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The Latest On David Carradine's Death


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What's the latest news on the investigation into David Carradine's death?

Right from the start those closest to him said they absolutely didn't believe the first official report (auto-erotic asphixiation - whatever). That didn't make any sense to me either, for a number of reasons. I want to know what really happened, and I want to know that justice is done.

I tried to search the forum for this topic, but it seems there are too many threads and most of them died some time ago. Perhaps this thread could serve from now on as a place for the latest news and discussion of this topic?

Edited by dumbnewbie
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What's the latest news on the investigation into David Carradine's death?

Right from the start those closest to him said they absolutely didn't believe the first official report (auto-erotic asphixiation - whatever). That didn't make any sense to me either, for a number of reasons. I want to know what really happened, and I want to know that justice is done.

I tried to search the forum for this topic, but it seems there are too many threads and most of them died some time ago. Perhaps this thread could serve from now on as a place for the latest news and discussion of this topic?

Errr, what sort of follow ups are you looking for?

Why didn`t those closest to him believe the first official report? And what doesn`t make sense to you?

The cause of death was obvious and the case concluded.

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Thailand is a sketchy place, and becoming more so. Many foreigners turn up dead there in very mysterious circumstances.

His manager and family all said he was in great spirits and cannot believe he would commit suicide, which was the first official verdict. Later an independent autopsy ruled out suicide, but not "foul play", which I take to mean other people may have been involved. The latest I heard was that two lady boys robbed and killed him, then tried to make it look like he died accidentally.

As for this "auto-erotic asphyxiation" theory - does anyone know how that works? I mean, really - wouldn't he have been found lying in his bed if he were masturbating with a rope tied around his neck? Do you really have to hang yourself in a closet in order to masturbate? Wouldn't anyone with the least bit of common sense realize that if you passed out while hanging yourself to get off you would not likely ever wake up? And wouldn't that leave very visible marks on your neck the next day when he was scheduled to begin shooting for his next film? And why would he be masturbating in Thailand of all places? Thailand is one of the easiest places in the world to hook up with someone, no matter what your fancy, all the more so if you're a rich, famous American actor!

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Thailand is a sketchy place, and becoming more so. Many foreigners turn up dead there in very mysterious circumstances.

His manager and family all said he was in great spirits and cannot believe he would commit suicide, which was the first official verdict. Later an independent autopsy ruled out suicide, but not "foul play", which I take to mean other people may have been involved. The latest I heard was that two lady boys robbed and killed him, then tried to make it look like he died accidentally.

As for this "auto-erotic asphyxiation" theory - does anyone know how that works? I mean, really - wouldn't he have been found lying in his bed if he were masturbating with a rope tied around his neck? Do you really have to hang yourself in a closet in order to masturbate? Wouldn't anyone with the least bit of common sense realize that if you passed out while hanging yourself to get off you would not likely ever wake up? And wouldn't that leave very visible marks on your neck the next day when he was scheduled to begin shooting for his next film? And why would he be masturbating in Thailand of all places? Thailand is one of the easiest places in the world to hook up with someone, no matter what your fancy, all the more so if you're a rich, famous American actor!

Got to be honest, I don't know what "auto-erotic asphyxiation" means, and I'm going to guess many other members are wondering what this is.

Can someone please explain.

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Whether he was choking the chicken or bashing the bishop is no longer relevant.

Or wanking his willie!

Sure, maybe he was spanking the monkey (wee!). But maybe not. Maybe he was was doing nothing of the sort, but was murdered, and the police have been trying to cover it up with this ridiculous story, designed to squelch curiosity because it's so strange and embarrassing. I would think that would make the story extremely relevant to any expat living in Thailand, because that would say something about the kind of place Thailand is and what can happen to any one of us there. If that could happen to someone like David Carradine (wealthy, well-connected, about to start shooting his next movie the very next day), and in a high-end hotel no less, and if there is a pattern of this kind of thing happening over many years to many foreigners in Thailand, then surely none of us should feel safe.

Surely you guys have heard of many other suspicious deaths of foreigners in their Thai hotel rooms? Does it cause you no concern?

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Got to be honest, I don't know what "auto-erotic asphyxiation" means, and I'm going to guess many other members are wondering what this is.

Can someone please explain.

The brief definition from dictionary.com is

asphyxia caused by intentionally strangling oneself while masturbating in order to intensify the orgasm through reduced oxygen flow to the brain.

Basically, there are a large number of ways to do this - none of them entirely safe. You can also do this with someone else, where they manage the strangling part - but that can be even more unsafe, as they are not as aware of exactly what you are feeling at any given moment.

