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Khao Soi Ripoff


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I went to the Mamma Noodles Restaurant on Changklan Road. They listed Khao Soi at 60 baht but the noodle soup I saw on tables were pretty big bowls so i went ahead and ordered. Sure enough i got the huge bowl I expected but the Khao Soi did not even cover the bottom of the bowl. :) There were about two bites of Khao Soi. If you like Khao Soi avoid this place.

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I went to the Mamma Noodles Restaurant on Changklan Road. They listed Khao Soi at 60 baht but the noodle soup I saw on tables were pretty big bowls so i went ahead and ordered. Sure enough i got the huge bowl I expected but the Khao Soi did not even cover the bottom of the bowl. :) There were about two bites of Khao Soi. If you like Khao Soi avoid this place.

I've never been there, but was it busy with locals ordering 60b noodle soup?

regards Bojo

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I went to the Mamma Noodles Restaurant on Changklan Road. They listed Khao Soi at 60 baht but the noodle soup I saw on tables were pretty big bowls so i went ahead and ordered. Sure enough i got the huge bowl I expected but the Khao Soi did not even cover the bottom of the bowl. :) There were about two bites of Khao Soi. If you like Khao Soi avoid this place.

This is a Chinese owned place along Changklan's 'hotel parade' that likes 'one off foreigners'.

I have heard stories from others but for my personal experience, I went there once with my wife and two Thai friends. The food was OK and the portions were large enough. I went back about two months later with a British friend and we had an almost identical experience to you. I complained about the size of the portion and the fat lady owner just smugly said "you order small - you want large?"

No problem, just don't go back there's loads to choose from.

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I know that this shouldnt matter, but did you order in English or Thai? Just I suspect at times if you speak Thai it dissuades some antics like this. Surprised if it happened if you spoke to her in Thai. However, shouldnt happen anyway. Silly lady will lose herself good customers if she behaves like that.

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I know that this shouldnt matter, but did you order in English or Thai? Just I suspect at times if you speak Thai it dissuades some antics like this. Surprised if it happened if you spoke to her in Thai. However, shouldnt happen anyway. Silly lady will lose herself good customers if she behaves like that.

I have the opposite situation. Because I normally eat at one or two places on a regular basis I get preferential treatment. I always tip well and they know how I like my meals. Thais pay 30 baht for the same meal and I give them 40 baht. For this I get a double portion and often have to tell them..."Nig noi" with a smile on my face. It's truly funny when I bring a friend and they order the same as me. They get the regular size portion and I get a extra large bowl.

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Was the khao soi any good?

It was real creamy with no soup. More like a casserole than the khao soi I am used to but it taste okay. I would have been okay with the taste if there would have been more than 2 bites in the bowl.

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I know that this shouldnt matter, but did you order in English or Thai? Just I suspect at times if you speak Thai it dissuades some antics like this. Surprised if it happened if you spoke to her in Thai. However, shouldnt happen anyway. Silly lady will lose herself good customers if she behaves like that.

My wife ordered in thai. She got a noodle soup that had huge proportions and my portion was less than what I would expect from a 5 baht candy bar. We were both shocked when the food showed up and I swore I would post it here to warn any one else not to og there for Khao Soi.

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I know that this shouldnt matter, but did you order in English or Thai? Just I suspect at times if you speak Thai it dissuades some antics like this. Surprised if it happened if you spoke to her in Thai. However, shouldnt happen anyway. Silly lady will lose herself good customers if she behaves like that.

I have the opposite situation. Because I normally eat at one or two places on a regular basis I get preferential treatment. I always tip well and they know how I like my meals. Thais pay 30 baht for the same meal and I give them 40 baht. For this I get a double portion and often have to tell them..."Nig noi" with a smile on my face. It's truly funny when I bring a friend and they order the same as me. They get the regular size portion and I get a extra large bowl.

i get that at some places without paying extra or leaving a tip. I even got a free 5 baht bag of Ice with my bottle of whiskey the other day at a shop that i normally do not patronize because of the distance from my house. The owner recognized me from some where else and must want me to come back.

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I have been there also and it is set up just to rip off foreigners.

It looks like it. When we walked in we saw all the thais with big bowls of noodle soup so we figured the 60 baht was okay. Fool mwe once shame on you but they will never get the chance to fool me again.

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When you and your girlfriend ate there, and you received a small bowl while your girlfriend received a large bowl, why did you not mention it to the owner THEN? Why wait to complain now?

I think the best Khao Soi is Lamduan Khao Soi in Farham..20 baht :)

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When you and your girlfriend ate there, and you received a small bowl while your girlfriend received a large bowl, why did you not mention it to the owner THEN? Why wait to complain now?

I think the best Khao Soi is Lamduan Khao Soi in Farham..20 baht :)

Ajarn where is Lamduan? I live on Tanawan 2 is it anywhere near that?

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I know that this shouldnt matter, but did you order in English or Thai? Just I suspect at times if you speak Thai it dissuades some antics like this. Surprised if it happened if you spoke to her in Thai. However, shouldnt happen anyway. Silly lady will lose herself good customers if she behaves like that.

I have the opposite situation. Because I normally eat at one or two places on a regular basis I get preferential treatment. I always tip well and they know how I like my meals. Thais pay 30 baht for the same meal and I give them 40 baht. For this I get a double portion and often have to tell them..."Nig noi" with a smile on my face. It's truly funny when I bring a friend and they order the same as me. They get the regular size portion and I get a extra large bowl.

