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Confrontation Between Royal Marines And Jet Ski Owner

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Excuse me ???? Strictly drilled to avoid trouble ???? What planet are you on my friend ? I have many friends in the services and did a bit myself years ago. Soldiers, sorry " real soldiers " kick off all over the world. It is what they are trained to do, fight!I have lots of friends in the Para's and they have all said they would not have parted with a satang! I stand by my opinion they were a bunch of sissies. What chance do they stand in Afghanistan if they can't deal with a two bit Thai thug. ? Even 2 ex marine friends here in Samui said they were ashamed. These are supposed to be highly trained fighting machines and you say they did the right thing and settled for the diplomatic solution. No wonder the Uk is finished as a fighting force.

We even have SAS soldiers crying about being called names now in the UK and wanting compensation for hurt feelings! This is what the Politically Correct liberals have brought us to!

I agree with JN45

You don't know how the modern army works. THey follow the rules

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I agree with JN45

You don't know how the modern army works. THey follow the rules

Absolutely correct 'caf'. This cowboy 'H2oDunc' doesn't have a clue how units are briefed for overseas recreational visits. I got into a PM conversation with him and tried to ask which unit of the armed forces he had ever served with. Basically he told me to go away in short jerky movements, and blocked himself from receiving further PM's! Think he's been watching too much TV (and I don't mean Thai Visa!). Rivalry of different units is always healthy, but in my experience, this is always coupled with mutual respect, particularly in recent years when there has been a high level of serious active service.


Warning against jet ski is on the front page in some news papers in Scandinavia

Although, wonderful to learn, the Scandanavians for the most part are probably the best behaved tourists and most considerate when it comes to engaging in negative impact beach activities. You just don't see Danish tourists zipping around on the jetskis terrorizing swimmers like some of the other nationalities, do you?

Send an email to Bravo and lets hope we can flood them with complaints about being spineless jellyfish in regards to thinking about not airing the show.

Not Bravo's call. The contract requires the co-operation of the Thai authorities. My understanding is that If the Thais trigger the exit clause, then the show must be canned.

As for the the posts blasting the RMs for being sissies and not fighting, give them credit for thinking. If you were one of those guys and there was a camera around, would you get into a very public brawl and risk a disciplinary hearing and the lost pay that goes with it? They did follow instructions which is to leave problems for the land coordinator to resolve.

I sort of feel for poor JJ now. Most likely abandoned by his farang father and obliged to work a job that has scum stamped on it. I suppose if the father had been a decent man, he would have ensured that his son had an education so that he could have found a respectable job............


I've had a post removed from this thread without any explanation. Second time in a few days. Post I was replying to gone aswell.


Warning against jet ski is on the front page in some news papers in Scandinavia

Although, wonderful to learn, the Scandanavians for the most part are probably the best behaved tourists and most considerate when it comes to engaging in negative impact beach activities. You just don't see Danish tourists zipping around on the jetskis terrorizing swimmers like some of the other nationalities, do you?

Send an email to Bravo and lets hope we can flood them with complaints about being spineless jellyfish in regards to thinking about not airing the show.

Not Bravo's call. The contract requires the co-operation of the Thai authorities. My understanding is that If the Thais trigger the exit clause, then the show must be canned.

As for the the posts blasting the RMs for being sissies and not fighting, give them credit for thinking. If you were one of those guys and there was a camera around, would you get into a very public brawl and risk a disciplinary hearing and the lost pay that goes with it? They did follow instructions which is to leave problems for the land coordinator to resolve.

I sort of feel for poor JJ now. Most likely abandoned by his farang father and obliged to work a job that has scum stamped on it. I suppose if the father had been a decent man, he would have ensured that his son had an education so that he could have found a respectable job............

Good post, and hit the nail on the head re what to do when cameras are around. Some contributors to this topic seem to have watched too many 'Arnie' movies. Said before, but the reaction of the US Marines was probably the best way to have handled it. They obviously had their act together in terms of shore patrol support, which in reality, was proved to have been more lacking in the case of the UK guy.

