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Massive Fee Hikes For Work Permits Mooted

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

Bring on the "look how much money I've got" crowd.

Oh, here he is! Didn't take long.

If you're spending 12k on a good night out in Thailand you've seriously lost your mind....and are being taken for a ride....

12K on a good night....................Naw. 12K is a quiet night.

20K+ I will have had a bluidy brilliant time.

Roll on tomorrow?

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If it goes up considerably im going OUT!! For whats involved the system is fine how it is, however if they will be introducing new services that justify for the extra cost then i may oblige

So if it doubles from 3,000 baht to 6,000 baht, you will leave the country ? :)

To be honest, it's fairly inexpensive now and even a charge of 10,000 baht wouldn't be unrealistic in my opinion.

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As a farang working in Thailand I actually don't care if I pay 3,000 baht per year or 5,000 baht per year....what do I care about a 2,000 baht increase once a year??

And I think this is also what the Thai government believe!!

I doubt, as well as the government doubt, that it's unlikely the farangs will flee Thailand just because of an increased work permit fee!

But OK...you can also see this an another nail in the coffin.....one of many these past years.......

Exactly, where are we falangs going to flee to? They could charge 20k per year for a WP and it still beats going back to the UK to live with all the income tax, council taxes etc.

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

You seem to have things in the proper perspective, I agree with you, but one more crack down and I am out of here. jing jing.

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Anyone who says they are leaving because the fees are going up is obviously not making any money here.

I think the point is a bit more complicated than that..........they are leaving because they have finally had enough of the anti-foreigner/xenophobic BS that has been dished out, especially over the past 9 years.........in other words, this become the "tipping point."

Interesting that one poster stated something about Thailand trying to become like the other, getting rid of the foreigners. NO........in fact, most of its neighbors are doing the precise opposite with their rules.......they are attracting foreigners/expats/tourists. Thailand is the country in the region that is "out of step."

"Drill another hole in the bottom." The orders came down from the Captain of Thailand-Titanic.

This is from a man who has been threating to leave thailand ever since he has joined Thai Visa. Still not gone yet. Every post he writes on this site is a carbon copy of the previous one. Boo hoo, everyone hates me, I'm going to move to Cambodia where they value my $150 week contribution to society.

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Does anyone know what the numbers are? I'm wondering how many foreignors are actually working in Thailand and paying the work visa fee per year compared to the foreignors who are working in thailand illegally and not paying this yearly work visa fee.


I think for those in nice expat jobs, working for a big company, this means squat. For those in poorer paid professions, such as teaching, it could be a problem.

Regardless, it is a cynical tax raising opportunity by a government whose finances are under strain.

yes, typical government behaviour (everywhere). First they figure out expenses and set taxes accordingly. Never the other way around.

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They have to lower taxes because of the lack of income from exports.

Gotta make it up somewhere else.

So the bureaucracies have to individually dig for some source that HAS cash

and plumb those depths. Expat work permits are a perfect source.

And it plays well with the nationalists.

Theoreticaly, any company that can afford work permits for farangs

is doing well enough to effort more fees.

And this may run off a few farang girly bar owners on the edge,

and THAT plays very well with many thais.

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They seem to have missed the point - most foreigners who seek a work permit are employed by a Thai company - they do so because they represent good value for the business - they are needed and an investment....so why try to increase the prrice of improving the Thai economy? Usually the Thai company pays for the permit so it is Thai businesses they will be hitting directly and loosing foreign expertise.

This is obviously part of the master plan to make Thailand a HUB for education in English. Schools will be less likely to want to employ "native speaker" teachers because of the extra cost of work permits, so this will improve the employment prospects for Thai teachers and illegals such as backpackers. So the quality of English taught will continue to improve - not.

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I think for those in nice expat jobs, working for a big company, this means squat. For those in poorer paid professions, such as teaching, it could be a problem.

Regardless, it is a cynical tax raising opportunity by a government whose finances are under strain.

Well, as an American Citizen, whose taxes went to pay for the "forgiven loans" of Thai students during the 1997 financial crisis, I sorta expected that we Americans would get lots of freebies in exchange if we had a financial crisis, like 16% unemployment and 40,000,000 people on food stamps.

Needless to say, I am disappointed.

Also, these roads they are building everywhere, are they free? They are far superior to the USA. Anybody been to Esarn lately?

What about the retrofitting of the power lines and those wonderful high tech power poles that N. America has never conceived. Seriously superior stuff ! And, I bet it's not free either.

I think this shows how much they are losing in payoffs and cheating and "free" "fruit to be peeled" money.

Personally, I wish you guys would stop using that word "farang" it upsets me. Why should a fruit to be peeled, call himself a fruit to be peeled? It cannot mean a westerner (living in the western part of the united states), or a stretched derivation "from the united states," nor can it mean "caucasia" . a mythical land inclusive of Eastern China, nor can it mean a person with curly hair. So what can it mean except "fruit to be peeled?" G. U. A. V. A.

Taxes are a good thing, that is what Hillary and The one like, and raising taxes will make Hillary and The one proud of them.

Very true, it's funny how they get upset when I call them 'Asian' in response to the Farang name calling ?

