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Adolph Welomes You To Pattaya


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Please no more slagging off of any nations, generally anywhere in TV, but especially in this thread.

tx, raro :D

Fair point Raro.........to use broad-brush stroke stereo-typing of the Germans as 'arrogant" is a tad uncalled for.

However,on a corollary note I think it would be NOT uncalled for to "slag off " the nation that promulgated the

quite unbelievable billboard.If not the nation, then at the very least the "individuals" who approved the signage and its' erecting.

The people who approved this sign are ASININE RETARDS. I am not German or Jewish,(am Irish) and am merely stunned that

one of the most notorious,vindictive,demagogic and all-out cruel humans of the 20th century(indeed of all humanity) was used

as a billboard on one of the main entrance promenades to (according to TAT), one of the premier,international,family-orientated

tourist resorts in all of South East Asia.

The mind boggles at the unequiveocable stupidity of the decision that was made. Of course,innocent childlike defence could be

given that it was merely tongue-in-cheek and not to be taken seriously.Well if so, then it would be better to use someone like

Elvis, et alia , when the use of Hitler was sanctioned,we were brought into the realm of the other 2 heinous devil-lords of the 20th

century..........Polpot and Stalin!!! Maybe Pattaya pines for a return to the fascist,right-wing era. Bring on Benito Mussolini,why not,

when we are at it.

Not to mention that the promulgators of the billboard,probably have no idea that in countries like Germany and Austria it is not only

highly offensive,but also illegal to erect such signage.

I think the people of LOS have an empathy and real-life experience with the concept of an effective censorship/blackout of the

use of an "individual" or "pictures thereof" that would be deemed to be offensive....I think we all know what I'm refering to.

If their own censorship here in Thailand is deemed to be legitimate and fair, then some of that "caring sensitivity" should be also

directed into the international spectrum :D:D .......seeing since they are all so concerned about peoples' hurt feelings. However,don't

hold your breath, I would be majorly surprised if the hierarchy in Pattaya even knew what year the 2nd World War started and finished.

They probably think that "Hiroshima" is the brand-name of a Japanese motorbike and that the "night of the long knives" is an

upcoming cooking competion in the new Central Shopping Centre............retards!!!

Nazis were evil for sure ,but they had sexy uniforms and top of the range machinery . :)

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Today the US Goverment think they are the biggest, best and untouchable, wich is very wrong again!

Anyone who compares the United States and Hitler is a blithering idiot. :)

True, but the USA is far from being a force for good. It is a force for it's own agenda and that includes profiteering.

And when I say the USA I mean the government not the US people who are ok in my book.

I mentioned the US GOVERMENT in my former post, NOT the US peaple. I have many US friends as well and i travel frequently to the USA. I'm Swiss and i mentioned that, because i see the way how the US goverment try to blackmail Switzerland about all this Bangking business and our bank secred law, wich is our law in our country and not the USA. I think the US Goverment goes to far to put their nose in other countries business. They don't respect much other countries laws and rules and they want rule the world for take advantage from everything and this is not ok. BTW, where Saddam has hiding his nuclear bombs?

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True, but the USA is far from being a force for good. It is a force for it's own agenda and that includes profiteering.

That describes pretty much every country on the planet. :)

No it describes the USA big time, I can't see the island of Togo or French Guyana having the clout the USA has.

The USA rules the roost and has done since post WW2.

Smell the coffee Uly. :D

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Please no more slagging off of any nations, generally anywhere in TV, but especially in this thread.

tx, raro :D

Fair point Raro.........to use broad-brush stroke stereo-typing of the Germans as 'arrogant" is a tad uncalled for.

However,on a corollary note I think it would be NOT uncalled for to "slag off " the nation that promulgated the

quite unbelievable billboard.If not the nation, then at the very least the "individuals" who approved the signage and its' erecting.

The people who approved this sign are ASININE RETARDS. I am not German or Jewish,(am Irish) and am merely stunned that

one of the most notorious,vindictive,demagogic and all-out cruel humans of the 20th century(indeed of all humanity) was used

as a billboard on one of the main entrance promenades to (according to TAT), one of the premier,international,family-orientated

tourist resorts in all of South East Asia.

The mind boggles at the unequiveocable stupidity of the decision that was made. Of course,innocent childlike defence could be

given that it was merely tongue-in-cheek and not to be taken seriously.Well if so, then it would be better to use someone like

Elvis, et alia , when the use of Hitler was sanctioned,we were brought into the realm of the other 2 heinous devil-lords of the 20th

century..........Polpot and Stalin!!! Maybe Pattaya pines for a return to the fascist,right-wing era. Bring on Benito Mussolini,why not,

when we are at it.

Not to mention that the promulgators of the billboard,probably have no idea that in countries like Germany and Austria it is not only

highly offensive,but also illegal to erect such signage.

