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How Do You Buy Gold?

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So how does a newbie buy gold or silver? I mean, how does he know which companies are reputable? How safe is it? What if the company you bought it from goes bankrupt?

If I bought gold, I would want it stored for me. I don't want to carry it around with me as I travel from country to country! How do you all do this? Do you have it stored for you, or do you take delivery of the actual gold? Do you keep it in a safe deposit box? Are safe deposit boxes really safe?

Are there some gold trading firms that are considered the safest, most economical way to buy metal and have it stored for you? Which ones are they?

Are there some gold trading firms that are con artists?

If they're going to give me a piece of paper while storing my gold, I would like to be confident that that piece of paper is really worth gold. How do I know this?

Thanks. :o

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So how does a newbie buy gold or silver? I mean, how does he know which companies are reputable? How safe is it? What if the company you bought it from goes bankrupt?

If I bought gold, I would want it stored for me. I don't want to carry it around with me as I travel from country to country! How do you all do this? Do you have it stored for you, or do you take delivery of the actual gold? Do you keep it in a safe deposit box? Are safe deposit boxes really safe?

Are there some gold trading firms that are considered the safest, most economical way to buy metal and have it stored for you? Which ones are they?

Are there some gold trading firms that are con artists?

If they're going to give me a piece of paper while storing my gold, I would like to be confident that that piece of paper is really worth gold. How do I know this?

Thanks. :o

Best current method to buy or sell Gold is to play the "exchange traded fund" -- symbol ..... GLD

Operates exactly like any stock and can be bought and sold as such just like you would, let's say Intel or General Motors or Boeing etc.

Playing Gold Futures though is an alternative but is fraught with peril for the uninitiatedand inexperienced. Not recommended.

This then is my call -- if you're going to play Gold, play GLD.


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So how does a newbie buy gold or silver? I mean, how does he know which companies are reputable? How safe is it? What if the company you bought it from goes bankrupt?

If I bought gold, I would want it stored for me. I don't want to carry it around with me as I travel from country to country! How do you all do this? Do you have it stored for you, or do you take delivery of the actual gold? Do you keep it in a safe deposit box? Are safe deposit boxes really safe?

Are there some gold trading firms that are considered the safest, most economical way to buy metal and have it stored for you? Which ones are they?

Are there some gold trading firms that are con artists?

If they're going to give me a piece of paper while storing my gold, I would like to be confident that that piece of paper is really worth gold. How do I know this?

Thanks. :o

Read this on the elliottwave website:

the president of a California-based money management firm that had 7% of its $76 million in cash and gold-backed shares and who said, “We use it (GLD) as a parking place for money. Instead of holding cash, we can put it there”

And in my estimation many, many investors and traders feel the same way -- and I do too.

Question is? Buy or sell? Upto you!


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Thanks SimCity, Perth sounds very reputable. I wonder how their prices and fees compare to alternative sources.

Harmonica, thanks for telling me about GLD. Now is there an equally good, trouble-free, economical source for silver?

Keeping in mind that I've never bought anything but mutual funds, and that was a long long time ago, what is the best and cheapest way to execute online trades to buy GLD? Is GLD still the best way to go despite broker's commissions?

Or is there a mutual fund that you can use to buy gold or silver...with no loads?

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My experience done 4 weeks ago to get some silver and gold ( mint certificate ) I did contact jaggar , photocopy my passport and driving license, send EMS with a cheque . took few day to be clear and they did buy the gold and silver for me .

been charge 2 % ( only for the buy ) they say no charge for sell, paid 10 dollars for each certificate , plus cost ( minimum ).

Minimum buy from them 10000 dollars after will be in 5000 lots

Send me few email to answer questions and purchases price .

they just received the certificates and are sending them to my place .

I will ask my friends to ring perth Mint to confirm everything .

I decide to get it for long run , as I think 2% is quiet a lot for cost , use to be that years ago for shares .

they can trade with platinum but no palladium .

next week I am thinking to go to china town Yaowarat to buy bars .

as the Australia dollars increase at 4 5 the last few week , I did not see so much increase in gold , silver done much better .

ps someone else give me a usa address for gold in USA but the commission was the same .

do a search to find the link ..

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how about "no thank you, dear Aussie Govt"?

you can buy gold 99.9% as well as silver at many decent companies like Bangkok Assay, for example. pay cash, get as much as you want - even 1 kg, take it too nearest bank wih safe lockers at 1000B/25$ per month, pretty secure though... pay in advance for a year, get discount.

Whenever wanna sell - come, open, pickup and bring it to the shop. get cash, get drunk, enjoy. all this govt bonds are for pretty big ammounts (10K $ up) but for simple case of hiding dough from da bitch - my way is the best.


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So how does a newbie buy gold or silver? I mean, how does he know which companies are reputable? How safe is it? What if the company you bought it from goes bankrupt?

If I bought gold, I would want it stored for me. I don't want to carry it around with me as I travel from country to country! How do you all do this? Do you have it stored for you, or do you take delivery of the actual gold? Do you keep it in a safe deposit box? Are safe deposit boxes really safe?

Are there some gold trading firms that are considered the safest, most economical way to buy metal and have it stored for you? Which ones are they?

Are there some gold trading firms that are con artists?

If they're going to give me a piece of paper while storing my gold, I would like to be confident that that piece of paper is really worth gold. How do I know this?

