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Just this minute been out on the balcony as saw lightning to the west. Hope you get some rain to go with it.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi



WRONG THREAD!!!! Wrong Thread!!!!!


It stoped. gigglem.gif

That's because you have to take all of your clothes off when you do the rain dance. No shyness, Free Willy.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Very dark out here in Mae rim at the moment. About 30 minutes ago we had a few drop of rain but it appears to have been building a bit North and into the hills. Very strong winds have just come through and the rain is getting heavier.

A great amount of thunder is accompanying this rain...yep the dogs had hhad enough and are sheltering on the verandah.

Good to take the temp down a few degrees and I looked forward to that. Might see a few sprouts of green grass in the next few days if this rain holds on a bit.

Good stuff.... yes its getting quite heavy now.

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Thunder and now rain in Mae Hia. Didn't turn the sprinklers on yet so as not to spook it off. biggrin.png

//edit - lot of thunder, strong winds and heavy rain still.

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Had a couple of really good downpours but seems to be easing off now. Hopefully the Mae Rim plaza market day will go ahead.... no doubt they are already set up, just a tad damp!

Very pleasant 32 degrees outside at the moment. Last week I was in Antwerpen and the high was 15, arrived back to Chiang Mai on Friday to 42. Now that was a shock to the system.

Good luck to the rest of CM and I hope you guys get some of this rain

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5 minutes if gentle rain so far in BWT. That's the first in weeks.....keep it coming! Getting heavier now, so happy happy plants tonight, though it will probably cost us another power outage!!

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That was one heavy storm in Mae Rim, much needed rain for 30/45 minutes but scary winds also, thankfully we had our trees pruned this morning! Temperature in the sala currently showing 26 degrees in the shade, lovely.

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Wind has picked up now, and the trees in BWT are bending to silly angles, so we can expect a power cut any time now. Lightning strike somewhere nearby....that was LOUD!

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Doi Kham had small hail, fingernail size. Rain was necessary but not enough, the soil sucked the water in like there was none....

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I have to drive from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai today so I am guessing I may get wet along the way. Just hope I can avoid any hail by driving in the morning hours.


This is how long dry spells usually end ,violent storms that cause more damage than soaking rain. But I guess at this time we would take anything.

Lead story on BBC World TV today was the extended drought, especially in the north east.The Gov seems strangely quiet about these poor souls, why are they not implementing a bore hole drilling project

Villagers pictured today were travelling up to 20 kms just to fill containers.Several days a week.

Many farmers borrowing money to get there kids to school and put food on the table ,what a vicious circle, loans they can rarely pay back


Droughts are awful, lived in Melbourne for the 'official' 12 year drought, really 14 years. They had to commission a desalination plant because things were so dire. Of course the drought ended around the time they actually broke ground to start building it, but I read that somewhere possibly South Australia was wanting to use the desal plant, so at least some money is being made from it.

I hadn't realised that things were quite that bad here. News reports usually exaggerate, but having to go elsewhere to fill containers is not good. The government really needs to do something, But they would rather send 20 soldiers to arrest someone who had created a Facebook page from my reading of what happened today.

Priority's, eh?

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

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