I think the people of LOS have an empathy and real-life experience with the concept of an effective censorship/blackout of the

use of an "individual" or "pictures thereof" that would be deemed to be offensive....I think we all know what I'm refering to.

If their own censorship here in Thailand is deemed to be legitimate and fair, then some of that "caring sensitivity" should be also

directed into the international spectrum :D:D .......seeing since they are all so concerned about peoples' hurt feelings. However,don't

hold your breath, I would be majorly surprised if the hierarchy in Pattaya even knew what year the 2nd World War started and finished.

They probably think that "Hiroshima" is the brand-name of a Japanese motorbike and that the "night of the long knives" is an

upcoming cooking competion in the new Central Shopping Centre............retards!!!

Nazis were evil for sure ,but they had sexy uniforms and top of the range machinery . :)

dam_n straight on that one :D

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It looks like the advertisement designer reversed the photo of Hitler. He should be saluting with his right hand, with the Iron Cross on his left pocket, and the swastika on his arm pointing to the right. If you flip the photo (using Photoshop for instance) it comes out correctly. Does this say anything about the designer's lack of knowledge or lack of concern about the subject?

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It looks like the advertisement designer reversed the photo of Hitler. He should be saluting with his right hand, with the Iron Cross on his left pocket, and the swastika on his arm pointing to the right. If you flip the photo (using Photoshop for instance) it comes out correctly. Does this say anything about the designer's lack of knowledge or lack of concern about the subject?

Not only that but the photo is in black and white! Talk about a graphics faux pas (fox pass).


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Fair point Raro.........to use broad-brush stroke stereo-typing of the Germans as 'arrogant" is a tad uncalled for.

However,on a corollary note I think it would be NOT uncalled for to "slag off " the nation that promulgated the

quite unbelievable billboard.If not the nation, then at the very least the "individuals" who approved the signage and its' erecting.

The people who approved this sign are ASININE RETARDS. I am not German or Jewish,(am Irish) and am merely stunned that

one of the most notorious,vindictive,demagogic and all-out cruel humans of the 20th century(indeed of all humanity) was used

as a billboard on one of the main entrance promenades to (according to TAT), one of the premier,international,family-orientated

tourist resorts in all of South East Asia.

The mind boggles at the unequiveocable stupidity of the decision that was made. Of course,innocent childlike defence could be

given that it was merely tongue-in-cheek and not to be taken seriously.Well if so, then it would be better to use someone like

Elvis, et alia , when the use of Hitler was sanctioned,we were brought into the realm of the other 2 heinous devil-lords of the 20th

century..........Polpot and Stalin!!! Maybe Pattaya pines for a return to the fascist,right-wing era. Bring on Benito Mussolini,why not,

when we are at it.

Not to mention that the promulgators of the billboard,probably have no idea that in countries like Germany and Austria it is not only

highly offensive,but also illegal to erect such signage.

I think the people of LOS have an empathy and real-life experience with the concept of an effective censorship/blackout of the

use of an "individual" or "pictures thereof" that would be deemed to be offensive....I think we all know what I'm refering to.

If their own censorship here in Thailand is deemed to be legitimate and fair, then some of that "caring sensitivity" should be also

directed into the international spectrum :):D .......seeing since they are all so concerned about peoples' hurt feelings. However,don't

hold your breath, I would be majorly surprised if the hierarchy in Pattaya even knew what year the 2nd World War started and finished.

They probably think that "Hiroshima" is the brand-name of a Japanese motorbike and that the "night of the long knives" is an

upcoming cooking competion in the new Central Shopping Centre............retards!!!

lalana, just because you ate a dictionary for breakfast, doesn't mean you are qualified to judge your gracious hosts acumen in matters of world history. It's also a bit of a stretch to claim that the 'promulgators' (<deleted>?) of this sign may have ulterior motives. So erecting such signage may be illegal in other countries... last time I looked, this was Thailand.

It's a sign for a waxworks, not a notification of an upcoming meeting of world nazis. Look up the word 'context' and embrace it.

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Nazi's "had sexy uniforms" by Thaifan2

So there's real hope for the TPV's sartorial ellegance?

the "island of Togo" by JimsKnight

I may be wrong but maybe geography wasn't one of your favourites, right?

Edited by NanLaew
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I guess overhere noone know exactly who was Hitler and what he done. They only know he was one of the biggest statesman in the last century and even in the whole history and i guess they just copied the Waxmuseum in Europe, they looked what figures whas overthere and thy just built the same. Anyway i personaly don't care about wich guy get "waxed" and if someone don't like the sign of Hitler, than turn your head to another side. It's realy not important, as te guy is dead for ver 60 years now.

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For all of you, Adolf is gone, he disappeared behind a white place which has been mounted today or yesterday (not sure).

Well done (and I say this as a German!). It was a disgusting entry into Pattaya for 1 or 2 weeks.

Maybe they will mount Bin Laden now, heaven knows!