Excuse me ???? Strictly drilled to avoid trouble ???? What planet are you on my friend ? I have many friends in the services and did a bit myself years ago. Soldiers, sorry " real soldiers " kick off all over the world. It is what they are trained to do, fight!I have lots of friends in the Para's and they have all said they would not have parted with a satang! I stand by my opinion they were a bunch of sissies. What chance do they stand in Afghanistan if they can't deal with a two bit Thai thug. ? Even 2 ex marine friends here in Samui said they were ashamed. These are supposed to be highly trained fighting machines and you say they did the right thing and settled for the diplomatic solution. No wonder the Uk is finished as a fighting force.

We even have SAS soldiers crying about being called names now in the UK and wanting compensation for hurt feelings! This is what the Politically Correct liberals have brought us to!

Sad, sad man. Please enlighten us to 'your bit'? My experience, anyone in the modern forces has more respect for each other than what you've shown, coupled with your complete lack of knowledge of present criteria for foreign visiting of UK forces. Easy to sit in Samui casting opinions and being a 'warrior'. Oh, by the way, do you have a problem receiving PM's, because it appears that you've blocked yourself?

Tried to 'cut/paste' this before, but it was removed. Hopefully this link will remain, and anyone interested can reflect on H2oDunc's comments:


When i was in the Army, the catch-all clause was Section 69 of the queens regs. 'Bringing the Army into disrepute'

With a camera in your face, AND with the military police there, sorry, you can defend yourself, but you arent going to kick off.

Sure, us squaddies kicked off all over the place quite a bit, but not when there is a camera there!

really, the army just throw you in jail to cool off, fine you, reduce you in rank, or take away the prosepct of promotion.

Those Royal Marines handled the situation correctly under the circumstances.

Tried to 'cut/paste' this before, but it was removed. Hopefully this link will remain, and anyone interested can reflect on H2oDunc's comments:


When i was in the Army, the catch-all clause was Section 69 of the queens regs. 'Bringing the Army into disrepute'

With a camera in your face, AND with the military police there, sorry, you can defend yourself, but you arent going to kick off.

Sure, us squaddies kicked off all over the place quite a bit, but not when there is a camera there!

really, the army just throw you in jail to cool off, fine you, reduce you in rank, or take away the prosepct of promotion.

Those Royal Marines handled the situation correctly under the circumstances.

Really? How so?

His mates running off?

Him getting caught?

Him allowing his brave self to be filmed openly filling his trousers?

Him offering his room details even though he'd checked out?

Calling the MP to come and shout at the nasty man and then give him 35,000thb anyway?

If they had either kicked off properly or quietly and politely paid they would have brought the army into far less disrepute.

Paying a few baht is unfortunately not the worst things these soldiers will have to do on the basis of an alleged lie.

Really? How so?

His mates running off?

Him getting caught?

Him allowing his brave self to be filmed openly filling his trousers?

Him offering his room details even though he'd checked out?

Calling the MP to come and shout at the nasty man and then give him 35,000thb anyway?

If they had either kicked off properly or quietly and politely paid they would have brought the army into far less disrepute.

Paying a few baht is unfortunately not the worst things these soldiers will have to do on the basis of an alleged lie.

They're not soldiers, they're Marines and they're not in the Army, they're in the Royal Navy.

They're not soldiers, they're Marines and they're not in the Army, they're in the Royal Navy.

No difference to me I'm afraid, i used it as a generic term

- does your distinction alter the falibility of the political arguments for their deployments?

Ironic it should be a water craft related incident then for these Royal Nav-ist marin-ists / frightened young pups.

I'm sorry - should that be frightened young water pups or something since you are so concerned with labels over content and meaning?


You wouldn't happen to be thai would you wonderer what a pathetic post you just posted. Let me assure you if there were no cameras about JJ and his thugs would have been waking up in Patong hospital. When was the last time 1 thai fought 1 farang a simple question, deserve's a simple answear thaiwander. We all know the thai way of bravery and showing balls.

You wouldn't happen to be thai would you wonderer what a pathetic post you just posted. Let me assure you if there were no cameras about JJ and his thugs would have been waking up in Patong hospital. When was the last time 1 thai fought 1 farang a simple question, deserve's a simple answear thaiwander. We all know the thai way of bravery and showing balls.

Thank you for your racist presuppositions.

Please re-read my post and no where will you find I was cheering on either side like it was a schoolboy fight (unlike you).

I don't need to guess what might have happened if the cameras were not there.

They were there and the pups acted like foolish little boys in miserably failing to handle the situation.

