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Frozen food is generally crap, but the one exception used to be Rang Mahal Chicken Makhanwala, which is on sale at Tops mostly. As described on the back of the box " Morsels of chicken breast, well marinated overnight with the blend of freshly ground spices...."

The front of the box states "100% whole chicken breast meat". Which was true until approx 3 months ago when I noticed that the "chicken breast" was now gnarly, tough, gristly thigh or leg. I initially thought that I had just bought a bad batch, but this has now continued for at least 3 months as my wife bought a pack this week and the meat is the same poor quality. To be 100% sure I took a piece of the meat to a friend, who is a chef and asked him if it was chicken breast and he assured me it was not. The company that sells this food BICCL is part with the Rembrandt Hotel Group, as described on their website, so this is a poor advertisement for their famous food.

Not a big issue, I understand, but clearly they are promoting one thing, and delivering another. I have contacted the company, but received no response.



Sounds to me like you would really like the company to prepare the food as you have been used to, is it really that different in quality and taste that you will not order anymore?

Are there no alternatives out there?

Shame if not, maybe if other readers have noticed similar and feel the same way you do and notice this post, after receiving a host of emails all complaining, the company might fix the problem. For that to work in practice I fear they would have to see a substansial drop off in sales. That would take a big group effort.

Regards Bojo


I noticed the same thing as the OP, so stoped buying it for a few months, however weakened the other day and bought one. To my surprise, it was breast meat AND more of it than before!!!

Anyway the period in between I started cooking my own curries and freezing them, and now am not unduly worried if Tesco doesn't have them in stock. The chicken Dhansak I made was great!!!!!!!!


Maybe sales dropped off once they changed to brown meat. How dumb are they? They can get away with that crap with the Thais, because they don't care what sort of meat they are served, and probably prefer brown meat. But, when you have a product that is good and popular, why change it other that out of pure greed? I ain't exactly cheap at 160 baht per pack. Monkeys.


While I have empathy for your situation kurnell...no one likes to buy something and later find out it is not what is advertised. I have no sympathy for you.

Sorry if that sounds cruel.

You live in Bangkok kurnell. Correct? Bangkok...where there is a wealth of excellent Indian food establishments? So...for <deleted>*ks sake, why are you buying frozen processed Indian food? I don't care who the source is, it's still pre-packaged, processed and frozen.

Is is really that much of a hassle and inconvenience, to stop and buy some fresh curry to-go at a restaurant? Even if you bought it at a Indian restaurant, took it home, and froze it yourself for later consumption?

The more I read this Western Food in Thailand section, the more I come to realize you Bangkokians, are a bunch of spoiled winchers. Try living up here in Issan for a few months. You might appreciate the diverse selection and the quality of food that is available to you in Bangkok.


Yes mate, living on the outskirts of Bangkok where there are no Indian restaurants. Yes, I could go out into the city, buy a boatload of Indian food and freeze it, but what then is the difference?

Isaan? LOL, go to an Indian restaurant in Bangkok and load up.


The best product that this company make are their Nan breads though I wish they did a Peshwari Nan as well, I havent tried the product that you are talking about but I have had the misfortune to try the Chicken Tikka Massala which as I mentioned on another thread was easily one of the worst cheap frozen curries that I have ever eaten, it tasted like a cheap Tesco value Madras from the UK, with the smallest and most tasteless pieces of chicken in it that I have ever encountered, I know that in Pattaya we have a few Indian restuarants but again most of the chefs have never been anywhere near a UK curry house and turn out curries that taste nothing like what they are supposed to be, there are a couple of exceptions here but the prices of their curries are ridiculously high given that the cost of labour and ingredients in LOS is far less than the UK.


I was told that the Indian ingredients in Pattaya are double the cost of Bangkok. It might explain the prices here as they can't go to Bangkok everyday.

BTW, you don't have to be British to love good curries!