Not at Mama Noodle. No one local goes there anyways so this thread is purely academic. Locals go only once. They are there for the foreign walk by traffic.

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When you and your girlfriend ate there, and you received a small bowl while your girlfriend received a large bowl, why did you not mention it to the owner THEN? Why wait to complain now?

I think the best Khao Soi is Lamduan Khao Soi in Farham..20 baht :)

Ajarn the best I ever found was outside the superhwy from Faham.......go towards Talaat Kajow about halfway there it's on the left. Name don't know. 25 bt last time I went a year ago maybe more now.

I guess this isn't the one you mean?

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I went to the Mamma Noodles Restaurant on Changklan Road. They listed Khao Soi at 60 baht but the noodle soup I saw on tables were pretty big bowls so i went ahead and ordered. Sure enough i got the huge bowl I expected but the Khao Soi did not even cover the bottom of the bowl. :) There were about two bites of Khao Soi. If you like Khao Soi avoid this place.

I would have given her the chance to correct the dish and if that was it simply got up and walked off.

I have the opposite situation. Because I normally eat at one or two places on a regular basis I get preferential treatment. I always tip well and they know how I like my meals.

Tipping for khao soi! That's just nuts and probably makes you look a little bit daft in the eyes of the owner. Tipping for khao soi is just not the done thing, unless perhaps you're in a three chefs hats khao soi joint in Bangkok, but even then...

its only 60 Baht, get over it and just never go there again....

So if you buy a half full bottle of beer from 7/11 that turns out to be twice the price you forget about it and not go back?

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I think the best Khao Soi is Lamduan Khao Soi in Farham..20 baht :D

Sorry, ole mate, but if that's the one I'm thinking of it's not a patch on my regular in the old city. I'll keep that un under wraps for now... don't want tipping farangs ruining the ambience... present company accepted. :)

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I have the opposite situation. Because I normally eat at one or two places on a regular basis I get preferential treatment. I always tip well and they know how I like my meals.

Tipping for khao soi! That's just nuts and probably makes you look a little bit daft in the eyes of the owner. Tipping for khao soi is just not the done thing, unless perhaps you're in a three chefs hats khao soi joint in Bangkok, but even then...

I have to agree. I understand wanting to help out workers who don't make a lot of money, but they don't expect it in noodle stalls and if farangs insist on tipping there, they will.

I tip in Western oriented restaurants that don't charge a service charge, because they are more upscale and the workers have to put up with so much crap from foreigners, but I much rather save some places that I don't need to tip for when times are tough, so that I can eat somewhere cheaply.

There is no expectation of tips at Thai noodle stalls. Please keep it that way! :)

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Not the most expensive khao soi in CM. That distinction would go to the restaurant Just Khao Soy. And a few hotel restaurants as well. :)

I beg to differ. I have eaten at just Khao Soi and and the price to quantity ratio is much better at Just Khao Soi. I can get full on one bowl at Just Khao Soi and I would have needed around 10 bowls at Mamma Noodles. Therefore Mamma Noodles Khao Soi is more expensive.

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its only 60 Baht, get over it and just never go there again....

The whole point of this thread is to warn others that like Khao Soi not to go there and order Khao Soi. I wish I would have read this before so I did not go there and I will never go there again.

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When you and your girlfriend ate there, and you received a small bowl while your girlfriend received a large bowl, why did you not mention it to the owner THEN? Why wait to complain now?

I think the best Khao Soi is Lamduan Khao Soi in Farham..20 baht :)

First of all I was there with my wife. I do not have a girlfriend. Second of all I am not the type of person that complains to the owners unless i receive uncooked food or something like that. I just never go there again and will tell others. The point of this thread is not to cry over spilt milk it is to help other Khao Soi lovers to avoid the place.

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When you and your girlfriend ate there, and you received a small bowl while your girlfriend received a large bowl, why did you not mention it to the owner THEN? Why wait to complain now?

I think the best Khao Soi is Lamduan Khao Soi in Farham..20 baht :)

First of all I was there with my wife. I do not have a girlfriend. Second of all I am not the type of person that complains to the owners unless i receive uncooked food or something like that. I just never go there again and will tell others. The point of this thread is not to cry over spilt milk it is to help other Khao Soi lovers to avoid the place.

Still, it doesn't make sense to me that you would not complain to the owner- unless you were afraid to...

Better to come here anonymously to complain, right?

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Im always pretty scared to complain at restaurants/food places. Mainly because if i do, I have no idea what they will do to my food. :) Prefer just to leave the food and if it was really bad service or whatever, just never go back.

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I know that this shouldnt matter, but did you order in English or Thai? Just I suspect at times if you speak Thai it dissuades some antics like this. Surprised if it happened if you spoke to her in Thai. However, shouldnt happen anyway. Silly lady will lose herself good customers if she behaves like that.

My wife ordered in thai. She got a noodle soup that had huge proportions and my portion was less than what I would expect from a 5 baht candy bar. We were both shocked when the food showed up and I swore I would post it here to warn any one else not to og there for Khao Soi.

I would have pointed out this difference to the owner in a friendly way and in Thai. In case the owner is not willing to correct this difference I will smile, stand up, walk away (to never return) and leave the food for what it is worth. Too bad for my grumbling stomach, but there's always another restaurant nearby. It would be worse for my stomach to spill anymore thoughts on such a restaurant.

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