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For me and many others who volunteer our time and efforts (ie dont get a brass razoo) to help the homeless or disadvantaged in this country it has always been a pain to have to pay and apply for a work permit to do volunteer work. While many small charaties dont bother with work permits for short term volunteers, many of the larger ones do. This will make many agencies have to either restrict the number of volunteers or start to break the law. I have always paid for my own work permit where i volunteer because I dont want my small effort to be a burden - but if it goes to 6000 baht then that is more than my rent for a month.


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if one is paid or taxed of an income of not less then 30.000 Baht

or 360.000 a year what's the fuss of churning out some 9000 or so?

Most employed here are being paid way more, closer to 600.000 and

beyond - so what?

In my home country after tax every euro is only worth 47 cents!

Does anyone know how many "foreign employees" are in LoS?

30,000 Baht per month. I wish!!!! In Bangkok yes but up here in the north it's closer to 15,000 per month. So any big increase will hurt very much.

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I pay for my own work permit and i wasnt really happy shelling out 3000. If i have to shell out 7 or 10,000 thats almost a weeks salary.

Thailand does all it can to make life difficult for foreigners to live here, buy a home and stay here.

Winging or not, Im going to Vietnam. The visa thing there is certainly more difficult, but otherwise they are doing everything they can to get foreigners and their money to come and stay.

I lived in Thailand for 6 years and have now lived in Vietnam for 4 years. Visas here are easy compared to Thailand. Give your passport to one of many agents and for US$90 you will have a 6 month multiple entry business visa without any paperwork or even a photo. Completely legitimate. :) Repeat the process as often as you like.

Edited by samjaidee
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Another 100% increase in WP fees will surely induce me to leave this country. I've lived and worked here for over 10 years, married to a Thai spouse for over six years, and have a baby on the way, and I still have to go and report myself every 90 days at the immigration office as if I'm some kind of fugitive. I have a PhD and have worked as a missionary as well as am working on a project with the government for the last 3 years. I've been supportive of my parents-in-law and have continuously financially contributed to their well-fare and to their spouses well-fare.

This has become too unfair and unjust. Not only will I leave this place for good, I will discourage all my other missionary friends from coming here as well because this has become too burdensome.

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Another 100% increase in WP fees will surely induce me to leave this country. I've lived and worked here for over 10 years, married to a Thai spouse for over six years, and have a baby on the way, and I still have to go and report myself every 90 days at the immigration office as if I'm some kind of fugitive. I have a PhD and have worked as a missionary as well as am working on a project with the government for the last 3 years. I've been supportive of my parents-in-law and have continuously financially contributed to their well-fare and to their spouses well-fare.

This has become too unfair and unjust. Not only will I leave this place for good, I will discourage all my other missionary friends from coming here as well because this has become too burdensome.

What about your family?

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If an employers of an expat pays it - who cares? If an employee (expat) has to pay then it is simply a condition of being in Thailand - Tum Jai Pom/Khun. Why is this such a hassle? Teachers included, most schools will pay it so no issue. Mountains from mole hills.

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Massive fee hikes for work permits mooted


New work permit fees will be announced on September 13

PHUKET: -- The Phuket Gazette has learned that recent rumors of substantial increases in work permit fees may be well-founded. Discussions are underway in the Department of Employment that could once again lead to massive hikes in these annual fees.

The current fee for a new work permit, or renewal of a one-year permit, is 3,000 baht.

The office of Thanawan Tongsukchote, head of the Phuket Provincial Employment Office, confirmed to the Gazette this morning that an increase in the fees is indeed "under consideration". And a hike of some magnitude is a foregone conclusion as the office says it will be advising permit holders to renew their permits before September 13 when the new fees will be announced.

“We cannot yet confirm by how much the fees will be 'adjusted' as discussions are ongoing and a number of factors at play in the decision are still being considered," the Office says.

The last hike in work permit fees occurred in September 2002, delivering an impressive 200% hike, an event that triggered lively and colorful comments on ThaiVisa.Com, host to Thailand’s largest English-language Web forum. Some recent comments in that forum, albeit from sources undisclosed and/or unofficial, foreshadow this month's hike as likely to be something well over 100%.


-- Phuket Gazette 2009-09-01

That's probably a good thing. Now there will be more and more people working with less and less work permits, which will erode the Thai economy even farther.....in addition, no permit, no taxes. If they keep shooting themselves in the foot, they "won't have a leg to stand on".....!

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

Bring on the "look how much money I've got" crowd.

Oh, here he is! Didn't take long.

If you're spending 12k on a good night out in Thailand you've seriously lost your mind....and are being taken for a ride....

I can’t help feeling you’re being a little cynical here. :D

I don’t think it matters if people can afford to pay it or if you’re one of those who vent their frustration on this by saying their leaving. I think the key point here is that it is a raise and a significant one at that. If people don’t push back then it will just go up again and again with little regard for the average Farang because “they can afford it” right!?.....these little digs do imho slowly erode Thailand’s appeal, after all this is by no means the first dig at Frangs in last few months alone.

