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Should I Call This Racism


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:) during his first winter as an exchange scholar, an african student at a bus stop was freezing in a western country small township in the suburbs where the winter temperatures falls far below the -20 degree celsius. .

a bus came along and when the driver saw the black student, instead of stopping for him who was waving frantically alone at the bus-stop for the driver to stop for him,the student, the bus driver decided to step it up on his pedal and speeded away as if the student did not exist.

this was witnessed by no one except the student himself who later on in life, went on home to his country to become a minister in his own country.

was it racism he suffered in the hands of the bus driver?????

was it so hard to see a black human being poised against all the glistening white snow??????

or was he too sensitive???? :D

Thats a sad little story you got there.

Where did you get it from?

Not quite sure how it relates to the thread.


Yes it was probably racism.

Did the student suffer more from this during his time there?

If yes, he was not too sensitive.

Did the student only suffer this from the racist driver?

If yes, he was too sensitive, because we must accept the fact that we meet bad people many times in our lifes, and we must always believe that the vast majority of people are decent.

By the way, who was the student?

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a page or two from north american history will reveal some food for thought.

starting with bi-lingual canada.

rene levesque, the late ex-premier of la belle provence rose to power because of his stance against the english-speaking canadians. how so?

it was because the province of quebec was some 70% french canadian and the english literally monopolised all the big commercial aspects of the french canadian lives.

that was why at those times, the vehicle licence plates in quebec carried the "je'me souvien" logo.

but, something more hideous was behind this logo.

the french canadian remembered the european war years where french canadians were posted - by the english canadians , of course, - to the front-lines of the battlefields and were slaughtered by the hundreds.

is this racism??????

from the u.s. of a., history will remember how the black volunteers died by the thousands when they volunteered to fight in the american civil war years. where were the whites in the building of the u.s.of a. then??????

lynching the blacks through their ku klux klans?????????

establishing their white superiority????????

lest we forget, stop building/brewing a storm out of a thai tea-cup, kitikarchon or not.......

i stand corrected of these observations.....

Edited by miatai
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Whenever I hear stories of hiso Thais being racist, it is usually driven more by the sense of hurt felt by the complainant that some of those pesky Thai people are, in fact, rich and successful, and that the big white guys who hitherto had thought themselves masters of their new universe were not that at all, contrary to what Lek in Soi Cowboy told them.

Nothing in this thread convinces me otherwise.

Is samran Asian? I don't know, but he's dam_n ugly and how on earth he managed to produce cute kids is beyond me. He got lucky convincing a classy white woman to marry him, I guess.

Edited by bendix
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:) during his first winter as an exchange scholar, an african student at a bus stop was freezing in a western country small township in the suburbs where the winter temperatures falls far below the -20 degree celsius. .

a bus came along and when the driver saw the black student, instead of stopping for him who was waving frantically alone at the bus-stop for the driver to stop for him,the student, the bus driver decided to step it up on his pedal and speeded away as if the student did not exist.

this was witnessed by no one except the student himself who later on in life, went on home to his country to become a minister in his own country.

was it racism he suffered in the hands of the bus driver?????

was it so hard to see a black human being poised against all the glistening white snow??????

or was he too sensitive???? :D

Thats a sad little story you got there.

Where did you get it from?

Not quite sure how it relates to the thread.


Yes it was probably racism.

Did the student suffer more from this during his time there?

If yes, he was not too sensitive.

Did the student only suffer this from the racist driver?

If yes, he was too sensitive, because we must accept the fact that we meet bad people many times in our lifes, and we must always believe that the vast majority of people are decent.

By the way, who was the student?


You have now flooded us with stuff from your history books.

Fair enough.

What are your personal obervations then?

What about responding to my reply to you?

Still browsing through the books?

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My (Thai) wife said it was not a Tom, but a Hi-So guy. He inherited most of his money from his parents.

I know the person in question isn't the most womanly of people Trav but I can assure you she is a Tom. Goes by the name of Khun Top. Pops up on the occasional soap opera or comedy show (not that I watch them). :)

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:D during his first winter as an exchange scholar, an african student at a bus stop was freezing in a western country small township in the suburbs where the winter temperatures falls far below the -20 degree celsius. .

a bus came along and when the driver saw the black student, instead of stopping for him who was waving frantically alone at the bus-stop for the driver to stop for him,the student, the bus driver decided to step it up on his pedal and speeded away as if the student did not exist.

this was witnessed by no one except the student himself who later on in life, went on home to his country to become a minister in his own country.

was it racism he suffered in the hands of the bus driver?????

was it so hard to see a black human being poised against all the glistening white snow??????

or was he too sensitive???? :D

Thats a sad little story you got there.