You can use a rope or a gag, or you can get more creative. I personally saw the results of one person who placed themselves inside a large empty plastic water bed and attached a vacuum cleaner to slowly draw out the air while they pleasured themselves. This person had a pocket knife, ready to slice their way out at the right time, and had even set up a scale model to make sure this would work/be safe. Unfortunately, they waited too long to cut themself out, and were vacuumed in - could not more the arm with the knife enough to cut through the plastic and subsequently died. I was an emergency medical technician in the responding ambulance the next day.

I cannot stress enough how dangerous this is. If you choose to play with autoerotic asphyxiation, fine - but I urge you to have someone there to help or rescue you. Even then, you could crush the trachea or do some other damage which could be permanent - with or without death. And unfortunately the person you chose to be there to help could end up charged with negligent homicide.


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Dumbnewbie, there have been numerous threads about this subject, pages and pages long. By memory it ended by the statement of the family hired pathologist who said that he suffocated and it could have been an accident... now go figure.

Why rehash this and in the mean time take it out on Thailand?? If you think it is all that dangerous I assume you will stay home.

Do a search on the net, do a search on Thaivisa and you will have reading stuff for a week.

Found a link for you: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Actor-David-...ok-t270582.html

Edit for link.

Edited by Carib
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Maybe, he was really assasinated by a secret Kung <deleted> sect of alien mafia, as he was about to reveal thier nafarious plans for world domination by manipulation of the world finacial markets....... Or maybe he just miscalculated he abilities to control his auto-erotic asphyxiation, because of the adhoc technique he utilised, just like Micheal Hutchison. Which ever is the case he is no less dead, may he RIP.

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Riddle me this - why would you do this in a closet and not on your bed? :)

Because in order to hang you need a sucure attachment piont higher than you. But low enough to give you some safeguards, eg: standing up relieves the pressure.

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The latest on David Carradine's death is that he's dead. Whether he was choking the chicken or bashing the bishop is no longer relevant. He's in the box. Time to move on...

Indeed. He has ceased to be. Bereft of life he's gone to meet his maker. This is an ex chicken choker.

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I don't understand the need for people to see conspiracy in everything.

Thailand is no more sketchy a country than other western countries. Feet from humans have been washing up on the shores of British Columbia for the past few years. I don't think tourists are avoiding the place for fear of the "foot gobbler". People die every day under odd circumstances. What's your point?

The sketchiness of Thailand does not change the fact that the deceased was found in a state of undress and in bondage. There was no evidence in the initial autopsy, nor in the subsequent review of any injuries indicative of a physical assault. What part of this do you not understand?

- He was found with a rope tied around his neck and penis. This is associated with sex play termed auto-erotic asphyxiation. No one has disputed this.

- Auto-erotic asphyxiation restricts and cuts off the supply of oxygen to the brain in an effort to heighten the effects of a sexual climax. Unfortunately, if one has underlying health problems, it will cause death. He was 72 years old and had an admitted long history of alcohol and controlled drugs abuse. Such activity has an impact upon the body's ability to withstand this type of physical abuse.

Why are you raising the subject of suicide. At no time did the autopsy even remotely suggest that the event was a suicide. The cause of death was asphyxiation arising from misadventure during a self pleasuring sexual act. It was obvious.

You wonder why he was masturbating in Thailand" Who knows? Who even cares?

Maybe it was for the same reason the German couple decided to have sex on the grounds of a temple last year, or the Russian was nicked last week in Pattaya for having sex in his car with 2 Russian ladies etc. etc.

I'll leave you with something that's self evident;

"If you hang yourself by the neck, you don't need so much pressure to kill yourself. Those who get highly sexually aroused tend to forget this fact." - Pornthip Rojanasunand, director of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science

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Hmm the interesting thing is with slow strangulation like this, the trachea isnt compress, there you can still breathe until you loose consciousness, then the neck muscle relax and the trachea compresses. Initally the hypoxia is due to decreased blood supply to the brain because the major blood vessles are compressed.

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Sure, maybe he was spanking the monkey (wee!). But maybe not. Maybe he was was doing nothing of the sort, but was murdered, and the police have been trying to cover it up with this ridiculous story, designed to squelch curiosity because it's so strange and embarrassing. I would think that would make the story extremely relevant to any expat living in Thailand, because that would say something about the kind of place Thailand is and what can happen to any one of us there. If that could happen to someone like David Carradine (wealthy, well-connected, about to start shooting his next movie the very next day), and in a high-end hotel no less, and if there is a pattern of this kind of thing happening over many years to many foreigners in Thailand, then surely none of us should feel safe.

Surely you guys have heard of many other suspicious deaths of foreigners in their Thai hotel rooms? Does it cause you no concern?