I do agree however that 12k a night out is a little keen, unless of course you went to Patpong, then I’m sure you could get fleeced for that in a matter of minutes. :)

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Can the WP fee not be salary determined? It makes perfect sense, reading through this topic it would seem some people are earning so much they couldn't give a hoot and others will feel the pinch. Why can a government department not pre-empt a reaction like this and implement a sliding scale policy? This country never progresses because it is quite simply thick, all the people in positions of power are there because of family connections and elitist status, not because they are good at their jobs. For this country to move forward with positive well thought out policies they need some brains in the mix.

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If an employers of an expat pays it - who cares? If an employee (expat) has to pay then it is simply a condition of being in Thailand - Tum Jai Pom/Khun. Why is this such a hassle? Teachers included, most schools will pay it so no issue. Mountains from mole hills.

I worked for Chiangmai University for four years, in three faculties simultaneously, and when the WP fees were increased in 2002, the university rejigged the lesson schedules from a cycle of 45 minute lessons per hour to single 1 hour 45 minute lessons per 2 hours. This did not mean an extra 15 minutes pay per 2 hours, because the pay was based on the clock hour regardless of the minutes taught. So they got 15 minutes extra work for no pay increase.

When the Visas increased from 500 Baht to 1900 Baht, they pulled in a non-English speaker from immigration to explain it all to us foreign ajarns (nice consideration that) and a lot of us asked if with the double increase, the university was going to either increase salaries or cover the fees. A lot of us got sacked for even raising the question.

Therefore Asiawatcher, if CMU, one of the five largest universities in the country (18,000 students per year last time I checked) will not pay the Visa and WP fees, what makes you think private schools will do so when every penny of profit goes into the owner's pocket?


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If this news is correct it's another nail in the coffin for Thailand. I for one will be giving alot of thought about staying and wroking here. If the fees do go up it will be much more unecomonic to stay. To reply to tomster it maybe only 100 pounds but thats a lot of money here when you are living on the money that you earn here. With the economic problems at the moment there is a definate decrease in the number of students at language schools so less work for teachers.

If paying 6000 instead of 3000 per Year!!!! makes it uneconomical for you what the hel_l are you doing here anyway!!!

Not everyone is here to earn money.

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

Bring on the "look how much money I've got" crowd.

Oh, here he is! Didn't take long.

If you're spending 12k on a good night out in Thailand you've seriously lost your mind....and are being taken for a ride....

Have you never been to a nice restaurant ? (without bog rolls on the table to wipe your face with) A bottle of decent wine can start at 6K easy.

It's not really very nice to tell someone they have lost their mind or been taken for a ride for eating at decent places !

Exactly, I have no problem paying for quality, the same night out in the UK would cost much, much more.

. Some people will find an increase of 3000 baht hard.

Spending 6000 bht on a bottle of wine :)

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I pay for my own work permit and i wasnt really happy shelling out 3000. If i have to shell out 7 or 10,000 thats almost a weeks salary.

Thailand does all it can to make life difficult for foreigners to live here, buy a home and stay here.

Winging or not, Im going to Vietnam. The visa thing there is certainly more difficult, but otherwise they are doing everything they can to get foreigners and their money to come and stay.

You should try living in Amerika, I believe Tax burden free day has been move to August!

And then throw on the multitude of 1000's of hidden taxes and Fee's.

It amaze me that the fee's and taxation is so inexpensive here for what they do with it.

Take a drive on the Left (West Coast) of the states and see how poorly maintained the infrastructure has become.

Also become burdened by having to borrow money from the PRC just to cover for bigger and better Government as is being done by "THE ONE"

I had a reminder of cost difference today when the septic tank got pumped and cleaned for a whole 200 BHT!

Edited by nputman
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Does anyone know what the numbers are? I'm wondering how many foreignors are actually working in Thailand and paying the work visa fee per year compared to the foreignors who are working in thailand illegally and not paying this yearly work visa fee.


I think for those in nice expat jobs, working for a big company, this means squat. For those in poorer paid professions, such as teaching, it could be a problem.

Regardless, it is a cynical tax raising opportunity by a government whose finances are under strain.

yes, typical government behaviour (everywhere). First they figure out expenses and set taxes accordingly. Never the other way around.

How much do YOU pay for a WP or is it actually illegal as well??

How many of your friends have an hidden agenda and join because that way they can get away with illegal things?

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I am starting to get the reason for my not getting a contract renewed. I worked at a university and for six hundred foreign teachers, the rest Thai, the total work permit fee was probably in the area of 1.8 million baht. If the fee doubles, it might just go to 3.6 million baht. If they want to go to 10,000 baht as some have said in prior posts, then we are talking about 6 million baht. Do the math, they are gouging the companies that have foreigners, not just farangs, and while teachers don't pay for the permit, guess what? It is coming, teachers and everyone else will pay on their own and the pay for teachers is not that great either to be handing it over to the government. I don't think it is against us but some petty bureaucrat who is trying to get ahead by making some hairbrain suggestion to curry favor with his superiors. Also, teachers are now not under the labor ministry except for the work permit. No more benefits of the labor court anymore. Also, no union for worker protection. I personally hate unions. Why, you tell me why no benefits of the labor court.

Edited by puyaidon
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