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If You'd Been Aware Of Thaivisa Before You Moved Here


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Quite recently, someone posted on a particular 'local' forum, asking whether all expats were a fair representation of the types of people deciding to live here in Thailand. The threads turned into the usual bunfight by the usual suspects and the threads were terminated.

I've thought about this before, and have to say that although there's some useful, and much erroneous, information here on this forum, I'm very happy I hadn't come across it before deciding to relocate here.

Would you have relocated anyway? And if not, why not?

Edited by michaelbutcher
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Quite recently, someone posted on a particular 'local' forum, asking whether all expats were a fair representation of the types of people deciding to live here in Thailand. The threads turned into the usual bunfight by the usual suspects and the threads were terminated.

I've thought about this before, and have to say that although there's some useful, and much erroneous, information here on this forum, I'm very happy I hadn't come across it before deciding to relocate here.

Would you have relocated anyway? And if not, why not?

I was aware of it before I located here. I never joined till a couple of weeks ago. First forum I have ever joined. I donot wish to incite any anger or get this thread closed but I find internet info as a whole quite ill informed. I donot kknow why but I go to the internet to add to my knowledge and find that the ones usually publicly stating things on the net are terribly ill infromed or I am beginning to believe are trying to miss inform., or are giving wrong info for financial gain from the ignorant.

I travelled all over thailand for my first 5 years visiting here to get first hand knowledge. Then i came to internet for association with expats and find little of value.After years here I cannot believe what people post as fact. But sometimes there is something of value so I enjoy what is offered and use what I can.

When I am home alone it is something to read.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Before anyone moves ANYWHERE on this globe they should at least live in the location for at least a year. Being on holiday somewhere is totally unrealistic to actually living there. Being on holiday is like walking around wearing rose coloured glasses. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER burn your bridges when moving somewhere you don't have a lot of knowledge about and confidence in.

What I've learned from thaivisa these past 10 months that I've been associated with the forum has opened my eyes to a "few" things, but really hasn't changed my opinion of Thailand. I might have been a little more aware of some things, but nothing too startling. I've certainly seen the pitfalls of men who've bought property for Thai wives and later get tossed out on their behinds. I've seen buisnesses fail because of restrictive licenses and the necessity of pay offs to local authorities. Fortunately, I haven't had the need to get personally involved with such enterprises.

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Was aware before I moved here and gained a lot of good info from some sensible and experienced members.

Its just a case of sifting the chaff from the wheat..takes a while but there is some very useful info to be gained from it.

Thanks to all those who do respond with intelligent,informative and genuine information.

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Before anyone moves ANYWHERE on this globe they should at least live in the location for at least a year. Being on holiday somewhere is totally unrealistic to actually living there. Being on holiday is like walking around wearing rose coloured glasses. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER burn your bridges when moving somewhere you don't have a lot of knowledge about and confidence in.


More of Ian's usual wise advice.

I sure wish I had known about ThaiVisa before first coming here. I made all the classic mistakes. A few weeks reading about other farang experiences here before coming would have been invaluable.

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Aware of TV for some time before moving here. Moved here rented for a year and then bought a condo which we have lived in for 2 years and are as happy as Larry here.

Some of the posters are annoying and obviously hate Thailand, which makes you wonder why they spend so much time on TV when they are so down on Thailand. Chances are they don't like anywhere, or themselves :) .

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I find the visa and immigrations forms invaluable. The motor forum helped me get through the license process, and let me meet up with some good folks.

The news is interesting, and the editorial remarks are sometimes bitter, sometimes humorous, but always add some background to the bare news as reported in LoS. I've learned a lot of history from those comments.

Learning about the sick cow and the sick MIL sure helped :)

OP, I read it a bit before I moved here, one of many places for information and opinion. You look at the good and the bad, find the balance, and make your decision.

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Before anyone moves ANYWHERE on this globe they should at least live in the location for at least a year. Being on holiday somewhere is totally unrealistic to actually living there. Being on holiday is like walking around wearing rose coloured glasses. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER burn your bridges when moving somewhere you don't have a lot of knowledge about and confidence in.

What I've learned from thaivisa these past 10 months that I've been associated with the forum has opened my eyes to a "few" things, but really hasn't changed my opinion of Thailand. I might have been a little more aware of some things, but nothing too startling. I've certainly seen the pitfalls of men who've bought property for Thai wives and later get tossed out on their behinds. I've seen buisnesses fail because of restrictive licenses and the necessity of pay offs to local authorities. Fortunately, I haven't had the need to get personally involved with such enterprises.

"nothing too startling" "bought property for Thai wives and later get tossed out on their behinds."

actually would have a rather big effect on their lives.

I have found thaivisa very helpful. Avoiding the flaming and the nonsense comments from experts is not always easy; and the Thai apologists and those with a fixed view can be irritating.

The humorists - although rarely contributing in a real sense - offer light relief which I like. When they start spoiling for a fight and making inciting comments though I am less impressed. Then it's time for the mods to take over.

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"nothing too startling" "bought property for Thai wives and later get tossed out on their behinds."

actually would have a rather big effect on their lives.

Although i tossed her out rather than being tossed out myself, i bought property and ended up losing it and yes it did have a big effect on my life. Perhaps if i would have found Thai Visa earlier then either i would not have made the stupid mistakes I did or at least made smaller less expensive ones.

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Quite recently, someone posted on a particular 'local' forum, asking whether all expats were a fair representation of the types of people deciding to live here in Thailand. The threads turned into the usual bunfight by the usual suspects and the threads were terminated.

I've thought about this before, and have to say that although there's some useful, and much erroneous, information here on this forum, I'm very happy I hadn't come across it before deciding to relocate here.

Would you have relocated anyway? And if not, why not?

I think a lot of people come to Thailand thinking it's actually possible to emigrate to Thailand. Well it isn't.

If you want to live in Thailand you have to accept that your status here is GUEST.

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I think a lot of people come to Thailand thinking it's actually possible to emigrate to Thailand. Well it isn't.

If you want to live in Thailand you have to accept that your status here is GUEST.

For most but not for all, besides if they handed out Thai Passports like confetti the place would be even more full of the poorest Indian/ Chinese/ Burmese/ Cambodians, thus making life more difficult for the poor and working class Thais.

Tv is a great place to get info, ie if i wanted to open up a bank account, within hours id have the knowledge of what bank is best for foreigners and would know all the pitfalls and ways to save myself a few quid.

But IMEO a website will never offer an insight into life anywhere the only way to find out is by doing.

Edited by whichschool
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I lived in Thailand way before Thai Visa came about and navigated around the pitfalls just fine, perhaps by luck. However, its good to have TV as a resource to better understand living and enjoying life in Thailand ... and what to avoid. The life experiences shared by all the TV posters are a treasure of information to learn from that is hard to find elsewhere. We may live in Thailand again in the future some day. Its good to know that searching TV will often provide answers to a question I might have and that TV members are always willing to give advice and comment on anything related to Thailand.

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