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Do you think, that there is life after death  

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I voted "yes",all these Yogis meditating for aeons cannot be wrong :)

And the "Reincarnation Theory" provides me a good explaination for all the injustice we see in this world.


Science and my education tells me no. However, how philosophical are we going to get before we define life after death ??

If life is energy, then yes.

If life is my consciousness passing on into another form, either on this earth, up in the clouds or space, or some form of self aware conscious energy then no.

If we’re talking about re-incarnation of a sprit without the consciousness of passing then again I say no, but have more understand of why others might vote yes.

Big questions and it's interesting to see others view points.....


I think the question makes about as much sense as asking if there is life before birth :)

But no, there is no evidence of life after death. Everyone is a collection of carbon, and a few other, atoms arranged in an amazing manner that has evolved over the eons into a conscious being. When these atoms loose consciousness, they will decay into their constituent particles and be recycled into new types of carbon based matter.

Eventually, all the atoms in the universe will decay and the universe itself will be devoid of all matter and energy.


All of my religious friends of different persuasions say there is. When questioned they say that they will be reborn as a new person/thing/animal/whatever, with no memory of their previous life. So if what they believe were true, then that life would be someone elses' life, not theirs. Unfortunately they don't seem to grasp what I mean. Never mind.

My personal opinion is no. I think it's all nonsense.

Science and my education tells me no. However, how philosophical are we going to get before we define life after death ??

If life is energy, then yes.

If life is my consciousness passing on into another form, either on this earth, up in the clouds or space, or some form of self aware conscious energy then no.

If we’re talking about re-incarnation of a sprit without the consciousness of passing then again I say no, but have more understand of why others might vote yes.

Big questions and it's interesting to see others view points.....

Depends on how you perceive life, I think afterlife yes but not as we know it.

Oi..very deep thoughts for a land of smiles

But i do agree with pschef

Especially since a good few scientists now percieve that the foundations of Darwinism were built on very shaky ground

And what is your argument why yes or why no?

I only believe in 'proven fact' !

If you voted "no", just go and find a copy of a book wriiten by Prof. Dr. Brian Weiss called "Many LIves, Many Masters" and at the conclussion you are free to vote again.



There are no proven facts about afterlive. If you think there is, it is likely based on you indoctrination as a child. Grow up and get over it.

We will all kick the bucket sometime, live your life until then. It is the only chance you have.

Depends on how you perceive life, I think afterlife yes but not as we know it.

Oi..very deep thoughts for a land of smiles

But i do agree with pschef

Especially since a good few scientists now percieve that the foundations of Darwinism were built on very shaky ground

Umm, can you be less precise than that? "a good few". "scientists", "perceive", "foundations of Darwinism", "shaky ground" - I would object to any of these bits. How about some links so I can verify these claims? :)

To pschef, "afterlife but not as we know it" - can you explain the kind of afterlife that we know for me? :D

I firmly believe that there is no afterlife, although I also firmly wish that there were one. :D

stolidfeline, I have had very similar thoughts since before I was 10. So, my vote was of course "No" but at this time, there's an even 50:50 split :D


No... I have had my heart stop, I have had heart attacks at 16/17... and experienced death. Nothing happens, its a blank void of nothingness... I didn't even really realize what was happening i was so confused and panicked at the time i just remember the clocks in the hospital emergency room and all the doctors working on me franticly.

Also I was a catholic, and went to a Catholic school. Thought about religion and realized how stupid it was, then spent a year doing Christian theology and history to find basicaly all christianity is a hybrid of 10,000 years of other religions so that ended up being retarded as well.

Also I find only old and really dumb people fall into the religious category... and I am neither dumb or old. As for you religious people out there, i understand your afraid and need excuses as to why your pathetic.. wake up, respect you will one day cease to exist and grow up a little :)


We are always around after death, as we never leave the planet. Our bodies decompose and we can be reborn in other life forms as the molecules and atoms that were once us are broken down and recycled.

I hope one day to help make a big Oak tree grow, hower, I have a feeling that the slugs and bugs and bacteria that will feast on me, will probably get indigestion and in turn die.

btw, did you folks know that the chemicals they put into people at funeral homes are extremely toxic and poison graveyards and can even contaminate the water runoff. Thats one thing muslims and jews got down right: No perservatives are allowed.

ps If any of you people die and hit the afterlife, would you be kind enough to let me know.



Death after life: yes. But that was not the question.

Life after death: of course life goes on after death, not your personal (idea of life), but in general life goes on.

If there is death after life, there must be life after death, after all they are two sides of the same fenomenon.

Without life there is no death. Without death there is no life.

