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Report:99% Of “american Breakfast” Served In Phuket


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Only four restaurants serving sausage that isn’t a short CP hot dog with one end cut to resemble a meaty flower

Following earlier reports that up to 90% of the cosatline property in the island of Phuket was actually controlled by foreigners through Thai nominees, another shocking report has surfaced claiming that up to 99% of American Breakfasts served in Phuket are, in fact, fraudulent.

According to the details of the report released today by the TAT, out of 1,073 restaurants in Phuket province which include American Breakfast on their menus, only 12 actually serve anything vaguely resembling the morning meals typically consumed by Americans in the United States .

Using the standardized template of items including eggs that don’t taste like fish sauce, ham that’s more than 1mm thick, potatoes of some kind, sausage that’s composed of loosely ground pork in a skin casing or patty, and coffee that’s made from actual coffee beans, the survey found that less than 1% of the restaurants were able to deliver on even one out of the five marks.

In fact, only four restaurants in Phuket, all of which were international hotels, served a sausage that wasn’t actually a short CP hot dog with one end cut to resemble a meaty flower. Additionally, the closest thing to an American Breakfast found in Phuket was actually a British breakfast served at a pub.

The report went on to acknowledge the source of the problem as the widespread practice of using Thai “nominee” cooks and managers to operate restaurants that are legally registered as “Western.” Though strictly a legal practice, many in the expatriate dining community have called on the government to close loopholes in the system, including tightening regulations and enforcement on the use of the terms “American,” “breakfast,” and “coffee.”

However, spokespersons for the Thai restaurant industry insisted that such over-regulation would harm business and cause the loss of jobs, and that such breakfast-protectionism was an obstacle to global competitiveness.


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Only four restaurants serving sausage that isn't a short CP hot dog with one end cut to resemble a meaty flower

Hmmmm ... I would seriously dispute that. I know plenty of places that serve proper sausages for breakfast.

We have yet to find a "proper" pork sausage as we used to kno them, made by Walls. Nothing here remotely resembles.

The other problem with hotel breakfasts is the awful bread,soft enogh to squeeze between your fingers and disgusting .And croissants; why oh why can no-one make a proper butter croissant,...with very few exceptions(Generally American chains with Farang Managers)

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So and what is a real American Breakfast then? What does it contains ? In my place I serve what I call an continental breakfast containing fried or scrambled eggs,real bacon,sausages,toast

butter,marmelade,and fresh coffee some cheese if avaiable and orange juice.

Would that satisfy you ?

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Using the standardized template of items including eggs that don’t taste like fish sauce, ham that’s more than 1mm thick, potatoes of some kind

In the course of the years I probably consumed a few times my own weight of American breakfasts, but was never served one that contained something made of potatoes.

Main things are that the coffee comes quickly, and that the white part of the fried eggs is indeed white, and not transparant.

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Obviously it's satire, but its still a real topic. What is a real American breakfast? Often it does include potatoes, specifically real hash brown potatoes not those disgusting hockey pucks you see in Thailand. Better nothing! There are of course different variations. For example, pancakes with syrup and bacon, ham, or sausage is an American breakfast, in that case no eggs or bread. Of course this is different than what most people eat at home everyday which is probably mostly breakfast cereal and milk. I have never seen hot dogs served at an American breakfast in the US ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I rarely eat out but when i do it's usually breakfast.

Had a great American breakfast today at Don's in Nai Harn but usually i go to the breakfast hut halfway between Don's and the beach as they have a pretty good American breakfast too.

I don't know where the OP is eating but maybe he should try these 2 places.

Instead of complaining, perhaps opening up a restaurant that offers a decent American breakfast and advertising that fact would be a better idea?

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This is obviously a joke. Can't understand how some posters can take this serious!!

Because it makes fun of a real situation, that's why ...

The real situation that is being made fun of, is the outrageous claim that 90% of foreigners own the beach front land. Nothing to do with breakfasts. It's a metaphor.

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Only fresh squeezed OJ. 

Home made and baked croissants an rolls.

Home made jam. (Pineapple or strawberrie)

Eggs made with butter. (Not this yellow Thai margarine)

Home roasted coffee (Robusta from Thailand and Arabica from Laos)

Home made Hash browns. (Roeschti)

Where do you get that in America?