Why did they need the MP to come and shout at the nasty man for them so he could then pay what he was offering even though they were 'scammed' and JJ was 'coorupt' according to them.

Stand your ground or deal with it gracefully would be my suggestion for them.

Not, looked scared, complain, try to weasel your way out of it, call for your daddy and then pay up anyway.

If they cannot handle that situation with more common sense or dignity (whether in a way you might applaud as macho or not) I wonder how they possibly fare elsewhere.

You will note I have chosen not to raise the race card unlike you.

Quite right, but I still can't see why this LivinLos, whose posts are normally accurate, witty and intelligent, persists in sticking up for Jimmy. He, Jimmy, is was and always has been a dreadful and violent individual.

I am not defending Jimmy.. He made his bed and he can lie in it..

However I do see it as a massive level hypocrisy, suddenly hes the poster boy for evil and makes for a nice easy face saving scape goat. The fact is what Jimmy does is what they all do, what the police take money from, pretty much the entire attitude of the town from top to bottom. I see making one person a scape goat for that, while every one else continues ripping off as though nothing happened to be unfair and slightly pathetic.

Just look at todays news.. A nice baht bus service starts up in Phuket town.. Does any one expect to see this much needed service, probably the number one complaint from tourists who come here, lack of decent cheap public transport.. Does any one of us think this is going to be running from Kata to Kamala ?? So if we know full well it isnt, and its being held back by corruption from Tuktuks through police, and into the very power base of the town. If we accept that its all built on that kind of thuggery and corruption, isnt making one person the poster boy of bad behaviour, while it goes on this very day with different faces, just a joke ???

Jimmys biggest crime was stoking his own ego and playing the bad boy image up on camera.

Jimmy is no Poster Boy.

It is against eastern ethos amongst the criminal fraternities to publicise and glorify ones endeavours and achievments. This idiot wasn't just a catalyst, he threw himself headlong into the public domain. He wasn't picked out by a hidden camera but invited the camera to both the beach interview and the extortion scene at the yard.

I digress and may be mistaken that by looking at his body language when confronted by the MP he realised he'd maybe gone a step too far, i.e. the immediate crossed arms. And then from what had been an articulate argument to having to revert to the "F.U." comment he realised he was on the ropes.

Nobody went and sought him out to use as an example of Patong beach corruption, he whole heartedly volunteered.

And thus, LivinLos, I felt that you were sticking up for this violent bully.

You wouldn't happen to be thai would you wonderer what a pathetic post you just posted. Let me assure you if there were no cameras about JJ and his thugs would have been waking up in Patong hospital.

Strange as it happens day in day out and JJ or any of the rest of them dont seem to end up in hospital..

People just pay up.. and if they are slow to the police jump in, start grabbing passports, and make sure they do.


It remains a voluntary career but somewhere along the way the R.N. have lost their balls. They had no answer as to why they threw up their hands and timidly surrended to a few of Iran's Revolutionary Guards when it came to light that Australia's R.A.N. stood their ground in a similar situation (searching suspicious ships) and the Guards backed down. That's what you're paid for !


This thread is about being ripped off by thieve's and bullys not about the integrity of armed force's if you want to go down that route that scammer pulled the same scam on US marines a few days later. were those marines a bunch of spineless woosie's as well, im not using any card wanderer but can you explain to me and living in Los why all the thais that post on this are saying its a set, up and all an act in front of the camera, and why are the phuket governors crapping themselves because they been finaly been exposed for what they are, and as a final question wanderer why in your opinion do they want the program canned.


Nobody knows how they would react if they were in that situation because every body reacts differently , It all depends on the mood and state of mind at the time , They would have been it trouble either way they had reacted , They would have been put on a charge, Who in the right mind would react with a camera in your face , They did the right thing in a no win situation , The Thai man was just being an Arrogant Thai man ,as we all know they can do what they like because they are Thai and in Thailand. Don't go on about The British Navy or Army, Go on Youtube and see how The American Marines re act to the same situation , I am not having ago at Any Armed forces , because personally i have worked with Britain's and Americas finest, I would say though I would not have been in that situation in the first place because i would have heeded the warnings given to me.Thats why they acted in the manner they did , Naughty boys caught being Naughty, the Upside is it has brought the coruption Scam to the fore , But will anybody take notice, i think not, a few beers and it wont happen to me brigade, And off we go again.