Where did you get it from?

Not quite sure how it relates to the thread.


Yes it was probably racism.

Did the student suffer more from this during his time there?

If yes, he was not too sensitive.

Did the student only suffer this from the racist driver?

If yes, he was too sensitive, because we must accept the fact that we meet bad people many times in our lifes, and we must always believe that the vast majority of people are decent.

By the way, who was the student?

:):D:D he was a christian and was very forgiving and he ended - not his intention , though - representing his country around the world and even stood side by side with the great helmsman of the people's republic for photographs taken at the great hall of china, inspite of the latter country being non-christian and inspite of him being a christian.

more importantly, remember what one ex-american president said:

"my enemy's enemy is my best friend"??????

this is from the same great nation that had people teaching the world "how to win friends and influence people".

so sad....

that here, someone else - with many joining in the fray like those in the fights at an epl or uefa football match - is brewing up a storm in a tea-cup in thailand.....with or without kiktikachorn in tow....... :D:D:D

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Tasteless elitism is a worldwide phenomena. We were one of the few high schools in Texas that had one of those big screen TV's in the endzone, artificial turf, etc. on our football field. One of the chants present at every game (home and away) that was a poor school school was "Where's your jumbo-tron?" Playing a Hispanic school? Out come the sombrero's and panchos. Black school? It'd be hip hop from the av class crew + doo rags. Nothing newsworthy because we'd rarely go over the PC line. And that's from a student body that has consistently placed near the top (for public schools) NATIONALLY for standardized test scores and Ivy League bound kids for decades. It's not just the kids. As for the neighborhoods and country clubs, blacks and Latinos are few and far between like in many cities across the nation. Asians are only accepted in many cases because we are willing to pay over the top premium admittance prices.

What people don't like to accept, and this is probably true in the OP's case: there's no hate involved. Just preference. But apparently sometimes some folks feel the need to imagine it as hate, because it's for some reason more painful to think that some folks (and worse yet large groups of fairly educated people) simply don't like you.


Edited by Heng
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My (Thai) wife said it was not a Tom, but a Hi-So guy. He inherited most of his money from his parents.

I know the person in question isn't the most womanly of people Trav but I can assure you she is a Tom. Goes by the name of Khun Top. Pops up on the occasional soap opera or comedy show (not that I watch them). :)

You know, you are correct.

Well, of course you know.


And thank you for correcting me.

I asked my wife again right now, she looks at me when I told her the name you mentioned, and she started to laugh.

I said, well is it a woman or a man?

She said, I dont know.

Maybe a woman, but not a good looking woman.


I probably asked the question the wrong way earlier.

Quite unbelievable what this Tom has bought for her lady the last few months.

But knowing a few women that "crossed over" due to broken heart, no wonder why someone does it for that amount of money/gifts.

Back to the subject I guess.

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because it's for some reason more painful to think that some folks (and worse yet large groups of fairly educated people) simply don't like you.


There's truth in that Heng. I come from a small provincial city in England and we had one black guy in the whole high school. Every time he was involved in an incident he'd play the race card. Race had nothing to do with it. He was simply a complete an utter wanke_r. By all accounts from back home 25 years later he hasn't changed. Currently serving time at Her Majesty's Pleasure for using his girlfriend as a punch (and kick and headbutt) bag.

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the sense of hurt felt by the complainant that some of those pesky Thai people are, in fact, rich and successful, and that the big white guys who hitherto had thought themselves masters of their new universe were not that at all, contrary to what Lek in Soi Cowboy told them.

Nothing in this thread convinces me otherwise.

Welcome back bendix. :)

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Yeah, no doubt it's the dream of butch Tom's to really be feminine heterosexuals.

If anything, there should be sympathy for the Dee's, because many if not most do view themselves as such. One thing that annoys a lot of Tom's is their Dee checking out straight couples and often worse: happy looking nuclear families.


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Whenever I hear stories of hiso Thais being racist, it is usually driven more by the sense of hurt felt by the complainant that some of those pesky Thai people are, in fact, rich and successful, and that the big white guys who hitherto had thought themselves masters of their new universe were not that at all, contrary to what Lek in Soi Cowboy told them.

Nothing in this thread convinces me otherwise.

Is samran Asian? I don't know, but he's dam_n ugly and how on earth he managed to produce cute kids is beyond me. He got lucky convincing a classy white woman to marry him, I guess.