Or am I just talking out of my head? Empty words, words, words...


I agree with Richard Smith. We're probably some form of energy, which flows back to the source after death? For those of you who would like to know more and may be experiment a litlle(!), please check-out "The Gateway Experience" by Robert Monroe, the founder of the Monroe Institute and Hemi-Sync technology.

Robert Monroe was a pioneer in the field of Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). In 1958 he started having OBEs unexpectedly, which eventually inspired him to write three books on the subject, and create The Monroe Institute - an organization dedicated to researching human consciousness. The Monroe Institute has created a program based on Hemi-Sync technology, called The Gateway Experience (TGE). TGE is basically a set of 18 CDs that the user listens to while meditating. Its goal is to help the listener reach altered states of consciousness easier.

The 18 CDs are split into six "Waves". Each Wave has six exercises, each about 30-45 minutes long. The exercises are meant to be done in sequential order, because each exercise builds on the previous one.

The exercises use Hemi-Sync technology. How it works is one tone is played in your left ear, and a slightly different tone is played in your right ear. Your brain puts these two tones together to produce a vibrating tone in your head. This vibrating tone is said to help alter your brainwaves so you can hit different states of consciousness easier.

I am currently in the process of entering the Wave III exercises and so far the results have been truly staggering. My perennial sleeping problems have vanished and I am also able to totally relax whenever I desire to do so.

So far, I have not had an OBE experience but allegedly many others have, so I am not giving up hope!!

No need to buy the CD's, TGE is readily available from various torrent sites.

TGE affirmation begins as follows: "I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world....etc."

I hope this information is useful to some of you! :)

No... I have had my heart stop, I have had heart attacks at 16/17... and experienced death. Nothing happens, its a blank void of nothingness... I didn't even really realize what was happening i was so confused and panicked at the time i just remember the clocks in the hospital emergency room and all the doctors working on me franticly.

Also I was a catholic, and went to a Catholic school. Thought about religion and realized how stupid it was, then spent a year doing Christian theology and history to find basicaly all christianity is a hybrid of 10,000 years of other religions so that ended up being retarded as well.

Also I find only old and really dumb people fall into the religious category... and I am neither dumb or old. As for you religious people out there, i understand your afraid and need excuses as to why your pathetic.. wake up, respect you will one day cease to exist and grow up a little :D

I am also neither old or dumb OR religious and still i find your post offensive

Calling peope with some sort of faith dumb and pathetic says more about you than what it does them..seems you havent lost the good old aussie attitude hey?

OH..and you tell them "grow up"..so..how old are you?...lets see,throughout your posts you say "years ago i did this and that"

and..you are how old..........21!!! :)

Then again your comments on how marijuana use is harmless and your self admitted "habits" do indeed show your age AND what affects early use of marijuana can have on a brain

BTW Maybe your heart conditions were "enhanced" by some of your err...habits

Depends on how you perceive life, I think afterlife yes but not as we know it.

Oi..very deep thoughts for a land of smiles

But i do agree with pschef

Especially since a good few scientists now percieve that the foundations of Darwinism were built on very shaky ground

Umm, can you be less precise than that? "a good few". "scientists", "perceive", "foundations of Darwinism", "shaky ground" - I would object to any of these bits. How about some links so I can verify these claims? :)

To pschef, "afterlife but not as we know it" - can you explain the kind of afterlife that we know for me? :D

I firmly believe that there is no afterlife, although I also firmly wish that there were one. :D

stolidfeline, I have had very similar thoughts since before I was 10. So, my vote was of course "No" but at this time, there's an even 50:50 split :D

Hi orosee,

Yeh,Ok i guess the choice of words to use with this subject does make my post sound very vague.

Sorry i dont have website links as most of my reading/research has come from years of various books,both for and against the cases of evolution,theism,diesm,creation,ect ect..Its just a bit of an interest really

I havent really looked for these topics on the net as most times its subjective and the sources are unreliable and/or based on opinion...in the same way you would rightly argue my other post is!

My opinion from all ive read is that modern technology seems to have given the case of "intelligent design" just as much credibility as Darwins theories and there is evidence that the basis' of Darwins theories are at huge odds with the facts as we now know them.

Aspects of the big bang theory and long gaps in history between organisms, huge gaps and holes in Darwins evolution and fossil records, irregularities in his (sometimes doctored) embryology evidence and drawings, DNA based information on the way in which the origins of life (living cells) have supposedly formed,seemingly coming together at impossible odds..ect.

Apart from relying on memory I would have to go through my books back in Aus to give you direct names and quotes of scientists and books,but one book i remember that pretty much covers all the above topics with quotes and findings from scientists is "The Case For A Creator" by Lee Strobel.