Kata Big Rock (Phuket)

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Maybe the OP is satire, but not very well prepared.

The topic of American breakfasts in Thailand is serious. In C.Rai there are about 60 places that claim to have that on their menu, and I've tried nearly all of them. Only one (Chian g.h.) knows how to fry an egg. All the rest either over cook 'em or undercook.

Chat G.H. in C.Rai is the only Amer.Bdfst with fried potatoes, though they're still far from anything resembling 'home fries.'

Thai cooks can't be blamed for not being able to make Amer.Bkfsts as they've probably never been instructed correctly in that art. Even if they were properly shown, they'd quickly revert back to their way of doing things ....adding MSG, watered down rice, etc.

There was one place, run by a Brit (orginally called 'Tapas'), and he made excellent Amer/Brit breakfasts. However, like all the best cuisines in C.Rai, it closed down. In his case, because of a rift with wifey (guess who got the premises, yup, and she leased it out to become a karaoke hole).

Then there's the lack of good breads. Thais can't be expected to understand the difference between good quality bread and starch slabs, as they're a rice-based culture. Maybe some will learn bye and bye, just as some Thais are able to learn that a real sandwich has loads of yummy things between good quality bread - winding up being about 3 to 4 inches thick. In the meantime, a sandwich in Thailand will more likely be two little starch slabs with 2 mm of colored sugar between.

Edited by brahmburgers
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So and what is a real American Breakfast then? What does it contains ? In my place I serve what I call an continental breakfast containing fried or scrambled eggs,real bacon,sausages,toast

butter,marmelade,and fresh coffee some cheese if avaiable and orange juice.

Would that satisfy you ?


In addition to what you serve, need to add hash browns and corn flakes with milk along with a stack of pancakes with butter and maple syrup to make a proper American breakfast.

P.S. skip the marmalade and serve strawberry or blackberry jam.

Edited by bullpen
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An american breakfast aint right if it aint got grits, sunnyside up eggs cooked in bacon grissle oil, or fresh biscuits covered in sausage gravy. mmmm now thats good eatin!

Indeed you are correct, this the Southern U.S. American breakfast, not to be confused with the Mid-West U.S. American breakfast I described earlier.

My arteries are clogging up just reading this thread.

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go to denny's and you'll know what an american breakfast it.fried or scrambled eggs,bacon and sausage,biscuits or toast,sausage gravy ,also pancakes and french toast served with maple syrup

Sorry , I could not afford the air-fare every morning , the best breakfast I found in BKK was at Cafe22 on Sukumvit soi 22 , you will enjoy the toilet also , cleanest and most eye appealing I have used anywhere , asked to have a table and chair set up in it , it was so much more like a 'rest area' .

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What's worse is a lot of the places are farang owned and should have a clue what western breakfasts are. :)

This is what gets me. Some of the stuff they serve up here as a full English breakfast would have them lynched back home.

There was a place in Khon Kaen serving black pudding. "My mate in Pattaya makes it" as the owner told me.

Well tell your "Mate in Pattaya" that he hasn't got a f#cking clue what he's doing then. Absolute cr#p.

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gravy (sausage) first then add fried eggs (basted), biscuits, a slab of smoked ham (can substitute chicken fried steak) , finally potatoes (hash browns/ country fried) of course the sausage/ham dripping are the medium for the eggs and potatoes, good replacement for grits. Bottomless coffee, and your good to go the day until lunch of course.

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It's satire, but it's true that 99% of the "American" breakfasts you see in restaurants and guest houses around Thailand have little to no resemblance to any form of standard American breakfast in the US. Hash Browns or homefries for me are an absolutely essential ingredient! Can't understand why they are so rare, I'll put up with a CP hot dog sliced to look like a meaty flower if I can get some decent homefries.

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Hello, thank you for the article from notthenation. I only care about having a hot breakfast if is should be hot, and I should not get sick from eating it. Having to run for the toilet or having to use the toilet most of the day as a result of the breakfast is always a deal breaker, but bread wth jam is a definite bonus. Cheers.

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