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Financial Status For Tourist Visa?

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This goes too far.

To make more clear - i never was working here ilegally.

When we are making a new contract, we must to go for tourist visa first, out of Thailand. Then we will apply for visa non B(working visa) and when we get it, we will apply for work permit book. When we get work permit book, not on full time what contract say, we will go for extension of our runing visa non B(working visa). That extension will be same date of expire as work permit.

So, i started all procedure by asking tourist visa, as i was doing all this 3 years same place(Savannakhet Thai Consulate and never had any problem) and i got it but there was that note about financial status for 6 months that i have to show NEXT time when i apply for visa.

This is very strange because next time i will appear with the papers from my school asking working visa non B so what will be?

Someone will ask me financial status, even i have a contract and all papers from the school?

Someone can say i don't have enough money and to refuse my working visa. I hope you understand why i am afraid of that note. Simply, this is the first time happened to me, i never saw this in my passport and i never heard some my friend know for this. Very unusual as far as i know that financial status will be asked from people who are going for non O visa, for to marry some Thai woman.

Why in tourist visa they put this?

In case that anyone wish again to make some jokes here, i will give up about this all.

Please try to understand.

Terry LH, please let me explain to you that situation about 11 000 Bht what i paid. That was an overstay, i know but it wasn't my fault as i asked my teacher should i go to Laos, as my previous visa non B was about to day of expire and she said no need. I believed to her, even i knew i have to go but i thought she know her work. I was waiting she finish all my papers for working visa non B so to go to Immigration Office to take visa non B for work.

There woman told me i am in overstay. She said she know school made me problem, that i have to pay to her in a spot but to ask school to refund me.

If you were in my shoes, would you react or just smile, vai to your boss who put you in a trouble just because she was incompetent, so you will say mai pen rai and like nothing happened? What would you do Terry?


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I am 3 years in Thailand, and this time I tried to relocate to another country and I asked for TOURIST visa in Thai Consulate in Laos.

Visa is given to me but down under on visa sticker I found shocking note.

"Next time when apply for visa-to show financial status in 6 months."

I asked man at the counter, to explain to me and explanation was as it is recently changed regulation (man says few days ago????).

Is it possible that all tourists will have to show financial status in last 6 months if go to visit Thailand? This sounds incredible and ridiculous so much.

The reality is that we are teaching in Thailand for years and what will be if we have to show financial status any time we make a new Contract? In procedure about any new Contract, we are going for Tourist visa first.

Of course, most of us have a lack of money and this giving a chance to Immigration Office to say that you don't have enough money and your application will be refused.

This looks like intention to get rid of us.

What is going on?

Sorry to detract from the subject but are you implying that you teach English in Thailand, may I ask what country are you from? :D

Sure you can ask me but only in PM.

Here, i would like you stay about my topic and to give me an answer,if possible at all...ok?

Let me make counter question,ok? Do you think my country is relevant for your answer to me? :)


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..First point: Even if the OP is waiting for a contract, is a tourist visa the right kind of visa to do that? No, it isn't. The OP should get whoever is going to hire him to write a letter of invitation for a non-imm.

A letter of invitation from a prospective employer is not sufficient for obtaining a non-B visa in the region.

A foreigner who is in Thailand with a permission to stay based on entry with a tourist visa can apply for a work permit. With the receipt for the work permit application and the necessary documents from the company he can then get a non-B visa from a Thai consulate in the region, and with that he can later pick up the work permit when it is ready. This is how I understand the procedure to be at present.



You imply that it is not possible in the region to get a non-B based in a letter of offer from a prospective employer. Does this mean that it is possible to get a non-B with an offer letter in your home country? If so, yet more evidence of a squeeze on people that immigration sees as living on the borderline, i.e., an expectation that qualified foreign teachers seeking to work at bona fide institutions will be in a position to happily apply from their country of usual residence/origin.

Wonder how long it will be before they plug the 'neighbouring country tourist visa to non-B convertion' way around this that you describe? The fact that the OP was asked to prove his tourist credentials (money for a tourism trip when applying for a tourist visa in a neighbouring country) seems to suggest that they may now be cracking down on this too, and may be the answer to his "what's going on?" question. If it is possible to get a non-imm B from your home country with an offer letter from an employer, this would support my point that tourist visas are intended only for tourism (unsurprisingly), rather than seeking employment, with the implication by the Vientiane Embassy of a tourist visa refusal without trip funding seeming to underscore this and the non-imm conversion path being more a symptom of disorganisation than any permission to use tourist visas for job hunting. Don't you think?