Earlier, speaking to students at Delhi University Monday, (Hillary) Clinton said she is such a fan of Indian food that she eats too much of it whenever she visits the subcontinent. "I have to go on a diet when I get back home,"


The best product that this company make are their Nan breads though I wish they did a Peshwari Nan as well, I havent tried the product that you are talking about but I have had the misfortune to try the Chicken Tikka Massala which as I mentioned on another thread was easily one of the worst cheap frozen curries that I have ever eaten, it tasted like a cheap Tesco value Madras from the UK, with the smallest and most tasteless pieces of chicken in it that I have ever encountered, I know that in Pattaya we have a few Indian restuarants but again most of the chefs have never been anywhere near a UK curry house and turn out curries that taste nothing like what they are supposed to be, there are a couple of exceptions here but the prices of their curries are ridiculously high given that the cost of labour and ingredients in LOS is far less than the UK.

Ae we to believe that curries are an "English" speciality " ?? Dear me and I thought the many times I visited India i was eating local food, how stupid of me ! I do now believe that one of us is a total dipstick and geographically challenged. The curries offered in the UK are very tasty but like Chinese food there, bastardised to suit the local taste.

The best product that this company make are their Nan breads though I wish they did a Peshwari Nan as well, I havent tried the product that you are talking about but I have had the misfortune to try the Chicken Tikka Massala which as I mentioned on another thread was easily one of the worst cheap frozen curries that I have ever eaten, it tasted like a cheap Tesco value Madras from the UK, with the smallest and most tasteless pieces of chicken in it that I have ever encountered, I know that in Pattaya we have a few Indian restuarants but again most of the chefs have never been anywhere near a UK curry house and turn out curries that taste nothing like what they are supposed to be, there are a couple of exceptions here but the prices of their curries are ridiculously high given that the cost of labour and ingredients in LOS is far less than the UK.

Ae we to believe that curries are an "English" speciality " ?? Dear me and I thought the many times I visited India i was eating local food, how stupid of me ! I do now believe that one of us is a total dipstick and geographically challenged. The curries offered in the UK are very tasty but like Chinese food there, bastardised to suit the local taste.

Oh dear insults on the food forum how sad!, are Indian curries an English speciality? no, and bastardised, well I guess yes, you would have to ask the Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani chefs that emigrated to the UK during the 50's,60's and 70's why?, it's true before these guys came up with them a lot of the dishes never existed but pherhaps that's why Indian food was not very popular before then not only in the UK but in other countries as well, I remember reading once that the head chef at one of the best hotels in Dheli said that the most ordered curry dish in the restuarant was Chicken Tikka Masala which was indeed invented in the UK, I think that most expats on this forum are talking about BIR style Curries which are now reproduced and exported all over the world including India itself, pherhaps you could start a thread on the genuine cuisine and recall the days backpacking across India eating the arse blowing slop they serve up to disguise the rotten meat in their food.


Ae we to believe that curries are an "English" speciality " ?? Dear me and I thought the many times I visited India i was eating local food, how stupid of me ! I do now believe that one of us is a total dipstick and geographically challenged. The curries offered in the UK are very tasty but like Chinese food there, bastardised to suit the local taste.

Yes, local chinese takeaways in the UK do sell chips etc and have adapted dishes to the local flavour but Chinatown in Soho is where the coinnoisseurs of decent Cantonese cuisine head to for that Hong Kong taste.

regards Bojo


ha cha.

ha cha.

Just went through one of these last week and tender, scrumptious breasty pieces still in mine. Still hands down the best gup eatin' this side of the ganges!

ha cha.

ha cha.

Just went through one of these last week and tender, scrumptious breasty pieces still in mine. Still hands down the best gup eatin' this side of the ganges!

Again please in English..

Ae we to believe that curries are an "English" speciality " ?? Dear me and I thought the many times I visited India i was eating local food, how stupid of me ! I do now believe that one of us is a total dipstick and geographically challenged. The curries offered in the UK are very tasty but like Chinese food there, bastardised to suit the local taste.


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