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Nazi's "had sexy uniforms" by Thaifan2

So there's real hope for the TPV's sartorial ellegance?

the "island of Togo" by JimsKnight

I may be wrong but maybe geography wasn't one of your favourites, right?

Does it even have to be to get a point across?

Ok it's not a small island but it's a damned small country.

There, happy now?

Or do I have to put some clothes on your avatar :)

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That war is almost 65 years behind us, what the problem with a swastika or a photo of Hitler? Get over it. If its perfectly ok to show a pic of the imperialist Churchill or madman Bush jr to me its perfectly ok to show a pic of Adolf.

Box-thinking, disgusting.

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That war is almost 65 years behind us, what the problem with a swastika or a photo of Hitler? Get over it. If its perfectly ok to show a pic of the imperialist Churchill or madman Bush jr to me its perfectly ok to show a pic of Adolf.

Box-thinking, disgusting.


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That war is almost 65 years behind us, what the problem with a swastika or a photo of Hitler? Get over it. If its perfectly ok to show a pic of the imperialist Churchill or madman Bush jr to me its perfectly ok to show a pic of Adolf.

Box-thinking, disgusting.

Is that the fascist nazi Hitler that killed millions of inocent women and children just because they were jewish that your referring to?

You lost the war! so you get over it!

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That war is almost 65 years behind us, what the problem with a swastika or a photo of Hitler? Get over it. If its perfectly ok to show a pic of the imperialist Churchill or madman Bush jr to me its perfectly ok to show a pic of Adolf.

Box-thinking, disgusting.

Is that the fascist nazi Hitler that killed millions of inocent women and children just because they were jewish that your referring to?

You lost the war! so you get over it!

How you know that he is German, Italian, Turkish or Japanese?

Anyway I think as a closing remark we can all agree that it is good, that the picture finally is covered.

Further down is Bruce Lee....well....:-)

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That war is almost 65 years behind us, what the problem with a swastika or a photo of Hitler? Get over it. If its perfectly ok to show a pic of the imperialist Churchill or madman Bush jr to me its perfectly ok to show a pic of Adolf.

Box-thinking, disgusting.

Is that the fascist nazi Hitler that killed millions of inocent women and children just because they were jewish that your referring to?

You lost the war! so you get over it!

I aint German, nor Austrian nor Latvian, nor Croatian, nor Italian, nor Romanian, nor Slovakian, nor Hungarian, nor Vichy French etc.. and I didn't lose any war.

You suffer from box-thinking.

Hitler is just one in a long line of historical figueres that did bad and good things, some more of the first and some more of the last. Its quite pathetic to get worked up about those people. If the winner would have lost and the loosers would have won you would be nagging about the 'new' loosers. Silly.

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I don't know about "box" thinking, but I would call the above reflects no thinking. Some historic world leaders do objectively stand out as special examples of the absolute worse examples of what evil humans are capable of. Hitler is clearly one of these. Historically, he is not alone but as much as I personally despise George W Bush, he isn't even in the same ballpark. I understand what he is saying, that it is true the winners write the history. However, that doesn't change the facts about Hitler. Even though Hitler was not alone historically in his destructiveness, as modern people it still shocking that a modern European leader used our modern technology which we associate with progress (the gas showers) to exterminate millions in a kind of factory system. From the larger perspective of our long history, these events occurred very recently.

Edited by Jingthing
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Shame on me for actually reading all four pages of this. And shame on everybody else for all of this over an advertisement for a wax museum. Good grief!! Its a commercial advertisement, for crying out loud.

Hitler did bad things, yes, but they are now part of our collective history, and while we don't have to celebrate his life, there's no benefit in saying that his image should not be shown. After all, its in our children's history books, on the internet, in movies, and etc. Why should a bulletin board be held to a different standard?

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That war is almost 65 years behind us, what the problem with a swastika or a photo of Hitler? Get over it. If its perfectly ok to show a pic of the imperialist Churchill or madman Bush jr to me its perfectly ok to show a pic of Adolf.

Box-thinking, disgusting.

Are you serious?

Their is absolutely no comparison With Hitler and Churchhill or Bush.

Read your history books.

Hitler was instrumental in the deaths of millions. If Hitler had triumphed most of us would be slaves. The Nazi Box-thinkers (Coffins) would be the master. The rest of us would be enslaved or dead!

If we forget history we are doomed to repeat it!

Edited by philliphn
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Shame on me for actually reading all four pages of this. And shame on everybody else for all of this over an advertisement for a wax museum. Good grief!! Its a commercial advertisement, for crying out loud.

Hitler did bad things, yes, but they are now part of our collective history, and while we don't have to celebrate his life, there's no benefit in saying that his image should not be shown. After all, its in our children's history books, on the internet, in movies, and etc. Why should a bulletin board be held to a different standard?

So how about a billboard with Pol Pot used as an advert for adult diapers? Too close for comfort? It was just very very bad taste and it looks like they came to their senses.

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