Wish i had the power to ban people :)

Surely you guys have heard of many other suspicious deaths of foreigners in their Thai hotel rooms?

Personally no. Do you have any evidence or just your rampant imagination?

Does it cause you no concern?
NO, because i don't auto-erotic asphyxiation :D

I think this auto-erotic asphyxiation doesn't exist in Thailand because the natives can get their rocks off anytime with no repercussions or hassle.

I'm assuming its more of a farang thing so well done the police for setting this scene up!

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The death is a tragic accident. The family tried to put all sorts of spin for the initial news cycle to deflect the actual cause of death. I would think this was done for two reasons, first being the memory or legacy of David. The second could have been that insurance policies do not pay in cases of suicide so the cause has to be homicide or accidental death.

There were no secret Kung <deleted> sects out to get him.

RIP David

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Who said anything about "secret Kung <deleted> sects out to kill him"? Since you guys are such gullible smartasses, read this:

Was David Carradine Murdered by Lady Boys?

June 20, 2009 by Karen Jurewicz

Trying to figure out the cause of David Carradine's death is quickly becoming worthy of a Hollywood film. First, it was reported David Carradine committed suicide by hanging himself in a hotel closet. Many expressed strong doubts he had killed himself.

Within a couple of days news reports are saying it was not suicide, but a "sex accident" from engaging in autoerotic asphyxiation. This left people wondering if he was alone, or whether someone else had been there and fled the scene.

At the same time, whispers began hinting at murder. Meanwhile, the Thai police appear to change their ruling on David Carradine's cause of death to fit the headlines of the moment.

In my last article on David Carradine's death, I reported the Thai police said they had reviewed surveillance footage of the hallways near David Carradine's room. They said no one was seen entering his room. Maybe I am seeing a conspiracy where there is none, but my first thought was, "Does that mean they saw someone leaving his room around the time he died?"

The latest breaking news about David Carradine's death comes from David Winters. He is a movie producer who produced three of David's less-known martial arts movies. He believes the Thai police are trying to cover up the truth.

He says, "David Carradine was murdered...I strongly believe Lady Boys are responsible. Lady Boys operate in pairs. David would not have stood a chance. They can be very brutal."

Winters wants Bangkok authorities to release the hotel surveillance footage. He believes it may provide the answer to whether or not David Carradine was with anyone during the final hours of his life.

The Globe has hired Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI agent, to investigate David Carradine's death. He agrees with David Winters' murder theory.

Ted Gunderson says, "I want to see those tapes. My suspicion is they've already been doctored. I believe he(Carradine) met two Lady Boys in the hotel bar. They are flirtatious, desperate for money and would have zeroed in on a celebrity like Carradine."

Gunderson feels the Lady Boys drugged David Carradine, murdered him and staged the scene to look like a suicide. He says a footprint was found on the bed in the hotel room and feels it is the biggest clue in the investigation.

He says, "One of the Lady Boys may have stepped behind him, looped a length of rope around Carradine's neck and strangled


Are we one step closer to the truth? If David Carradine was drugged, it explains why there were not any signs of a struggle in his room. Drugging him would be the only way to get close to him.

It seems we are one step closer to uncovering the truth in the tragedy of David Carradine's death. There are answers to some questions voiced by so many people. His death is not a suicide, and it was not an accident. The only conclusion left is he was murdered.

This leads to one more question in the ongoing drama surrounding David Carradine's death. Will his killers, ever be caught and brought to justice?


Sounds a lot more plausible to me. I don't know much about auto-erotic asphyxiation, but I can't imagine why it would be necessary to hang yourself in a closet with your hands tied behind your back, or above your head, whichever it was. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't make sense.

Why would the establishment be trying to cover it up? Oh I don't know... maybe because the Thai tourism industry is already hurting badly enough? Maybe they don't want the whole world to see that Thailand isn't as friendly and safe as it's made out to be by the industry? Maybe the owners of the hotel don't want a massive lawsuit on their hands for providing lousy security? None of these are good enough reasons?

You guys would rather believe that a guy who had everything going for him would do something so stupid at the risk of dying and embarrassing his family and fans and everyone who knew him? Help me understand that!

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People embarrass their family and friends by dying in embarrassing situations in Thailand all the time. So many people come here to do things that they don't exactly want their family and friends knowing, statistics dictate that a few are going to be careless/unlucky in the process.

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Riddle me this - why would you do this in a closet and not on your bed? :)

(at the risk of appearing to be an expert) Where do you tie the noose to?

Sounds like he knows what hes talking about, :D "He says, "David Carradine was murdered...I strongly believe Lady Boys are responsible. Lady Boys operate in pairs. David would not have stood a chance. They can be very brutal."
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