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Over the last 1 year my neighbors have increased their dogs to about 16 and that with 3 neighbors.Every day they bring the dogs close to my house and let them crap everywhere,then piss off and leave the shit for me to clean up,if its by my gate.Also a few dog owners are waling their dogs from the next soi and of course these dogs smell piss and shit and do the same,and the owners watch them crap and dont pick up.

At this moment i have only spoke to the 1 owner who has been here for more years than me and she says her 5 dogs only have small poopoo so i did say ok no probs i will collect the poo every week and throw over onto your driveway and she just frigging laughed.I am asking do i let this continue or phone somebody and complain as this is an offence in Uk,and yes you are right this is not the UK,but its getting out of hand now.I am trying to get a couple more neighbors to complain too but they are scared of moaning about this disgusting mess.

Any suggestions are helpul,tel numbers etc,or if any dog owners that are doing the same,can i ask why,what right have you got to let your dogs shit on everybodies area except your own.



Wait for the owner with 2 plastic bags that you give him, and explain him in a very polite way how to manage. If response is not as expected, then, you collect it, and go to dump it at his front door....

My 2 cents


bb gun always works and if that doesnt a sure bet is poison (ok flame away) but seriously why do people need 5 to 15 dogs??? as a rule of thumb 4 or more is considered a pack and a pack of dogs has proven to be a danger to small children, other animales and the public at large.

Wait for the owner with 2 plastic bags that you give him, and explain him in a very polite way how to manage. If response is not as expected, then, you collect it, and go to dump it at his front door....

My 2 cents

Good idea but there are at least 5 different owners who seem to want their dogs crapping away from their property,i wonder why.



bb gun always works and if that doesnt a sure bet is poison (ok flame away) but seriously why do people need 5 to 15 dogs??? as a rule of thumb 4 or more is considered a pack and a pack of dogs has proven to be a danger to small children, other animales and the public at large.



That gives you an idea how crazy some people are and dont give a flying about anybody,which is typical of some thais and farangs for that matter.Even though i dont think i can kill a pet dog there is a limit to what i will take and then i flip very badly,so at the moment i am having deep breaths and taking it easy


Maybe make some pictures of these dogs defecating in front of your house and/or on your drive way. Then take these to the head of the village, the 'Or-Bor-Tor' or Tessaban.


I have not read the other replies here yet, but do this and I promise it will work.

go to the shop and buy ground white or black pepper powder and sprinkle it all over the front of your house and around on the road. I promise the dogs will not go there again. you do have to do this avery few days until they get the message.

ok, now I have read the other posts and Poorsucker says the same. it does work and its cheap and you will not get into trouble with anyone for poisoning there dogs or shooting them.

Wait for the owner with 2 plastic bags that you give him, and explain him in a very polite way how to manage. If response is not as expected, then, you collect it, and go to dump it at his front door....

My 2 cents

I'm not sure of the wisdom of this in Thailand, but it is exactly what I did in my townhouse community back in the States. We had politely expressed our concern with our neighbors several times about the dog crap left in our yard. We cleaned it up for a while. Our lawn actually began to die in huge yellow spots. Finally, when I would clean up the dog crap I would put it in a plastic bag and leave it on their door step. Still no change. Finally, I stopped putting it in a plastic bag and instead just left the crap right on the door step. About a month after that they moved away. :) I have no idea if one was the result of the other, but it seemed to be connected. They couldn't very well complain. We had a county leash law and a law about cleaning up after pets, and they had seen me photographing their dogs defecating in our yard.


We used to have a problem with the neighbour's cat peeing and crapping in our small back yard in England, smell was terrible. GF at time used chilli powder which seemed to work very well.

We used to have a problem with the neighbour's cat peeing and crapping in our small back yard in England, smell was terrible. GF at time used chilli powder which seemed to work very well.

That brought back a memory from my childhood in New York State. At that time we still had metal milk boxes on our porches for milk delivery. There was a dog that would make the rounds each day and pee on virtually everyone's milk boxes. Finally, our neighbor hooked up his to electricity. Next time the dog peed on his milk box, end of story.


I used to have the same problem at a house i had in Naklua, my solution was the following.

20baht sling shot.

couple of bags of ice.

1.125lt of Coke.

700ml bottle of jack daniels.

Sit on veranda which overlooked my driveway,pour myself a JD & Coke, sit back and relax, wait for dogs/cats to come to my gate to take a dump/piss, pick up slingshot, load with ice and shoot to offending animal.... It took nearly 8 bottles of JD over a 6 week period but finally, no more animal's relieving themselves at my front gate.

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