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Thai Tee-shirts


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I've been noticing of late that the Thais love to wear Tee-shirts with English language logos, messages or words on them. Anyone else noticed that?

Have you ever taken the time to look closely at the things that are written? In most cases it amounts to little more than a collection of disjointed words that mean nothing at all. I've also spotted numerous spelling mistakes, some of them very funny. I wondered who designs these shirts and what level of error checking (if any) goes in to their production. I assume that they are often designed by people who do not know or use English. Of course as well as creating occasional funny "howlers", there can be a more serious outcome... A couple of years ago I saw (and have the photo) a girl's Tee-Shirt in the childrens' section of Carrefour, which bore a truly obscene sexual message using the "F" word in big bold type. I pity the poor child that is sent out to school in that one!

What's the silliest, funniest, strangest, most inappropriate or plain disgusting thing you have seen on a Tee-shirt in Thailand?

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I don't know about Thais, but I saw a western couple with matching T-shirts.

Hers had music notes and the title of a famous song -" I'm for ever blowing bubbles"." On his T-shirt the words "I'm Bubbles".

Edited by CRUNCHER
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I have a photo collection of pictures on my other computer of shirts I've seen over the years. I'll post a couple if anyone is interested. A couple were for sale in a major department store. Like "Jack and Pill went...etc." or "Sunshine makes me Height!"

But the one that got me was young Thai walking around Central Plaza on day wearing a baseball cap which said "DORK" on the front! I lost him in the crowed before I could explain what it meant.

I think many of the shirts with misspellings, are the shirts that company's printed up incorrectly and then resell to anyone willing to buy them. Unfortunately, the people buying them don't know the English language well enough to know better.

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My wife has a small clothes shop in the little town we're in. She buys from several different sources. I always stay in the truck, so the vendors don't know she's married to a farange (otherwise the price would go up!). When she buys t-shirts, I've learned to check them out before she hangs them up for sale. Never mind what some of them say, there are those that I simply will not have attached to her shop or my name. Thing is, she has a good command of the English language, but gets stuck with the slang. When I explain what the saying on a shirt means, she just walks over and hands it to me.

Turned inside out, these all-cotton shirts make very handy buffing clothes, oil-spill cleaners, etc., and it seems there will be a never-ending supply. Today's news, tomorrow's fish wrapper. :)

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Here's a funny T-Shirt story....

If a Thai court ever are requires you to go to probation in BKK, when you go to see your probation officer, you might be required to sit in a small classroom with a group of other probationees and watch some videos.

The first video they show you is a guide on how the probation process works. They show some staged enactments of people visiting the probation office. One guy comes in, sits down across from his probation officer, wais, and hands over his probation book. He appears several times throughout the 30 minute video.

What the editors of the video didn't pick up on - I think - is that the probationee is wearing a t-shirt that says in bold letters "F% O$% WAN$%#" throughout the whole video.

Made me chuckle...

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That's one good example of why the English language is so badly used nowadays. Using "U" instead of "you" on a kids tea shirt does not give them a good start. :)

and teaching them it is a "tea" shirt does?

i once saw a university student years back wearing a shirt that said "lick my bloody gash". when asked if she knew what it meant, she was mortified to discover the potential meaning and put another shirt over it.

Also saw a gangster looking guy with his tarted-up mia noi skank. her shirt: "<deleted> toy"

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and teaching them it is a "tea" shirt does?

Tea shirt


If you need pictures every time you see a new word i suggest you try the ABC forum. Unless of course you were trying to be sanctimonious, in which case i shall ignore your comment.

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A girl who i play badminton against regularly turns up playing in a white t shirt with 4" high letters in blue just saying "<deleted>"

other Thais say to me look at that and start laughing.... nobody really cares as i guess the feeling is not there as its not there language.

Just as all the Thai/Sangrit/Indian/Chinese tattoos or t- shirts you see farangs wearing...do they have any idea what it really says???

Wonder where the Chinese forum is that mirrors this posting..

I don't think i would be that concerned if i was wearing a t shirt with Thai writing and someone said that says..so so in Thai and is bad.. i would laugh and probably enjoy wearing it even more... just for shock value plus as already stated the meaning is not forceful when its not your own language..IMHO.

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A girl who i play badminton against regularly turns up playing in a white t shirt with 4" high letters in blue just saying "<deleted>"

other Thais say to me look at that and start laughing.... nobody really cares as i guess the feeling is not there as its not there language.

Just as all the Thai/Sangrit/Indian/Chinese tattoos or t- shirts you see farangs wearing...do they have any idea what it really says???

Wonder where the Chinese forum is that mirrors this posting..

I don't think i would be that concerned if i was wearing a t shirt with Thai writing and someone said that says..so so in Thai and is bad.. i would laugh and probably enjoy wearing it even more... just for shock value plus as already stated the meaning is not forceful when its not your own language..IMHO.

Seen a girl on her bike with a swastik symbol on her t shirt. A month later another girl on her bike with a cheerfull little flag attached to the back of her bike, Swastik in red and black. I know Thai have history in school you dont have to learn English grammar for that!

Edited by garycm
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Pulled up next to a granny on a bike at some traffic lights. She had a bright green tee shirt with "LIMP BIZKIT" emblazoned on the back.

Somehow doubt she was familiar with their music... I have also witnessed an old lady wearing a tee short with "will <deleted> for coke" on it... somehow, the understated "limp bizkit" one has me still chuckling...

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Pulled up next to a granny on a bike at some traffic lights. She had a bright green tee shirt with "LIMP BIZKIT" emblazoned on the back.

Somehow doubt she was familiar with their music... I have also witnessed an old lady wearing a tee short with "will <deleted> for coke" on it... somehow, the understated "limp bizkit" one has me still chuckling...

Those are awesome.

My favorite was seeing a "Hells Angels by Hunter S. Thompson" t-shirt on a construction worker. not funny but just more amazing as how that shirt found its way out here.

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A market near me has one with the USA flag on and the slogan "American Badass" on. If I was a yank I'd wear it!

Also another one which was a Mr Men rip-off and he was called Mr Taliban and had a bomb on his back. I think I'll get that for when I move back to London.

Seen a lot of Thais with "same same" "but different". Is that to do with learning English?

And the "no money no honey" ones.

Edited by HalfSquat
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I am a bit ashamed to admit to this, but waaaay back when California started its smog regulations.

we ( in school print shop) made up official looking bumper stickers with this:

"this vehicle meets all state and federal standards for nocturnal emissions"

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