Thanks. :o

Get it made into body jewelry and then you can keep it with you at all times, when you run out of places to stick it get shoes made or a hat

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how about "no thank you, dear Aussie Govt"?

you can buy gold 99.9% as well as silver at many decent companies like Bangkok Assay, for example. pay cash, get as much as you want - even 1 kg, take it too nearest bank wih safe lockers at 1000B/25$ per month, pretty secure though... pay in advance for a year, get discount.

Whenever wanna sell - come, open, pickup and bring it to the shop. get cash, get drunk, enjoy. all this govt bonds are for pretty big ammounts (10K $ up) but for simple case of hiding dough from da bitch - my way is the best.


All true but can't beat playing GLD -- why? ... no storage fees, no contracts to renew, no theft of safety deposit boxes to worry about ( don't think that's possible here?); no lugging it all to the shop to sell and then carrying all that cash around -- and countless other what if's etc. -- but mostly because you can buy and sell at market value in a heartbeat and the funds are debited/credited instantly -- minus teeny commisions of course! :o

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how about "no thank you, dear Aussie Govt"?

you can buy gold 99.9% as well as silver at many decent companies like Bangkok Assay, for example. pay cash, get as much as you want - even 1 kg, take it too nearest bank wih safe lockers at 1000B/25$ per month, pretty secure though... pay in advance for a year, get discount.

Whenever wanna sell - come, open, pickup and bring it to the shop. get cash, get drunk, enjoy. all this govt bonds are for pretty big ammounts (10K $ up) but for simple case of hiding dough from da bitch - my way is the best.


kilo of gold in Bangkok ? in bank safe ..

i like to sleep at night

first i am not sure if anyone with no work permit can open one , and say if something happen to you ......how your family will have access to it .

i am talking about Australia because they give me a passport and my portfolio is there .

if i was in USA sure i will look at different option ..

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A little info about GLD.

Investing in GLD is hoping the US stock market doesn't collapse.

Plus the government will take its share of any profits.

There was a big scam back in the 80s where people invested millions in gold bullion the company claimed they had in their vault which turned out to be a total fraud.

An ounce of gold in your hand is worth a hundred ounces in somebody elses hand.

World Gold Council’s ETF Dumps 15 Tonnes Of Bullion Right BEFORE Price Collapse


Where Is the ETF’s Gold?


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A little info about GLD.

Investing in GLD is hoping the US stock market doesn't collapse.

Plus the government will take its share of any profits.

There was a big scam back in the 80s where people invested millions in gold bullion the company claimed they had in their vault which turned out to be a total fraud.

An ounce of gold in your hand is worth a hundred ounces in somebody elses hand.

World Gold Council’s ETF Dumps 15 Tonnes Of Bullion Right BEFORE Price Collapse


Where Is the ETF’s Gold?


There have been many scams w.r.t. Gold -- conspiracy theories abound and people who give credence to such usually end up shooting themselves in the foot -- might as well hide under the bed, close the bedroom door, order meals delivered home and never step out the door -- also keep all the curtains shut and only communicate with other scaredeecats via the Net and bask in the glory of being universally victimized! :o:D

Selling in bulk by bigwigs at a "technical" TOP is .... N O R M A L ..... and highly desirable for guys like me -- for it confirms our analysis; notwithstanding the fact that we are just "little" guys.

>>>>>>An ounce of gold in your hand is worth a hundred ounces in somebody elses hand. <<<<<

But what if you make a handsome profit regardless whose hand has how many ounces? :D

On a different note, while everyone here seems to be talking about BUYING Gold, remember that one can also go SHORT, which means selling Gold first at a higher price and then buying later -- and pocketing the diffierence if you have called the decline correctly!

Currently Gold is in a rally -- which you can read about in the other Gold thread -- but when this rally completes it is quite clear that Gold will head down hard because the DOMINANT trend is DOWN. This means that for the forseeable future, one should be SHORT Gold.


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How the ###### you can see any technical or fundamental reason why the dominant trend is down for gold amazes me.. I think it may be overbought in a very short term view (but mostly its dollar weakness) but the trendlines are all up.. I have not had much time on the board (so from memory) but werent you selling out your gold position in the 420 - 422 range last week ??

Your calls are if I remember correct $15 oil.. $250 Gold and BUY dollars for the long haul !!! you crack me up..

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How the ###### you can see any technical or fundamental reason why the dominant trend is down for gold amazes me.. I think it may be overbought in a very short term view (but mostly its dollar weakness) but the trendlines are all up.. I have not had much time on the board (so from memory) but werent you selling out your gold position in the 420 - 422 range last week ??

Your calls are if I remember correct $15 oil.. $250 Gold and BUY dollars for the long haul !!! you crack me up..

Hehehehe, and aren't you the same fellow saddled with the world's misconceptions? .. repeatedly getting corrected, yet coming back with more vociferous hocus-pocus each time? :o:D

Firstly, my current position in Gold as can be seen in the Gold rally thread is -- sold around the 426-428 mark, sold some of remainder (less quantity) @ around 435 approx. and the rest (little) was riding wih a tight STOP. And you're knocking a $22 Gold rally? :D

OK, so here again is another bodyslam:

Presented below is the 25 year price history of Gold -- as you can clearly see (not you, but perhaps others?) the Dominant Trend (as I stated earlier) is DOWN! DOWN!

The definition of a downtrend is Lower Highs and Lower Lows.

The trend since March 2001 is UP! This however is NOT the dominant trend. If however this current Medium-term trend takes out the $491 closing high of 1987

that would then signal an end to the downtrend. Not until then.


Whew! :D

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