Edited by dbrenn
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This goes too far.

To make more clear - i never was working here ilegally.

When we are making a new contract, we must to go for tourist visa first, out of Thailand. Then we will apply for visa non B(working visa) and when we get it, we will apply for work permit book. When we get work permit book, not on full time what contract say, we will go for extension of our runing visa non B(working visa). That extension will be same date of expire as work permit.

So, i started all procedure by asking tourist visa, as i was doing all this 3 years same place(Savannakhet Thai Consulate and never had any problem) and i got it but there was that note about financial status for 6 months that i have to show NEXT time when i apply for visa.

This is very strange because next time i will appear with the papers from my school asking working visa non B so what will be?

Someone will ask me financial status, even i have a contract and all papers from the school?

Someone can say i don't have enough money and to refuse my working visa. I hope you understand why i am afraid of that note. Simply, this is the first time happened to me, i never saw this in my passport and i never heard some my friend know for this. Very unusual as far as i know that financial status will be asked from people who are going for non O visa, for to marry some Thai woman.

Why in tourist visa they put this?

In case that anyone wish again to make some jokes here, i will give up about this all.

Please try to understand.

If you are teaching I hope it's not grammar

Terry LH, please let me explain to you that situation about 11 000 Bht what i paid. That was an overstay, i know but it wasn't my fault as i asked my teacher should i go to Laos, as my previous visa non B was about to day of expire and she said no need. I believed to her, even i knew i have to go but i thought she know her work. I was waiting she finish all my papers for working visa non B so to go to Immigration Office to take visa non B for work.

There woman told me i am in overstay. She said she know school made me problem, that i have to pay to her in a spot but to ask school to refund me.

If you were in my shoes, would you react or just smile, vai to your boss who put you in a trouble just because she was incompetent, so you will say mai pen rai and like nothing happened? What would you do Terry?


If you are teaching I sincerly hope for the sake of your students you're not teaching grammar :) .

Might be better off taking a course yourself mate. Writing skills and sentence structure comes to mind.

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This goes too far.

To make more clear - i never was working here ilegally.

When we are making a new contract, we must to go for tourist visa first, out of Thailand. Then we will apply for visa non B(working visa) and when we get it, we will apply for work permit book. When we get work permit book, not on full time what contract say, we will go for extension of our runing visa non B(working visa). That extension will be same date of expire as work permit.

So, i started all procedure by asking tourist visa, as i was doing all this 3 years same place(Savannakhet Thai Consulate and never had any problem) and i got it but there was that note about financial status for 6 months that i have to show NEXT time when i apply for visa.

This is very strange because next time i will appear with the papers from my school asking working visa non B so what will be?

Someone will ask me financial status, even i have a contract and all papers from the school?

Someone can say i don't have enough money and to refuse my working visa. I hope you understand why i am afraid of that note. Simply, this is the first time happened to me, i never saw this in my passport and i never heard some my friend know for this. Very unusual as far as i know that financial status will be asked from people who are going for non O visa, for to marry some Thai woman.

Why in tourist visa they put this?

In case that anyone wish again to make some jokes here, i will give up about this all.

Please try to understand.

Terry LH, please let me explain to you that situation about 11 000 Bht what i paid. That was an overstay, i know but it wasn't my fault as i asked my teacher should i go to Laos, as my previous visa non B was about to day of expire and she said no need. I believed to her, even i knew i have to go but i thought she know her work. I was waiting she finish all my papers for working visa non B so to go to Immigration Office to take visa non B for work.

There woman told me i am in overstay. She said she know school made me problem, that i have to pay to her in a spot but to ask school to refund me.

If you were in my shoes, would you react or just smile, vai to your boss who put you in a trouble just because she was incompetent, so you will say mai pen rai and like nothing happened? What would you do Terry?


Are we allowed to ask you which subject exactly do you teach and to what age group ?

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I am 3 years in Thailand, and this time I tried to relocate to another country and I asked for TOURIST visa in Thai Consulate in Laos.

Visa is given to me but down under on visa sticker I found shocking note.

"Next time when apply for visa-to show financial status in 6 months."

I asked man at the counter, to explain to me and explanation was as it is recently changed regulation (man says few days ago????).

Is it possible that all tourists will have to show financial status in last 6 months if go to visit Thailand? This sounds incredible and ridiculous so much.

The reality is that we are teaching in Thailand for years and what will be if we have to show financial status any time we make a new Contract? In procedure about any new Contract, we are going for Tourist visa first.

