited for anything nor were any of my family or guests. I have been to many at the consulate and I thought this was a great improvement.

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My wife, 6 month old and I had a wonderful time this year and met several couples who we enjoyed talking with (and will keep in contact with). After going to 3 of the previous years at the US Consulate, I thought this was a big step up. There was lots more to do, more room to move around, didn't have to register my wife, more food choices (Subway, McDonald's, Ribs, Bud's Ice Cream, Thai Food, etc.), and a lot more covered seats to keep out of the sun (and to avoid the rain just before the fireworks).

As for the beer being warm, I think you are the only one who got a warm beer. The beer I was drinking was Ice Cold and enjoyed several Samuel Adams Ales as well as Pete's Wicked Ale. Admittedly, the hotdogs need some work. They weren't hot and weren't barbecued, but rather boiled. As for the drawing, I see nothing wrong with selling extra tickets, as they were offering great prizes. They had tons of hotel/spa stays, had China-Airline tickets and the grand prize of a Round Trip Ticket on Korean Air to anywhere in the United States.

To Jungian, you've posted on here 464 times on Thai/Visa and you are just realizing everyone's not going to see eye to eye with you. A word of advise, like one of the earlier guys mentioned: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. Also, instead of writing a letter afterward, confront the guy who said those awful things about your child. There is not place for that, but you need to have the spine/balls to confront the situation right then and there. Not really in physical sense (if you're not that kind of guy), but if the guy was working there, talk to his boss. Writing a letter probably won't reach the right person and won't do much after the fact. Had you confronted the situation then and there, the guy may have been sent home, or got an explanation (maybe it was a joke you just took the wrong way). Anyway, my 6 month son received the opposite. He was handed a balloon smiled at and they actually his passport got handed around showing the picture of him at 2 months.

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Little did I suspect how contentious this thread was going to turn out but at the risk of driving it back on topic this is just to let anyone interested know that all the pictures I took on the day are now posted here. If I took one of you or your kids and it's not there, it's probably because you blinked at the wrong moment or something technical like I forgot to focus....


Waiting to go home...

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Little did I suspect how contentious this thread was going to turn out but at the risk of driving it back on topic this is just to let anyone interested know that all the pictures I took on the day are now posted here. If I took one of you or your kids and it's not there, it's probably because you blinked at the wrong moment or something technical like I forgot to focus....


Waiting to go home...

Kid's faces don't lie. It looks like they had a blast. I don't usually go in for these kinds of social gatherings but maybe I'll give it a try next year. Thanks for the great photos.

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It sounds to me like the event was crappy, even if I did not attend. :)

I tend to stay away from American sponsored events because my experience has taught me there is usually a shakedown coming, there is usually too much martial music and too many "men in black". If it was like that I would have no interest in ever attending. If it wasn't I'd be willing to give it a try.

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It sounds to me like the event was crappy, even if I did not attend. :)

I tend to stay away from American sponsored events because my experience has taught me there is usually a shakedown coming, there is usually too much martial music and too many "men in black". If it was like that I would have no interest in ever attending. If it wasn't I'd be willing to give it a try.

I would still stay away because though I am am American, I don't like them or their Politicks much at all...

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Must agree with Ajarn. I too am American, love my country, but don't always, [ seems like the past some years almost never] agree with the actions of my govenrment. I mean this not specifically directed at fellow Americans, but towards most nationalities, or maybe better stated , many of their nationals. To many in the world seem to have forgotten how to get along with each other. Its the old "my way" or the "Highway" syndrome. In this , I must agree that the US seems to lead the pack.

What ever became of the golden rule? Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Or maybe more on the secular side, " Walk a mile in my moccasins.

In too many things, including this forum and including myself in the number, posters make smartazz posts and remarks not taking 1 second to think how they would feel if someone said the same about them. Too many politicans today do just that. Make/Take laws or actions that they would not want someone doing to them and then wonder why the world is not pleased with their actions.

You see it so often on this forum..... I do include myself as being guilty occassonally.

But we all must learn each day regardless of our age.

I didn't attend the July 4th function..... I'm not too sure if I like crowds anymore.

But I have learned from this thread many things. I have learned that most folks prefer grilled Hot Dogs over Boiled

I have learned that most folks prefer cold beer , even if it is Bud.

I have learned that Greenside is a great Photog.

I have learned from Greensides photos that pretty blonde falangs eat their corn on the cob, round and round and that pretty falang brunettes eat their corn on the cob all the way across and then rotate. Photo # 106

I have learned that Jungian shoulg just fall away and re-up with a new nic. Maybe Freud, or if he doesn't want us to know it is him, then maybe pinkfreud.

Well, glad that most had a good time and only about 360 more days and all can retry to fix the wrongs

Now back to my pills


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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