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Pattaya Health Club Scam


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Two years back I paid 19,900 bhat to join a well known gym on a lifetime membership. Although the low fee seemed to be dubious, I paid it. In retrospect I probably have the receipt somewhere but I did alot of moving around so I'm not sure where. But when I presented my card to the front desk, they directed me to an administrator. It was too old they had to issue a new one I was told.

"No problem" she said, stating they would have my new card in three days...as time went on though, there was another delay, then another and of course, they didn't want to give me my card back. They wanted to look for the record of my transaction. Funny I thought, with the records they keep this was really a bad joke. More delays, more excuses. New staff. Can't find records. Then the old man comes out with a whopper! An employee was stealing and they need me to file a police report. "If you file the report we'll give you the card". Why argue with an idiot?

I spoke to my lawyer who advised me of some nonsense but it all seemed like it was resolving itself. After filing the report (the tourist policeman mentioned that I wasn't the only one...and suggested there indeed was a thief--but these stories change alot), I dutifully went back to the gym the following week.

Now the old manager pulled out some more papers and at the bottom was written, "one year only". I asked him who wrote that, he said he did. This was the same man who said if I filed a report..."the office say one year." The great thing about Thais is that they all can play a game called "Im not responsible for that decision". Other games they play are "we never loose control of ourselves in speaking so don't yell at me, it isn't Thai", especially when you are getting cheated. This one works especially well on social conformers. Lawyers sometimes play the game called, "send me the money and I'll talk to you" and real estate agents play a game called, "sign here and pay now, we'll resolve that SMALL ISSUE later." Sure they will. Right up your A**. The best part of the cheating scam at the health club is that where do you go from here? The lawyer wants 2.5 times as much as a US attorney to do what? UPFRONT. It is a game of ping pong. Is there no consumer protection for farang?

Since this old manager of the health club was indeed aware of my membership two years earlier and checked my membership then personally as well as supervised the staff at the time, I find this revocation of my card to be simple fraud.

The lawyer changed their tune as well, suggesting first that the membership fee was rather low (I know that) and then later that somehow the burden of membership proof fell on me; who keeps receipts for two years? You better keep a safe deposit box--they don't keep credible records.

Edited by Odysseus221
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Thanks for the social acceptance. But when the lawyers now won't blow the whistle for a reasonable price it makes the legal establishment complicitous. Is that the way it all works in this country? What about the governement helping the consumer?

Are there gov agencies that can help? How about class actions?

Actually, if they just said, hey, we need more money I wouldn't argue. I'd pay. But they aren't educated enough to do that or they just skim off the top. I don't know which.

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A friend joined here and they registered his thumbprint for logging-in to prevent "Sharing" a membership.

There was a thread a while ago where T***'s "Internet Voice" said that a manger had pocketed the money and they published a "He does not work here any more" in the Local Press.

It appears that you have not used your membership for a while, or your membership card would be in your wallet.

"Moved several times and lost the receipt" With the reputaion of this businessman changing the goalposts (Check out his nightclub drink prices), I would have though you would keep that safe with your Cheque book, Credit cards and Passport.

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You were treated horridly and we all know what club you are talking about and none of us are surprised!

Yes, have to agree with you.........very dishonourable, but not surprising in the least. I am lazy to give to give a link to the discussion I had

with "TROPO" sometime back regarding this "individual/establishment" but he was a wholehearted endorser of this establishment,which in itself

is not such a heinous thing.........BUT........was also an enthusiastic advocate and supporter of the dual-pricing system we are all aware of,

to boot !!! Maybe he could give you some closure and advice on what a smashing bloke and proponent of fair-play the said gentleman/owner

of this Health-Club really is........I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this and that your legitimate Membership will

promptly be re-instored with a full apology..............No attempt at being facetious here !!! :):D:D:D

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The OP is pretty much identical to the experience I had with a health club several years ago... IN HOUSTON. They signed up my (then) fiancée on a top-line membership and since I was still very much the 'International Gypsy' and unwilling to fork out for a comparable membership that I was unlikely to use heavily, was offered and paid for a 'special' membership by the then manager. Needless to say, about a year later when I proffered my card for a 'swipe' to use the facilities, I was referred to the new manager who was very interested in where and how I had come up with the membership card. After acknowledging that the previous manager had been sacked due to irregularities, I was offered a new and expensive package as the only way to remain as a member. I declined of course, grew fat and indolent, became a couch potato and my (then) fiancée ditched me... but I digress.

It's an age old industry trick that some gym managers will setup all sorts of dodgy 'lifetime' memberships to get the numbers up, only for the membership to come unstuck when new management kicks in or the annual renewal that the shyster manager never mentioned to you comes around.

So, please don't start complaining about dishonest Thai staff or a legal system that doesn't work the way you think it should. Look out the window... it's Thailand OK? They never even had 'fitness clubs' until the fat, rich farangs came here so it's not their fault that they have inherited our lifestyles and embraced our ways to rip people off.

Edited by NanLaew
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I am always amused when people pay a rediculously low price for anything (like a "lifetime" gym membership for B19,000) and are then surprised when a few years down the road the deal is changed (one way or another) to their detriment. Businesses are not in business to loose money folks...wake-up and drink some coffee...remember what your mommy told you...if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. There is also the Thai corolary to this to never pay in advance for anything more than you can afford to loose (goes for both hard goods and services and the soft ones that are for rent, lease, or purchase in Pattaya :) ).

I never take "lifetime" memberships at any gym in Thailand. I ask what's the monthly or annual rate. On this rate (that I pay) is what I base my decision on. Never had a problem or complaint with any of the 3 gyms I have been a member of in Thailand...but I don't try to get something for nothing either.