Of course, most of us have a lack of money and this giving a chance to Immigration Office to say that you don't have enough money and your application will be refused.

This looks like intention to get rid of us.

What is going on?

Sorry to detract from the subject but are you implying that you teach English in Thailand, may I ask what country are you from? :D

Sure you can ask me but only in PM.

Here, i would like you stay about my topic and to give me an answer,if possible at all...ok?

Let me make counter question,ok? Do you think my country is relevant for your answer to me? :D


Well i dont think so, and whatever country you are from ill bet the ones critisising cant speak your native language as well as you do english,.!,.even the girls on thai air have american accents as does my friends 14 year old daughter,( being educated at regency school ) and ill bet none have been to america even ! :D ..seems a lot of posters that have replied have just done so for a fight, frankly i find it pathetic, :) Edited by imaneggspurt
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Anyone think that the only reason why the consulate is asking for funds is to reduce the number of tourist visas that they will need to issue?

From what I have seen posted on another thread, consulates are not funded by the Thai government and are only able to survive based upon the funds they get for issuing visas.

Since Tourist visas are free, they receive nothing and as such have added this requirement in order to funnel those wishing to get tourist visas to the Embassy.

It may just be this simple, and have nothing to do with any of the points raised here...

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The statement about consulates is not completely true. You have to make a distinction between a consul and a honorary consul. This last one is not a civil servant and doesn't get a salary. A consulat and his office are entirely funded by the government they represent.

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"If you were in my shoes, would you react or just smile, vai to your boss who put you in a trouble just because she was incompetent, so you will say mai pen rai and like nothing happened? What would you do Terry?"

I'd be mad as hel_l, but I wouldn't go around with a chip on my shoulder saying everything was someone else's fault.

At some point you have to take responsibility for some of your problems.

It's your visa, not the schools.

You're coming across here, in my opinion, as arrogant and defensive. You've been given some answers, here and in other tropics, but come across as not wanting to hear them if they don't say what you want them to say.

You are also stubborn to a point of ridiculusness. You keep insisting you've never been here illegally when it's obvious you have been. Even by your own words. It doesn't matter that you can place blame on others. Illegal is illegal.

Overstay = illegal.

Working without a proper visa and work permit = illegal.

There is no 'grace period' that makes you legal while waiting for documents to be filed.

Others here have done same thing, work before the paperwork is completely finished, BUT I've never heard anyone else claim to be legal in those situations. They understand the grey area, and know that technically they are here working illegally. They acknowledge the fact, if they speak about it at all.

If you came across with a better attitude here, I'm sure there would be fewer comments about your poor writing.

In another topic you said you're a native speaker. Did I misread that, or was it a typo?

You posted you'd been at 3 schools in two years. That happens. I've even been there myself, but I know the reasons behind my personal situation.

Just reading your posts, I'd think that you were moving around because of your attitude and language skills. But, that's only my opinion.

If you ask for advice on a forum like this, at least listen to the answers. Don't dismiss them just because they don't fit your beliefs. Some advice is good, others questionable at times, but in the end it's your ass on the firing line.

Good luck in the future.

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The statement about consulates is not completely true. You have to make a distinction between a consul and a honorary consul. This last one is not a civil servant and doesn't get a salary. A consulat and his office are entirely funded by the government they represent.

That's an interesting theory - but so many full blown Embassys are so reluctact to issue visas (Manila, for example), wheras so many humble yet far flung and non-regional Consulates (e.g. Hull) give them out willy nilly... The general pattern here seems to be that regional is getting harder, yet western world home country is easy - supporting my point that (with exceptions through disorganisation) they seem to want you to apply from home if you intend to travel to Thailand to work.

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"...they seem to want you to apply from home if you intend to travel to Thailand to work."

To work, or hang around for any reason longer than 30 days.

And for good reason. Thailand was accumulating far too many travelers who had Wants & Warrants waiting for them at home.

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The statement about consulates is not completely true. You have to make a distinction between a consul and a honorary consul. This last one is not a civil servant and doesn't get a salary. A consulat and his office are entirely funded by the government they represent.

That's an interesting theory - but so many full blown Embassys are so reluctact to issue visas (Manila, for example), wheras so many humble yet far flung and non-regional Consulates (e.g. Hull) give them out willy nilly... The general pattern here seems to be that regional is getting harder, yet western world home country is easy - supporting my point that (with exceptions through disorganisation) they seem to want you to apply from home if you intend to travel to Thailand to work.

The above is not theory - it is fact. And like any free enterprise the service is normally better when you are paying the money directly (Honorary Consulates) than when dealing with civil servants.

