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What Is With The Closing Of Topics So Prematurely ?


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I can't really understand why the last 2 topics were closed... I can't see how they were hurtful to anyone and there was some valuable insight to be learned from the less heated and more restrained forum members.

This is a great forum and while I often disagree with many of the comments many posters make, some topics generate a spark and a moderator closes it for what I and many think are rather liberal reasons. Perhaps the topic title may have been worded more delicately.

I for one am very interested to hear the experiences of members who either live in their home countries with the Thai wives or girlfriend as its something I may well do at some point in the future. Perhaps some people can offer advice on how to handle certain situations. Perhaps the background of the partner in question is something to be taken into consideration and something that many of us need not worry about when moving home.

I for one have great respect for women, Western, Thai or otherwise - It would have been interesting to know their opinions on such matters as I have experienced that most Western ladies who meet my girlfriend, either in Thailand or at home have received no negative or derogatory feelings. It would be educational to know with true candor the what western women really think about this and things that cannot be said to a mans face. I believe we may be pleasantly surprised.

I know of one Western lady who had been in Thailand for 4 months before her boyfriend ran off with a Thai lady, as a result she hated Thai women, until I pointed out that one of them had probably done her a favor and that her guy was like then he likely to run off with someone back home, I also pointed out that like home there is good and bad in all circles of society, although due to the financial demographic thai women appear more frivolous. By now the lady in question probably has many Thai female friends.

I do feel that some threads get closed quickly in cases where a few spoil it for the many with their childish comments and immature ego's. I'd like to make a recommendation to the Moderators simply ban those people from posting on a certain topic rather than closing the topic itself.

AND - Moderators, while my comments here touch or even cross the forum boundaries I believe that you will receive some valuable insight into the efforts you provide for this forum; for which I'm sure we are all thankful.

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Sadly as proven by the last 2 closed & deleted topics & past experience, this subject is not able to run on thaivisa due to the high level of rude & disgsting comments many male posters think it is ok to make about women & specifically western women.

Don't open another topic the same. It will be closed.

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