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I went as usual in May, after putting 400,000 from one bank to the one I use for visa's. I was told the money had to be in and untouched for three months, so they gave me a non-o and told me to come back in two months.

When they checked my book they saw it had dropped slightly below 400,000 for a couple of days. In fact, when I saw I had gone over I put 128,000 in to make it up to over 500,000. That was no good.

I admit I made an error, but one which I thiught they would look over.

Now, the question is;

1. I have a work permit until June 2011.

2. I have paperwork to prove that since my application last year I paid into this account an average of 160,000 baht a month

3. I provided a computor print out that in the last two and a half months I had paid 445,000 inti said account.

4. I provided all the relevent tax forms showing them I am paying Thai income tax.

What else can I do? I was under the immpression that is was 400K or 40K a month, half of which can be provided by your spouse.

So am I to take it that rather than go below 400,000 in your account, it is better to beg for food and drink on the streets?

And I have been legal in Thailand for 12 years.


What else can I do? I was under the impression that is was 400K or 40K a month, half of which can be provided by your spouse.

This rule changed a long time ago.

How about change to Non Immigrant B, then when you do the extension next year change back again, am sure that can be done.

I went as usual in May, after putting 400,000 from one bank to the one I use for visa's. I was told the money had to be in and untouched for three months, so they gave me a non-o and told me to come back in two months.

When they checked my book they saw it had dropped slightly below 400,000 for a couple of days. In fact, when I saw I had gone over I put 128,000 in to make it up to over 500,000. That was no good.

I admit I made an error, but one which I thiught they would look over.

Now, the question is;

1. I have a work permit until June 2011.

2. I have paperwork to prove that since my application last year I paid into this account an average of 160,000 baht a month

3. I provided a computor print out that in the last two and a half months I had paid 445,000 inti said account.

4. I provided all the relevent tax forms showing them I am paying Thai income tax.

What else can I do? I was under the immpression that is was 400K or 40K a month, half of which can be provided by your spouse.

So am I to take it that rather than go below 400,000 in your account, it is better to beg for food and drink on the streets?

And I have been legal in Thailand for 12 years.

Unfortunately, in Thailand you have to keep up with the visa requirement changes and why are you lamenting over not qualifying when you admittedly didn't meet the requirements????

For an extension based upon marriage:

You must have 400,000 in the bank for a FULL 90 days prior to applying for the extension, not 399,999 etc and it has to be in an account ONLY in your name, no joint accounts. Additionally, it has been since around last November that they changed the monthly income requirement of 40,000 Baht per month to it has to be the husband's income only...no longer can you combine incomes.

They make these requirements so that people staying in Thailand have more than adequate means of providing for themselves. If you have to withdraw from your savings and go below the 400,000K mark to live, then maybe you should re-evaluate if you have the means to provide for yourself in this country, according to the governmental benchmarks. This is exactly why the government sets such requirements.

I hope you find a resolution to your situation and can remain in Thailand legally. I greatly respect people who try and do things the right way....good luck!




1. They do not like to see any drop below 400k - expect it will not be accepted until remains over 400k for 3 months. I guess that they already gave you the 2 month extension to visit wife in May (as you did not have money in account 3 months)?

2. I would visit Vientiane for a single entry non immigrant O visa to cover the time and allow your continued work.

3. Do not believe you would be able to meet the income requirements for your nationality to obtain work extension of stay if unable to meet the 40k (your income only) of marriage; so that is probably not an option.

4. Not sure where you got the "half wife" information - last year it could be totally wife but now back to totally your income.


Go to your home country and visit your family. Get a 1 year, non immigrant O visa with multiple entrees. Takes 5 minutes and you dont have to deal with immigration here. I did the same :) . No need to show anybody 'your' money...

Great Consulates are: Hull ( GB ), Stuttgart ( DE ) as well as Essen in Germany.