It seems the more the scientists find out the harder it is to piece it all together.

Anything else crosses into areas of faith and human belief, all of which is far from falliable.

As far as Life after death goes, no-one we know has ever died (for good) and came back to tell the story so it will always remain in the same basket as the God issue....

You can't absolutely prove..or disprove..the existence of god

I think the question makes about as much sense as asking if there is life before birth :)

But no, there is no evidence of life after death. Everyone is a collection of carbon, and a few other, atoms arranged in an amazing manner that has evolved over the eons into a conscious being. When these atoms loose consciousness, they will decay into their constituent particles and be recycled into new types of carbon based matter.

Eventually, all the atoms in the universe will decay and the universe itself will be devoid of all matter and energy.

What? Are you some sort of authority on this subject allowing you to make categoric assertions like this?

I especially challenge you to explain your last sentence and ask what evidence you have of this ridiculous claim?


If there is no life after death, the question arises why are we here. For what purpose? Why all the natural structure based on action and reaction? Why life on earth, if all that would be pointless, because one day we all will be gone, so will the universe.

If there is no life after death, the question arises why are we here. For what purpose? Why all the natural structure based on action and reaction? Why life on earth, if all that would be pointless, because one day we all will be gone, so will the universe.

The answer my friend,is blowing in the wind :)

I was asking myself these questions many times,i found many answers,and all of them may be true to some extent.The dreams and the imagination are not less true than "real life",they simply exist in other forms or other worlds.

To put it simple,i think we are here to learn and to develop better beings,the material body is the tool,and what a tool!!!

Have a nice day.

If there is no life after death, the question arises why are we here. For what purpose? Why all the natural structure based on action and reaction? Why life on earth, if all that would be pointless, because one day we all will be gone, so will the universe.

Such arrogance to think that all 6.5 billion of us have a purpose, anymore than the other plants and animals on this planet. We are born to live and die, just like everything else. I suppose we fall into the predator or virus category of beings. Get over yourself. The only thing special about us is our capacity for destruction and arrogance.

If there is no life after death, the question arises why are we here. For what purpose? Why all the natural structure based on action and reaction? Why life on earth, if all that would be pointless, because one day we all will be gone, so will the universe.

Such arrogance to think that all 6.5 billion of us have a purpose, anymore than the other plants and animals on this planet. We are born to live and die, just like everything else. I suppose we fall into the predator or virus category of beings. Get over yourself. The only thing special about us is our capacity for destruction and arrogance.

I don't see any shadow of arrogance in "Birdman" question,neither he said that all of the 6.5 billion have a higher purpose than living.

When you talk about predators,are you talking on behalf of 6.5 billion,or are you talking on your behalf or some other's?

Can you tell me if Music and all the Noble Arts come from the capacity for destruction and arrogance?I think not

Humans are not plants,nor animals or minerals,a peculiar sense of individuality makes us different.

If there is no life after death, the question arises why are we here. For what purpose? Why all the natural structure based on action and reaction? Why life on earth, if all that would be pointless, because one day we all will be gone, so will the universe.

Such arrogance to think that all 6.5 billion of us have a purpose, anymore than the other plants and animals on this planet. We are born to live and die, just like everything else. I suppose we fall into the predator or virus category of beings. Get over yourself. The only thing special about us is our capacity for destruction and arrogance.

villagefarang: to clarify, if something is unclear: Mine was not a commentary reflecting my opinion, but a simple and free of any judgement general question to all. Any answer is welcome. So is your's.

And the interesting aspect of your thesis "live and die - that's it" makes any kind of superiority factor towards other living beings meaningless. Because and looking at the great picture from beginning of time and space to the end, if there will be nothing after death, all action and conditions, e.g. suffering and justice, are not an issue at all. Therefore your statement is contradictory.


All views are relative to ones timescale. Things that a relevant on a day to day level, pale to insignificance on a broader evolutionary timeframe. So yes I would admit to the contradictory nature of my statement. In the short term much of what we do can be judged based on ones particular bias. There maybe perceived injustices or whatever, and perhaps a need for some to justify their existence as being greater and more purposeful than it is. Over time, however, I don't see that any of it will make any difference, for the very reasons you stated. As entertaining as it might be to joust a bit and hypothesize about all this or that, again in the end it really doesn't matter. It is of no greater purpose than a bird flying through the air.

(Rereading what I wrote, it might sound like I was assaulting you as a person but be assured I was simply responding to the general notion of "purpose" that you put forth in your generalize question. I understood what you were doing but didn't make clear what I was doing.)

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