Nobody knows how they would react if they were in that situation because every body reacts differently , It all depends on the mood and state of mind at the time , They would have been it trouble either way they had reacted , They would have been put on a charge, Who in the right mind would react with a camera in your face , They did the right thing in a no win situation , The Thai man was just being an Arrogant Thai man ,as we all know they can do what they like because they are Thai and in Thailand. Don't go on about The British Navy or Army, Go on Youtube and see how The American Marines re act to the same situation , I am not having ago at Any Armed forces , because personally i have worked with Britain's and Americas finest, I would say though I would not have been in that situation in the first place because i would have heeded the warnings given to me.Thats why they acted in the manner they did , Naughty boys caught being Naughty, the Upside is it has brought the coruption Scam to the fore , But will anybody take notice, i think not, a few beers and it wont happen to me brigade, And off we go again.

The American Marines footage was even more disgusting. The dumb marine bowing and wying the jetski scumbag and the sleezy cop just waiting for his share, while motor cycles and even ATV's are roaring down the public footpath all around him. Talk about a failed state !


Anyone read the bkk post this morning, now the local police chief is saying WE are trying to put thailand in a bad light and trying to damage the tourism industry what a pathetic excuse and face saving bullshit. and the governor he's on the bandwagon now saying some clips were editered by a third party to make the thais look bad talk about shifting the blame there making it worse for themselves if they cant face the truth they shouldn't be in the job. who is telling lie's Gavin Hill who has written signatures from all those who took part with there permission. Or the governor and police or tot shitting themselves because there in a tourist meltdown.


Ask some members on the Samui forum why 2 swiss tourists had to be escorted to there plane yesterday after being threatened with violence and rape by jet ski operators on Cheweng beach, or was that made up too. Repoted by Andrew Drummond this morning in bkk.

Ask some members on the Samui forum why 2 swiss tourists had to be escorted to there plane yesterday after being threatened with violence and rape by jet ski operators on Cheweng beach, or was that made up too. Repoted by Andrew Drummond this morning in bkk.

Probably setting up another staged production.. :)


Latest on the rumour Mill the thai goverment is now after Gavin Hill for working in Thailand without a visa. How come he brought to the worlds attention the news of the year yet now the thai goverment want to try and turn the tables by prosecuting him absolutly brilliant more PR from tot.


Jet ski video maker faces prosecution

Police admit extortion of tourists hard to stop

A Thai video production company involved in the filming of alleged extortion of foreigners by a Phuket jet ski operator is to be prosecuted for sending the recordings abroad for broadcasting without permission.

Wanasiri Morakul, director of the Thailand Film Office which comes under the Tourism and Sports Ministry, yesterday said police had traced the tapes to a company called Black Sheep Productions.

She said the managers of the company, which had produced the Big Trouble In Thailand series for Bravo All News station in England, admitted to holding the copyright for the recordings.

Ms Wanasiri said normal videos made by Thais do not require prior approval from the ministry's Office of Tourism Development.

But the people responsible for the Big Trouble In Thailand series, which has been a big hit on YouTube, had violated Article 34 of the motion picture law by not having the contents examined by a Tourism and Sports Ministry film committee before they were broadcast abroad.

The company's managers could face 12 months in jail and/or a fine of up to a million baht.

Seksan Nakawong, director-general of the Office of Tourism Development, said the film-makers also violated Article 23 of the same law for making a film tarnishing the reputation of Thailand.

The clips feature Phuket jet ski operator Vinai Naiman, also known as "JJ", demanding compensation from a British client, a marine on rest and recreation leave.

In the footage of the British marine, Mr Vinai was seen going to a storeroom and returning with a gun which he dangled by his side.

Sasisupa Sungvaribud, president of the Film Production Services Association, said the recordings took the form of a reality show and the events depicted were obviously staged and scripts written for the film.

Tourist Police chief Adis Ngamjitsuksri has conceded the extortion of tourists was a problem which the police alone could not stamp out.

He said the extortion gangs, including those in tourist provinces, worked under highly influential people.


"worked under highly influential people" eg the police !!

Just even more farsical.. Now its prosecute the (Black Sheep sounds like farangs) production company for making the film, not the people in the film who do the crime !!

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