Ugly, and fat. But still better looking that you my friend. :)

And you know the reason I married her was that she, like all farang, is just a walking ATM machine for me (apparently thats what all Thai spouses think of their farang other halves isn't it?)

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Recently i decided I wanted to go to one of the military beaches in Sattahip I had heard they are nice and that one of them lets foreigners in.

At the first beach the guard says sorry no farang I asked my self did he mean no white people or did he mean no foreigners? mmm

On the second beach the guard said sorry Thai people only, that sounded better.

On the third beach I got in, but it was full of ferang. :)

Edited by monkfish
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Recently i decided I wanted to go to one of the military beaches in Sattahip I had heard they are nice and that one of them lets foreigners in.

At the first beach the guard says sorry no farang I asked my self did he mean no white people or did he mean no foreigners? mmm

On the second beach the guard said sorry Thai people only, that sounded better.

On the third beach I got in, but it was full of ferang. :)

They were probably scared the ladies would be starring at you and cause problems.

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I am sorry you had the experience, but it isn;t that uncommon these days, Thai hi-so are often truly obnoxious and horrid excuses for people, and I speak from experience having once been married to one.

Thaksin's fault no doubt. Blame him

I find their misplaced sense of superiority kind of sweet. Same all over. Look at the London banker set . . . dreadful bunch. Anywhere you go you get this. Every society. Remember they will treat the Thai people even worse.

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I once had a Thai lady who I was courting who finally after more than a few months of deliberation, leave me for a Thai man her parents wanted her to marry. I remember grabbing her by the sides of her arms and starring into her eyes with my crystal blue eyes (I also have beautiful, long blonde hair - good luck for the looks of her future children with the Thai man she choose) and telling her that she would never be happy with him because he would never know the real her, not to mention, satisfy her in bed. I think she knew this too but she was too silly and stubborn to fight against her hiso parents and her country's racism. I was offering her a Western style relationship in which I would serve her every physical need and NOT cheat on her. You can more or less guarantee that her hand picked by Mommy husband would be a drunkard spending every last night in a karaoke bar lusting over other women while she stays up at night thinking about what it would be like under me, sweating.



I think you were just unlucky there. For every girl who listens to her parents wanting her to "keep it in the race", two others have more open-minded parents and a more independant mind. That goes for the wealthy ones too. The key to meet the folks fairly early on so they get to know you a bit, and you get to know their true feelings through your lady. You'll soon get to learn what they want from their daughter and what she's likely to do about it, and you can then prepare yourself.

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I prefer an Asian woman to a White one, I married a Thai. Is that "racist" no, one has discriminated against

the White in favour of the Thai, and there is nothing wrong with that.

The Jews do not marry generally outside of their race, there are other cases bases on race and or religion

in other countries.

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my wife's thai driver asked for a (rather small) raise because fuel has again doubled in price and he lives ~20km away from our house. i consider that racism against the "ayrabs" who are selling their crude at a higher price and discrimination against me (farang) because i should pay for it :D

these (by now a zillion or so) racism and discrimination threads and remarks in Thaivisa prove that a great number of farangs living in Thailand suffer from inferiority complexes :)

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I once had a Thai lady who I was courting who finally after more than a few months of deliberation, leave me for a Thai man her parents wanted her to marry. I remember grabbing her by the sides of her arms and starring into her eyes with my crystal blue eyes (I also have beautiful, long blonde hair - good luck for the looks of her future children with the Thai man she choose) and telling her that she would never be happy with him because he would never know the real her, not to mention, satisfy her in bed. I think she knew this too but she was too silly and stubborn to fight against her hiso parents and her country's racism. I was offering her a Western style relationship in which I would serve her every physical need and NOT cheat on her. You can more or less guarantee that her hand picked by Mommy husband would be a drunkard spending every last night in a karaoke bar lusting over other women while she stays up at night thinking about what it would be like under me, sweating.



I think you were just unlucky there. For every girl who listens to her parents wanting her to "keep it in the race", two others have more open-minded parents and a more independant mind. That goes for the wealthy ones too. The key to meet the folks fairly early on so they get to know you a bit, and you get to know their true feelings through your lady. You'll soon get to learn what they want from their daughter and what she's likely to do about it, and you can then prepare yourself.

i just dream of the day my future children become famous movie stars and i see her in MK or FUJI restaurant with her short, small nosed semi-white skinned thai children so i can look her dead in the eyes again and ask WAS IT WORTH IT?

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