Edited by lopburi3
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I don't know whether the band or the novel inspired your nick, but it's Steppenwolf with a double p.

The novel(s), Herman Hese inspired me and i know to spell correct but that nick with 2P was in use that moment when i registered so i must to make a different.

Thanks to enlight me. :)

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This goes too far.

To make more clear - i never was working here ilegally.

When we are making a new contract, we must to go for tourist visa first, out of Thailand. Then we will apply for visa non B(working visa) and when we get it, we will apply for work permit book. When we get work permit book, not on full time what contract say, we will go for extension of our runing visa non B(working visa). That extension will be same date of expire as work permit.

So, i started all procedure by asking tourist visa, as i was doing all this 3 years same place(Savannakhet Thai Consulate and never had any problem) and i got it but there was that note about financial status for 6 months that i have to show NEXT time when i apply for visa.

This is very strange because next time i will appear with the papers from my school asking working visa non B so what will be?

Someone will ask me financial status, even i have a contract and all papers from the school?

Someone can say i don't have enough money and to refuse my working visa. I hope you understand why i am afraid of that note. Simply, this is the first time happened to me, i never saw this in my passport and i never heard some my friend know for this. Very unusual as far as i know that financial status will be asked from people who are going for non O visa, for to marry some Thai woman.

Why in tourist visa they put this?

In case that anyone wish again to make some jokes here, i will give up about this all.

Please try to understand.

If you are teaching I hope it's not grammar

Terry LH, please let me explain to you that situation about 11 000 Bht what i paid. That was an overstay, i know but it wasn't my fault as i asked my teacher should i go to Laos, as my previous visa non B was about to day of expire and she said no need. I believed to her, even i knew i have to go but i thought she know her work. I was waiting she finish all my papers for working visa non B so to go to Immigration Office to take visa non B for work.

There woman told me i am in overstay. She said she know school made me problem, that i have to pay to her in a spot but to ask school to refund me.

If you were in my shoes, would you react or just smile, vai to your boss who put you in a trouble just because she was incompetent, so you will say mai pen rai and like nothing happened? What would you do Terry?


If you are teaching I sincerly hope for the sake of your students you're not teaching grammar :) .

Might be better off taking a course yourself mate. Writing skills and sentence structure comes to mind.

I/m not teaching grammar but i am a teacher...Here, i have no need to think much about my style,most important should be i get answers about why my tourist visa has this note.

One more thing to tell you, do you think Thais are fools if they keep me 3 years in teaching?Is that your point?

I would like we talk about my topic, so your comment is something what should not be matter of talk.

Don't get me wrong, please.


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This goes too far.

To make more clear - i never was working here ilegally.

When we are making a new contract, we must to go for tourist visa first, out of Thailand. Then we will apply for visa non B(working visa) and when we get it, we will apply for work permit book. When we get work permit book, not on full time what contract say, we will go for extension of our runing visa non B(working visa). That extension will be same date of expire as work permit.

So, i started all procedure by asking tourist visa, as i was doing all this 3 years same place(Savannakhet Thai Consulate and never had any problem) and i got it but there was that note about financial status for 6 months that i have to show NEXT time when i apply for visa.

This is very strange because next time i will appear with the papers from my school asking working visa non B so what will be?

Someone will ask me financial status, even i have a contract and all papers from the school?

Someone can say i don't have enough money and to refuse my working visa. I hope you understand why i am afraid of that note. Simply, this is the first time happened to me, i never saw this in my passport and i never heard some my friend know for this. Very unusual as far as i know that financial status will be asked from people who are going for non O visa, for to marry some Thai woman.

Why in tourist visa they put this?

In case that anyone wish again to make some jokes here, i will give up about this all.

Please try to understand.

Terry LH, please let me explain to you that situation about 11 000 Bht what i paid. That was an overstay, i know but it wasn't my fault as i asked my teacher should i go to Laos, as my previous visa non B was about to day of expire and she said no need. I believed to her, even i knew i have to go but i thought she know her work. I was waiting she finish all my papers for working visa non B so to go to Immigration Office to take visa non B for work.

There woman told me i am in overstay. She said she know school made me problem, that i have to pay to her in a spot but to ask school to refund me.

If you were in my shoes, would you react or just smile, vai to your boss who put you in a trouble just because she was incompetent, so you will say mai pen rai and like nothing happened? What would you do Terry?


Are we allowed to ask you which subject exactly do you teach and to what age group ?

Midas...With all respect but mind your own business, will you?