Is that correct? You can no longer have your 400,000 in a joint bank account. If it is correct I am supposed to collect my extension on Tuesday and maybe in for a nasty shock!


It seems to vary from office/officer but some are being told that this year - but if it was accepted believe it will not be a factor.


Could he not go to Kuala Lumpur and get a multi entry non-immigrant visa from there ?

I've heard they only like to see around 100k in the bank account to do this ?

Also not too far or expensive to fly to KL in Malaysia....could turn it into a pleasant 3 day trip or something like that.


He only needs a single entry (I hope) to get the required 3 months for extension of stay. He is out of options as he has used the special 60 day extension to visit wife already. After 12 years here do not believe PR is his top concern.


For members using Nong Khai to extend the requirement is 400k baht in the bank for 2 months not 3 prior to extension if that helps anybody.


I expect that will only work the first time - after that they will likely want to see it in account 3 months as other offices are requiring. The published rule is 2 months but appears to have been made in error.


I can confirm the same in Koh Samui, 2 months first then 3 months.

Note that this also applies if you go from last years rule with 40.000baht/month income to 400.000 baht in bank.


Thanks to all your replies, most of them helpful. The reason is I did not have the 400K in the account, I had it in the safe at home. After being diagnosed with cancer of the eosophaugus in March, I did not even give it a thought that they change the rules twice a day to bugger up people like me who have a tad more on their minds. Immigrationtion even knew about the Cancer, so when they gave me the two months grace, that was another two months I had to wait before admission into hosppital.I just assummed I would do what I did every year. But the date was on me before I knew it. And the guy that reckons I should not be here if I must break into my 400,000 savings is talking out of his rectum. Do you plan on having cancer ?

OK I admit it;s my fault. This is Thailand, I should have forgotten all about the Cancer and concentrated on my visa like a good little ex=pat.


There is an appeal process and you may take advantage of it! It would also be good to get a lawyer to go with you.

People have won on appeal!



There are no grounds for appeal that I can see - he did not meet the requirements. That requirement is set and if not met the extension is not approved. I agree it is unfortunate; but we are all subject to the same rules.

I admit I made an error, but one which I thiught they would look over.
There are no grounds for appeal that I can see - he did not meet the requirements. That requirement is set and if not met the extension is not approved. I agree it is unfortunate; but we are all subject to the same rules.
I admit I made an error, but one which I thiught they would look over.

Lop,have mercy on the guy,yes the rules are set,but T.i.T.,a little slip should not be severely punished! :)

There are no grounds for appeal that I can see - he did not meet the requirements. That requirement is set and if not met the extension is not approved. I agree it is unfortunate; but we are all subject to the same rules.
I admit I made an error, but one which I thiught they would look over.

Lop,have mercy on the guy,yes the rules are set,but T.i.T.,a little slip should not be severely punished! :)

Not Lop,s decision I am afraid. He did not qualify by the rules. Simple as that.

I still feel for him though.


If he is being treated for Cancer can't he getr an extension for the purpose of receiving medical treatment?

Wouldn't this get him through until his 400 k has been in for 3 months and then he can go back and change reason of extension?

If he is being treated for Cancer can't he getr an extension for the purpose of receiving medical treatment?

Wouldn't this get him through until his 400 k has been in for 3 months and then he can go back and change reason of extension?

An extension of stay for medical grounds is normaly only given to people who are unable to travel.

But some of the better hospitals, where many foreigners go for treatment, have liason officers with immigraiton and might be able to help.

There are no grounds for appeal that I can see - he did not meet the requirements. That requirement is set and if not met the extension is not approved. I agree it is unfortunate; but we are all subject to the same rules.
I admit I made an error, but one which I thiught they would look over.

Depends when the account dropped under 400000 Baht. The rules say 2 month, most immigrations change them singlehandedly to 3 month. So, in case the drop was outside the 2 month period, there might well be a valid reason for an appeal, me thinks.


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