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Two years back I paid 19,900 bhat to join a well known gym on a lifetime membership. Although the low fee seemed to be dubious, I paid it. In retrospect I probably have the receipt somewhere but I did alot of moving around so I'm not sure where. But when I presented my card to the front desk, they directed me to an administrator. It was too old they had to issue a new one I was told.

"No problem" she said, stating they would have my new card in three days...as time went on though, there was another delay, then another and of course, they didn't want to give me my card back. They wanted to look for the record of my transaction. Funny I thought, with the records they keep this was really a bad joke. More delays, more excuses. New staff. Can't find records. Then the old man comes out with a whopper! An employee was stealing and they need me to file a police report. "If you file the report we'll give you the card". Why argue with an idiot?

I spoke to my lawyer who advised me of some nonsense but it all seemed like it was resolving itself. After filing the report (the tourist policeman mentioned that I wasn't the only one...and suggested there indeed was a thief--but these stories change alot), I dutifully went back to the gym the following week.

Now the old manager pulled out some more papers and at the bottom was written, "one year only". I asked him who wrote that, he said he did. This was the same man who said if I filed a report..."the office say one year." The great thing about Thais is that they all can play a game called "Im not responsible for that decision". Other games they play are "we never loose control of ourselves in speaking so don't yell at me, it isn't Thai", especially when you are getting cheated. This one works especially well on social conformers. Lawyers sometimes play the game called, "send me the money and I'll talk to you" and real estate agents play a game called, "sign here and pay now, we'll resolve that SMALL ISSUE later." Sure they will. Right up your A**. The best part of the cheating scam at the health club is that where do you go from here? The lawyer wants 2.5 times as much as a US attorney to do what? UPFRONT. It is a game of ping pong. Is there no consumer protection for farang?

Since this old manager of the health club was indeed aware of my membership two years earlier and checked my membership then personally as well as supervised the staff at the time, I find this revocation of my card to be simple fraud.

The lawyer changed their tune as well, suggesting first that the membership fee was rather low (I know that) and then later that somehow the burden of membership proof fell on me; who keeps receipts for two years? You better keep a safe deposit box--they don't keep credible records.

If I am correct in my guess of which club you are talking abut I will try to give some input which may or may not be helpful.

I do not think this is a 'too good to be true' offer as offering lifetime membership is a way that the club brings in income.

This club are always giving special offers to induce more members and are often open to negotiation on fees to get more members. or membership renewal.Nothing wrong with that.

From what I know there was a scandal with this club where one of there senior staff was talking cash from customers/members, issuing cards etc, pocketing the money and it seems some customers were in on the racket.

Though I do not know all the details.The culprit is now in gaol(the last I heard) and the club did need to re-issue all membership cards which are more secure.

Inside the gym from time to time I had spoken chit chat to the staff concerned before he was found out by the club and it turns out now he is a right shyster.After he was discovered they posted pictures of him outside various branches of the gym.

I am not trying to defend the club far from it as you have been badly treated.

However let me get this right.

Your do not have a receipt for what you paid.

Can you prove in any other way the amount and date you paid for lifetime membership?

(there is a legal principle he who asserts must prove)

Did the card issued to you say on it lifetime membership and the amount which you paid?

In your postings you mention papers but where is the actual card now?

And what are these papers?

Your lawyer seems to view your problem as a way to get money from you, so that is more a hinderence than a help.

I would ditch your lawyer.

Have you made any effort to speak to senior management or the top boss at the club, and if not why not?

deal with the organ grinder not the monkey.

Have you directly confronted this old manager re awareness your lifetime membership when it was originally issued, and if so what does he now say?

With the lapse of two years and the membership turnover at the place, maybe he genuinely cannot recall your membership, that is why a document record is so important.

Edited by Zodiac
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I am always amused when people pay a rediculously low price for anything (like a "lifetime" gym membership for B19,000) and are then surprised when a few years down the road the deal is changed (one way or another) to their detriment. Businesses are not in business to loose money folks...wake-up and drink some coffee...remember what your mommy told you...if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. There is also the Thai corolary to this to never pay in advance for anything more than you can afford to loose (goes for both hard goods and services and the soft ones that are for rent, lease, or purchase in Pattaya :) ).

I never take "lifetime" memberships at any gym in Thailand. I ask what's the monthly or annual rate. On this rate (that I pay) is what I base my decision on. Never had a problem or complaint with any of the 3 gyms I have been a member of in Thailand...but I don't try to get something for nothing either.

It's not a case of anyone getting something for nothing.

Something was advertised at a price by the club. They were not forced to make the offer and were not conned by the members signing up into making the offer.

So when it's been accepted they should honour their contract.

That the manager they employed was a crook who stole the clubs money is not the problem of the members that signed up.

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So when it's been accepted they should honour their contract.

And you're an advanced member :)

I'm sure Madoff's investment contracts promised guaranteed lifetime annual returns of 15-20%...they didn't turn out to well either! The point is no matter what any contract says, if it's too good of a deal, it's either an outright fraud (e.g., Madoff) or unsustainable (lifetime gym memberships for little money).

Edited by PattayaBunLover
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The vast majority of people who join health clubs end up either not using it much or not using it at all. In most cases, the non-use happens very quickly. That is the dirty little secret about health club marketing. Because of this, they can sell way over their capacity. Also, Pattaya being a transient population city, most of the lifetime buyers probably end up moving out of town anyway. Given all that, the lifetime promise was in no way too good to be true.

Edited by Jingthing
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