If you know answer to my topic-thanks but if you don't know-please stay out of this all...Boring me...


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I don't know whether the band or the novel inspired your nick, but it's Steppenwolf with a double p.

The novel(s), Herman Hese inspired me and i know to spell correct but that nick with 2P was in use that moment when i registered so i must to make a different.

Thanks to enlight me. :D

The novel is by Hermann Hesse,and I don't give a s*** if you are teaching your version of English to Thai students.They grow on incompetence!

I only hope you are not teaching German! :)

Edited by abdulrahman
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I'm afraid I cannot help the OP with the 'special notes' he has on his visa/passport regarding funds. However as a general tip to him, I would suggest that to get the best out of people and so as not to antagonise them, he should write his posts as if he we're speaking to them face to face especially when he needs something, since the members on this forum are doing him the favour.

Regards Bojo

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I am 3 years in Thailand, and this time I tried to relocate to another country and I asked for TOURIST visa in Thai Consulate in Laos.

Visa is given to me but down under on visa sticker I found shocking note.

"Next time when apply for visa-to show financial status in 6 months."

I asked man at the counter, to explain to me and explanation was as it is recently changed regulation (man says few days ago????).

Is it possible that all tourists will have to show financial status in last 6 months if go to visit Thailand? This sounds incredible and ridiculous so much.

The reality is that we are teaching in Thailand for years and what will be if we have to show financial status any time we make a new Contract? In procedure about any new Contract, we are going for Tourist visa first.

Of course, most of us have a lack of money and this giving a chance to Immigration Office to say that you don't have enough money and your application will be refused.

This looks like intention to get rid of us.

What is going on?

Sorry to detract from the subject but are you implying that you teach English in Thailand, may I ask what country are you from? :D

Sure you can ask me but only in PM.

Here, i would like you stay about my topic and to give me an answer,if possible at all...ok?

Let me make counter question,ok? Do you think my country is relevant for your answer to me? :D


Well i dont think so, and whatever country you are from ill bet the ones critisising cant speak your native language as well as you do english,.!,.even the girls on thai air have american accents as does my friends 14 year old daughter,( being educated at regency school ) and ill bet none have been to america even ! :D ..seems a lot of posters that have replied have just done so for a fight, frankly i find it pathetic, :)

I am afraid you are right. Majority of replies are for garbage because trying to iniciate fight...So many ?intelligent" people and same answers, of course out of my topic.

Moderators as moderators, they don't have time to reduce this wise guys here so again i feel very bad about asking here help.

I thought this is the place i can find some clue for this my really strange situation and again i see this is wrong place-thanks to so many arrogant flying noses,in clowds, who are thinking they are born to be a teachers just because they are natives, so they can maky Thais be happy and honoured by their presence in teaching occupation in Thailand.

I have a lot of farnags friends,all are natives and not any of them guessed from the forst about my place of birth. My accent is PERFECT and they were shocked when i said where i am coming from. Of course, I was not born in England, English is not my mother tongue but my English was very good for British Council people in IELTS.

So, i admire to all this arrogant people who are thinking they are born to be a teachers in Thailand just thanks to their place of birth. To say something more, i would NEVER allow some of them approach to my both daughters to teach-as i know them as well in Thailand what they are doing and way they are doing.

Teaching job is very hard in Thailand and you have to make your own method, you have to be patient to Thai kids and understand WHAT is the problem about their English so you can make them open mouth after few months.

I am very good at it and no doubt so i don't give a ***t about native"teachers" here as i know they are teaching(majority) just to cover their costs for hanging around, drinks and picking up Thai bar girls and after 6 months or a year-they will go back to their countries, without any care for these kids.

I am talking about SOME natives in teaching and if i am in a shoes of Thais-the first i would ask from anyone who want to teach Thai kids, would be mental health record and so on.

I have very good farangs, native speakers and we are helping each another to improve our way of teaching and i am happy i can make my students like English and THAT'S the main thing in teaching English here.

I have that note in my tourist visa sticker and i know all my 3 years i am PERFECT person in teaching, i am not going around, i don't know where is pat pong and pattaya and i don't care for that. I didn't come to Thailand to see Pattaya or any other"famous" place and i am spending my weekends with my native speaker friends, trying to do the best for Thai kids.

Thanks for to try to help me but i think this is the last time i am askjing for help and explanation here...

Thanks terryLH to waste time researching my posts in a past...What a funny thing you made terry...i could not waste my time to do it about you but we are not same, right?you are native and i am not and that's it, right


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